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When do you think Microsoft will react to potentially losing next gen battle?


Lol @ windows dead to the world. Oh my lord

From a future perspective, it is. Nobody gives a shit about desktop operating systems anymore. The future is in devices and in that arena Windows is floundering.

Sure, they will be able to coast off of selling millions of Windows licenses to businesses each year like IBM did with mainframes in the 90s, but looking out companies like Google, Amazon, and Apple have eaten Microsoft's lunch.


Microsoft are already reacting to the lackluster demand of the xbone by securing exclusive content, most notably Titanfall.

Due to Microsoft's superior financial position, money and moneyhats will be their weapon of choice this generation.

Microsoft have neither the IP back catalog or enough first party development capacity to bring the console back from the brink singlehandedly.

Microsoft are in a far worse position now than Sony was at the PS3 launch.

Oh boy. This is a good one! :D
I think they will stick it out until e3. But if we see the XB1 going back to current sales post-Titanfall in April/May, then there is no way MS won't do something.


From a future perspective, it is. Nobody gives a shit about desktop operating systems anymore. The future is in devices and in that arena Windows is floundering.

Sure, they will be able to coast off of selling millions of Windows licenses to businesses each year like IBM did with mainframes in the 90s, but looking out companies like Google, Amazon, and Apple have eaten Microsoft's lunch.

That in no way means Windows is dead. This is massive goal post movement.

Windows is still far and away the leader when it comes to business software (otherwise known as the bigger more important market).


Microsoft are in a far worse position now than Sony was at the PS3 launch.

This is hard to believe. Sony was losing money at the $600 price point and then dropped the price in year one. If anything, the situation seems very similar right down to the weaker multiplatform ports.


That in no way means Windows is dead. This is massive goal post movement.

Windows is still far and away the leader when it comes to business software (otherwise known as the bigger more important market).

Yes, *business* software. But all the non-gaming shit Microsoft tried to cram into the Xbone is a *consumer* push and from that angle, nobody gives a shit about Windows.
Microsoft are already reacting to the lackluster demand of the xbone by securing exclusive content, most notably Titanfall.

Due to Microsoft's superior financial position, money and moneyhats will be their weapon of choice this generation.

Microsoft have neither the IP back catalog or enough first party development capacity to bring the console back from the brink singlehandedly.

Microsoft are in a far worse position now than Sony was at the PS3 launch.
Titanfall was exclusive before the Xbox One was revealed. Is it just possible that a company might seal up exclusive deals to differentiate their hardware hardware from the competition? Maybe it was to treat the fans and make their box more desirable. Is that a bad thing? It is unless its isn't on the system you prefer isn't it?


Yes, *business* software. But all the non-gaming shit Microsoft tried to cram into the Xbone is a *consumer* push and from that angle, nobody gives a shit about Windows.

What windows components did they push into the x1? Besides the layout which was already done on the 360? Tiles were on the 360, pins were on the 360, games sections and app section, etc.

Not sure what you are getting at... MS is the king of the business and doing good in the consumer market. Laptop sales are still very high even if they are declining. but the rise of windows tablets is happening as well. Surface isn't the only tablet with win8 on it....


Lol @ Xbox is doomed people. We are 3 months in to what will be 5 to 6 years. The One is selling good enough for.now. when the exclusives come and a price drop happens, things will heat up. Sony was in a far worse position back in 2007 and they slowly got their fanbase back up, but never quite reached Xbox.


What windows components did they push into the x1? Besides the layout which was already done on the 360? Tiles were on the 360, pins were on the 360, games sections and app section, etc.

Not sure what you are getting at... MS is the king of the business and doing good in the consumer market. Laptop sales are still very high even if they are declining. but the rise of windows tablets is happening as well. Surface isn't the only tablet with win8 on it....

Skype, Bing, Skydrive.

Desktop/laptop is a declining market. Windows tablets are a non-starter. Windows Phone is dead.

Windows will always sell to business (though W8 sales are soft).
Have u played titanfall? No money hats needed. Don't sound bitter.

It's won multiple awards at e3 is and pretty much universally praised.

That would support my theory of money hatted journalists. I don't play shooters, but its multiplayer only, and I have seen several long threads talking about how its just average. The only thing that makes any sense is that the praise its getting is inflated and biased by money. It just smells.
That would support my theory of money hatted journalists. I don't play shooters, but its multiplayer only, and I have seen several long threads talking about how its just average. The only thing that makes any sense is that the praise its getting is inflated and biased by money. It just smells.

Wow, this is pretty good.


Skype, Bing, Skydrive.

Desktop/laptop is a declining market. Windows tablets are a non-starter. Windows Phone is dead.

Windows will always sell to business (though W8 sales are soft).

W8 may be soft, but companies will adapt and ultimately pay extra to get windows 7 which I have seen personally. So not hurting MS.

Also not sure why Skype, bing, and skydrive is a bad thing.

I skype my nephew all the time on it which has been amazing. Upload my videos to skydrive. And I'll admit don't care for bing on a computer, but does work well on the xbox.


Neo Member
Why wouldnt the sales numbers favor Sony, its the cheaper console? Im looking at games, and Xbox One seams to have more exciting titles in its future. I wouldnt count it out yet.


Microsoft are in a far worse position now than Sony was at the PS3 launch.


  • Is making money on every unit
  • Has/Will have sold more (4.2m) units in 4 months than the PS3 did in 8 months
  • Has the highest selling core exclusive in gaming in Halo

And is also only $100 more expensive than the competition. Need I remind you that there was a time when the 360 core was selling for $299 and the PS3 for $599. Yeah, $300 price difference, eh.
That would support my theory of money hatted journalists. I don't play shooters, but its multiplayer only, and I have seen several long threads talking about how its just average. The only thing that makes any sense is that the praise its getting is inflated and biased by money. It just smells.

So games need both mp and sp for people to be excited in them? I guess all the hype for the Order and infamous SS is just paid for by Sony, since both are sp only. I have played so much Titanfall since the beta came out it is crazy. It is such a one more match game. I really cant remember the last I have enjoyed a mp game so much. I also believe the positive impressions far out number the people saying it is average.
I'm assuming like buttocks said, if sales continue to be low like January was, drop kinect and the price, if that doesn't work, ride the gen out second to Sony.

I'm am surprised to see that after a generation of hearing how bad it was that Sony halved their sales and their market share with the PS3, that MS would just be content with making money, even if they fall significantly behind the PS4 and what they sold last gen.


Skype, Bing, Skydrive.

Desktop/laptop is a declining market. Windows tablets are a non-starter. Windows Phone is dead.

Windows will always sell to business (though W8 sales are soft).
What I see Microsoft doing by including that is to make the X1 also a media device to attract non gamers, somewhat like what Sony did when they put blue ray and wifi cards into the PS3 at launch.
It's just so ironic how the two companies looked at each other and went "well golly, they had a great generation. Let's copy!"
Like, look at it. The X1 has a dual band wifi card and an HDMI in. I see those as comparable media tech that the PS3 had back at launch.

Edit: I'm just kinda surprised Microsoft pulled off a successful launch after how Spny jump started the gen. I have to say, they did pull it through even though there were a handful of bumps.


And then the LORD David Bowie saith to his Son, Jonny Depp: 'Go, and spread my image amongst the cosmos. For every living thing is in anguish and only the LIGHT shall give them reprieve.'
MS is in a pretty good position compared to Sony when they launched the PS3. That was a disaster, this is more like a big speedbump MS has to drive over since they're already performing.

The real takeaway from the past year is how Sony didn't take one false step during the PS4 reveal. The whole production they put on was some jedi ninja stuff that marketing majors will probably be studying in the years to come. It was the perfect campaign after a stumble.
I think its too late. The only reason PS3 was able to turnaround is because it made up for the difference in US and UK with Japan EU. MS is loosing EVERYWHERE. Forget making up ground how are they not going loose even more ground as the years go by.

I think there were several key factors that led to this. The DRM fiasco, embarrassing reveal, Sony destroying MS at E3 in front of millions, and finally the the fact that the PS4 is cheaper and more powerful. MS throughout this has garnered a lot of ill will while Sony has garnered a lot of good will.


Lol @ Xbox is doomed people. We are 3 months in to what will be 5 to 6 years. The One is selling good enough for.now. when the exclusives come and a price drop happens, things will heat up. Sony was in a far worse position back in 2007 and they slowly got their fanbase back up, but never quite reached Xbox.

They did reach Xbox by selling very well in Europe and Japan, something the Xbone is never going to do.

And is also only $100 more expensive than the competition. Need I remind you that there was a time when the 360 core was selling for $299 and the PS3 for $599. Yeah, $300 price difference, eh.

This is because outside of the US, PlayStation is a much more popular brand than Xbox. Like I said on CAG back in June:

worldwide Sony is in a much better position going into this next generation than they were with the PS3 which cost US $200 more and came out a year or more after the 360.

The UK is Microsoft's second strongest market, but they have priced the Xbone at a whopping £429 or US $661. Even accounting for the 20% sales tax in Britain that's a big markup, and it seems like a lot of the TV features won't work there. The 360 and PS3 ended up with equal global market share thanks to the US and UK going strongly for the 360 in this generation. If those two territories are closer to 50/50 with the Xbone and PS4 then Sony will be far ahead in overall console sales.
I'm always amused by the people who hope and pray that Microsoft gets out of the video game business.

Do you know what happens when there is no competition? You become Comcast.

The Xbox One is gonna be fine, once the price drop happens and more exclusives are released it will all even out.


Maybe you should learn a little more about MS as a company these days before making predictions. MS is fighting a battle on many fronts, and losing on virtually all of them. MS is moving more into Enterprise services as Windows becomes more and more obsolete. Azure, Office365, etc ... THIS is the focus for MS. Check out the discounts MS is giving on Office to try and keep their core business in tact.

Google and Amazon are making things VERY hard for MS right now. Also, the entire X-Box division with the Surface, Windows Phone, and of course the Xbox is taking major, major red. Bing, Nokia, Surface are all huge, huge market failures. In gaming, the XB1 is getting completely annihilated by the PS4, and virtually every third party game is better on PS4, and sales reflect it. And this is just a small portion of the picture... the battle for the living room is already lost - not to Sony, but to Google and Apple.

You have to look at the big picture, and history. IBM, HP, and Dell have already made the move to Enterprise services. And MS will do the same. They will shed the non-profit parts of the company like the X-Box division, and become Enterprise focused. THAT is where the profit is.

The rest of it is all lost. The Windows Phone is NOTHING on the Android and IOS. The Surface tablet also will gain no significant marketshare. Bing? Seriously, not going to happen. And the XB1? If Titanfall isn't the end all be all, that will be a HUGE problem for MS. Look at all the "service" money they are losing alone with the loss of LIVE subscriptions - money that comes with market share that MS is losing. And there won't be any "buying" exclusives either - the whole division is in the red and not going to get the funds to do so from the parent company.

This comes from someone who competes with MS on the Enterprise level, and is very aware of how things stand for MS as a company. Once upon a time, I worked for them before I left for much better opportunities. I.E. Why I have so much MS stock...


Why are people comparing the X1 with the Ps3 again?

Ps3 was actually relevant outside of US and UK. Something the Xbox brand never really managed to be. Don't know why the X1 would change that.

MS will be a distant 2nd place when it's all said and done. There will be no market where they will lead in. Ps4 is still selling out while X1 has been readily available by the end of last year. That would tell us enough.
MS had two other generations of not being in first place as practice. They'll be fine.

Your marketshare going to tatters in one fell swoop in all regions, coupled with all forecasts predicting PS4 pulling away significantly in all regions meaning no actual growth, only shrinking marketshare compared to last gen, is not fine by any standards.

If by "fine" you mean they'll still exist in one form or the other is a pretty low bar commercially, in fact, the opposite of growth is arguably a failure.


I'm always amused by the people who hope and pray that Microsoft gets out of the video game business.

Do you know what happens when there is no competition? You become Comcast.

The Xbox One is gonna be fine, once the price drop happens and more exclusives are released it will all even out.

If by even out you mean global sales will equalize you are going to be bitterly disappointed.
Your marketshare going to tatters in one fell swoop in all regions, coupled with all forecasts predicting PS4 pulling away significantly in all regions meaning no actual growth, only shrinking marketshare compared to last gen, is not fine by any standards.

If by "fine" you mean they'll still exist in one form or the other is a pretty low bar commercially, in fact, the opposite of growth is arguably a failure.

But the XB1 is outselling the 360 by a crazy margin so far. you think MS will be upset if the XB1 outsells the 360 while selling for a profit the whole time?


MS is facing what all companies do that become too large - they must contract and shed off the parts that do not make them any money. Cisco had to do it... HP had to do it... Dell had to do it... and MS will have to do so as well, probably in the next five years

One day Google will have to do so if they outgrow their market. But they are the big dog now, kind of like MS used to be.

Now who will be in video gaming? That is an interesting question since Sony is on the brink of bankruptcy. I imagine it will probably be Google or Amazon, if they think they can make enough of a profit, and obtain enough marketshare.


I'm always amused by the people who hope and pray that Microsoft gets out of the video game business.

Do you know what happens when there is no competition? You become Comcast.

The Xbox One is gonna be fine, once the price drop happens and more exclusives are released it will all even out.

I've been wanting to say this for a long time, but I hate your avatar. Matrick's face should be angled not straight on in it. Bugs the hell out of me.

Also, yeah competition is good for consumers. It would be a shame to lose a competitor.


indeed, but as Sir Alex Ferguson (Manchester UTD Manager) once said. "You can not win the league in the first 12 games, but you can sure as hell lose it"

And as Bill Shankly (Liverpool manager) once said "If you are first you are first. If you are second you are nothing"


Nothing! I said nothing!
Your marketshare going to tatters in one fell swoop in all regions, coupled with all forecasts predicting PS4 pulling away significantly in all regions meaning no actual growth, only shrinking marketshare compared to last gen, is not fine by any standards.

If by "fine" you mean they'll still exist in one form or the other is a pretty low bar commercially, in fact, the opposite of growth is arguably a failure.

How much marketshare did the Vita and PS3 lose?


I'm always amused by the people who hope and pray that Microsoft gets out of the video game business.

Do you know what happens when there is no competition? You become Comcast.

Except MS was acting like Comcast already with competition. Imagine what cocks they would have turned into if Sony didn't derail them this gen?


MS needs to change the entire crook face of the gaming division, and invest in first party studios
because the bullshit of paying third parties to deprive PS users from certain titles for some semi exclusivity
is not going to work unless they pay even more absurd amounts of cash.

A Kinectless Titanfall bundle at $399 may give them a big boost.


MS needs to change the entire crook face of the gaming division, and invest in first party studios
because the bullshit of paying third parties to deprive PS users from certain titles for some semi exclusivity
is not going to work unless they pay even more absurd amounts of cash.

A Kinectless Titanfall bundle at $399 may give them a big boost.

Clearly it is working. Look at the love for titanfall. Paying for an exclusive game is nothing new. Companies been doing it for years... Just so happens MS has more money to throw around.

Also why does the SKU need to be kinect less? Makes no sense. I can see $399 kinect SKU with titanfall.


You're talking pretty glibly about a $160 price cut.
So then the x1 is just a system with a game for the same price as the ps4. They need that extra feature to show off. Also kinect is actually pretty good if u have used it. They need to do a better job advertising the stuff u can do with it


A Kinectleass SKU is a death sentence for Kinect. Think about the millions MS has dumped in R&D on it. Do you think they will send it out to die that easily?

I think we will see a strong Kinect push at E3.


Clearly it is working. Look at the love for titanfall. Paying for an exclusive game is nothing new. Companies been doing it for years... Just so happens MS has more money to throw around.

Also why does the SKU need to be kinect less? Makes no sense. I can see $399 kinect SKU with titanfall.

I don't blame MS for locking down Titanfall, it was a good move. Sony did the same with GTA during the PS2 days. What they need to do is really invest heavily in great teams to make more new IPs in the future, great teams that can give them great games over the long term. MS is a bit too in love with hit IPs, Halo and Gears are great brands but the teams that made them what they are are not working on them anymore. That's a problem. Sony wisely invested and nurtured great teams over the last decade which has lead to building great IPs as well as new hits like TLOU. Investing in great teams pays dividends over the long term, focusing entirely building a few hit IPs (and using unproven devs to milk it) and securing a few big 3rd party titles early in a cycle is a fools errand.


I think they will hinge on: "Yeah but the wars not over, check back in 20 years! We may still pass the PS4 with sales in new territories and whatnot!"

No but seriously. I think they will probably finally realize their mistakes and fix it next gen. Sony certainly did. Humble pie is reallllllllly something else...... Cept for Nintendo, they don't learn shit from their mistakes.


Microsoft is doing decently even after they pretty much shitted on the gaming community with their horrid policies and then did a reversal. Remember that the are pricing this thing $100 more than competition. Things could have been a lot worse if they launched $100 more AND months after the PS4 with the policies they originally intended to have. The future doesn't look to bright for the Xbox One though in terms of flexibility with price cutting measures... You take away Kinect and you take away what the entire console was unfortunately designed around. That's where it's unique.
MS needs to change the entire crook face of the gaming division, and invest in first party studios
because the bullshit of paying third parties to deprive PS users from certain titles for some semi exclusivity
is not going to work unless they pay even more absurd amounts of cash.

A Kinectless Titanfall bundle at $399 may give them a big boost.

I see this quite often, Respawn have pretty much said they couldnt have developed it on all platforms at the same time?

Did you complain at MGS4 or Haze being PS3 exclusive?

Going further back, did you complain at MGS, GTA, DMC, FF being exclusive to PS2? (some timed some not) I doubt many (or possibly even any) of those were exclusive out of the goodness of publishers hearts.

Its business, Sony have done it in the past, I don't see why when MS do it its "bullshit"


That would support my theory of money hatted journalists. I don't play shooters, but its multiplayer only, and I have seen several long threads talking about how its just average. The only thing that makes any sense is that the praise its getting is inflated and biased by money. It just smells.

Haven't even played it and thinks its bad, really good insight you have there.
I'm always amused by the people who hope and pray that Microsoft gets out of the video game business.

Do you know what happens when there is no competition? You become Comcast.

The Xbox One is gonna be fine, once the price drop happens and more exclusives are released it will all even out.
As long as there is money to be made, someone else will always come along to fill the gap.


I enjoyed the exclusive DLC last gen because of the superior online and better multi-plats on the 360. I even put up their shoddy hardware and I stuck through them when kinect arrived but this gen is different.
I have still bought BF4 and Ghosts for the PS4 and most likely Titanfall 2 when it arrives on PS4, sorry MS but I will always go where the superior multi-plats are even if the DLC arrives late so stop spending your cash on exclusive timed DLC and more on new IPs. At least then I won't be comparing your worse framerates and resolutions on the competition.
Give me Alan Wake and Crackdown.
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