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Realistically, how much do you guys think Death Stranding 2 will sell?

How much?

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Kenneth Haight

Gold Member
10+ million units.......acquired taste?

I take it you are a Square-Enix executive.
It’s a pretty divisive game critically.

I’m not talking about the commercial success of the game. A lot of discourse after it was released was about how it was a boring Amazon delivery simulator in a post apocalyptic world.


I think it depends on reviews. The first game had mixed opinions, if this is universally acclaimed it will sell well.

Tinkering around in the Directors Cut recently, the game still has some of the best graphics out there, the story and gameplay were just a little too abstract and there wasn’t nearly enough combat.


Gold Member
I didn't really enjoy the first one that much so I won't be buying the second. I'm guessing it sells a bit less people now know what it is and what to expect.
I loved Death Stranding. The art and atmosphere is incredible, but I understand why people complained about the balance of gameplay and the long walks. I'm betting Kojima will improve this and also create the best next gen showcase with Death Stranding 2, so why not double, 20M? (if it releases for iPhone 20 later on, 40M).


Snake Oil Salesman
Death Stranding 2 needs to overhaul its formula and release in a solid window if it wants to have a chance.

If gamers see it as "just more Death Stranding" the game will bomb.

Kojima doesn't do safe sequels though so I'm optimistic.


do not tempt fate do not contrain Wonder Woman's thighs do not do not
It’s a pretty divisive game critically.

I’m not talking about the commercial success of the game. A lot of discourse after it was released was about how it was a boring Amazon delivery simulator in a post apocalyptic world.

How many games come out that are actually universally loved?

Alot of the discourse around near every game will be about the perceived negatives.

God of War: Ragna could be a considered an acquired taste by your standards cuz people thought it dragged on, hated playing as Atreus, thought the combat didnt evolve, didnt like graphics, said it was DLC and I could go on and on.....it still sold 10+ million units so no sane person would really say it was an acquired taste.
How Death Stranding with similar sales and critical reception can be called an acquired taste is beyond me.
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Kenneth Haight

Gold Member
How many games come out that are actually universally loved?

Alot of the discourse around near every game will be about the perceived negatives.

God of War: Ragna could be a considered an acquired taste by your standards cuz people thought it dragged on, hated playing as Atreus, thought the combat didnt evolve, didnt like graphics, said it was DLC and I could go on and on.....it still sold 10+ million units so no sane person would really say it was an acquired taste.
How Death Stranding with similar sales and critical reception can be called an acquired taste is beyond me.
Sorry for not being sane


How many games come out that are actually universally loved?

Alot of the discourse around near every game will be about the perceived negatives.

God of War: Ragna could be a considered an acquired taste by your standards cuz people thought it dragged on, hated playing as Atreus, thought the combat didnt evolve, didnt like graphics, said it was DLC and I could go on and on.....it still sold 10+ million units so no sane person would really say it was an acquired taste.
How Death Stranding with similar sales and critical reception can be called an acquired taste is beyond me.
Because it shatters expectations and is a 'boring game' to most people nowadays with an attention span shaped by 24hours news cycles and daily social media doomscrolling.
There are people I talked to that are absolutely convinced the game has no action and no combat. I mean, it's not on the level of a Metal Gear Solid, but after showing one of those people what happens later in the game and what you can do he at least had to admit that it was not as boring as he thought it was...which was shaped by online opinions of people who never played the game anyway, but hating Kojima and hate in generel is all the rage nowadays as we know.


I think it will probably do very well, the first one did well and I really enjoyed it. It was a unique game.


The rate at ps exclusives are coming out now, ps5 owners will be thirsty to play an exclusive game that will also look phenomenal, so i dont see why it wouldnt be a success.


I bought the first one, really tried to enjoy it because there is a lot of good stuff there but eventually dropped it after 10-15 hours and moves on to other things. There is going to be a ton of other people like me that won’t go for it again but if marketed right, a lot of newcomers might bite and who knows it might do 8-10 mil.

James Sawyer Ford

Gold Member
I think it will sell similarly to the first game, which received mixed reviews initially but I think the game had more positive word of mouth spread once people took the time to play it longer than the first 10 hours.

It could be even more popular than the first if they broaden the gameplay across all it's systems. The combat needed the most work


Depends on the gameplay loop and review reception. The 1st one was very divisive where ppl that liked it rated it very high, and ppl that disliked it, rated it very low. The 1st one had the advantage of ridding on the New Kojima IP hype and launch on PS4 that had a 100M userbase. And was the game with the most GOTY awards in 2019.

DS2 will most likelly sell less. But anything is possible.


a lot
I just hope its as bold as the first one and doesnt play it safe to the formula.
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I am more curious how it will actually play differently from the first one and if it's going to come to PC and Game Pass eventually as well. Would be weird to not see the sequel on Game Pass and PC. I had a great time with the first game, so I really wanna play this as well. Excited.


Nowadays people have the attention span of 2 years olds without an ounce of patience or dedication, I can't picture 10 millions of players buying the game knowing what it was about and enjoying it.

I like Kojima games, loved the concept. I also rarely use horses or fast travel in Zelda/AC/RDR etc....
But I had to use a trainer with 8x walking speed after 10 hours in DS.

DS2 will sell less.


Hard to say, I would guess less, mostly because it’s a sequel, so it has to presume a large percent of its potential audience played the first, which is immediately limiting. And it was divisive, so many won’t return. I thought the first was one of the best/most memorable games in recent years so will def be buying it, but I know many don’t feel the same way.


I don't think it will sell very well considering how the first one turned out. I'm not buying it. I was shocked that they're making a 2nd one. I loved the story and the cutscenes were amazing, but the gameplay was not even remotely compelling. I wasn't able to get very far with it. I like walking simulators but this game needed more story to guide everything and make it work.

I love Kojima games but ever since MGSV I lost my interest in his games. Kojima games were special for their story telling and cutscenes. Open worlds don't jive with that, they need linearity to shine. He needs to go back and embrace linear gameplay imo. Linearity is not a bad thing and it's just sad how every developer thinks they're moving forward by adopting open world gameplay.
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I was under impression that DS2 could have a completely different gameplay - not a Uber Eats simulator any more?
"Should we have connected?"


Depends on the quality of the game. If the first one was a proof of concept and the second one iterates on all the problems the first one has, it could sell well (but I don't think it will be a big seller like GTA or something). Kojima doesn't have the hype surrounding him and his new studio with a new IP anymore. And he hopefully also takes over marketing himself and doesn't let Sony do all the work because Sony somehow are really bad at marketing their games.


Gold Member
IDK, gameplay is pretty unique and I know of people that literally saw the story en Youtube yo avoid playing it, so seems like a game people rather not play lol.

I dropped it at 12 hours, the too realistic movement felt like a chore, everything was cool when no ghosts enemies but when they showed up and I cought me with packages it was a hell to her out and I just closed to uninstall. I hate dropping stuff but it made it easy for me to not feel regret lol


It will debut at over 2 million copies sold on PS5 during its launch, then maybe be around the 4M mark by the time the PC version arrives, say, half a year later. That'll push the sales to over 5M copies during its first year. Then we'll see the release of Mac and iPhone versions, so by the time the generation is over and PS6 comes out in 2028, I think that DS2 might find itself in the 10-13M range.


If it is just a Ubisoft-ed sequel (Same as before but bigger) then I wont buy it and I don't think that many people will.


It will debut at over 2 million copies sold on PS5 during its launch, then maybe be around the 4M mark by the time the PC version arrives, say, half a year later. That'll push the sales to over 5M copies during its first year. Then we'll see the release of Mac and iPhone versions, so by the time the generation is over and PS6 comes out in 2028, I think that DS2 might find itself in the 10-13M range.
Wait you forgot to add 5 million epic games free downloads, 16 million GamePass downloads and all those hours people will spend on streaming, so yeah we are looking at a 70-85M Range.


One of the green rats
Definitely less. I’m not buying it unless there was major additions to the gameplay.
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