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Vigil in 2012: Wii U "has been on par with what we have with the current generation"


The game director of Darksiders 2 has shared their assessment of the Wii U's hardware in a recent video interview with GameReactor.

I thought people would be interested so I made a transcript (with the "uh's" and "um's" removed for readability).

Transcript of video:

GameReactor said:
GameReactor: This one is all coming out for the Wii U. How has that been?

Darksiders 2 Game Director Marvin Donald: Uh, so far, so good. We have limitations based on Nintendo's progress, but, you know, that really has, the only problem that's been for us is, you know, not having an actual release date. But once we know when the Wii U has, when Nintendo has commited to a firm date, you know, we will be able to commit to a date for Darksiders II, but we're planning on it being a launch title, and so far everything's been smooth sailing.

We got the game running on their hardware pretty quickly, and the controller's been great to work with, now it's just down to deciding what we really want to do to make it a unique experience on the Wii U. You know, taking advantage of you know the extra screen and the touch capability and all that. So, you know, so we'll have a few new feature for sure, but I think visually, for the most part, it'll be pretty much the same.

You know, so far the hardware's been on par with what we have with the current generation's. Based on what I understand, the, you know, the resolution and textures and polycounts and all that stuff, we're not going to being doing anything to uprez the game, but we'll take advantage of the controller for sure.
Source: http://www.gamereactor.se/nyheter/43021/GRTV:+Darksiders+II-intervju/

I have to head out for a while, but I'll be back later in the day.


Disappointing really, that Nintendo opted for hardware that will already be antiquated by the time the thing comes out. I was hoping the Wii U would just be somewhat underpowered.


The game director of Darksiders 2 has shared their assessment of the Wii U's hardware in a recent video interview with GameReactor.

I thought people would be interested so I made a transcript (with the "uh's" and "um's" removed for readability).

Transcript of video:

Source: http://www.gamereactor.se/nyheter/43021/GRTV:+Darksiders+II-intervju/

I have to head out for a while, but I'll be back later in the day.

This statement directly contradicts what the technical director of Vigil said about WiiU last year
I still don't know what to think. Some have commented that it's definitely a step up, while others, like Vigil Games, have said it's more or less comparable.

I guess we'll have to wait until E3 to find out, and even then we might not have a clear picture, due to the number of PS3/360 ports.


Unconfirmed Member
I won't be surprised if a great number of Wii U games look like typical PS360 titles.
Whenever it comes to the power of Nintendo systems, I think healthy pessimism is the best approach.
When the truth comes out, It's better to be pleasantly surprised than disappointed.


Whoa. triple mod post combo! impressive.

these rumoured wiiu specs on the other hand, not so much.
2 wiis ducktaped together.
Well, that's a shame.
I hope this won't result in diminished 3rd party support like with the Wii.

Also, I'm amazed by how Nintendo manages to release a console 5-6 years after their competitor, and yet only make it only "on-par".


When I commented that Miyamoto said it was only slightly more powerful than current gen consoles people tore me apart. But I guess a famous Nintendo developer and a third party developer must be wrong?


Tomodachi wa Mahou
OP and first two posst goes to mods.....

Fight the nepotism!

Truly it is the GAF conspiracy.

I really hope this isnt the case with the Wii U. I was on board for getting it day 1 but I get the feeling I'm going to be less interested in the device as it gets closer.


So everyone is going to act shocked?

i Have been calling it since last E3. Only fanboys expected Keplar or something ridiculous like that. It's freaking Nintendo.


When I commented that Miyamoto said it was only slightly more powerful than current gen consoles people tore me apart. But I guess a famous Nintendo developer and a third party developer must be wrong?

I know exactly what you mean. In before this is BS some dude heard it's like PS4nextbox....
Like I said hundred times. WiiU in therms of power is joining current gen. The one that will be replaced next year.
I still don't know what to think. Some have commented that it's definitely a step up, while others, like Vigil Games, have said it's more or less comparable.

Why would you expect a game changer from a company that for the last decade has specialised in releasing crap, outdated,underpowered hardware in a shiny new plastic case with some sort of gimmicky control method as its only USP..?

Nintendo does not care about the small number of people who want uber powerful hardware..you don't have enough cash to make it worthwhile.


Another Wii/DS/3DS situation where Nintendo throws out the weakest and least innovative hardware they can find, provide lackluster software and support, and lower their heads in shame as they finish in last place for the umpteenth time.


I know exactly what you mean. In before this is BS some dude heard it's like PS4nextbox....
Like I said hundred times. WiiU in therms of power is joining current gen. The one that will be replaced next year.

It was that damn IGN article about Wii U being 5x more powerful that caused all the debates.

Everyone assumed it would only be slightly more powerful than 360/PS3 until that article came and lifted people's expectations to unreasonable heights.

I'll still buy the Wii U regardless.


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
After the Wii I can't believe Nintendo would make the same mistake twice. And how can it be only in PS360 level when it has 2-3 Tim's as much ram and a way more modern GPU ? I don't get it...


Didn't they explicitly state earlier that at the very least they'd have higher-res textures ?

You're thinking of Gearbox talking about Aliens Colonial Marines for Wii U. If I remember correctly, they said the system has more ram so they can do higher resolution textures.
They did say they are not trying to get the Wii U version to look any better, so maybe what he is trying to say here is that Wii U can do 360 games with no problem at all... ?

What about that PC-like statement?

After only a few weeks with the Wii U development kit, however, the team were genuinely buzzing with excitement - the graphics looking to match the top-spec PC iteration and the code working remarkably well on the hardware.

We will see, but very sad if true. Chances of Wii U missing all third-party games in 2013 are very high (no next-gen engine support). :(
the resolution and textures and polycounts and all that stuff, we're not going to being doing anything to uprez the game, but we'll take advantage of the controller for sure.

So it really will be pretty much identical to current gen.

Still though, new Nintendo titles are going to look great anyway.


wii u is probably a more efficient ps3 with updated 3d features like making better textures but nintendo in recent years are chasing features that draw the attention of casuals over raw hardware power. so no surprises. the wii U chassis looks too small for anything but a mobile level mid range gpu.


Ὁ μεμβερος -ου
I like contradicting information. Makes everything more interesting.


After the Wii I can't believe Nintendo would make the same mistake twice. And how can it be only in PS360 level when it has 2-3 Tim's as much ram and a way more modern GPU ? I don't get it...

The "problem" is is that the "mistake" they're making, they not only made with the Wii the DS and now even the 3DS, but the "mistake" hasn't hurt their bottom line.
I'm going to wait to see what they have to show at E3. If this is the case, however, I suspect that this will be par for the course for PS3/360/WiiU titles. Just add in tablet controls and not even bother touching up the textures and overall presentation.


Tomodachi wa Mahou
Eww. Scary person.

Anyway, dissapointing, AND arrogant if true.

I don't see how it's arrogant. If anything its a confession that they know who their audience is and know who their audience will never actually be. So why even bother trying to change that? I think people expecting things to somehow be drastically different this go around were crazy.


Its all a ruse.

Do you know how rich Nintendo is?

They are paying developers to downplay the Wii U hardware to catch Sony and MS off-guard.

Nintendo release Zelda and Mario on super-hardware that matches what is inside the PS4 and Xbox 720.

Bam! The Earth stops spinning.
Lead designer Hayden Dalton interviewed on Digital Spy today too:

A small team has been allocated just to design a unique way of using the Wii U’s controller.

. “It’s basically the core game, but then with added abilities to do certain things that you can’t do on the other consoles.”

The change to the control scheme however will not make it a different experience from the other consoles, “We’re not basically heavily changing the core game to support the control system, but the control system will be an enhancement of the core game.”



Two copies sold? That's not a bomb guys, stop trolling!!!
Why is this so in contrast with what IdeaMan said recently, IIRC, with the fact it isn't certainly at the same ballpark of PS3/360, but better in a good way?
Less than 3 months left to E3. XD


Why is this so in contrast with what IdeaMan said recently, IIRC, with the fact it isn't certainly at the same ballpark of PS3/360, but better in a good way?
Less than 3 months left to E3. XD

ideaman was lying to you because it was funny.


The thing is weak hardware played a significant part in the Wii not getting much (notable) 3rd party support, which also caused software droughts for the Wii and in hindsight meant quite a few sales less for Nintendo. It's not important for them to go for bleeding edge technology, but that their hardware is powerful enough to get 3rd party support.
I disagree, the Wii's support was because it was against the PS360, which were similar, the Wii U will still be against the PS360 for a couple of years it seems. It makes a lot more sense this time.
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