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The myth of "healthy moderate drinking" has been completely debunked


Gold Member


I've always thought alcohol was not just bad for the individual, but society as a whole. It's not like cigarettes that just harm the person consuming it, alcohol affects everyone the person consuming is in contact with. Even then I don't think government should be intervening in any way, other than maybe stopping it from being advertised in the same ways they did with cigarettes.

Okay, but it's tasty.

But it's not, that's why there are so many cocktails to try and hide the alcohol. There's no way anybody was like "this is great" the first time they took a drink of something with alcohol in it. Maybe they liked how they felt after a couple, but the taste, no.


I've always thought alcohol was not just bad for the individual, but society as a whole. It's not like cigarettes that just harm the person consuming it, alcohol affects everyone the person consuming is in contact with. Even then I don't think government should be intervening in any way, other than maybe stopping it from being advertised in the same ways they did with cigarettes.

But it's not, that's why there are so many cocktails to try and hide the alcohol. There's no way anybody was like "this is great" the first time they took a drink of something with alcohol in it. Maybe they liked how they felt after a couple, but the taste, no.
Cigs absolutely harm others via secondhand smoke. Anywhere people smoke indoors is intolerable to me now.

Hip Hop

I've always thought alcohol was not just bad for the individual, but society as a whole. It's not like cigarettes that just harm the person consuming it, alcohol affects everyone the person consuming is in contact with. Even then I don't think government should be intervening in any way, other than maybe stopping it from being advertised in the same ways they did with cigarettes.

But it's not, that's why there are so many cocktails to try and hide the alcohol. There's no way anybody was like "this is great" the first time they took a drink of something with alcohol in it. Maybe they liked how they felt after a couple, but the taste, no.
How can the cigs industry be shunned to only selling menthol flavored if at all but the liquor/alcohol industry can pretty much have alcoholic fruit punches to a whole of a store section devoted to just their products. A whole new generation is being encouraged and are being sold these products. From TikTok to hardcore partying with friends, the world just blindly encourages its destruction and it's like they don't even know it.

Both cigs and liquor are equally disgusting, but yet here we are.


But it's not, that's why there are so many cocktails to try and hide the alcohol. There's no way anybody was like "this is great" the first time they took a drink of something with alcohol in it. Maybe they liked how they felt after a couple, but the taste, no.

Plenty of people manage to drink beer, wine, and whiskey just fine without mixers... because the taste is great. Hell, I enjoy soju straight too.

Maybe it's not to you, but it is to me! It's why I'm excited that near beers/non-alcoholic beers are finally starting to be taken seriously, I genuinally want the taste of alcohol but not the effects. Athletic has especially impressed the hell out of me, although I wouldn't say it's a 1:1 replica just yet.

...and have you not heard of secondhand smoking?

A whole new generation is being encouraged and are being sold these products. From TikTok to hardcore partying with friends, the world just blindly encourages its destruction and it's like they don't even know it.

That's not what the data says.

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OP, even the tweet you quote says moderate drinking is fine.

And alcohol is fun, so fuck you.

Edit: And going by your later comment, you are a resounding, self-righteous, condescending prick. So double fuck you.
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Exposing the sinister cartel of retailers who allow companies to pay for advertising space.
I'd be interested to see some scans that you think are noteworthy if you have the time and inclination to share.

Everything on the page was scanned/edited by me.

I also have a Flicker page at https://www.flickr.com/photos/8772787@N02/, there you can see my cover restorations (including a number of before and after comparisons). My avatar was taken from this cover scan.
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advanced basic bitch
In huberman I trust. I've given up booze almost entirely in the last five months. I had two drinks one night in January. I wish I'd done it 10 years ago but here we are. I have nothing against those who drink moderately. God knows I have other bad habits so I'm far from perfect but cutting back to almost no booze is one of the best choices I've made.


In huberman I trust. I've given up booze almost entirely in the last five months. I had two drinks one night in January. I wish I'd done it 10 years ago but here we are. I have nothing against those who drink moderately. God knows I have other bad habits so I'm far from perfect but cutting back to almost no booze is one of the best choices I've made.
I gotta say- and I knew this already from previous dry spells- during this last dry period of just under two months, I’ve gotten in the best shape of my life. No mornings where I don’t hit the gym because of feeling hungover. Down 20lbs since the extra calories are gone too. Muscle definition is really showing, my “skinny” clothes are too big, getting compliments from people about looking great (not just weight but skin wise)

This is the first time I’ve been under 200lbs @ 6’2 since 2009.

I’ve been thinking when my wife and I go on vacation in May I’d imbibe a bit, but I just finished reading This Naked Mind this week after a friend recommended it (hard drinker too who recently cut way back) and now I’m actually thinking I might be done for good. I feel too good right now and the allure has almost totally faded.

I’m gonna send that book to an in law with a drinking problem today. I’d highly recommend it to anyone here that’s struggling to cut back or wonders if they have a problem. It’s the only book I’ve read on drinking where my eyes weren’t rolling out the back of my head, like AA’s blue book or similar spiritual journey shit. It’s just the facts about alcohol from the perspective of a marketing professional who herself developed a problem. And it’s given me insight into my mood and attitude toward other things in life too. Highly recommended, it’s only like $11 and took me a week to read because it was actually a page turner with how fascinating it is.
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