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Sony "This will be the most brutal God of War you've played"


Junior Member
There's only been a couple of trailers, I don't think it's too much to ask that people acknowledge what's already been shown.


I was hoping for a more mature game instead of just juvenile gore.
Oh well. :/
This thread is totally of its rails with people thinking the word "brutal" = "gore". You've got tons of footage already and see there is a clear shift in tone.


God of War, imo, has defined the "Cinematic Experience" for me. Uncharted took that to a whole new level, but before Uncharted, God of War set the bar for a cinematic feel to a video game.

Easily my most anticipated PS4 title ever since the launch of the console.
- Kratos is teaching his still-innocent/naive son to become a merciless killer
- The game literally has the son being used as a living weapon, able to be used during combos and combat like any other attack in Kratos' arsenal
- Given the nature of Greek myths (and how the games have used Greek myths), his son is destined to kill him. Kratos wants to break that cycle

I don't think they're going to treat Kratos' relationship with his son as something healthy and good. Tying that with how they're presenting Kratos (still haunted by a past and deeds he can't escape, and still as prone to anger and violence as he ever was even he's trying to fight and escape that), that's a lot of meat for a compelling story
This is one of the silliest game concepts in years for a serious game.
What's silly about "person haunted by and trying to escape their past, along with child/ward they're mentoring/raising, go on a journey"? We literally had a movie like that come out earlier this year; it's well trodden and common territory.
What's silly about "person haunted by and trying to escape their past, along with child/ward they're mentoring/raising, go on a journey"? We literally had a movie like that come out earlier this year; it's well trodden and common territory.

Wolverine is a million times better as a person. Wolverine is an antihero, Kratos is more similar to Pol Pot or guys who kidnap women and keep them in a rape dungeon.


Well, that turned me off to the game. I can take violence, but God of War's was just waaaay over the top for my tastes. This new one seemed a bit more tame, and was going for more character development as its strong point. I guess I was wrong.
"The most brutal God of War" is likely to get a 13 year old excited, but I find it hard to believe it to be a very enticing declaration to anyone else.

Well, i'm not 13 and it makes me excited. I didn't care for them thinking that they had to tone down the violence in Ascension in comparison to 3 in order to try to change peoples perception of Kratos.

And I love how people continually equate some age (seemingly always 13 for some reason) to liking certain aspects of games.


Junior Member
Myth hopping, which David Jaffe was considering for future entries at the start, doesn't seem like a hard concept to grasp for a series as OTT as God of War.


Gold Member
What's silly about "person haunted by and trying to escape their past, along with child/ward they're mentoring/raising, go on a journey"? We literally had a movie like that come out earlier this year; it's well trodden and common territory.

what's silly is, the 'person' here is kratos, fresh back from graphically decapitating his way through six previous games :) ...


I think a Charles Manson redemption game would be less silly than a Kratos redemption game.

thank you! :) ...


Junior Member
Well, that turned me off to the game. I can take violence, but God of War's was just waaaay over the top for my tastes. This new one seemed a bit more tame, and was going for more character development as its strong point. I guess I was wrong.
Which particular type of brutality actually used in the new God of War do you take issue with?

Wolverine is a million times better as a person. Wolverine is an antihero, Kratos is more similar to Pol Pot or guys who kidnap women and keep them in a rape dungeon.
Riiiiiight. You're just having a laugh then.
I hope lots of people in this thread also appreciate the next Doom sequel, where instead of tearing around brutally murdering hordes of demons, Doom Guy gets to escort a young troubled girl through an abandoned space station, encountering horrors from her nightmares (is she the cause?) while enjoying the new cover-based combat style.


But seriously. It's fine to call GoW3 etc over the top, brutal, gory etc. Just stop acting like that's some terrible thing, and from a franchise that was always like that. Y'see, where you cross the line is trying to insult the people who like that stuff every now and then, acting superior and claiming it's 'not the 90s anymore' and that you're so proud to be over 13 (apparently the age at which gore/action stops being entertaining I guess? Could've fooled me, especially considering how much of that kind of material is aimed at 18+ but w/e). GoW is OTT, brutal, gory, etc, and that's a huge part of why it's successful. Again, very happy if they're keeping it that way.
Kratos did kill more people than Pol Pot and treats women about as badly as putting them in a rape dungeon.

He's the worst character in gaming if he's anything other an avatar for the negative emotions of the player.
Wolverine is a million times better as a person. Wolverine is an antihero, Kratos is more similar to Pol Pot or guys who kidnap and keep them in a rape dungeon.
Same idea, and the premise has been done with killers and murderers as well. Hell, even Joel in TLOU used to be a ruthless bandit who ambushed and killed innocent people, and he doesn't apologize for it either. In fact, he justifies what he did as necessary to survive.

Kratos wasn't portrayed in the first game as so insane as he was in the later games. The portrayal of Kratos as a tragic character was something praised in the first. After that the stories and his character went off the rails, mainly to serve as an excuse for him killing more people and then the gods themselves rather than any thought to character development or the first game's portrayal of Kratos

I'd consider a return to that a return to form. I can see Kratos settling down from his madness in 2 and 3 after wandering the earth alone for hundreds of years


Junior Member
>most brutal GoW
>no blood

Which particular type of brutality actually used in the new God of War do you take issue with?

Riiiiiight. You're just having a laugh then.
Remember in GOW 3 where he kidnapped an innocent girl, pushed her to help him and then stretched her our using a wheel until she got ripped in half?


Junior Member
Remember in GOW 3 where he kidnapped an innocent girl, pushed her to help him and then stretched her our using a wheel until she got ripped in half?
No, I remember him forcing Apherite to hold open a heavy gate crank wheel so he can continue through, and once passing the gate, her screaming off-screen.

Still less than GoW 3.
How many fleshy enemy types have you seen killed in the new game?
So after 20 minutes of mashing the circle button I decided that despite the apparent lack of trophy notification and animation not dying out, it was already time to stop. After a second, Frigg kicked Kratos in the chin decapitating him, and I was returned to the checkpoint just before the QTE sequence, the whole thing starting with 5 minutes of stick syncing, started. And that was the first level, things proceed to escalate later on. Suffice to say, Sony wasn't kidding when they said this is the most brutal God of War game you've ever played; in fact, my thumb suggests it was the most brutal game I ever played, period.

From where did you get this? Did you invent this? Because I watched the interview and they didn't mention this.

Danny Dudekisser

I paid good money for this Dynex!
The last couple GoW games were already a bit much, so I can't really say "even more brutal" is a turn-on. And I like violence.
No, I remember him forcing Apherite to hold open a heavy gate crank wheel so he can continue through, and once passing the gate, her screaming off-screen.

How many fleshy enemy types have you seen killed in the new game?
And if you go back there's just a pool of blood. So sorry she didn't get stretched to death, just crushed.


I dont know if I want it more brutal than God of War 3. I think some sections there were already a bit too extreme.


The nicest person on this forum
Kratos did kill more people than Pol Pot and treats women about as badly as putting them in a rape dungeon.

He's the worst character in gaming if he's anything other an avatar for the negative emotions of the player.

I don't understand why u people think a character not being good person = bad character?
What I personally liked about Kratos in first game was he wasn't just some anti hero, he was just not really good person.

He was Spartan commander. usually spartan are proud warriors and they are more than happy to die in battle. But he got scared, enough to that he was willing to sell his very own soul in order to survive and he paid price for it.

For me the story got worst when story became more about how Kratos wasn't really at fault here or how gods became corrupt by fear and other BS reason. To me Kartos journey wasn't just about erasing his family's nightmare but also about him burring his shame.
More brutal doesn't really sell me on the game. All I need to know is Kratos isn't angry nonstop which seems to be the case looking at the trailers.
>most brutal GoW
>no blood


I feel like they were probably toning it down for all these trailers/videos

He has a son now, wont anyone think of the children!

I fully expect the full game to go balls out...
then ripped off, then placed on its hands where kratos cuts off both hands, then shoves one severed hand holding the balls in its mouth and the other severed hand holding balls up its butt.
Eh sure. GoW 3 kinda made me numb to it, so I'd rather them go for more "subtle" violence than literally ripping heads off and caving skulls in.


Neo Member
it’s no more one versus many, but more focused on one versus one or versus two. It’s more personal, strategic and visceral. It’s also going to be “the most brutal God of War ever.”

This is a bummer, not the brutality part as I expect that from GoW but, fighting 1v1 or 1v2 isn't what I want from this series. I kinda figured this would be the case from the footage and how the camera is positioned but I was hoping for the best. Have they shown a mini map full of icons and objectives yet? I assume that's next.


With Fist of the North Star on the way, they'd better have some pretty heinous brutality ready if they don't want to be outdone.


Eh. I'm hoping this game offers a bit more than just more brutal killing and violence. I understand that it's basically what GoW has always been but still.
I bet he means it will also be emotionally brutal too.

The feels!

I think so too. Most brutal doesn't mean the game haa more gore than GoW. A game can be a brutal experience without gore and little violence. The game doesn't look like it will be anywhere as crazy and ott like GoW3 was.
I'm not really into this, tbh. Some of the murder sequences and animations in GoW3 disturbed me, and I have thick skin.

It just seemed in poor taste. I know it's a personal thing, but I just can't get behind emphasizing hyper violence as a feature. That's not what our culture needs speaking into the zeitgeist right now.

I was looking forward to a deeper story and a focus on character development. Now I'll be keeping a weary eye on previews to see if they're still leaning on shock violence as a crutch.

*Sigh* Then don't play God of War games?
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