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Resident Evil 7 biohazard Ships Over 10 Million Units Globally




Released in January 2017, Resident Evil 7: biohazard builds upon the series’ roots of fear, exploration and tense atmosphere. The game’s system underwent a dramatic shift from its previous third-person camera to a new first-person perspective in order to provide an overwhelming, deeply immersive horror experience, garnering high praise from major review sites and other media. As part of its growth of digital download sales in recent years, Capcom worked on strategic pricing for the title through seasonal and event-driven discounts in order to strengthen demand among a wider range of game players. Further, in May 2021 when Capcom released the sequel and latest title in the series, Resident Evil Village, it executed promotions to leverage synergies between the two titles such as with the release of a bundle containing both games. Capcom succeeded with these promotions, achieving long-running sales in excess of one million units in each fiscal year since the release of Resident Evil 7: biohazard, leading the game to be the first in the series to break 10 million cumulative worldwide shipments.

How do they count Stadia and Luna?


Gold Member
7 is pretty solid... Great boss fights, tense exploration. The puzzles are kinda trash, but everything else is there... Only 2 Remake's opening is better in terms of mood.


Another game I've played and half an hour of because i know i can't give it the attention it requires


Along as you keep making 3rd person RE games like 2 remake its fine with me, the casual FPS fans can play whatever they like. Real recognize real, been RE since day 1.


Well deserved, took them 21 years to make a resident evil with actual controls and proper atmosphere (silent hill>>>>>resident hill) but they got there in the end, amazing game bar the last boss which was utter tripe.

Really should get round to playing 8.


Remember when some said on here RE7 was a flop LOL


I was here waiting for that.

Be like "it FLoPz"

So much for that dumbass myth. I'm happy it did so well as I feel its a return to form of a lot of those classic concepts. Might run thru it again.


1. RE CV
4.RE2 remake
5.RE3 remake.

They put out some fucking solid ass titles last gen.
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Shit, we are never gonna get rid of this fucking first person camera for the next RE games...


Here to stay.

RE has been about its content, concept etc, the perspective tbh is irrelevant....

So long as I have limited ammo, health and a lot of puzzles, Idgaf. Seeing someone's back doesn't fucking means shit when you get garbage like RE5, 6 etc.

Give me the RE thats actually the fucking game's CORE CONCEPTS, I don't give a fucking shit about perspective as I felt thats been the dumbest argument. Those worried about RE being first person or not, seem to not have given a fuck when limited ammo, limited saves, puzzles etc were removed in order to make some shitty Gears Of War clones.

So to be honest here...I don't give a shit if you are looking down a gun or their back, so long as it has those core concepts of the older REs, its a day 1. I don't really know why people tried to draw the line at seeing someones back or not, yet ignored the removal of the series most core concepts with 4-6, but seeing a gun in FPS suddenly was too far? I don't know about all that now lol

The camera was simply never a REAL issue, the removal of that core content with 4-6 was. HOW the game is viewed should never be more important then the actual content itself.

Mr Hyde

Gold Member
Amazing game. Even platinumed it which doesn't happen often when it comes to RE games. Gotta play Village soon, craving for some good ol RE, but damn, ain't got time right now.


Gold Member

Here to stay.

RE has been about its content, concept etc, the perspective tbh is irrelevant....

So long as I have limited ammo, health and a lot of puzzles, Idgaf. Seeing someone's back doesn't fucking means shit when you get garbage like RE5, 6 etc.

Give me the RE thats actually the fucking game's CORE CONCEPTS, I don't give a fucking shit about perspective as I felt thats been the dumbest argument. Those worried about RE being first person or not, seem to not have given a fuck when limited ammo, limited saves, puzzles etc were removed in order to make some shitty Gears Of War clones.

So to be honest here...I don't give a shit if you are looking down a gun or their back, so long as it has those core concepts of the older REs, its a day 1. I don't really know why people tried to draw the line at seeing someones back or not, yet ignored the removal of the series most core concepts with 4-6, but seeing a gun in FPS suddenly was too far? I don't know about all that now lol

The camera was simply never a REAL issue, the removal of that core content with 4-6 was. HOW the game is viewed should never be more important then the actual content itself.
Calm your tits dude, we all have our preferences no matter how silly they are.

I have nothing against first person camera, i just vastly prefer my re games in third person, the only difference with a first person camera for me was noticing even more how the shooting sucks asses compared to a proper fps.
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Amazing game. Even platinumed it which doesn't happen often when it comes to RE games. Gotta play Village soon, craving for some good ol RE, but damn, ain't got time right now.

Village is so much better then 7, its insane. You are going to love it.

They not happy about that RE success lol RE7 and even 8 moving such massive units is showing that most don't really fucking care about the perspective and simply care about the core content.


Mouse Ball Fetishist
When RE7 came out I didn't have a working TV, so I played on my Vita using remote play. The image was compressed to death, and there were lots of stutters and artifacts. There was also noticeable lag despite using local/direct connection.

The game had this gimmick where you find video tapes and then experience their footage, but my whole playthrough from start to finish felt like an old recording thanks to remote play.

I replayed it a few years later with an actual screen and was amazed by the graphics, but I still don't regret playing it the way I did with the Vita. It was quite the experience.
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Calm your tits dude, we all have our preferences no matter how silly they are.

I have nothing against first person camera, i just vastly prever my re games in third person, the only difference with a first person camera for me was noticing even more how the shooting sucks asses compared to proper fps.

If anything you going to get those feels from that RE4 remake next year, plus knowing Capcom, they going to remake a fuck ton of other REs lol

Likely see a remake of RE VC, RE1 and Zero with the over the shoulder mechanic like we saw in RE2 remake and RE3 remake.


Gold Member
If anything you going to get those feels from that RE4 remake next year, plus knowing Capcom, they going to remake a fuck ton of other REs lol

Likely see a remake of RE VC, RE1 and Zero with the over the shoulder mechanic like we saw in RE2 remake and RE3 remake.
If they remake 4 like they remaked 3 they can keep it tbh :lollipop_grinning_sweat:


As long as they keep making third person RE alongside the first person I am fine.
it just feels so much more immersive and I doubt Capcom will make the RE 5,6 mistake again. Almost killed the franchise for fans.


Gold Member
Great news. I didn't really like RE8 much but I still think branching off to both first and third person is the way to go as 7 remains as one of my favorite games of the series.

Mister Wolf

The crazy part is if they ported VR to the PC version it would get another sizeable boost in sales and become a evergreen PC VR title throughout the years. They left money on the table fucking with Sony.
I hate FPS games but ended up loving this game. Still need to play 8.

I'm completely okay with these continuing as long as they still put out big budget third person games as well.

fart town usa

Gold Member
Great for Capcom. I love RE7, a bit too much Texas Chainsaw style horror for my tastes but the gameplay is fantastic and super intense.

Played through it again a few months back and really enjoyed it.
I hate FPS games but ended up loving this game. Still need to play 8.

I'm completely okay with these continuing as long as they still put out big budget third person games as well.
Oh man, you're in for a treat when you get around to it. Village is fantastic. Brilliant pacing, atmosphere. The FPS style in it is so damn fun, it's fast paced but still requires some thought.


One of the key games in Capcom's resurgence. People might not realize in the future how brave it was of them to ignore what had been more than a decade of action-oriented games to pivot to an untested first-person pure horror experience. But it was. Yes, the back half of the game is weak, but the opening is a fucking tour-de-force.

But the real RE VII is in VR. That was one of the only true "next-gen" experiences I've had in the past decade. Brought me back to playing Mario 64 on release day, thinking "I had no idea this was even possible".


CliffyB's Cock Holster
Big backstep from 7 imho.

Plot's a mess that only hangs together with a string of exposition dumps right at the end, and even then it never manages to hold a coherent tone.
It plays fine, pretty much the same as 7, but I just think as an overall package its just too all over the place. You can really see how it started out as Revelations 3 and ended up with the sequelization to 7 just kinda grafted on top.

There's nothing seriously wrong with it, I just feel like with 7 they finally managed to break out of the post RE4 rut and actually tell a tight compelling horror story. They even successfully integrated the campness and humour without that detracting from the drama. 8 just lurches from one themed area to the next, and I never really gave a toss about the fates of any characters involved. Which is a shame as it has some terrific sequences and set-pieces along the way.

Astral Dog

I feel like VIII directly adresses the big issues in VII but also takes steps back to be more approachable, resulting in weak combat/shooting and slightly less survival horror.

But still both games are absolutely worth playing fir any RE fan, the only weak Clink Capcom has released recently is REmake 3 imo
Why shipped numbers matters, again?

You don't think they sold anywhere near that? Just saying that shipped numbers are not usually far off the actual amount sold to consumers. Unless the product completely flopped that is but I haven't seen an indication of that being the case.


Along as you keep making 3rd person RE games like 2 remake its fine with me, the casual FPS fans can play whatever they like. Real recognize real, been RE since day 1.

Have you played RE 7? Cause I was a bit concerned (being in first person) when I played it for the first time a couple months back and I have to say I almost didn't want to stop. In my opinion it's just as good as RE 2/Remake and 4.
Re7 was awesome, was in the right direction!
Then they released that disaster of a game, Resident Evil Village (re8)...
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7 was awesome because not only did the flow of the game feel great (though the first half was MUCH better IMO), but they also took a huge risk going to FPS. The outcome, while not for everyone, was great in my eyes.

8 to me, felt WAY too "safe" in comparison. I still enjoyed it for what it was but the end result almost just felt like a theme park ride on rails to me.

Really curious to see where 9 goes...
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