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The Nintendo DS: Still a Piece of Shit


The ghost of Dreamcast past
What's Aurora?
Aurora System Specifications:
SuperH Full Compatibility

90-nm System-on-a-Chip SH3707

300-MHz Central Core Digital Signal Processor SH4

8-Channel PCM/ADCPM Audio

MPEG-1, -2, and -4 Video

150-MHz 2D/3D Graphics Accelerator Core with SIMD Co-Processor MBX with VGP
........Vertex Shader 1.0+ Programmability with Skinning
........Curved Surface Processing with Fractional Tesselation and Support for Differing Levels-of-Detail on Neighboring Patch Edges
........32-Bit Blending and Z-Test Precision Independent from Buffer Depth
........Supersampling Full-Scene Anti-Aliasing Standard
........1280x1024 Image Resolution Maximum
........DOT3 Per-Pixel Lighting Support
........Anisotropic Texture Filtering Support
........450M-750M-pix/sec Average Effective Fillrate; One Pixel Pipeline
Nintendo will likely use ATi for the Game Boy Next, why bother with Aurora?

I believe they deal they signed with ATi doesn't just cover the Revolution, it was worded so that it can cover different platforms, so that might be a bit of a tip off that ATi will be involved with GB Next.

By 2006 they can probably get a version of the GameCube hardware on a system-on-chip design similar to that, but tweaked for portable power usage and whatever resolution the LCD will be.


The ghost of Dreamcast past
If the rumor of a new Game Boy within the year is true, Aurora technology would allow the system and launch software enough to be ready and manufactured in large quantity.
I don't think there's any chance in hell that Game Boy Next comes out this year.

Spring/summer 2006 in Japan at the earliest I would think.

Besides I think ATi could soundly whup that Aurora setup and they already know exactly what Nintendo likes in a chipset (latency issues, easy of programming, Open GL, etc.).


The ghost of Dreamcast past
In that case, a GC Soc would be nice for compatibility. An MBX2-based system would be ideal for performance, though.


The ghost of Dreamcast past
Aurora is powered by mobile technology which was commissioned for potential use in multiple markets. Being integrated as a system-on-a-chip also makes it a very affordable option for a new value line of amusement devices -- like Atomiswave -- in arcade, pachislot, and pachinko machines.


Drinky Crow said:
The PSP is what sits in my laptop bag now, though.

What kind of case do you use? I want to carry my PSP around with me, since I live in San Francisco without a car and have LOTS of transit downtime, but I get nervous about that screen. I'm pretty sure getting a good case/protector would solve the problem, but I'm not up on which ones are good.


I come here for news too. This is actually the first place I go to when I sign on in the mornings before the gym, but some members here actually makes a good point when it comes to defending something. What's worse is that Nintendo fans can't seem to come under agreement that no matter what goes on in the gaming industry, bad sales or what, they end using the same old statements:"profits, profits, profits."


I had a few days off, only to return and find out on OA that I've been on some sort of the hit list:

aoi tsuki
Drinky Crow
Marty Chinn
Musashi Wins!
Naked Shuriken
Roland Hood
Sho Nuff
The Abominable Snowman

So....what have we done to deserve this, and who did it?


Izzy said:
I had a few days off, only to return and find out on OA that I've been on some sort of the hit list:

So....what have we done to deserve this, and who did it?

Grubdog hacked into the site, deleted some members that pissed him off somehow. Congrats on making the list!
I think you guys take OA way too seriously. It's a forum where a bunch of jackasses(including yours truly) with no ulterior motives get to say whatever they want, whenever they want, and to whomever they want whenever the urge strikes them.

Nobody gets banned for being a fanboy, though. Just ridiculed.


Incognito said:
I think you guys take OA way too seriously. It's a forum where a bunch of jackasses(including yours truly) with no ulterior motives get to say whatever they want, whenever they want, and to whomever they want whenever the urge strikes them.

Nobody gets banned for being a fanboy, though. Just ridiculed.

And that's why, Lonestar, OA kicks arse.


Incognito said:
I think you guys take OA way too seriously. It's a forum where a bunch of jackasses(including yours truly) with no ulterior motives get to say whatever they want, whenever they want, and to whomever they want whenever the urge strikes them.

Nobody gets banned for being a fanboy, though. Just ridiculed.

OA lets me say various racial slurs in a single sentence, and for that we can all be thankful.


Incognito said:
I think you guys take OA way too seriously. It's a forum where a bunch of jackasses(including yours truly) with no ulterior motives get to say whatever they want, whenever they want, and to whomever they want whenever the urge strikes them.
...and that is exactly the problem.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
After reading through this whole thread, I think the REAL problem on GAF is the whole "Nintendrone vs. Sonybot vs. Xbot" mentality that everyone tends to conform to.

In sales threads, you see a few "Hey, good sales for Kirby!"s or "Interesting how a few new colors can make the DS's sales double."s. However, the majority of posts are "Nintendo is going to dominate if they keep this up!" or "Nintendo is doomed. The DS sucks" or "Good thing that the PSP is kicking the DS's ass."

There's this whole "Nintendo vs. Sony vs. Microsoft" mentality that is manifested into the forum-goers posts. Instead of focusing on the things that the consumers should be worried about (the games and game quality), gaf focuses on the whole business aspect, the one-upsmanship that Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo are all trying to do to each other, and this consequently results in an all out war of endless flaming and trolling. People take sides and praise the side that they're on consistently while deleteriously slamming the other side.

I'm a Nintendo fanboy, and I clearloy show a bias towards Nintendo in my posts. But instead of pointlessly flaming Sony and Microsoft's efforts, I focus on the positive and negatives of the GBA, the GC, and other Nintendo systems, because I'm more familiar with them. Now, that's not to say I completely ignore Sony and Microsoft, but when I do focus on them, I don't just say "They suck." I admit that the PSP's lineup is better at the moment, but it's a lot pricier than the DS, and the upcoming DS lineup interests me more. Instead of simply describing the bad parts of the PSP, I focus on the goods and the bads, how they compare to my personal interests, and how the DS's current and future lineup stacks up.

I'd like to quote a post I made earlier today.
GaimeGuy said:
Monk said:
Not really, neither of them do, yet. Well the DS has with fucking kirby, the lemmings fan in me is dying for it. I dont want to buy the DS though. As it stands the DS has more games that interest me.
And this is what matters.

Whichever system has more appealing games is the system which each individual should invest in.

Myself? I'm a Nintendo fanboy, I love platformers like Kirby and Mario as well as arcadey racers like Mario Kart and Wipeout. I love Strategy games like Advance Wars, and yes, good card games like Metal Gear Acid and Baten Kaitos. Same with RPGs, although I usually only like having one or two RPGs every three months or so (otherwise I get bored of them. :lol )

Both systems appeal to me, but the facts remain that the PSP is a little heavier on the sports titles and FPSes compared to the DS, the DS in my eyes has a better upcoming lineup, and the lower prices of the games and hardware are easier on my wallet. Thus, I chose the DS. I have no doubt I will get the PSP when it price drops to 150-200 and games are more regularly priced between 35 and 40 dollars. Just that now isn't the time.
Instead of just saying "PSP is too pricey and the games don't interest me," which is a bit shallow, I actually EXPLAIN my position.

SantaCruzer, another poster who's clearly biased towards Nintendo, tends to post the same way, and few people seem to have a problem with his postings.

Now, I'm sure that I have strayed from this posting style and simply flamed something I don't like (I can remember posting in a Conker thread about a month back and pretty much just being a complete troll), but for the most part, I try to be a little more civilized in my posts.

I think more posts on GAF should be focused more on the good and the bad of video games, or just the good, instead of focusing on just the bad, like most of us tend to do.

*goes back to playing FFVII*

Musashi Wins!

I thought this was just a cathartic joke thread, but GAF couldn't even manage that :( Half of you have no humor or a really bizarre attachment to whatever company wets your pants and the other half are having the same conversation about the DS that has happened 6x in pseudo-seriousness. It would have been a lot better if we all had a big laugh over what happened, or if not so many had proven DC and the staff right.

Seriously, some of what goes on here anger/emotion wise is flat out bizarre...and I'm not singling anyone out because I know how it's the GAF game to have 1upmanship arguments, myself included. Apparently I had enough of them to get ghosted by our Australian friend in the first round! But in all honesty...it was funny what he did. I hope he was laughing. But instead I think he was probably pumping his arm in great Nintendo RELIGION celebration because there is a deep earnestness and serious undertow to the console wars that gets the best of the sanest here. The worst...or the least sane...it seems to have ravaged your faculties. Weep for your sense of humor and it's loss somewhere on the internet highway, because it's definitely one big un-fun party watching it play out.

This thread is the radioactive, for the good of what's left, lock 'er up!


Gold Member
GaimeGuy said:

SantaCruzer, another poster who's clearly biased towards Nintendo, tends to post the same way, and few people seem to have a problem with his postings.

oh yeah, I am biased, but I try not to bash other systems. I guess I keep a pretty low profile in my posts :p

I am looking to buy a PSP in a few months.


Well, the way I see it is the DS really is dual screen. If you think the DS is half the machine the PSP is, you are right, but you have to multiply everything about the DS by a factor of 2. Add the touchscreen to that and you can see the DS is superior in a pure hardware vs. hardware comparison.

But the DS has FUCKALL for software.

Oh, and the PSP is incredibly sexy.

But come on.. two screens.

Suite Pee

Willing to learn
So, basically Nintendo fans are going to be treated the same way those of Arab descent were after 9/11. Somehow that doesn't seem right..

This post may fit better on the page I am reading right now.


Let's get back on topic.

Nintendo DS is an obsolete piece of hardware with a gimmick and not even good games to show off said gimmick. It only serves to perpetuate Nintendo's complete lack of respect for the audience and to simply limit the handheld gaming audience to children with their software offerings.

Therefore, it sucks.

I, for one, am very glad Sony decided to enter the handheld arena. Hopefully it forces Nintendo to get on with the times and stop releasing such subpar hardware. Nintendo is an undeniably talented developer and publisher and I only wish they'd stop trying to be so damn different and cheap.

*puts flame suit*




I have to say that, after seeing the DS at Bestbuy, an image of the 32X engineers high-fiving one another for finally being removed from a number one spot popped into my head.


ThongyDonk said:
no i aint actually

i just don't believe in whats happening here.

why can't someone say something back?

Democracy says i can, i and you live in a democratic society and are governed by it ay ALL TIMES, even here.
Human rights says i have a right to express an opinion without fear of prejudice as do the guys who where banned.

LMFAO. This whole thread justified again!
So this is the new gaf? Where mods can post whatever they want, but we would get a weekend vacation for? As much as I hate the asshats at opa, at least its anyones game there.


citrus lump said:
So this is the new gaf? Where mods can post whatever they want, but we would get a weekend vacation for? As much as I hate the asshats at opa, at least its anyones game there.

I can tell you are kinda new here. WTF do you mean new gaf heh. The USA government has been looking into the human rights violations of GAF since its ezboard days. They are 2nd on the list of violations, right under China.


I'm sorry it took me until late in the day to finally read this thread. It's fuckin' brilliant. It's like there's a brick wall with a sign taped to it, "You're an idiot if you run into this wall," and yet person after person goes charging headlong right into it! Truly funny.
This thread was the best mousetrap ever conceived. Beautiful. It was so good that I had to stop playing Mario Golf Advance Tour.

Oh, and Mario Golf Advance Tour > The Nintendo DS. I don't care that you can play the damn game on the DS, it's still better.


bishoptl said:




No, I don't think DS is a shit. What defines the quality of a system are games afterall, at least for me. Right now the DS list for the future is quite promising, so I´m sure it will become a worth system for itself, without taking on count the great GBA library).

In a extreme case of choosing one or another just based on potential, it´s possible I would decide PSP. First because I love portable technology and PSP it´s a complete beauty from that point of view, second, but much more important, because the machine has a lot of potential from a game creation viewpoint, there is a huge space in UMD for really complete titles with a lot of value and its technology broke limits for developing them. I really want to play portable versions of games like Disgaea, perfect arcade conversions, action like DMC3 and God of War, huge RPGs... I´m sure DS wil have awesome strategy games and RPGs, but it´s not the same to play Final Fantasy Tactics Advance or Disgaea, neither is the same to play Dragon Quest VIII or Magical Vacation.

But that is a extreme situation, and just show that I believe more on the potential of PSP, not that DS is shit because it. My actual chose is both, I´m glad they are so diferent, because that will mean both systems will have very different games and I will have more richness.

for god's sake learn to recognise that i don't give a shit and i'm just being an ass for this thread... just because.

Please, accept my apologise if I offended you. It was a more general answer that a direct answer to you. However I won´t discuss that issue anymore here.


Drinky Crow said:
Nich, just the case that comes with the Value Pack. It fits pretty snugly in my laptop bag, so no worries there.

Really? Cool, guess I have nothing to worry about then. Though to be on the safe side, I'm still eyeing this one:


Kon Tiki

Since there is a lot of activity in here, I will not bother with a new thread. Should I dye my hair light brown or blonde tomorrow? I need to look younger for e job interview.


I like my DS and all, but dammit seeing pictures of people playing their PSPs and stuff is making me wanna buy one. I hate being poor! MGA calls to me. The reviews convinced me. And I wanna try this Lumines thing. The only reason I have a DS is because I got one for Christmas (and I guess I fell into the hype a little). If the PSP was released at that time, I would've had the PSP instead. I mean, my girlfriend and I both play the DS together, and if I had a PSP we'd play that together too. And if I wasn't poor, I'd have one by now.

But anyway, I like all systems equally, and one day hope to see an end to the console wars, with one system for all games. I like Drinky's "One Console Future" idea. I wasn't even really that offended by the thread, since I'm not a fanboy. I love all systems, because I love videogames! I don't think just loving videogames in general is so bad, right?


Go with blonde they may think your gay and hire you just by reason of them having to fill up there gay employee quota also highlights wouldn't hurt and talk with a lisp.


One thing could make me get a DS. If they translated that surgeon game where you cut people open. I assume you use the stencil as a scalpel. How cool is that!?


Society said:
Since there is a lot of activity in here, I will not bother with a new thread. Should I dye my hair light brown or blonde tomorrow? I need to look younger for e job interview.
Well that depends...do you prefer PSP or DS? If PSP is your answer, blonde. If DS is your answer, light brown. If you like both, blonde highlights.


Drinky Crow said:
Kioku, because in the end, two screens and a stylus aren't really a significant innovation. The reason the devs have dropped the ball is because there really isn't THAT much you can do with them that can't be replicated in an equally intuitive (albeit different) form with standard controls, or without going the tiresome mini-game route. (Really, while scratching the screen or blowing into the mic might be cute as a once-off task ala Wario Ware, it'd be absolutely wearisome for anything beyond a few gimmicky games like that.) That relegates the use of the stylus and two screens to those sorts of novelty-centered scenarios.

Just because you can think of countless (bad) ideas for the use of the twin screens and touch pad doesn't actually VET them in real-world game designs. I remember reading through all of the ludicrously silly UI nightmare scenarios concocted by Nintendo fanboys during the announcement of the marvelous third pillar, and I didn't find a single one outside of a few RTS suggestions to be something that might become eminently playable.

Also, the Nintendo DS itself limits the use of its own innovations: why develop a TBS or RTS type title when you have inadequate resolution and only half of the real estate "touchable"? In the end, the PSP with its laptop-styled analog nub may ultimately be a better "mouse-type" solution for developers.

It's a rushed piece of hardware that while having a little surface ingenuity is ultimately compromised by Nintendo's conservative development strategy. To truly innovate, you need to pay a price -- giving us a high-resolution screen that was completely touch sensitive (rather than split into two), even coupled with the current DS "3D" hardware, would've been a nice little leap forward. Instead, we get Nintendo's cheap-ass and panicked attempt to try to compete with the PSP without paying a similar R&D + manufacture price. That might pan out for Nintendo, but it's bad for gamers.

I thought the whole point of this thread and the "joke" was to troll, not to give in-depth reasons for being against or for something. "I'm trolling, I think it is funny, deal with it", where did that mentality go?

Drinky Crow said:
The joke itself has nothing to do with the DS. Really. Seriously!

What is the joke then? I have been searching for something humorous in all of this from the beginning.
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