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Resident Evil 4 aged like milk and plays like trash

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I don't think not being able to aim and shoot at the same time in a game that's balanced around not being able to aim and shoot at the same time is a bad thing. In actual fact I really it in RE4.


Nobody wants to admit it but deep down everybody knows it: Resident Evil 5 is a more fun videogame than Resident Evil 4.

Thats the real redpill.
RE5 had horrid level and encounter design, the on-rails segments were trash and the boss fights were mostly lame. The forced co-op didn't help. At least it's pretty and plays smooth.


Nobody wants to admit it but deep down everybody knows it: Resident Evil 5 is a more fun videogame than Resident Evil 4.

Thats the real redpill.

Great game but no. It's slower, shorter, easier, simpler, and more linear than RE4, in addition to not being quite as wildly creative or memorable as Mikami's game. Withholding the flashback chapter for DLC when we already knew they were working on it long before the game was finished was also a dick move.

Still a damn good ride though, and the co-op was fun.


The bear of bad news
Funny, I've been playing RE8 3rd person and longing for RE4's shooting.

I'll take a red dot site and enemies who respond to every shot as opposed to floaty crosshairs and bullet sponge enemies.
I started a thread on this before.

The shooting in the new RE's is floaty unresponsive crap compared to RE4.

Noobs look at the not be able to run and shoot thing, which is a design choice, and can't see that RE4 has much better actual shooting.


I started a thread on this before.

The shooting in the new RE's is floaty unresponsive crap compared to RE4.

Noobs look at the not be able to run and shoot thing, which is a design choice, and can't see that RE4 has much better actual shooting.
+The way enemies react to your shots/weapon feedback is sublime. Shoot knee & suplex never gets old. People hating on this game are clueless plebs pretending they're "sophisticated".
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Hopefully they have alternative and better scenarios for a lot of nonsense moments in the game. I have high hopes for the remake and I believe they will make it a lot better than the original.

As Mikami said "I Hope They Make the Story Better"

First, Mouse+Keyboard? NOPE. You might be better at aiming with a mouse, but you woudn't be better at tank controls with it, where it doesn't matter where you point your camera, Leon will just walk straight wherever his character is looking to. So, controller it is, no biggy. Aiming is not that bad with a stick, obviously if you don't count how Leon Kennedy got so traumatized from Raccon City events that he started having Parkinson at a young age. He wouldn't let his aiming straight no matter how close the target it's to him, a highly trained special force dude that's in charge of a black ops to save President's daughter that cannot properly aim. But whatever.
Oh wait, I missed a shot due to Leon's parkinson and a bad dude is approaching to send me to a visit with God, better to back up while I shoot... But oh no wait! I cannot walk and shoot! I either walk or shoot, because, well, 2005, the technology just wasn't there.
I played the game twice before with controller, and the control sucks so bad. it's the biggest flaw in this game for me, but recently I played with the Mouse and Keyboard!and it's 100x better than the controller.

Also there is a mode called re4 tweaks which fixed a lot of shit for me like FOV, laser sight ..etc god bless the guy behind it.


Not sure who gave the gold, but, someone maybe in this thread, ty.

Excited Gold GIF

Will try playing with my ass on asymmetrical joy stick.
I'm half and half with RE4, quite frankly. I've always been somewhat narky about it because I don't think it fits in well with the canon, and the style of it is vastly different to anything the previous games offered up. It's like an action game mostly with shades of the horror genre scattered around.

That isn't to say I want it burned, LOL. But I do blame the game for kind of ruining the franchise a lot. The series has certainly gotten incredibly weirder by the next game after RE4. I'm always gonna prefer the older games, despite the crappy PlayStation era graphics, which aren't really crappy as such. They are just pretty darn ancient. 😛

Yeah. Everybody's opinion is different. But generally, yes. RE4 was the beginning of the downfall of the franchise. There's no point in really saying it was RE8, or 5 or 6 even, when 4 instigated these changes in the lore. 😐


finished the game again over the weekend. What can I say. Is it dated? sure. Is it mediocre or bad? Hell no. The pacing is just soooo close to perfection and each scene almost feels like its own mini-game in itself. A true masterpiece of game design. I wish most modern games had 50% of the care and love that was put into this gem. Can't wait for the remake. I love this game.
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the tank control aiming scheme works because it makes shooting and moving strategic. now you can't use both at the same time. you have to choose. that adds to the tension when swarms of enemies are slowly making their way to you to tear your insides out. Play Resident Evil Revelations for a minute and see how much less tension there is in the zombie/monster encounters. How much less you fear them. That's what moving and shooting does to a game. It's even the case with RE2 Remake, and i absolutely adore that game. less is more, sometimes.
Nah, that's a very stupid way to create tension. In Resident Evil Revelations, you can still employ the same strategy that they try forcing on you in RE4, the difference is, you make the decision if you are going to stop and try to shoot them or back away while shooting them (and not be as accurate). Can't believe you are saying this in a time where we have the RE2/3 Remakes.

People are able to move and shoot. Forcing players to have to stop is just a stupid way to add tension to any game lol.
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I dont believe in a game aging and RE4 is perfectly fine still, I can play it anytime.
The only reason I don't jump back in is because I remember how badly it kicks your ass the first time through. Playing it with all your collected weapons a second time through (and several more) and laughing at how pathetic they were on subsequent playthroughs spoiled me.


To all the people saying that RE4 is perfect as it is and that it doesn't need a Remake at all, are you out of your mind? Or do you play with your ass?

So I was in the mood to do some gaming but didn't know what to play. For some reason I've started craving for some Resident Evil, and 4 came to mind, since I didn't play the game for a loong time and I'd figure it would be cool to do a replay just before the Remake to have it fresh in my mind.


Seriously, I get some people are fans of the game and will defend it no matter what. In fact, I'm not in the "RE4 is not RE" crowd. I'm in the "RE4 was a fucking awesome game that revitalized an aging franchise and revolutionized the gaming industry", despite not being so horror and more action wise.

However, I'm not blind levels of fan like this game usually has. And this lets me see how poorly this game has aged.

First, Mouse+Keyboard? NOPE. You might be better at aiming with a mouse, but you woudn't be better at tank controls with it, where it doesn't matter where you point your camera, Leon will just walk straight wherever his character is looking to. So, controller it is, no biggy. Aiming is not that bad with a stick, obviously if you don't count how Leon Kennedy got so traumatized from Raccon City events that he started having Parkinson at a young age. He wouldn't let his aiming straight no matter how close the target it's to him, a highly trained special force dude that's in charge of a black ops to save President's daughter that cannot properly aim. But whatever.
Oh wait, I missed a shot due to Leon's parkinson and a bad dude is approaching to send me to a visit with God, better to back up while I shoot... But oh no wait! I cannot walk and shoot! I either walk or shoot, because, well, 2005, the technology just wasn't there.
Using the knife? Oof, I've felt like I was using the RE3 knife, point up/down and swing, your feet are now planted like a tree.

So yeah, all in all, pretty awful controls for a once great game, but not well enough for a 2022+ game.

Ok, controls aged bad, due to happen to almost every game the more time it passes, we get that. But, people saying it has the perfect pacing? WHHHAATT?

The game starts as a cool terror experience with slasher vibes. Village section, *cheff kiss*, top notch. After that? LOL. In my mind I thought the game was bad in the Island section, but I was wrong. Castle is already a Vampire Survivors levels of bullshit with swarms and swarms of dudes coming after you and Ashley's ass. The argument that the Island was absolutely necessary because at that point you're swimming in bullets and guns IS A PLAIN LIE. You're already motherfucking Rambo in the Castle. Dodging catapult rocks on fire like you're playing Age of Empires 2 and the game already becomes laughable, the campyness goes above and beyond and becomes a comedy musical.
Just in the Castle section the game absolutely shines in how the terror slasher you were playing a few hours ago becomes the worst side quest we all hate from any and every game: the escort mission. This game is literally an escort mission going after Ashley's ass. Everyone in the world would burn escort missions to the ground, but for some forbidden reason this game is the best in the world and it doesn't need a remake right? LOL. Seriously, with the awful controls and how you have to be after Ashley all the time, oh my.
Island... Well, at least this one a lot of people already hate. Rambodent Evil 4.

A side note on how every "puzzle" has been totally stripped apart from the RE tradition and it's just straightforward there for you, absolute no need for thinking. Same with documents, they just put the documents right in front of you, no need for exploration for story, we better hide some pesetas rather than cool lore stuff.

I'm just finalizing by saying that people saying this game has the perfect pacing is 101% wrong about it. Resident Evil 4 overstays its welcome waaaay too much.

Inventory tetris is cool tho.


To all the people saying that RE4 is perfect as it is and that it doesn't need a Remake at all, are you out of your mind? Or do you play with your ass?

So I was in the mood to do some gaming but didn't know what to play. For some reason I've started craving for some Resident Evil, and 4 came to mind, since I didn't play the game for a loong time and I'd figure it would be cool to do a replay just before the Remake to have it fresh in my mind.


Seriously, I get some people are fans of the game and will defend it no matter what. In fact, I'm not in the "RE4 is not RE" crowd. I'm in the "RE4 was a fucking awesome game that revitalized an aging franchise and revolutionized the gaming industry", despite not being so horror and more action wise.

However, I'm not blind levels of fan like this game usually has. And this lets me see how poorly this game has aged.

First, Mouse+Keyboard? NOPE. You might be better at aiming with a mouse, but you woudn't be better at tank controls with it, where it doesn't matter where you point your camera, Leon will just walk straight wherever his character is looking to. So, controller it is, no biggy. Aiming is not that bad with a stick, obviously if you don't count how Leon Kennedy got so traumatized from Raccon City events that he started having Parkinson at a young age. He wouldn't let his aiming straight no matter how close the target it's to him, a highly trained special force dude that's in charge of a black ops to save President's daughter that cannot properly aim. But whatever.
Oh wait, I missed a shot due to Leon's parkinson and a bad dude is approaching to send me to a visit with God, better to back up while I shoot... But oh no wait! I cannot walk and shoot! I either walk or shoot, because, well, 2005, the technology just wasn't there.
Using the knife? Oof, I've felt like I was using the RE3 knife, point up/down and swing, your feet are now planted like a tree.

So yeah, all in all, pretty awful controls for a once great game, but not well enough for a 2022+ game.

Ok, controls aged bad, due to happen to almost every game the more time it passes, we get that. But, people saying it has the perfect pacing? WHHHAATT?

The game starts as a cool terror experience with slasher vibes. Village section, *cheff kiss*, top notch. After that? LOL. In my mind I thought the game was bad in the Island section, but I was wrong. Castle is already a Vampire Survivors levels of bullshit with swarms and swarms of dudes coming after you and Ashley's ass. The argument that the Island was absolutely necessary because at that point you're swimming in bullets and guns IS A PLAIN LIE. You're already motherfucking Rambo in the Castle. Dodging catapult rocks on fire like you're playing Age of Empires 2 and the game already becomes laughable, the campyness goes above and beyond and becomes a comedy musical.
Just in the Castle section the game absolutely shines in how the terror slasher you were playing a few hours ago becomes the worst side quest we all hate from any and every game: the escort mission. This game is literally an escort mission going after Ashley's ass. Everyone in the world would burn escort missions to the ground, but for some forbidden reason this game is the best in the world and it doesn't need a remake right? LOL. Seriously, with the awful controls and how you have to be after Ashley all the time, oh my.
Island... Well, at least this one a lot of people already hate. Rambodent Evil 4.

A side note on how every "puzzle" has been totally stripped apart from the RE tradition and it's just straightforward there for you, absolute no need for thinking. Same with documents, they just put the documents right in front of you, no need for exploration for story, we better hide some pesetas rather than cool lore stuff.

I'm just finalizing by saying that people saying this game has the perfect pacing is 101% wrong about it. Resident Evil 4 overstays its welcome waaaay too much.

Inventory tetris is cool tho.


That's not what he was saying
Sure, I thought he was just saying he didn't know the versions were any different from each other. I will just let him clarify if there is anything to clarify....otherwise, continue.

When he said "Didn't know PS3 version was any different", I thought he was just saying that he wasn't aware of any differences in the PS3 version (which he was basing his response on). Anyway, I don't really care....got confused so I chimed in with what I understood.
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Nice wall of text OP but you're wrong in every single way.

Taking story in a Resident Evil game seriously. Nay, taking "story" in a videogame seriously. And "trash" controls. Pleb thread.

As opposed to what you 180iq genius? A fucking movie?

Not everyone has the same depth as your potato mind because others want an emotional connection to the narratives and stories. Some of us don't just go pew pew to distract ourselves from some sort of anger or misery that you're projecting at the moment. Go back to your past COD days in MP and stay there. Imagine thinking movies are a better way of active involvement when all you're doing is sitting there passively drooling at MCU movies. 180 IQ indeed, you need braincells first to at least form an argument.


Not everyone has the same depth as your potato mind because others want an emotional connection to the narratives and stories. Some of us don't just go pew pew to distract ourselves from some sort of anger or misery that you're projecting at the moment.
Imagine taking the story in a JILL SANDWICH type of game seriously. The series was a cheesefest from the get go but sure Mr. potato mind, that's the kind of series one should expect to have a deep plot/"emotional connection" to. Because gaming is at its best when it takes control away from the player to shove third rate hollywood writing and cinematics at every moment.
Go back to your past COD days in MP and stay there. Imagine thinking movies are a better way of active involvement when all you're doing is sitting there passively drooling at MCU movies.

180 IQ indeed, you need braincells first to at least form an argument.
What was your "argument" again? That videogames should be played as if they were videogames? hmm.
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To all the people saying that RE4 is perfect as it is and that it doesn't need a Remake at all, are you out of your mind? Or do you play with your ass?

So I was in the mood to do some gaming but didn't know what to play. For some reason I've started craving for some Resident Evil, and 4 came to mind, since I didn't play the game for a loong time and I'd figure it would be cool to do a replay just before the Remake to have it fresh in my mind.


Seriously, I get some people are fans of the game and will defend it no matter what. In fact, I'm not in the "RE4 is not RE" crowd. I'm in the "RE4 was a fucking awesome game that revitalized an aging franchise and revolutionized the gaming industry", despite not being so horror and more action wise.

However, I'm not blind levels of fan like this game usually has. And this lets me see how poorly this game has aged.

First, Mouse+Keyboard? NOPE. You might be better at aiming with a mouse, but you woudn't be better at tank controls with it, where it doesn't matter where you point your camera, Leon will just walk straight wherever his character is looking to. So, controller it is, no biggy. Aiming is not that bad with a stick, obviously if you don't count how Leon Kennedy got so traumatized from Raccon City events that he started having Parkinson at a young age. He wouldn't let his aiming straight no matter how close the target it's to him, a highly trained special force dude that's in charge of a black ops to save President's daughter that cannot properly aim. But whatever.
Oh wait, I missed a shot due to Leon's parkinson and a bad dude is approaching to send me to a visit with God, better to back up while I shoot... But oh no wait! I cannot walk and shoot! I either walk or shoot, because, well, 2005, the technology just wasn't there.
Using the knife? Oof, I've felt like I was using the RE3 knife, point up/down and swing, your feet are now planted like a tree.

So yeah, all in all, pretty awful controls for a once great game, but not well enough for a 2022+ game.

Ok, controls aged bad, due to happen to almost every game the more time it passes, we get that. But, people saying it has the perfect pacing? WHHHAATT?

The game starts as a cool terror experience with slasher vibes. Village section, *cheff kiss*, top notch. After that? LOL. In my mind I thought the game was bad in the Island section, but I was wrong. Castle is already a Vampire Survivors levels of bullshit with swarms and swarms of dudes coming after you and Ashley's ass. The argument that the Island was absolutely necessary because at that point you're swimming in bullets and guns IS A PLAIN LIE. You're already motherfucking Rambo in the Castle. Dodging catapult rocks on fire like you're playing Age of Empires 2 and the game already becomes laughable, the campyness goes above and beyond and becomes a comedy musical.
Just in the Castle section the game absolutely shines in how the terror slasher you were playing a few hours ago becomes the worst side quest we all hate from any and every game: the escort mission. This game is literally an escort mission going after Ashley's ass. Everyone in the world would burn escort missions to the ground, but for some forbidden reason this game is the best in the world and it doesn't need a remake right? LOL. Seriously, with the awful controls and how you have to be after Ashley all the time, oh my.
Island... Well, at least this one a lot of people already hate. Rambodent Evil 4.

A side note on how every "puzzle" has been totally stripped apart from the RE tradition and it's just straightforward there for you, absolute no need for thinking. Same with documents, they just put the documents right in front of you, no need for exploration for story, we better hide some pesetas rather than cool lore stuff.

I'm just finalizing by saying that people saying this game has the perfect pacing is 101% wrong about it. Resident Evil 4 overstays its welcome waaaay too much.

Inventory tetris is cool tho.
I feel like you shouldn't hold back so much and tell us how you really feel?
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I've never understood the big deal about wanting to move and shoot.
It's odd how people only have an issue with it in RE4, when RE5 had the same stop & shoot mechanics many years later and I've never heard anyone complain.
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It's odd how people only have an issue with it in RE4, when RE5 & 6 had the same stop & shoot mechanics many years later and I've never heard anyone complain about the controls.

RE5 and 6 did have the ability to strafe unlike 4, so that's probably why.

That said, the vast majority of TPS strafe mechanics amount to little more than lazy aiming and offer little or no evasive benefits whatsoever. In fact strafing in RE6 isn't recommended because it's all too easy to accidentally glue yourself to cover without intending to.
I had played a few games including Freedom Fighters before Resident Evil 4 which made the games controls imprecise, and finnicky to me. Where a game like FF played more like a modern tps.

The game had a good start but it felt like I was pushing myself to finish the second half. The game changed the tone and gameplay for RE that many fans hate yet they give this game a pass on some of the same things they complain about for 5 and 6.


RE5 and 6 did have the ability to strafe unlike 4, so that's probably why.

That said, the vast majority of TPS strafe mechanics amount to little more than lazy aiming and offer little or no evasive benefits whatsoever. In fact strafing in RE6 isn't recommended because it's all too easy to accidentally glue yourself to cover without intending to.
Yeah. You can move ever so slowly while aiming/shooting in RE6, so I guess it didn't trigger the same kneejerk reaction, although I don't think it changes much.
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I barely remember it. I remember thinking it was great but brought down with some really childish shit that belonged in a looney tunes game. I can’t even remember what those elements were.


Gold Member
I'm gonna TLDR this for everyone:
"I suck at adapting different control schemes and if a game doesn't play like a mainstream 3rd person shooter it sucks"

RE4's controls are extremely precise, with fast response times and really good aiming on controller, especially for the time of release.

You essentially have to stop and aim in RE2 and RE3 Remake... which makes moving while aiming completely useless.

Like you said, RE4 has extremely tight gameplay. It's not on the level of MGS5, BUT it also doesn't have that same freedom. Besides that one example, RE4 is still better than 99% of the games that followed it, including the sequels.


You essentially have to stop and aim in RE2 and RE3 Remake... which makes moving while aiming completely useless.

Like you said, RE4 has extremely tight gameplay. It's not on the level of MGS5, BUT it also doesn't have that same freedom. Besides that one example, RE4 is still better than 99% of the games that followed it, including the sequels.

yeah, I guess some people are really allergic to control schemes that aren't the absolute default genre schemes it seems


Replayed it (original GC version) earlier this year, after not gaving played it since the PS2 release (must have played it at least 10 times back then).

Even today, it is still every bit the masterpiece it was back then. The production values are phenomenal and the grapchics still gorgeous and stylish.

The gameplay mechanics are so refined it's absurd. It's all about planning, fast timings and scene management. It's the kind of game that has endless replay value due to it's perfectly fine tunned encounters.
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