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Resident Evil HD Remaster confirmed for PS3/PS4/360/XB1/PC

I'm still pissed this isn't coming to Vita. That's the platform I'd most want to play it on (and arguably the platform that suits it the best, as it would look great on the screen + playing with headphones on in bed). Oh well, I'll still get it for PS4 but it's disappointing.

And no, remote play does not make up for it.


Low Poly Gynecologist
Shovel Knight performed respectively on WiiU and 3DS as a digital only title.

~48k copies on WiiU, ~59.5k on 3DS.

I don't know. I guess I just don't know what are typically considered good numbers for digital releases, but 48k on WiiU doesn't sound particularly good.

To be fair though, that is a pretty sizable part of a 180k pie.

I'm still pissed this isn't coming to Vita. That's the platform I'd most want to play it on (and arguably the platform that suits it the best, as it would look great on the screen + playing with headphones on in bed). Oh well, I'll still get it for PS4 but it's disappointing.

And no, remote play does not make up for it.

Remote Play genuinely seems like it would probably make up for it.
I think it's neat that some people try to find ways to make the same process Capcom is doing with this version.

It's a hard choice. Do you hide artifacts by adding grain? Do you do it by melting some of the finer details? Do you darkened the image or play with the contrast? Do you sacrifice this for that? Etc.

If the data has been lost, this is the best we'll get. I think it's fine.

Hopefully they let us play with gamma a bit because there's a lot of details lost otherwise. Also, as a 3D artist, these are some my favorite game environments ever. The simplicity and intricate delicacy of the compositions, the level art and restraint they had to leave empty spaces is so good. The lighting is gorgeous. It'd pain me a bit to lose some that detail.


Junior Member
I can't wait to replay that classic!
I remember those times while I was so scared that I just threw away my controller then asked a friend to play instead.
Now I'm ready to deal with it myself (Yeah I'm actually proud even if it feel kinda weird said that way)


Loves Robotech S1
Glad they added some colour to it though, I'm sure the original was washed out because of the GCN's limited colour range rather then design choice.

They didn't add color, they just turned up the saturation. That's in no way indicative of increased color depth. Even in the 16-bit RGBA6 color mode, they can employ whatever palette they want, albeit with banding, but I'm pretty sure this game used 24-bit color regardless. The tones used in the game was an artistic choice and 100% intentional.

Using lower color temperatures/pale tones does not mean it's washed out.

Won't happen, I'm pretty sure that would be underestimating Capcom at this point.

I sure hope that won't happen, in any case. :p

If the Wii/GC version has more detail in the background as the result of simply not being tampered with, I don't think it's an outrageous assumption.

The 16:9 display option for the Wii version just upscales the 4:3 image I believe. So the rerelease will have the advantage at 16:9 with the pan and scan as far as IQ goes.

16:9 is actually the worst way to play the Wii version since it keeps the 4:3 aspect anyway, but uses fewer pixels for the actual image.

Comparison image by Neff


Sent over over a dozen questions about the Remaster, including video backgrounds, upscaling over rerendering, preserving tone and effects, their goals with this release, and even why no Wii U port.


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
They didn't add color, they just turned up the saturation. That's in no way indicative of increased color depth. Even in the 16-bit RGBA6 color mode, they can employ whatever palette they want, albeit with banding, but I'm pretty sure this game used 24-bit color regardless. The tones used in the game was an artistic choice and 100% intentional.

Using lower color temperatures/pale tones does not mean it's washed out.
I'm sure the game was 24-bit colour but noway did the GCN output it at that, colour banding was everywhere in the game, made some parts look a ugly mess and it was a bit of a shock as I could tell the game was more advanced but coming from Onimusha 2 the IQ was terrible, same with shadows in some sections stood out because they was very blocky, I hope those are all fixed for this remaster.


~48k copies on WiiU, ~59.5k on 3DS.

I don't know. I guess I just don't know what are typically considered good numbers for digital releases, but 48k on WiiU doesn't sound particularly good.

To be fair though, that is a pretty sizable part of a 180k pie.

Remote Play genuinely seems like it would probably make up for it.

For a digital only kickstarted indie game, 48k isn't bad, especially when it continues to get on the top sales list every week.


Low Poly Gynecologist
For a digital only kickstarted indie game, 48k isn't bad, especially when it continues to get on the top sales list every week.

It's hard for me to see "get on the top sales list every week" as a sign of huge success because of how many sales the game has made, and how low the sales are on the WiiU in general. If a game selling 48k copies is topping the charts, it makes you wonder how great other things must be selling on the platform.


Gold Member
As lazy as this port it, it kind of makes me sad that they don't even bother with Dragon's Dogma, it's not even on PC yet where it would fit so well especially on MT Framework engine.

As lazy as this port it, it kind of makes me sad that they don't even bother with Dragon's Dogma, it's not even on PC yet where it would fit so well especially on MT Framework engine.


Dragons Dogma is honestly one of the best rpg's I have played last gen. The adventure feels were unmatched.


As lazy as this port it, it kind of makes me sad that they don't even bother with Dragon's Dogma, it's not even on PC yet where it would fit so well especially on MT Framework engine.


I'll never understand, it makes me wonder who's in charge.

Given the success of Dark Souls and The Witcher on the PC platform and the praise this game is getting among the hardcore, I really don't get it.

Same for the Code Veronica X HD PC port.

But hey maybe they have long term plans, releases spread out strategically over fiscal years.

Remake is coming out on PC, anything's possible at this point :p


Fafracer forever
Durante said:
What I wonder is why they chose such a smooth upsampling (probably vectorized?).
Maybe someone's idea of changing the visual-feel of the game? But I agree, it's a weird choice.

Alo81 said:
A well optimized, high quality JPEG (which is already a lossy compression) that doesn't show TOO much JPEG artifacting at 1920px wide, resized from the high quality render is ~3Mb.
I hope you mean 3Mbits there - otherwise you might want to check what your software actually saves, because they aren't JPegs.

Sectus said:
2371MB - JPEG at max quality
803MB - JPEG at 90 (out of 100) quality
2320MB - DXT1 with no mipmaps at 1024x1024 resolution
1579MB - Very rough estimate of above DXT1 files compressed into container files
Jpeg@90 compression will comfortably outperform any hw-accelerated in terms of quality, so there would be no rational reason to store it as DXT if you're really going through the trouble to re-render.
These ports are done on a minimal budget&timeline, so path-of-least resistance is the motivator, given how organized game-dev could be in first part of last decade, it's a good question if source assets even still exist somewhere, let alone the rendering setup.
God DAMN I really hope they can and do rerender those assets.

This is how it would look in game.


That's incredible.

Are there any other renders they have released that like that?

Holy fuck

I'm perfectly happy with just getting my hands on a slightly improved version of the game on current gen - MY only option is trotting out my gamecube again which I'm unlikely to do - but my God, it would be amazing if the game got this kind of treatment.

I just think, before two days ago, we all thought this was impossible. So now that it's happening for real, all of a sudden it's not good enough. Sometimes we as a community have a real perspective disorder methinks.
Holy fuck

I'm perfectly happy with just getting my hands on a slightly improved version of the game on current gen - MY only option is trotting out my gamecube again which I'm unlikely to do - but my God, it would be amazing if the game got this kind of treatment.

I just think, before two days ago, we all thought this was impossible. So now that it's happening for real, all of a sudden it's not good enough. Sometimes we as a community have a real perspective disorder methinks.
Eh it's just the vocal minority being loud. Most people here seem grateful to have it on another console and especially PC, where it'll never be lost again.


I just think, before two days ago, we all thought this was impossible. So now that it's happening for real, all of a sudden it's not good enough. Sometimes we as a community have a real perspective disorder methinks.

I can't speak for the rest of the community, but for me it isn't that the end product wouldn't be good enough, but since this "impossible" project will come to fruition then I as a passionate fan would hope they would give it everything possible within reasonable expectations in terms of quality and available tools at their disposal. In my opinion what most are posting regarding image quality and re-rendering vs upscaling are completely reasonable.
Holy fuck

I'm perfectly happy with just getting my hands on a slightly improved version of the game on current gen - MY only option is trotting out my gamecube again which I'm unlikely to do - but my God, it would be amazing if the game got this kind of treatment.

I just think, before two days ago, we all thought this was impossible. So now that it's happening for real, all of a sudden it's not good enough. Sometimes we as a community have a real perspective disorder methinks.

Or, is it the opposite. Suddenly, a large group of people think a shim sham effort is more than good enough.

The backgrounds are a huge part of this game.. I'd argue they're most of the magic. And yet the biggest part of the game, in an HD remaster, isn't even HD.

So yeah, there's reason to be disappointed, and no need to call out mental disorders.
I can't speak for the rest of the community, but for me it isn't that the end product wouldn't be good enough, but since this "impossible" project will come to fruition then I as a passionate fan would hope they would give it everything possible within reasonable expectations in terms of quality and available tools at their disposal. In my opinion what most are posting regarding image quality and re-rendering vs upscaling are completely reasonable.

And as stated, I totally agree it would be great to have as high a quality product as possible. i just think: (a) this is Capcom, they are serial fuck ups and I'm shocked this is happening at all (b) I can still boot up the original game today and the game looks fucking gorgeous, competely independent of it's resolution or framerate and (c) the game plays amazingly, which will arrive completely in tact.

Or, is it the opposite. Suddenly, a large group of people think a shim sham effort is more than good enough.

The backgrounds are a huge part of this game.. I'd argue they're most of the magic. And yet the biggest part of the game, in an HD remaster, isn't even HD.

So yeah, there's reason to be disappointed, and no need to call out mental disorders.

Whoa whoa, i'm not calling out "mental disorders" - I'm just saying we can lack perspective.


It astounds me how the original modeling used for FMVs and prerendered backgrounds for most high profile games were never preserved by their creators. This goes for Final Fantasy as well.

If those original models were kept around, they could remake this game in HD with RE4 controls, or at least in stunning realtime definition.

Astounding Final Fantasy remakes would be possible as well. And the FMVs in games like Kingdom Hearts HD would look ridiculous.

Instead they only ever have the final, low resolution product to work with, that they then have to try and make look pretty in HD.

I'm glad this is happening so it can be preserved but the only thing HD about it will be character models.
As lazy as this port it, it kind of makes me sad that they don't even bother with Dragon's Dogma, it's not even on PC yet where it would fit so well especially on MT Framework engine.


This has to happen at some point. The fact that this isn't on steam yet is mindblowing.
They are literally saying that they don't like money.


Remake doesnt need re4 controls because its not a shooter or action game. Its a puzzle game.
Not sure if this is related to my post or not, but just because it's not a shooter or action game doesn't mean it wouldn't benefit from a more modern control scheme that allows you to really walk through the mansion yourself. Check out Lost in Nightmares for RE5. Or Umbrella Chronicles even. A new perspective can be very refreshing.

Also not saying it's needed, but it would be a cool option, and also would only be possible if they kept the original 3D models around of the mansion. Which they didn't (not to mention I'm sure there are plenty of holes in those original models that were never seen due to the fixed camera positions, but still.)


just because it's not a shooter or action game doesn't mean it wouldn't benefit from a more modern control scheme that allows you to really walk through the mansion yourself. Check out Lost in Nightmares for RE5. Or Umbrella Chronicles even.



Lost in Nightmares and Revelaitons also show that you can pull off that control scheme without making the slower paced, horror oriented gameplay too easy.

But I guess RE4 controls in older games are some kind of sacrilege. Didn't Lost in Nightmares have an option for fixed camera angles? There you go. Nothing would be stopping them from having two options.

Not that it will ever be possible until they really decide they have to create a completely new remake to try and jump start the franchise but I'm sure RE7 is in full production by now.


Personally, I felt that Revelations was worse than Resident Evil 6. Not only is it boring and overly melodramatic, it embodies Capcom's failure to understand what survival horror is. That game was survival horror through the ideas of people that didn't understand it. It was a filtered interpretation of what a horror Resident Evil game should be.

Also, fuck Jessica. What a terrible character (among others).

Lost In Nightmare is not a good comparison because it did not have the same design as the old resident evil games. There were no zombies or any killable enemies for that matter. It may have succeeded in capturing some of the atmosphere built by the environment, but the same would not have happened from combat. The original RE games had their combat intrinsicly tied to the character movement. The clumsy movement and pre-set camera angles that hid parts of the room were what injected tension in the player. Taking that away by adding behind-the-shoulder cameras and free aim would completely destroy that. That is why RE4 plays so differently from its predecessors.

Revelations tried to fuse the two types of gameplay together with mixed success. It worked, but I cannot say that I had that same classic RE feeling while playing the game.

Personally, I felt that Revelations was worse than Resident Evil 6. Not only is it boring and overly melodramatic, it embodies Capcom's failure to understand what survival horror is. That game was survival horror through the ideas of people that didn't understand it. It was a filtered interpretation of what a horror Resident Evil game should be.

Also, fuck Jessica. What a terrible character (among others).

Resident Evil Revelations was a classic RE game made by people who did not understand the formula as much as RE 6 was the same thing in regards a modern RE game. Although Revelations also had bad modern sections when playing as Chris, and they are what turned me off from the game. To me, RE6 is worse.

And Jessica is hot. I ain't got no problem with her.
Personally, I felt that Revelations was worse than Resident Evil 6. Not only is it boring and overly melodramatic, it embodies Capcom's failure to understand what survival horror is. That game was survival horror through the ideas of people that didn't understand it. It was a filtered interpretation of what a horror Resident Evil game should be.

Also, fuck Jessica. What a terrible character (among others).
I can't remember his name but that red haired guy is legit awful and had the most punchable face in all of Resident Evil.
All of her costumes are impractical as shit.

Freezing temperatures? Stockings and high heels.

Underwater infiltration? Exposed leg and high heels.

She can bet her sweet ass out of this series.

You bet. Jessica was a trash character. No doubt in my mind she will be forgotten and rightfully so.
It astounds me how the original modeling used for FMVs and prerendered backgrounds for most high profile games were never preserved by their creators. This goes for Final Fantasy as well.

If those original models were kept around, they could remake this game in HD with RE4 controls, or at least in stunning realtime definition.

Astounding Final Fantasy remakes would be possible as well. And the FMVs in games like Kingdom Hearts HD would look ridiculous.

Instead they only ever have the final, low resolution product to work with, that they then have to try and make look pretty in HD.

I'm glad this is happening so it can be preserved but the only thing HD about it will be character models.

Yeah, they've already ruined the series, so why can't they retroactively go back and ruin its best games as well?


Personally, I felt that Revelations was worse than Resident Evil 6. Not only is it boring and overly melodramatic, it embodies Capcom's failure to understand what survival horror is. That game was survival horror through the ideas of people that didn't understand it. It was a filtered interpretation of what a horror Resident Evil game should be.

Also, fuck Jessica. What a terrible character (among others).

Lost In Nightmare is not a good comparison because it did not have the same design as the old resident evil games. There were no zombies or any killable enemies for that matter. It may have succeeded in capturing some of the atmosphere built by the environment, but the same would not have happened from combat. The original RE games had their combat intrinsicly tied to the character movement. The clumsy movement and pre-set camera angles that hid parts of the room were what injected tension in the player. Taking that away by adding behind-the-shoulder cameras and free aim would completely destroy that. That is why RE4 plays so differently from its predecessors.

Revelations tried to fuse the two types of gameplay together with mixed success. It worked, but I cannot say that I had that same classic RE feeling while playing the game.

Resident Evil Revelations was a classic RE game made by people who did not understand the formula as much as RE 6 was the same thing in regards a modern RE game. Although Revelations also had bad modern sections when playing as Chris, and they are what turned me off from the game. To me, RE6 is worse.

For me, the horror aspect came from lack of ammunition and the strength of the enemies. I think Revelations brought the behind the shoulder camera to this formula quite well. Instead of requiring clumsy manipulation of the limited controls to actually avoid enemies that you in no way have the resources to kill, they implemented a skill-based dodging system that was quite difficult and more sensible than awkward movements and baiting of enemies, and also had critical impact points on enemies that were dynamic and very difficult to hit (whereas headshots are easy in RE4+). I almost never hit critical targets in that game. It was usually less of a risk to just try and avoid the enemy--something that was always necessary in the oldschool games.

I think this could be applied to the original Resident Evil quite well. Don't make headshots insta-kills (2 or 3 shots at least), and also make the shambling animations of zombies a bit more jarring and random. Enemies such as dogs and crows would actually be more difficult to hit (in the fixed-camera angle games you just need to aim in their direction, when aiming behind the back you have to hit a narrow, running subject that's bouncing up and down). Enemies like hunters remain menacing.

Have the dodging system in place for getting past enemies you don't have resources to kill, and make the resource distribution the same as the original games. Healing items and bullets are very hard to come by. Gunshots have to be made with care, and it takes many bullets to take down enemies.

A lot of enemies and jump scare moments were still logically hidden around corners and behind obstacles. Would still be easy to create the tension of the original.

Really, for me, the thing that sucked the horror out of the franchise was a wealth of bullets and options to take out your enemies. They were not menacing or frightening. After you figured out how to kill an enemy you could always kill them again with ease. The zombies and other enemies were like toys. Shoot them once in the knee and then watch a crazy takedown animation. Revelations successfully toned all of this way down, and if they tried, I think they could easily refine that formula for RE1.

Not that any of this is ever going to happen :|

Yeah, they've already ruined the series, so why can't they retroactively go back and ruin its best games as well?
It would be pretty hard to screw up porting the exact same game but rendered in real time instead of pre-rendered. Not sure why everyone is thinking I said they have to put RE4 controls in the game. Not sure why everyone is thinking it wouldn't be possible to include two control schemes.
All of her costumes are impractical as shit.

Freezing temperatures? Stockings and high heels.

Underwater infiltration? Exposed leg and high heels.

She can bet her sweet ass out of this series.

Resident Evil is not a documentary on surviving the zombie apocalypse.
Personally, I felt that Revelations was worse than Resident Evil 6. Not only is it boring and overly melodramatic, it embodies Capcom's failure to understand what survival horror is. That game was survival horror through the ideas of people that didn't understand it. It was a filtered interpretation of what a horror Resident Evil game should be.

Also, fuck Jessica. What a terrible character (among others).

What the fuck is that thing !?

I remember playing the demo, didn't think much of it, and was immediately turned off when I found a dead woman's body with her tits almost flopped out, I thought FFS has Capcom really no idea about RE anymore ?


Personally, I felt that Revelations was worse than Resident Evil 6. Not only is it boring and overly melodramatic, it embodies Capcom's failure to understand what survival horror is. That game was survival horror through the ideas of people that didn't understand it. It was a filtered interpretation of what a horror Resident Evil game should be.

Also, fuck Jessica. What a terrible character (among others).

Revelations is garbage, a bad old school RE and a bad modern RE and the story is the worst in the series, which is quiet an achievement.

As lazy as this port it, it kind of makes me sad that they don't even bother with Dragon's Dogma, it's not even on PC yet where it would fit so well especially on MT Framework engine.

Dragon's Dogma not being on PC is really one of the biggest wtf ever, Capcom makes an RPG inspired by Western RPGs and decides not to release it on the PC, the ideal platform for the genre. It's not like it's a difficult port since it's based on the MT Framework engine and they already released other games on PC.

It's really baffling, especially when you see how easily the Dark Souls series gained a big following on the platform.


Damn at the high res hall scene, it makes me sad that we won't see the game rendered in that much detail.

Damn it Capcom !

Really disappointing to see how little they have upgraded Jills textures if that is a true remaster comparison.


Resident Evil is not a documentary on surviving the zombie apocalypse.

World War Z starring Brad Pitt is, though.

Have you SEEN alternate costumes in RE before?

They weren't alternate?

Revelations is garbage, a bad old school RE and a bad modern RE and the story is the worst in the series, which is quiet an achievement.

Agreed. It wasn't that it was schlocky or cheesy, it was just painful. Forced melodrama, terrible character dialogue that tried to be funny. The list goes on.

What the fuck is that thing !?

I remember playing the demo, didn't think much of it, and was immediately turned off when I found a dead woman's body with her tits almost flopped out, I thought FFS has Capcom really no idea about RE anymore ?

Uncomfortable yet?


It astounds me how the original modeling used for FMVs and prerendered backgrounds for most high profile games were never preserved by their creators. This goes for Final Fantasy as well.

If those original models were kept around, they could remake this game in HD with RE4 controls, or at least in stunning realtime definition.

Astounding Final Fantasy remakes would be possible as well. And the FMVs in games like Kingdom Hearts HD would look ridiculous.

Instead they only ever have the final, low resolution product to work with, that they then have to try and make look pretty in HD.

I'm glad this is happening so it can be preserved but the only thing HD about it will be character models.

No, they are still just pre-rendered backgrounds. You would not be able to play the game in 3rd person, only from a fixed perspective.
It would be pretty hard to screw up porting the exact same game but rendered in real time instead of pre-rendered. Not sure why everyone is thinking I said they have to put RE4 controls in the game. Not sure why everyone is thinking it wouldn't be possible to include two control schemes.

What you're proposing is some Frankenstein bullshit, radically changing the game from how it was specifically designed to play. Doing so would break the game, the same way first person view broke MGS1 in Twin Snakes, because they didn't bother to redesign the game based around the new mechanics. It's a terrible idea.

Plus, what Grief said. From what you said, you seem to be under the impression that they created an incredibly detailed model of the mansion and then just took screenshots of it for the backgrounds, when in reality, that would've been a huge waste of money. Those backgrounds may have started as a basic 3D model but all the details would've been manually added by artists.


Plus, what Grief said. From what you said, you seem to be under the impression that they created an incredibly detailed model of the mansion and then just took screenshots of it for the backgrounds, when in reality, that would've been a huge waste of money. Those backgrounds may have started as a basic 3D model but all the details would've been manually added by artists.

It can be sort of summed up as: A fully modelled environment (eg. RE4) is like walking around a 3D sculpture, a pre-rendered environment is like walking around a 3D painting.

You can look all around a sculpture from any angle. A painting is one fixed viewpoint, trying to see it from any other angle is impossible.


No, they are still just pre-rendered backgrounds. You would not be able to play the game in 3rd person, only from a fixed perspective.
No? All environements were rendered in full 3d, and then pre-rendered backgrounds made from them. The game could potentially be in full 3d.


It can be sort of summed up as: A fully modelled environment (eg. RE4) is like walking around a 3D sculpture, a pre-rendered environment is like walking around a 3D painting.

You can look all around a sculpture from any angle. A painting is one fixed viewpoint, trying to see it from any other angle is impossible.

I love this description. I think that's the big appeal to me about pre-rendered backgrounds in general, the feeling your walking around in a beautiful painting. Realtime just can't give the same feel as its never as detailed, Code Veronica had the most bland backgrounds in the original series for a reason.
No? All environements were rendered in full 3d, and then pre-rendered backgrounds made from them. The game could potentially be in full 3d.

Not as easy as this if they still had the production data. A game with a 3rd-person camera, like RE4, needs certain metrics to be respected while crafting the environment. For the mobility of the player and to accommodate the camera's position.

They would have to resize everything and it wouldn't have the same feel.


Jpeg@90 compression will comfortably outperform any hw-accelerated in terms of quality, so there would be no rational reason to store it as DXT if you're really going through the trouble to re-render.
These ports are done on a minimal budget&timeline, so path-of-least resistance is the motivator, given how organized game-dev could be in first part of last decade, it's a good question if source assets even still exist somewhere, let alone the rendering setup.

Well, they might avoid jpeg just on principle. I don't think artists or programmers are very keen on jpeg compression artifacts, although I guess they wouldn't be very visible as long as the game doesn't ever zoom in on the background textures.

There's also performance to consider. The game might end up being fairly demanding again with the new lighting, new character models, and higher resolution backgrounds. I don't know if slower texture loading due to jpeg decoding would be a concern.

Lost In Nightmare is not a good comparison because it did not have the same design as the old resident evil games. There were no zombies or any killable enemies for that matter. It may have succeeded in capturing some of the atmosphere built by the environment, but the same would not have happened from combat. The original RE games had their combat intrinsicly tied to the character movement. The clumsy movement and pre-set camera angles that hid parts of the room were what injected tension in the player. Taking that away by adding behind-the-shoulder cameras and free aim would completely destroy that. That is why RE4 plays so differently from its predecessors.
There were killable enemies in Lost in Nightmares. I forgot the name of them, but they re-used many of the executioner animations for them. And if you played at high enough difficulty, you'd get several of them in the first part of the mansion. And I thought that worked great. It is possible LIN uses wider corridors than REmake though (I'd have to directly compare to tell).

I think a classic RE game can definitely work with that kind of camera, but it has to be built for it. Adding support for that kind of camera in REmake would probably be close to making a game from scratch.


If they are just using upscaled jpegs, how would they get real-time shadows to work? What I am getting at is Capcom would need access to the models for the shadows to function.

Alternatively, they could be painting those in manually.

No? All environements were rendered in full 3d, and then pre-rendered backgrounds made from them. The game could potentially be in full 3d.

Only problem is they are obviously not rendering parts of the background that would be off camera in a fixed perspective. Playing from a third person view would peel back the curtain so to speak.


If they are just using upscaled jpegs, how would they get real-time shadows to work? What I am getting at is Capcom would need access to the models for the shadows to function.

Alternatively, they could be painting those in manually.
Character shadows? They'd work the same way as in the original. They have a low poly invisible mesh in each room which matches the environment model data they can use for rendering shadows. They do the same thing for clipping and collision.
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