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Switch worldwide sales top 55.77 million | Animal Crossing: New Horizons sales top 13.41 million


13 million for Animal Crossing...? I'm not knocking anyone who loves the series, but isn't it a cartoony life sim..? Nintendo really can market anything if has the Nintendo charm. I seriously don't get it.

And then straight up GOATs like God of War and the Witcher 3 can barely pass 6 mil? I must have been part of the hardcore niche for so long that I can't even relate to the casual crowd.

It's aimed at a different type of gamer, you getting it or not is irrelevant.


I find this incredibly depressing...

Too many people who will give too much money for such outdated, underpowered hardware to such an undeserving company that treats its user base with such arrogant contempt.

This thing should be (well) below $200 by now.

Why does this make any difference at all to you?, it's not like the system is going to impact that much on your beloved hardcore console scene, so why worry about people that have no issues with this console and it's power in the first place, just makes little to no sense at all, unless of course you are getting all salty because a console you do not like is doing so well. ;)
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Few minutes? Thats fast. I suffered like 20 hrs waiting for something to happen.

So cool fella, a lot of people played the masterpiece that isn't Death stranding and were bored to death walking from place to place,carrying an unstable jenga tower of items with them, all opinions atthe end of the day to what makes an entertaining game fore someone, you comment is as stupid as a person that hates FPS games, not liking Doom.
Pretty impressive, compare to the 108.27 M. PS4 units sold between 2013-2020.
I don't expect there will be a good FY7-8 for Switch, but at least they are selling well enough to reach a competitive end-generation sale point.


It's not great.
They have to sell around 30 million more units to equal the 3DS and WiiU install base.
By the time they do that, it will be at least the end of 2021 which would give the Switch only one more year until the Switch 2.
They totally failed to expand their user-base.

So tell me which current console market has expanded it's user base?, the hardcore market is pretty much 160 million consoles, and it's just the share which changes between Microsoft and Sony, in fact it's only really been the 3DS and Wii era which did grab the casuals and boost the market share, while at he same time not impacting on the core market, if you want to see rapid adoption you have to look at mobile gaming, which of course most people on here hate with a passion.

I am guessing you will not be happy until Nintendo make a powerful home console to rival Sony and Microsoft, then you will have three companies fighting for around 160 million sales, yup that makes sense. ;)


im curious as to how much higher it’d be if not for the covid supply shortages.

Not a single day has passed in the last month where i havent heard “do you guys have any switches yet?” Atleast 6-12 times at work.

Without a doubt, Nintendo have been struggling with demand way before the Corona virus came along.


What do you guys think the next-gen consoles will do to Switch sales? Could they slow down the Switch's momentum?

Won't make a little bit of difference to em, as long as Nintendo keep the first party and indie titles flowing they will be o.k, both Sony and Microsoft are going after a totally different demographic.
Without a doubt, Nintendo have been struggling with demand way before the Corona virus came along.
It's worth noting that Nintendo Wii / DS sold during the financial crash and slow recovery. It was not selling to a market with tons of disposable income yet people sought those systems out.

Switch may end up benefitting from the lockdown + economic downturn, as a lot of priorities will now shift from "where can I go out to eat and entertain myself this weekend?" to "what games do I want to have at home in case we go on lockdown again?"

I expect videogames will go through a huge, sustained post-lockdown sales boom. Switch will be one of the main beneficiaries of that boom.


In the Great Console War it is important to downplay anything that looks like success for the other companies.

Look at the XBOX reveal from yesterday. It was a 30 minute video with some upcoming games shown. Nothing more and nothing less.
Yet, people are acting like Microsoft personally shattered the hopes and dreams of everyone around the world.
It was an advertisement for upcoming video games that for some reason people wanted to watch for 30 minutes and then weep with joy over how amazing it all was. It's a fucking advert and it always was going to be no more than an advert. Calm down.

"Oh shit XBOX has announced some games? Better put a negative spin on it! It was just a video of some games! Boooring!"

"Nintendo announced decent sales figures? Better play that down ASAP! My Switch is collecting dust and the 3DS sold more and all the games have PS2 graphics."

"Sony's massively anticipated exclusive had some leaks! Better make sure I spoil the game for all those Sony fanboys who think their exclusives are so great. LOL 3rd person walking simulators amirite?"

What any sensible person really wants from the industry is tons of different consoles with tons of different games.
Then you can just ignore the stuff you don't want to play and enjoy the stuff you do want to play.
Company X is offering a handheld console but you don't like that? No worries, Company Y has you covered over here.

The dumbest thing is that each generation plays out the same way anyways.
Sony's exclusives carry them to millions of consoles sales.
Microsoft has less success but offers a solid alternative to Sony with some nice exclusives of their own.
Nintendo offers their own take on things with more family friendly content, or content that is distinctive from the usual AAA blockbuster stuff, and offers a decent handheld gaming experience.

PS5 will sell the most next gen.
XBOX will offer a solid alternative with Game Pass being a good affordable option.
They will be similar (probably pretty indistinguishable to most) in terms of power,
Nintendo will offer another alternative to these for people who may not be into what the other 2 are offering.
PC gaming will always be there for anyone who wants to really be able to have many, many, more options and possibilities.

Console Warriors will continue to fight their pointless fight through to the next gen in like 2030 where we will argue over who's streaming service is best.

It's very amusing though, the internet forum posting minorities surprised when something they do not like sells well, now of course had the Switch failed they would be saying I told you so, because it's done pretty well they have to resort to plan B, which is trying to feel all superior and stating all the Switch owners have been duped in some way. ;)

Scotty W

Gold Member
This is really impressive. I have never paid much attention to the series. When it was being designed for the n64 I assumed it would be a moderately successful title that went away after a while.

This is something that hardcore gamers should be aware of: the popularity of casual games is a big blindspot for us.


It's the combined sales of it's worst selling handheld console and worst selling home console, and the Switch is not going to beat it by much,
That's not good regardless, when supposedly the Switch is to replace both.
And there's plenty of overlap with the Switch and Switch Lite owners being from the same household.
Also, WiiU had an immensely high attach rate too with 720p games on disc that cost $60 USD.

So the console is not doing well at all than, pure salty delusion at it's finest, just like the " Do you think the Nintendo Switch will be a success " thread on here, pure comedy gold.
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This is really impressive. I have never paid much attention to the series. When it was being designed for the n64 I assumed it would be a moderately successful title that went away after a while.

This is something that hardcore gamers should be aware of: the popularity of casual games is a big blindspot for us.

So true, it's like the whole console market has to conform to the same patterns in order to be a success or not, when in fact there is no magic formula to it all, look at Microsoft massive market share in the Xbox 360 era, and struggled this generation, nobody could have predicted it.


That MK8 attach rate!! 44% wow! That has to one of the highest ones ever (barring true pack in games). Such a great game.

wow dude yeh maybe miyamoto will actually look you in the eyes if you keep jerking him off hard enough wow


wow dude yeh maybe miyamoto will actually look you in the eyes if you keep jerking him off hard enough wow


That MK8 attach rate!! 44% wow! That has to one of the highest ones ever (barring true pack in games). Such a great game.

"Nintendo games" sell so much on Switch because there isnt much of else to play, like quality content.

Just indies, mostly low quality 3rd party and then exclusives.

I personally havent liked any switch game after 1st year, their exclusives are simple and boring and rest is grey mass.

But i get why copy pasted mk or mario appeals to so many.

Ps. They should ship switches from low sale countries to high sale ones, never seen switch being sold out in my country. Not even on launch


thinks Halo Infinite is a new graphical benchmark
There’s really nothing gimmicky about the switch tbh. Waggle controls? Yes. Ability to dock or go portable? Nah, that’s just an awesome feature I wish every console could have (but I understand why they don’t)
I just want to remind everyone that gimmicks aren't a bad thing and should be seen as something good.


"Nintendo games" sell so much on Switch because there isnt much of else to play, like quality content.

Just indies, mostly low quality 3rd party and then exclusives.

I personally havent liked any switch game after 1st year, their exclusives are simple and boring and rest is grey mass.

But i get why copy pasted mk or mario appeals to so many.

Ps. They should ship switches from low sale countries to high sale ones, never seen switch being sold out in my country. Not even on launch

I could easily get a Ps4 in my town on launch, I am not sure what your comment is supposed to indicate, and I am sure Nintendo just try to get as much stock out there as possible.

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
Well deserved - the switch is the bomb.

If only Nintendo wasn't retarded about online settings, accounts and all that I'd be playing my indies there. But as I always say: if it's going to have zelda and mario you got to buy it.


"Nintendo games" sell so much on Switch because there isnt much of else to play, like quality content.

Just indies, mostly low quality 3rd party and then exclusives.

I personally havent liked any switch game after 1st year, their exclusives are simple and boring and rest is grey mass.

But i get why copy pasted mk or mario appeals to so many.

Ps. They should ship switches from low sale countries to high sale ones, never seen switch being sold out in my country. Not even on launch

LOL. "Just Indies."

So if there are awesome indies available on the console they "don't count" or something?

I suppose if you don't like the exclusives and then all the other games on the console don't count then I can definitely see why you wouldn't like it.

Was MK8 really "copy pasted" compared to 6 or 7?
Same with Mario? Galaxy, 3D World and Odyssey are different games in a lot of ways.

You must be playing some really awesome video games though if the Switch line up is "grey mass"?

"Never seen switch being sold out in my country". Hilarious.
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Why do you think a cartoony life sim won't have a lot of players? People don't care that things are cartoon which is why a lot of mobile games and even console games are popular. Aspects of "sims" games include customization which is something again found in most mobile and console games and even gets people to spend millions of dollars on. The only thing you need to understand is "different strokes for different folks" i.e. people like different things. It's like saying you don't get why people like eating XYZ. Well, because they just do. If you don't like it that's great, not every one likes the same music, likes the same movies, likes the same porn or likes the same people.
Further to this, many open world action titles have added very basic life sim functions to them, often allowing you to buy properties and customize them, usually optionally. It’s the reason that I became insanely rich in Skyrim. Many people who “hate sims” enjoy aspects of other games which are sim-like. The great part of actual sims is not only do you get to engage in this kind of gameplay but do so without other distractions. Best of all, being so well thought out, dedicated sims, like AC have a lot of systems built around making them even more fun. Imo, it just takes time to get used to the format, but they are a worth the time.
"Nintendo games" sell so much on Switch because there isnt much of else to play, like quality content.

Just indies, mostly low quality 3rd party and then exclusives.

I personally havent liked any switch game after 1st year, their exclusives are simple and boring and rest is grey mass.

But i get why copy pasted mk or mario appeals to so many.

Ps. They should ship switches from low sale countries to high sale ones, never seen switch being sold out in my country. Not even on launch



"Nintendo games" sell so much on Switch because there isnt much of else to play, like quality content.

Just indies, mostly low quality 3rd party and then exclusives.

I personally havent liked any switch game after 1st year, their exclusives are simple and boring and rest is grey mass.

But i get why copy pasted mk or mario appeals to so many.

Ps. They should ship switches from low sale countries to high sale ones, never seen switch being sold out in my country. Not even on launch

C'mon man, it's 2020, you can't say "just indies" anymore and brush those titles off like they're something made in click 'n' play; indie games are up there with the best "big budget" games on the market right now.

There’s really nothing gimmicky about the switch tbh. Waggle controls? Yes. Ability to dock or go portable? Nah, that’s just an awesome feature I wish every console could have (but I understand why they don’t)

Motion Controls and the Switch's portability are both gimmicks.

The issue is that you've somehow conflated the term "gimmick" as inherently negative.
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I don't understand this division when we should be fostering a culture of celebration for great sales among any of the big 3. Its great to see Nintendo do so well, just as it would be to see Sony and Microsoft do the same.

The whole fan boy thing confuses me.


...hate me...
Well deserved - the switch is the bomb.

If only Nintendo wasn't retarded about online settings, accounts and all that I'd be playing my indies there. But as I always say: if it's going to have zelda and mario you got to buy it.
Honestly, it’s probably deserved but Nintendo still gets a bad rap from previous online account practices that don’t apply anymore. You get an account, your purchases are safe, you can login to a new Switch anytime etc


Gold Member
Motion Controls and the Switch's portability are both gimmicks.

The issue is that you've somehow conflated the term "gimmick" as inherently negative.

I think it is inherently negative. A gimmick is necessarily an attention-grabbing trick, meaning it grabs attention but there’s not much to it beyond that. Another thing that grabs attention but is actually useful (in other words: not a trick) is a feature. Motion controls are largely a gimmick because they’re rarely better than just a button press or joystick push. Switch’s portability is a great feature that gets used all the time and is much better than trying to stream PlayStation games to an iOS device or whatever.

Nintendo is notorious for useless gimmicks like ROB or the 3D on the 3DS, but they do sometimes have awesome features like the Switch’s multiple modes which I wouldn’t call a trick at all
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Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
Honestly, it’s probably deserved but Nintendo still gets a bad rap from previous online account practices that don’t apply anymore. You get an account, your purchases are safe, you can login to a new Switch anytime etc

For real?

No way. Just like that, bona fide account bound games no more hardware shenanigans? Just a password away? I don't have to deauthorize my old system (requiring it be working)?


Motion controls are largely a gimmick because they’re rarely better than just a button press or joystick push. Switch’s portability is a great feature that gets used all the time and is much better than trying to stream PlayStation games to an iOS device or whatever.
I would like for people be to more informed on what motion controls could do - motion aiming, gyro etc. The use of motions controls in 10 mil Splatoon 2, BOTW, Waframe and other FTPs, Daemon X Machina, Wolfs and Doom are splendid in its execution.

But sure, gimmicks.


...hate me...
For real?

No way. Just like that, bona fide account bound games no more hardware shenanigans? Just a password away? I don't have to deauthorize my old system (requiring it be working)?
Yeah if you need to deauthorize a system you don’t have access to you can do it online like NOLA_Gaffer NOLA_Gaffer said. You can also have multiple systems, but only one will be primary (and won’t do regular online checks) IIRC.


Gold Member
I would like for people be to more informed on what motion controls could do - motion aiming, gyro etc. The use of motions controls in 10 mil Splatoon 2, BOTW, Waframe and other FTPs, Daemon X Machina, Wolfs and Doom are splendid in its execution.

But sure, gimmicks.

"largely" a gimmick. Specific cases where they're good? Sure. Anything resembling what Nintendo promised with the Wii? Not really, no. And I'm excluding 1:1 tracking in 3D space like in VR, where it's basically essential to 90% of the games.


"largely" a gimmick. Specific cases where they're good? Sure. Anything resembling what Nintendo promised with the Wii? Not really, no. And I'm excluding 1:1 tracking in 3D space like in VR, where it's basically essential to 90% of the games.
What did Nintendo promised with the Wii?
I'm not even talking about your VR.


I think nintendo has another level of sales once they get this down to sub 200 in 1.5 to 2 years.

I can imagine a 149.99 or 99.99 lite in 18 to 24 months from now could sell a slew of units.

Codes 208

Honestly, it’s probably deserved but Nintendo still gets a bad rap from previous online account practices that don’t apply anymore. You get an account, your purchases are safe, you can login to a new Switch anytime etc
I cant stress enough just how convenient this is. Ive gone through three switches (switched to a lite for handheld preference, gave my first switch to my parents, then accideny broke it on christmas, got a refund and bought the 2.0 regular switch) and transferring has really been as easy as relogging into the system and using cloud saves to bring over my lost files.

in the 3ds days, having to call nintendo and wait days for the account to open up for a transfer (in my case, either replacing a beoken 3ds or selling a 3ds and buying a new one a year or two later on sale or something) was absolutely asinine and archaic.
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