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Rumor: WB eyeing Justin Lin to direct "Akira"

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Fox can't stay away because they legally own movie distribution rights. They will just let Toriyama do outlines for animated films.

Honestly if it's high budget enough and somewhat true to the show I could care less. Just not another Dragonball Evolution dud pls, Fox.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
This shit is still the best 2D hand drawn animation i have ever seen. Some of the stuff in Akira would only be made by CGI today, nobody would even dare to animate some of it's scenes by hand. Which is depressing to say the least.

You should check out Redline by Madhouse. 7 years to finish and entirely hand drawn. It's amazing looking and a serious labor of love. The sound track is bumping and its like a crazier version of F Zero. It's not the greatest story but it's entertaining as it gets.



This, Battle Angel Alita, Ghost in the Shell and Cowboy Bebop have been in some form of development for ages and now that GiS is getting made the others might also get some traction again. I wonder which one is going to turn out the best.
Is the manga of Akira worth reading or should i be happy with the anime masterpiece?

This, Battle Angel Alita, Ghost in the Shell and Cowboy Bebop have been in some form of development for ages and now that GiS is getting made the others might also get some traction again. I wonder which one is going to turn out the best.

I think all eyes will be on the box office performance of Ghost in the Shell. Should it be really successful as I suspect it will, expect big budget blockbuster anime adaptations with top Hollywood talent attached.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
I know he gets a lot of hate recently but he would be perfect for these kind of movies

No he wouldn't. He has shown time and again that he barely seems to understand the source material he is trying to adapt. He didn't do Watchmen any justice outside of a few parts and totally botched the ending and second half and I'm not talking about the alien squid. You think he is going to do Akira justice? Good Lord it would be bad.


There are only two people in the entire world with a chance of doing Akira justice. The Wachowskis.


Justin don't bother. There's no way it's going to end up being good.

Is the manga of Akira worth reading or should i be happy with the anime masterpiece?

Definitely worth a read. The anime is a heavily truncated version of the manga, and story-wise is inferior.


Hopefully it not only leads to Lin casting Japanese or Japanese-American actors and setting the film in Japan, but his leaving Space Jam 2.

If I were Lin, I'd try to have the compromise of the lead being Japanese but having the setting be a multi-cultural hub so people of all ethnicities can be there, sort of like Shadowrun's Tokyo.
Is the manga of Akira worth reading or should i be happy with the anime masterpiece?

I think all eyes will be on the box office performance of Ghost in the Shell. Should it be really successful as I suspect it will, expect big budget blockbuster anime adaptations with top Hollywood talent attached.

Akira manga is one of the best showcases of comics as a medium. It is a must read. The art is incredible. Domu by the same author is great as well.
You should check out Redline by Madhouse. 7 years to finish and entirely hand drawn. It's amazing looking and a serious labor of love. The sound track is bumping and its like a crazier version of F Zero. It's not the greatest story but it's entertaining as it gets.

I second this. Redline is incredible.


This, Battle Angel Alita, Ghost in the Shell and Cowboy Bebop have been in some form of development for ages and now that GiS is getting made the others might also get some traction again. I wonder which one is going to turn out the best.

gits and cowboy bebop dont really seem hard to adapt.

akira tho...


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I'm not familiar with film directors, and any adaptation of Akira is going to be horrendous, but what's wrong with him exactly?


I believe that Warners' plan for Akira was always to adapt the larger comic book that inspired the animated film rather than directly adapt the animated film.

I know 'franchise' is a casual word to drop when discussing studio projects like this but I think WB were looking to adapt the entire Akira storyline across a series of films..., consider that the first film is a success of course.

I think that it's worth noting that George Miller himself admitted that he was offered to direct Akira post Fury Road so clearly this is a high priority project that the studio wants to get moving on.


No he wouldn't. He has shown time and again that he barely seems to understand the source material he is trying to adapt. He didn't do Watchmen any justice outside of a few parts and totally botched the ending and second half and I'm not talking about the alien squid. You think he is going to do Akira justice? Good Lord it would be bad.

His Watchmen adaptation was fantastic and better than the book. Come at me bro
If they offered this to Nolan and George Miller before then it's pretty apparent they don't want no average scrubs directing this one.

Justin Lin would possibly be an interesting choice as well and I think he would at least pull some Asian casting in here.


Was getting caught part of your plan?
gits and cowboy bebop dont really seem hard to adapt.
After seeing Looper, I always thought Cowboy Bebop could totally work as something Rian Johnson would tackle. In fact, he apparently admits to drawing a lot of inspiration from it for his work.

Hollywood really wants this movie to happen.

And they're almost 20 years late to the party at this point.

Hell, said party is already over.


Was getting caught part of your plan?
I'm not familiar with film directors, and any adaptation of Akira is going to be horrendous, but what's wrong with him exactly?

Primarily, the one sticking point against Lin for this project is that he hasn't exactly demonstrated a particular style or gravitas throughout most of his filmography that'd be appropriate for this project.

However, I'm pretty sure the much larger issue people are having is why this project is still a thing at this point.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
I can't wait for Hollywood to not understand the source material at all and put out a huge piece of shit.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
His Watchmen adaptation was fantastic and better than the book. Come at me bro

If you think his adaptation is better than the book, I am inclined to say you're missing what made the book good.
I don't think Justin Lin should be given this. But I wouldn't say no to one of the following:

  • Alex Garland (Ex Machina)
  • Chris Nolan (Interstellar, Inception)
  • Duncan Jones (Moon)
  • Darren Aronofsky (The Fountain, Black Swan)
  • Alfonso Cuaron (Gravity, Children of Men)
  • Bong-Joon Ho (Snowpiercer)
The movies I have listed not only show they have made some visually excellent films, but they can also handle strong narrative themes.


I don't think Justin Lin should be given this. But I wouldn't say no to one of the following:

  • Alex Garland (Ex Machina)
  • Chris Nolan (Interstellar, Inception)
  • Duncan Jones (Moon)
  • Darren Aronofsky (The Fountain, Black Swan)
  • Alfonso Cuaron (Gravity, Children of Men)
  • Bong-Joon Ho (Snowpiercer)
The movies I have listed not only show they have made some visually excellent films, but they can also handle strong narrative themes.

Who is to say that WB didn't offer the film to the likes if Nolan and Cuaron only to have them turn it down?

Both of them are well liked and respected at WB and probably get offered, directly or indirectly, all of the studio's 'best stuff'.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
His Watchmen adaptation was fantastic and better than the book. Come at me bro

What's there to come at you for? You made a shitty driveby post and made it sound like you came up with something witty. Bring up some points next time.
It's never really been a matter of whether it could be done. It can, now. It's always been a matter of whether Warners was going to hire people to do it right, and then get out of their way for the most part as they do it.

Could Lin do it? I think it's possible, yeah. Could WB be looking at what's happening on Ghost in the Shell and taking notes as to how every step Dreamworks and Paramount has taken is being poorly received? Hopefully. Could WB be willing to roll the dice on a giant, multi-film adaptation of one of the most well-regarded comics ever created, set in Japan and starring a primarily Japanese cast? They could, absolutely. Especially when you take note of all the super-ambitious gambles they've funded in the last 15-20 years. Will they though?

I dunno. We all know the bullshit they've been footing the bill for up to this point, so that's not a great sign. But positive answers to some (if not most) of the above questions makes it a completely different ballgame.


Please stop these live action anime adaptations.
Please stop. This also goes for the Made in Japan ones.

How is Akira even going to work with the last quarter of the movie? That's going to be some impressive CGI...

My Q is - who's going to watch these movies? The anime fans refuse to accept them, the older audience won't know what an Akira is, and the younger audience just wants to see Transformers 7: Explosions on Mars.

I sometimes wonder about this myself. Like, who are they trying to market these films to?
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