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Sonys upcoming Multiplayer Games have the ability to take them to the next level


Gold Member
I'm still salty about that cancelled EverQuest project. Does anyone really doubt at least one of Sonys high profile studios is capable of delivering the next Splatoon type MP hit? I'm confident they can do it if they try.


Gold Member
Honestly just remake Killzone 2 multiplayer then expand on it.

If you kept the originals fantastic class based, mid match objective switching game mode and then expanded that by introducing larger scale maps with bigger teams and a variety of vehicles...

Battlefields left the gates wide open for the next big combined arms title, and honestly Killzone has sat on its hands far too long after by perhaps pure luck creating multiplayer perfection with Killzone 2.

Some of the best class based gameplay since TF2
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there's not a single Sony MP game that ever rocked the boat in any way since the PS2... so I doubt that this will be big hits until I see it
Yes because current Sony is exactly the same Sony from PS2 or PS3 eras...not.
Specially in a time they are opening up to releasing their stuff on PC they can actually have a decent multiplayer hit.


Yes because current Sony is exactly the same Sony from PS2 or PS3 eras...not.
Specially in a time they are opening up to releasing their stuff on PC they can actually have a decent multiplayer hit.

If twisted metal, and GT7 are great and have their content rollout/game progression figured out they have high chance to fit next to games like rocket league.


Moderated wildly
Interested to see what approach Sony goes with regards to multiplayer. Will it be free to play and how will they handle battle passes and micro transactions etc?
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Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
They only need SOCOM.
seriously people still go about it now on Call of Duty.
It may not do the numbers like COD but it's enough to please the fanbase

Dick Jones

Gold Member
While I'm not a huge fan of online multiplayer, I think the best way for Sony to succeed with multiplayer games is to have them on PC day and date. This will ensure there is a higher playercount to keep engagement and if there is a matchmaking option on console to keep to console players only then it alleviates the fear of cheating.

This method would give them the best possible chance to succeed.
It's been a long time since I've felt a Sony MP game was worth sticking with. As some have rightly mentioned, Killzone multiplayer was pretty epic. Also enjoyed SOCOM, even if it was a bit niche for some people.

It's a frontier that I hope Sony crack this generation. If they are able to bring the same quality as they do with their Single Player games to Multiplayer, it will be a great experience. Until then, I am going to remain cautious about any Sony MP experience. Fingers crossed though, could really do with a new blockbuster MP shaking up the current big hitters.


Gold Member
Naughty Dogs the only one who’s released multiplayer aspects before and they where pay to win trash.

Sony has never delivered a good multiplayer game. Or a game that engages people longer than 10 hours outside of GT.
Never delivered a good MP game? SOCOM says HI! I really hope after the renewal of the IP that was posted the other day Sony takes this opportunity to bring back the best strategic 3rd person shooter of all time.
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Sure Jan GIF


Naughty Dogs the only one who’s released multiplayer aspects before and they where pay to win trash.

Sony has never delivered a good multiplayer game. Or a game that engages people longer than 10 hours outside of GT.
Disagree. Uncharted multiplayer in uncharted 2 and 4 were the shiznit. Killzone 2 and 3 on PS3 were similarly awesome. Gran Turismo Has been pretty decent online since 5 and Sport is great, and has a big online community. I play it a lot.


Honestly just remake Killzone 2 multiplayer then expand on it.

If you kept the originals fantastic class based, mid match objective switching game mode and then expanded that by introducing larger scale maps with bigger teams and a variety of vehicles...

Battlefields left the gates wide open for the next big combined arms title, and honestly Killzone has sat on its hands far too long after by perhaps pure luck creating multiplayer perfection with Killzone 2.

Some of the best class based gameplay since TF2

I agree with everything except the larger maps - KZ2 with its (fantastic IMO) spawn system was a chore to play on the bigger maps if you got terrible Tacticians in team, plus as always - most people simply don't like big maps, Radec Academy, Blood Gracht and Thatsis Depot were played 24/7 for a reason, and that reason was non-stop hectic action, while the rest of the maps were almost completely abandoned.


Ask me about my Stream Deck
Cuz everyone can see the writing on the wall.
COD will be on Sony until 2024. After that nobody knows.
True, but looking at the console landscape, Microsoft would be massively devaluing this brand by making it exclusive. Also, as in demand as the current gen consoles are, would Microsoft really cut off 60~70% of their sales with the hope that maybe in a couple of years or "next gen" players would filter over?
there's a thread about it from a tweet of jason Reiner....2023 will be last cod ..like everyone with a brain was saying
I didn't see that thread because I've never really played the series.

Oh, also, I didn't realize that person made all the rules. I couldn't even find them when I googled. Did you mean Jason Schrier or Andrew Reiner? Can you post the link or is that too much to ask from someone so intelligent?

If your posts are an example of what "having a brain" means, you can keep it.


They only need SOCOM.
seriously people still go about it now on Call of Duty.
It may not do the numbers like COD but it's enough to please the fanbase
TBH socom was only good because it was like the only decent MP game at the time. For it to be good nowadays it would have to be almost unrecognizable. Would be awesome if they brought it back though. Had some good memories with it. Waiting forever to get into a single match lol.


It is very rare for new players to come in and blow everyone away. I can see if they get Bungie, but to pin your hopes on Jade Raymond and some ex-Treyarch and Bungie burnouts is wishful thinking. Besides, these games take like 4-5 years to make. Thats how long it took Respawn to make Titanfall after splitting up with Activision. Thats how long it took Kojima to release Death Stranding after he was fired by konami. Same goes for Bungie who split up with Microsoft in September 2010 after shipping Halo and had to wait a full 4 years to make Destiny and they still released half a game.

The ex-DICE guys who started Embark studios 3 years ago still arent even close to releasing their new shooter. Dont expect any of these games to ship before 2024-2025. There is a reason why Sony hasnt even revealed them. They are too far away.

Time for internal team creation is over. It's too late to nurture new studios and hope the new IPs grow and blossom into bonafide IPs like COD. CoD was big but not huge until its FOURTH game. Epic revolutionized the third person genre, single handedly invented coop horde modes and PvE and they still didnt get to CoD level success until Fortnite over a decade later. This shit takes time. Partnering with untested newly formed studios is good for long term investment, but they need to act now and if they dont go out and overpay for Bungie, GTA Online and Fortnite, there wont be a userbase to sell those new IPs to. They have already lost three of the biggest WRPGs in Fallout, Starfield and Elder Scrolls. They have already lost Doom, Overwatch, CoD and Wolfenstein. They cannot just sit by and hope a new studio turns into Naughty Dog in a flash. It took Naughty Dog 20 years of being a Sony dev to get to where they are today.
This makes no sense at all.


Some people in this thread jeez...

1. PlayStation needs it's own exclusive multiplayer/BR title/s.
2. This won't affect their Single Player output, clearly there are new studios and 2nd studios to the main ones taking on projects.
3. Their past mp efforts can't be held against them today, PlayStation and it's studios have matured quite a bit since then.
4. Like the God of War reboot, they could reboot Killzone, SOCOM, Resistance, or start a new IP altogether.
5. Microsoft now owning Call of Duty and it's future uncertain in 2024 and on, Sony most definitely needs to have a plan to satisfy the audience.
6. If you think PlayStation is only about single player games, you've only been a PlayStation gamer in the PS4 era clearly.
7. If you think losing Call of Duty is not a big deal, you're delusional.
8. If you think GT7 and other online games that are not SHOOTERS are good enough, you're also out of touch with the FPS/TPS audience and how big it is.
9. Call of Duty has been #1 Seller on the PlayStation platform year in and year out. So yes, reiterating again that it's a big deal.
10. PlayStation at least on paper look like they've anticipated this particular situation since they've had few MP games in development for 2+ years now along with new partnerships in the last few years. All without affecting their successful Single Player Game Studios.

If PlayStation fails in their efforts creating a solid multiplayer or BR type of game, it will hurt them.
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True, but looking at the console landscape, Microsoft would be massively devaluing this brand by making it exclusive. Also, as in demand as the current gen consoles are, would Microsoft really cut off 60~70% of their sales with the hope that maybe in a couple of years or "next gen" players would filter over?

I didn't see that thread because I've never really played the series.

Oh, also, I didn't realize that person made all the rules. I couldn't even find them when I googled. Did you mean Jason Schrier or Andrew Reiner? Can you post the link or is that too much to ask from someone so intelligent?

If your posts are an example of what "having a brain" means, you can keep it.
sorry unfortunately a typo on the name of "journalist" who makes me very little sympathy .. who blocked me, but who hardly leans on things he does not know
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thinks Halo Infinite is a new graphical benchmark
I'm not calling whatever sony multiplayer game is the "halo killer" but I'll call it above average.


I dont think they will just focus on multiplayer games and leave their single player games, just they need some multiplayer games too
Do they ? I think not. I am fully against season passes/battle passes and i dont want to see certain franchises be destroyed with them.


Real shame that Killzone hasn't been touched in so long. I really loved the MP of 2 and 3. Was it a bit generic in gunplay and sluggish? Yes but being able to do the generic stuff in that universe and whatnot made it ok in the end. Plus there was that satisfying bleep sound when you killed someone and watching the bullets just bounce off of their bodies on impact.


Naughty Dogs the only one who’s released multiplayer aspects before and they where pay to win trash.

Sony has never delivered a good multiplayer game. Or a game that engages people longer than 10 hours outside of GT.
Hmm. You could buy extra weapons for dlc but I never felt like it ruined the experience. I've seen similar comments regarding their uncharted mp but I always had fun in mp uc4. I'd be surprised if ND didn't hear these complaints and won't do it again especially if it's a remastered tlou2/factions bundle.

That's an impressive list. Thanks op. It seems like it could be an onslaught over the life cycle of this console. Some straight forward competitive mp(firesprite) , story driven mp(tlou) , top down mp (he'll divers). Maybe some vr mp. Good mix of shit.
Please bring back Warhawk, that's the Sony MP game that I'd love to see get a second life. I mean I'd give a new Killzone/SOCOM a shot too. As others have said, with BF2042 absolutely shitting the bed there's room for a complimentary shooter to go with COD.


I cry about SonyGaf from my chair in Redmond, WA
It seems like maybe Sony new of the loss of Call of Duty because since the past year they’ve been signing exclusive partnerships with studio heads known for their multiplayer titles. Not only that but it seems like their big 1st party studios are also all working on multiplayer titles. It seems like this generation is gonna be all about playstation studios really expanding their portfolio of games beyond what they have become known for, the action adventure, open world, cinematic style games.

It seems like they will at least be applying that cinematic and polished style to their multiplayer efforts and if they’re as good as their single player games sony is gonna be in a great position by mid gen.

  • Naughty Dog’s Multiplayer - stand alone spinoff game from TLOU2 directed by Anthony Newman. Said to be a cinematic multiplayer experience
A cinematic multiplayer experience is sure what will attract the interest from fast paced twitch players that likes call of duty.

The rest is CoD exclusivity panic that lives rent free lol.


It seems like maybe Sony new of the loss of Call of Duty because since the past year they’ve been signing exclusive partnerships with studio heads known for their multiplayer titles. Not only that but it seems like their big 1st party studios are also all working on multiplayer titles. It seems like this generation is gonna be all about playstation studios really expanding their portfolio of games beyond what they have become known for, the action adventure, open world, cinematic style games.

It seems like they will at least be applying that cinematic and polished style to their multiplayer efforts and if they’re as good as their single player games sony is gonna be in a great position by mid gen.

  • Naughty Dog’s Multiplayer - stand alone spinoff game from TLOU2 directed by Anthony Newman. Said to be a cinematic multiplayer experience
  • Haven Studios game - Led by Jade Raymond, the game being developed for PlayStation may have as its main highlight the multiplayer feature and will focus on keeping the audience engaged in the game by "live service"
  • Firewalks Multiplayer shooter - This game will probably be the first out, it was fully playable as of last March. This game is being led by Ryan Ellis, ex-creative director for Destiny
  • Deviation Games - recent job listing states, “We are looking for a skilled Senior Game Designer who’s written and scripted quest and mission content in AAA single-player or multiplayer RPGs/Action/story games. Ideally, someone who has worked in games for several years, executed on early stage rapid development and worked on co-op multiplayer games.” - Deviation Games was set up in November 2019 by former Treyarch Studios developers Dave Anthony and Jason Blundell, both of whom played a key role in the success of the Call of Duty: Black Ops series.
    Blundell, one of the chief creators of Call of Duty's popular zombies mode
  • Firesprite Studios -Sonys newest Studio, we know they’re working on Twisted Metal, they may possibly be working on another AAA multiplayer shooter
  • Guerrilla Games - they are working on a multiplayer shooter led by Rainbow Six Seige Director Simon Larouche. This game has been in production since 2018
We also know Insomniac have another multiplayer game in production. We also know Illfonic (Predator Hunting Grounds) are working on a Ghost Busters game. There’s also Arrowhead studios who have been working on a AAA 3rd person version Helldivers 2 according to the GeForce leak and their blogpost about it.

There’s at least 10 multiplayer games in production over at SIE and they seem to be investing a lot of money into them. I see Sony having a good stable of single player, multiplayer, VR, and mobile games this gen. It’s gonna be an exciting time for playstation fans
They also have GT7 coming, Sony London I think was also working on a AAA game that as I remember had multiplayer elements according to a job offer. Next Bend IP and next Sucker Punch were also supossed to have multiplayer elements, but maybe as something secondary as happened in SP focused games like GoT, Uncharted or TLOU.

I never played MLB and I don't know if it's focused on MP or not, but it may be another MP game.

You are happy playing mostly single player games, you said that yourself? that doesn't sell PS+ subs.
PS Plus has almost 50M subs, they do a great job selling them. According to a PS Plus survey made months ago the main reason to subscribe/keep subscribed where the games included there, not the access to online multiplayer.

Sony management of whatever multiplayer has been less than mediocre the only exception is probably GT.
Not only GT, the multiplayer of games like Uncharted series, TLOU or Wipeout was also great.

I guess i am the only one that doesnt want Sony to focus on MP
Same here. For me it's ok if they want to improve and expand their MP side, but I don't want them to lose their SP focus or to reduce the amount of blockbuster SP games (which doesn't seem to be the case) because I mostly play SP games, or the SP mode in games that have both SP and MP.
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They also have GT7 coming, Sony London I think was also working on a AAA game that as I remember had multiplayer elements according to a job offer. Next Bend IP and next Sucker Punch were also supossed to have multiplayer elements, but maybe as something secondary as happened in SP focused games like GoT, Uncharted or TLOU.

I never played MLB and I don't know if it's focused on MP or not, but it may be another MP game.

PS Plus has almost 50M subs, they do a great job selling them. According to a PS Plus survey made months ago the main reason to subscribe/keep subscribed where the games included there, not the access to online multiplayer.

Not only GT, the multiplayer of games like Uncharted series, TLOU or Wipeout was also great.

Same here. For me it's ok if they want to improve and expand their MP side, but I don't want them to lose their SP focus or to reduce the amount of blockbuster SP games (which doesn't seem to be the case) because I mostly play SP games, or the SP mode in games that have both SP and MP.



Only interested in TLou factions 2.0 but if I'm being honest, not too optimistic about it. I'm like 70% sure it will end up being a big disappointment.

Here's my prediction; They will try to change it up to compete with other multiplayer games so much that it will lose its soul and along with it their small but very loyal fanbase.
Fuck the multiplayer crowd. I want them to make more single player games as sony are one of the few that are left that make quality single player titles.
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Only interested in TLou factions 2.0 but if I'm being honest, not too optimistic about it. I'm like 70% sure it will end up being a big disappointment.

Here's my prediction; They will try to change it up to compete with other multiplayer games so much that it will lose its soul and along with it their small but very loyal fanbase.

“Small fanbase”
Sony are in a weird position where clearly their wider player base value multiplayer games heavily - their top two selling games of 2021 were the last two Call of Duty titles. So so much for the idea that the only thing that matters to PlayStation players are so called "prestige" single player exclusives.

But their vocal hardcore fanbase spit poison at the mere mention of multiplayer or GaaS like a bunch of friendless basement-dwellers that want to be left alone with their single player games and weird anime dolls.


I like what Sony has done since PS4 with all the big budget single player titles.

If they want to shift some of that focus to online, fuckin giv'r. I'm in. Hopefully they have some good, original ideas and it's not more of the same.

I'd like to see a blend of these really cinematic single player experiences that merges online, cooperative play, or competitive. Not sure what that looks like but it's exciting to think about it.

Take chances, new sub genres. Let's go. Not interested in another battle royal or CoD clone.

Ghost of Tsushima was fuckin awsome. Great single player, awsome MP.
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Whenever I see "led by Jade Raymond" I assume the game will never see the light of day.

Siege creator working with GG sounds promising though.
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Do they ? I think not. I am fully against season passes/battle passes and i dont want to see certain franchises be destroyed with them.
Well they need a couple of good Multiplayer games, Im not even a big multiplayer gamer but a few good choices would be great.

And yes I dont want current franchises destroyed or changed to be multiplayer. But some new IP or older IP brought back with multiplayer modes like Killzone, Socom, Twister Metal, MotorStorm etc would be cool


Sony are in a weird position where clearly their wider player base value multiplayer games heavily - their top two selling games of 2021 were the last two Call of Duty titles. So so much for the idea that the only thing that matters to PlayStation players are so called "prestige" single player exclusives.

But their vocal hardcore fanbase spit poison at the mere mention of multiplayer or GaaS like a bunch of friendless basement-dwellers that want to be left alone with their single player games and weird anime dolls.
I imagine the fanboys will suddenly love MP the day Sony announces their next first party MP. Saying it looks unique or there’s nothing like it!
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