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Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order - Official Gameplay Reveal


EA finally confirmed they raped the Star Wars Franchise like no other publisher before.

Disney what have you done? Bring Lucas Arts back and do it yourselves. 1313 pls!


EA finally confirmed they raped the Star Wars Franchise like no other publisher before.

Disney what have you done? Bring Lucas Arts back and do it yourselves. 1313 pls!
*shrug* I'm not super hyped for Fallen Order or anything, but think this looks better than 1313 ever did. I don't really like Uncharted-like games though.


It looks good to me. It just needs to be polished more (it was alpha gameplay). Some of the character models look unfinished, especially the wookie. It also looked really easy. I feel like (or I am hoping) they played it on an easier setting just so they can showcase the game without dying. Even then whoever was playing it struggled a bit lol.

I'm a big SW fan and I'm a sucker for 3rd person action adventure games like this. I was already sold.
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The nicest person on this forum
What is with this forum sometimes? I'm curious if you can actually point out what part(s) of the trailer is a social justice clusterfuck because all I see is a Star Wars game.
I agree with you, I hate obsession with political correctness as much as the next guy but I also starting get really annoyed by people who call everything they don’t like as “SJW” even tho it shows no sign of that.

point decay

nothing inspiring about this at all, the wall running looked fun, but that was straight out of Titanfall. got bored by the end.


Gold Member
What is with this forum sometimes? I'm curious if you can actually point out what part(s) of the trailer is a social justice clusterfuck because all I see is a Star Wars game.
Hey don't throw us all under the bus ;p

Disney may have the Social Justice stick shoved where the sun doesn't shine, but I didn't see a single bit of that kind of commentary in this. Not sure what Paradicia is smoking.


Watched a few minutes of it, not something I'm interested in really. I lol'ed at the Star Wars binoculars Forest Whitaker has, why do those need to be so large?


If I'm Darth Vader, I will personally kill all that shit of Strom Tropper first. What are they doing?
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Going to Bullet point my thoughts as i watch

-Music on point
-Character models very unpolished, low budget, poorly done.
-Saw Gerrera VERY COOL tie in (horrible character model ouch)
-World environment is fantastic, looks living/real
-Shocking first encounter with enemies, very sith-like, maintaining no priorities of a jedi, slaying soldiers in a very offensive manner where a jedi has more than enough power to not need to.
-Power of a jedi/sith? but fights like a medieval sword fighter with a laser sword
-Appears completely linear - non-fighting scenes feel like an Uncharted game
-Highly torn, very pretty to watch but action looks fairly boring and too controlled

This looks like a better cinematic experience than a great game. I'm sure I will get this at some point but definitely not day one and definitely not full price at least with my money. I love what this looks like but I also don't really trust this company anymore. They have a habit for putting a very pretty first hour into their game with little depth thereafter.


Wow, I haven't expected so much negativity. I think it looked awesome, this is what I have been waiting for since the last Jedi Knight game. Indeed it looked a bit slow, but maybe only for presentation purposes, and I would like if there was dismemberment, but there was almost zero chance for that anyway. What matters is that we finally get a single player, story driven Jedi game that is technically amazing. Graphics are on par with Uncharted 4 (as it should, at the end of the gen). But please, please, please don't downgrade.

Yep, it's him.
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it's fine ... almost like a 3rd Force Within game

i hope the areas in the game are wider & more diverse than what's in the demo


Never liked the action Star Wars games that came late in lucasarts’ life cycle. Was honestly craving a dark forces/Jedi Knight sequel in first person like the old games.

Disney Star Wars is still bullshit with still having tons of Jedi alive post order 66.

Is Jedi Outcast available for X?
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The animation is kind of wonky. And this game is coming out in a few months....Disney should just give Sony a chance to make a Star Wars Single player game.

Game will be fun. Respawn makes fun game. TF2 was not mind blowing visually but still it considered one of the best shooter game of all time mainly coz of amazing campaign.


So you think the gameplay in the OP "looks like a Disney SJW clusterfuck" because people overreacted to a poll from Star Wars' Twitter page asking an innocent question?

No, I just generally disagree with the approach Disney has taken the series as a whole. They somehow made being a Jedi look boring. Their whole ideology is to ensure everything is as bland and non-offensive as possible.

Greg Miller: "This is a Star Wars game and Star Wars games in the past have allowed us to go light or dark. Is that a choice here?"

Stig Asmussen: Smugly "No. "

Greg Miller: "Why not?"

Stig Asmussen: "Because..."

Followed by awkward laughter.
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I agree with you, I hate obsession with political correctness as much as the next guy but I also starting get really annoyed by people who call everything they don’t like as “SJW” even tho it shows no sign of that.


I know that political discussion will pop up in gaming threads more often now due to the political emphasis on so many things these days, but there are times when it’s not people reacting to something, it’s more people looking for a fight (at least in my perception). Like how I knew within the first two pages someone would make a “white male lead” quip even though nothing in this footage seemed to warrant political remakes to me. But maybe I’m wrong.
I have an unhealthy love of Star Wars. Definitely saw some things I don’t like in the demonstration, but also some good stuff. Hope they speed the gameplay up a bit and keep QTEs to a bare minimum. Zero would be a nice number.


Gold Member
Let’s be honest. The game looks a solid 7. Will still give in a go, but there was nothing that made me have to have it yesterday! Like hyped up reveals are supposed to do.

Sad too, because I was once a die hard Star Wars fan, and ever since Disney has been sanitizing it, I no longer get the excitement I once did prior to TLJ.

I mean shit, I want that Miyazaki and GRR Martin project yesterday and I have not even seen a drop of it, due to their pedigree.
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No, I just generally disagree with the approach Disney has taken the series as a whole. They somehow made being a Jedi look boring. Their whole ideology is to ensure everything is as bland and non-offensive as possible.

Greg Miller: "This is a Star Wars game and Star Wars games in the past have allowed us to go light or dark. Is that a choice here?"

Stig Asmussen: Smugly* "No. "

Greg Miller: "Why not?"

Stig Asmussen: "Because..."

Followed by awkward laughter.
You didn't say that in your original post. Whenever someone starts with "Looks like...", I assume it's in response to what's posted in the OP.
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Neighbours from Hell
Looks ok to me. But then again I'm not a huge Star Wars fan nor have I ever played a Star Wars game before and thus have no expectations, so it was pretty much impossible for me to be either overwhelmed or underwhelmed by a guy. I'd probably buy this. Likely not a pre-order, but if reviews are good I'd buy it.


Neo Member
Looks generic boring and chiply made.
GFX looks like from the beggining of the generation (animations are a joke)
Gameplay is totally borring. Its like a corridore fighting game where they are waiting for you and your action. The way the world reacts to you is dumb.There is a little to no freedom a nd the gamplay seems very simplified.

The Amy Haming 14 sec teaser is better then this demo. There is no feeling and charachter in this game. Its so bland.


I just wish publishers would put all their E3 demos out for download during the week of S3. Make them times demos for 3 days, something. Makes no sense if people can play them at E3 but not sitting at home.

That being said, liked good to me. Not great, but better than most Star Wars games that we get subjected to.

Gavon West

Spread's Cheeks for Intrusive Ads
Star Wars mixed with a bit of Uncharted, Sekiro/Souls, 1313, with amazing graphics and sound.
What more do people want?. I mean i would of preferred an open world RPG, but we already knew we werent getting that.
Fuck. I liked what I saw. I must be weird. In fact, it felt like the kind of Star Wars game I've always wanted since the one on the SNES. Remember that one? I fucking loved that game.

Can't wait to see more about this one.


Gold Member
First impressions:

Sound design is INSANE. By far the best audio I have ever seen in a game.

Gameplay graphics look great.

Gameplay looks like typical AAA yank. Protagonist seems op af

Cutscenes graphics need serious DoF badly

That Chewie model, oh dear

So, pretty hyped overall
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The game seems like something I would want to play. This game seems a lot brighter than that original trailer and seems almost pg. That Chewbacca model was terrible. I can see why folks would say it was underwhelming when I think back on it.
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Let’s be honest. The game looks a solid 7. Will still give in a go, but there was nothing that made me have to have it yesterday! Like hyped up reveals are supposed to do.

Sad too, because I was once a die hard Star Wars fan, and ever since Disney has been sanitizing it, I no longer get the excitement I once did prior to TLJ.

I mean shit, I want that Miyazaki and GRR Martin project yesterday and I have not even seen a drop of it, due to their pedigree.
Star Wars used to be something you could get excited for. I used to read the Knights of the Old Republic comic books more than a decade ago and wonder what new stories would be adapted to live-action movies and games. I should have known Disney was going to ruin it when they dropped the extended universe from the official canon but I wanted to give them the benefit of the doubt.

Anyway, the gameplay looks okay. I'm mostly cautious because it's EA and I don't trust them to not screw it up when it comes time to launch the game. Every gameplay reveal from them is suspect after the Anthem developer woes.


Gold Member
It looks cool in terms of gameplay/exploration. I just think it looks incredibly linear. Where’s the replay value without multiple classes or weapons? It looks like it took the enemy health and stamina/lock on from Souls. Eh... cool, but I’m not shitting myself over seeing it.


Gold Member
As someone who absolutely loved Jedi Outcast and Jedi Academy, (they're two of my favorite Star Wars games ever made) this doesn't look to have near the buttery smooth gameplay that those two had.


^Now that, gets me hyped as fuck.

Every day I wish they would remake both games on an updated graphics engine and release in a package deal.

Kyle Katarn was GOAT in Star Wars gaming.

Disney is so hellbent on “canon” in such a cult-like obsession. Yet they can’t even keep their own plot holes straight.
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Looks like a game which needs a good story / characters / humor to be fun. Didn't see anything like that

It was disappointing for me. AI looked bad, combat had no... Weight? Didn't add anything I guess.


I'll echo what has been said above. I wish the game felt more like Jedi Knight. The game doesn't look bad, I'll still play it. I guess I just had different expectations.
I guess the difficulty problems people are having is due to having all your jedi powers in what appears to be a somewhat early level because it's an E3 trailer. I imagine that later levels will be full of sith and you won't be able to one-shot everyone.
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I'm not a star wars fan... but I like uncharted series so to me game looks interesting and especially graphics is very good 😀
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