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Titanfall has maximum player count of 12 (alongside AI) [Respawn comments post #558]


This is the opposite of what someone in this thread just wrote. He said one pilot could take out a mech 1v1 if the circumstances were right.

A soldier can kill a tank in battlefield with c4 under the right circumstances. That doesn't mean you stand a realistic chance against a talented crew, the same way you wont against a good titan pilot. My guess is that they can be severely damaged if a pilot physically climbs on them like the video shows.

Grunts are just cannon fodder.
6v6, eh? So you're saying I might actually get to enjoy the crazy parkour traversal without being shot in the back instantly everytime?

Okay, I'm in.


maybe we will have higher player count servers on PC ... like TF2 or something

Maybe, though nobody really knows whether they will actually put any effort into a pc port. We all know what happened with MW2, which was when Respawn was called Infinity ward.


Thinking over it a bit, it all depends on how many mechs a team gets and how big the maps are. If it's only 1 or 2, the 6 v 6 isn't bad. However if it's more than that, then it might get boring if you're not one of the people in the mechs.

Also, having the bots is mandatory?


Really don't really care about this in terms of epic scale or anything, but from my experience with COD and similar games it's a real fucking bummer to play these games those first couple months when you generally have around 8 real life friends on who all want to play.


Gold Member
If it makes you feel better to think thats the issue, its cool.

But for others posting around you, its a disappointment. Imagine someone has a differing opinion, and would like to play 18/32/64 for a game they are purchasing. Does that mean that all of a sudden "I NEED a gigantic number of pla.." no.. how about standard match sizes that we've been having for years in FPS games.

It's more of a surprise than anything. I actually prefer low player counts, 4v4, 6v6, makes me feel like I make an impact on a match, which I like, especially when going beast mode on a match.

Having seen the gameplay I don't think anyone guessed it was 6v6 max, not even an option for more should people want to. What low player count games don't have options to play with a higher player count?
if they want their game to be a "competitive" game, you can't have huge teams. I don't know if they were shooting for this though.

Or there would be too many mechs on a level

or the consoles couldn't handle it

Who cares, as long as it is fun.
I don't think there is anything wrong with 6v6, but if that's where the game plays best why is there ai? The ai is needed for more bodies to fill out the maps/world? okay, then why not have those bodies be filled with other players? Doesn't really make sense to me.

they might want to fill out the maps with infantry but not with players than can call down their mechs. even if it was 10v10 you have the potential for a map with 20 mechs all fighting at the same time, that might be to much for the console(360) to handle, or it just might not be fun.


Holy shit some of you guys "OMG the new Evolve game is only 4 vs 1 so going by my flawless logic less players means it will be a worse game" SMH

Evolve isn't a competitive type game like Titanfall. Evolve is more like left 4 dead with there being one big evolving tank that get's bigger, and more ferocious after each round.

Titan Fall was made with Tribes, and Unreal Tournament type gameplay in mind. But now with much smaller player cap because of their built in Story elements with the Multiplayer.

Very Disappointing.

They could have at least done 8 on 8, or 10 on 10. Six on Six is extremely low even with all the Titans.

Must be like some people said, they didn't compensate map size for 6 titans on screen at once. Like in Hawken.


Thinking over it a bit, it all depends on how many mechs a team gets and how big the maps are. If it's only 1 or 2, the 6 v 6 isn't bad. However if it's more than that, then it might get boring if you're not one of the people in the mechs.

Also, having the bots is mandatory?

They seem pretty squishy from the videos, the mechs that is.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Hard to see any problem when reading numbers on paper. Any multiplayer worth its salt finds a balance between player count and map size, considering weapon/equipment balance, objective placement, and so on. Padding maps with more players than necessary can often be detrimental to the flow of maps and balance of teams/classes. Besides, in the case of Titanfall they've been rather clear this isn't typical Call of Duty with bots, but a multiplayer environment that tries to balance bot fodder alongside stronger/high skilled players.

End of the day, it's not an isolated player count that makes or breaks the game, it's how the player count is balanced with the map and game design. If the sensation of busy gameplay is achieved, then it doesn't fucking matter.


And now it begins. The hypewagon got its first wheel broken. I knew it. Every game that is hyped over the top before its release will get annihilated eventually. I wonder if they will at least make the PC version "bigger" as PC has the power to support more than 12 players.

Unrelated, I had high expectations for TLoU MP and it delivered.

Infact, I may have been the only one hyping over TLoU's MP in the OT before it launched despite hearing next to nothing about it. No wheels were lost.

On the other hand, I hyped like crazy over GTA online and oh boy. It was such a disaster that it actually convinced me to pick up a PS4. i expected the online to serve me for months but damn I knew it would have issues but didn't expect it to be a repetitive grindfest with numerous launch problems and errors. Didn't deliver on anything that I wanted. Starhawk had its fair share of problems too when it launched and it wasn't until a few months later before they got around to fixing it but the community dwindled and became more and more obscure :(

I think its better to wait until a game releases before hyping up the online portion of games.


From what I have gathered from interviews, you get your titan after X amount of minutes, but you can reduce that by gathering XP or score, whatever they call the points. This includes killing the fodder.

Yeah, I was just commenting on the fact that we don't know how score actually translates into actually taking off time. I guess it might just be a hidden value where your timer periodically shaves off time.

People need to stop making the MOBA comparison. These AI bots are filling out the maps and have an unpredictable effect on the flow of the player, which will also effect ammo count, health values, and even awareness. In MOBAs the flow of creeps is a constant that the player is able to interpret and adjust to as a given, and serves as a core conceit and mechanic for taking objectives.

Titanfall's bots sound like ego stroking filler to make the game more exciting when there are such low player counts.

It's the closest comparison that can be made. Unless you have a better analogy, deal with it.


Sounds good. Gears wasn't a super high player count (5v5) and it was a blast.

All up to the mechanics and maps.
6v6 is a little low for my taste. I have a group of about 8 friends and I hate leaving some of them out when we're gaming.

I get that people like it though. It's not a horrible move as it keeps it very tight and focused. It does make me a little less interested in picking up a Xbox One for it.


Don't worry, I'll vouch for them.
I see a lot of people conjecturing about things that are fairly obvious from watching the gameplay demos, so I'm just going to link them.

Unless you pause the video, one could reasonably expect everyone with a blue/green name over the character to be an actual player.



Not one single person should have seen those demos and thought that there would be more than 8 players per side.

There are 11 "players" on screen here with more off to the side.


Hard to see any problem when reading numbers on paper. Any multiplayer worth its salt finds a balance between player count and map size, considering weapon/equipment balance, objective placement, and so on. Padding maps with more players than necessary can often be detrimental to the flow of maps and balance of teams/classes. Besides, in the case of Titanfall they've been rather clear this isn't typical Call of Duty with bots, but a multiplayer environment that tries to balance bot fodder alongside stronger/high skilled players.

End of the day, it's not an isolated player count that makes or breaks the game, it's how the player count is balanced with the map and game design. If the sensation of busy gameplay is achieved, then it doesn't fucking matter.

Exactly. I've played an absurd amount of Halo and prefer a smaller, arena-styled FPS. Player count doesn't mean a thing.


I don't think people realize, each player can have AI controlled mechs. That means each team could have a total of 12 guns, I would've loved 12v12 or 8v8 though :(


Game will bomb. I'm not going to forget that these are the guys that ruined MW2 on PC. Its actually sad that you can have AI in the game that players can't replace. Also Source engine with no mod or maps tools and origin only its laughable. But I hope I'm wrong and its amazing.
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