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Sony announces GDC presence, teases new technology/online service announcements

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Gold Member



Hold on tight =/


Ranger X said:
Graphics maybe. Animation no.

A wise thing to do is to look at Heavenly Sword and Uncharted. It will most likely not go past those games technically though the art may be absolutely awesome.

Edit: Too much Killzone talk now.


KZ will exceed the target render. Pfft. It will look hot though. Better than anything else out there, though not good enough to stop an avalanche of hate relating to the target render. Such is life. PEACE.


I remember when screenshots of 2 Days to Vegas were released before the 360/PS3 were released, everyone thought it looked like crap for a next gen game. Now people question if they're bullshots. My how our expectations have fallen :lol .
Azrael said:
I remember when screenshots of 2 Days to Vegas were released before the 360/PS3 were released, everyone thought it looked like crap for a next gen game. Now people question if they're bullshots. My how our expectations have fallen :lol .


Joe Six-Pack: posting for the common man
Straightballin said:
IGN called SCEA after that whole thing happened.
The problem being that "blog" everyone is referring to, never expclicitly mentioned that it would be at GDC.
Killzone is one of those games that just about no one believes will appear, but we all secretly hope it will anyway. You know, if for no other reason than for the pure amusement in watching the hellish bloodstorm that is bound to follow, regardless of how the game actually looks and plays.

Ranger X

The lighting in 2 Days to Vegas is incredibly realistic. It's hard to believe.
NO wrong use of bloom + no overuse of HDR effect. Perfectly handled. Even if the games is low poly for some stuff it still shits on everything we seen so far except maybe Alan Wake.
I truly hope this game pass the vaporware stage.


Rage Bait Youtuber
tanod said:
IGN asked about a demo and SCEA said that there wouldn't be a demo.

Dante said:
Just sayin :)

"No, Killzone won't be GDC at all," stated SCEA Manager, Ryan Bowling, in a conversation with IGN held earlier this afternoon. "The time for that game is coming and we'll have new information about it in the future, but not at GDC."

No mention of a demo in SCEA's statement. Again, they say new stuff is coming soon but not at GDC.


Pilopo said:
So, tell me if i get this right.

Sony copying again ? what is new ?

This damned if they don't, damned if they do stuff is getting old...

Plain and simple... what's wrong if they take something from the other stuff (which was taken from other stuff, etc), and refine it to possibly make it better, and do it right?
Pilopo said:
So, tell me if i get this right.

Sony copying again ? what is new ?

well it is quite evident that the competitors lack the ability to execute their ideas properly so Sony has to do it properly once again.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
Killzone wont be shown to the public during this GDC.
It has already been shown behind closed doors tho (yes, at GDC).


TTP said:
Killzone wont be shown to the public during this GDC.
It has already been shown behind closed doors tho (yes, at GDC).

What he said.

Nothing public until E3. Yes, I've seen it (along with a bazillion other press folk who will probably talk about it at 10:30 and crush your dreams). The Home shit you have imagined is pretty much on track. It's ****ing sick and you won't even have to wait for the whole keynote to learn about it. I'm so goddamn glad I own a PS3...


SamBishop said:
What he said.

Nothing public until E3. Yes, I've seen it (along with a bazillion other press folk who will probably talk about it at 10:30 and crush your dreams). The Home shit you have imagined is pretty much on track. It's ****ing sick and you won't even have to wait for the whole keynote to learn about it. I'm so goddamn glad I own a PS3...

well anyone who has seen it. can we at least get impression of what you guys have seen?

i dont think thats not allowed too. only taking pics/videos are not allowed [ then again, we got them all last GDC ]


Have a fun! Enjoy!
Could u give us some impressions about KIllzone? My guy over there didnt say too much about it.

It's ****ing sick and you won't even have to wait for the whole keynote to learn about it. I'm so goddamn glad I own a PS3...

What do u mean by this?


time to take my meds
SamBishop said:
What he said.

Nothing public until E3. Yes, I've seen it (along with a bazillion other press folk who will probably talk about it at 10:30 and crush your dreams). The Home shit you have imagined is pretty much on track. It's ****ing sick and you won't even have to wait for the whole keynote to learn about it. I'm so goddamn glad I own a PS3...


Sorry dudes, not until 10:30 this morning. Just... Don't get your hopes up. It's going to be MotorStorm x100. At least you know all the stuff most people assumed about the leak is pretty much true, right? Yeah? No?
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