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Whisper it, but Xbox One is finding its stride [EUROGAMER]


Nothing! I said nothing!
Isn't eurogamer the wesbite that's been extremely bias toward Xbox One?

They have made it clear on a constant basis that they think the PS4 and Sony are it for them.

Even if in that article if you read it he says he had already decided he will be using the PS4 as his main platform no matter what MS do.
Nah I meant about the Sunset Overdrive. I'm sure Sony will do a good job supporting this console long term and as soon as I see a game announced from them I want, I'll wanna get one.
So was the original Mass Effect.

And it came out 5 years later. Yeah maybe some of these Xbox exclusives will go to PS4 but I dunno about you guys... a year or more is a long damn time for me. I'd rather play a game at release than wait up to a year or more for a potential port. Some people are definitely more patient than me.
If I go with the xbone now I'll be stuck with a console that is only seriously supported for 3-4 years. If I go with sony I can expect support to last 8-10 years as an be seen with the ps3. As a gamer its my only choice if I want games. Besides, most of the time microsoft's exclusives aren't even exclsuive
I like that this may just be intelligent troll bait but I'm sure you know Microsoft will support their system just as well as Sony will for as long as they only have one system on the market. With console life cycles getting longer, you don't have much to worry about.

And exclusitivity agreements can always be modified. Haven't we seen plenty examples enough in this gen?


I like that this may just be intelligent troll bait but I'm sure you know Microsoft will support their system just as well as Sony will for as long as they only have one system on the market. With console life cycles getting longer, you don't have much to worry about.

And exclusitivity agreements can always be modified. Haven't we seen plenty examples enough in this gen?

yeah, dunno about that. MS has killed CE products and support quickly before. Sony, not so much.

If $500 is a lot of money to someone, I'd suggest waiting until the new CEO is hired and some certainty has been restored. It'll be a year max, and it'll probably happen sooner rather than later.


I like that this may just be intelligent troll bait but I'm sure you know Microsoft will support their system just as well as Sony will for as long as they only have one system on the market. With console life cycles getting longer, you don't have much to worry about.

And exclusitivity agreements can always be modified. Haven't we seen plenty examples enough in this gen?

Its not troll bait, I just love how sony supports thier consoles for so long. Xbox was dropped as soon as 360 came out, the 360 has not had any major exclusives for awhile that is not Gears, Halo, and Forza. If the ONE changes that I'll think about getting it. But as it stands now, Sony's history shows they'll keep pumping a variety of exclusives. And besides, Naugthy Dog has made my top 3 favorite games of all time (Crash bandicoot, Uncharted, and The last of US) so by default I go with ps4 first.
Well you could have done us all a favor and forgo the side splitting, rib tickling, bolded zingers too. but where's the fun in that?

It has nothing to do with ignoring Microsoft's stupid moves or why GAF is Sony land. It can be Sony land all it wants. But why do Sony only fans -- I say only because myself and plenty of others like both -- have to come in to a bunch of Xbox threads for a gurning match? It's daft. They've made their points a thousand times over. We get it.

And all the chat about hyperbole was just lost on people because the analogy practically gets lost when you're drawing it between some console policies (big whoop), and rape or D.U.I. Am I offended? No. But the given that I find console policies to be a trivial matter I find many analogous comments to be overblown.

Yes. They are overblown. Ridiculously overblown. Unforgivably overblown? I'm not so sure.

The butt of the joke rarely laughs. He's not supposed to laugh - indeed, it's not nearly as funny when he laughs. The point of making you a temporary butt of some admittedly bad jokes is only to try to get you to see that Microsoft paid good hard money for all the ill-will they bought and pointing out some over-zealous, overblown rape-equivalency, in-bad-taste hyperbole doesn't much change that. That is the reason that the Xbox One keeps getting trashed by Sony fanatics. They're mad and they're probably quite disturbed by the fact that you're not mad because a great many of us (me included too often) assume that the world looks exactly the same to everyone and any decision other than the one we would make is a clear symptom of brain-damage.

You're seeing the result of 7+ years of pent up frustration displaying itself as schadenfreude. You're trying to be the voice of reason in a storm of red-eyed revenge. It comes with the territory on a forum so passionately enthusiastic about a medium we all enjoy. Expecting people to be different is so utterly disheartening, why would you persist?

Take your lumps for now and lord Titanfall and Forza (and who knows what else?) over us when the towering expectations of Sony greatness turn out to be a bit less great than the the dizzying heights of our collective imaginations make them out to be. Like finding out your best friend's supermodel girlfriend has herpes, there will be opportunities to revel in the tears of some of the people being abso-smurfly ridiculous console warriors. If at that point you fail to do so, you will prove that you are better than they are. But schadenfreude is a damned tempting mistress (with herpes).

Oh man, don't tell me herpes hyperbole is also off limits.


Analogies aren't comparisons. Have you learned what an analogy is in school, yet? You should look it up. I will use this as a teachable moment:

Someone did something bad. GRRR BAD! People not like when people are bad. Make people sad. Sad not good. Sad bad!

Is that a better speed for the both of you? I'm not being condescending it just seems you missed the hyperbole.

Fuck me, beaten: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=78079673&postcount=463

You missed the point. You don't understand and I am sorry. I will explain it again and for the last time. You can use hyperbole without belittling drunk driving deaths. It might take a little more brain power but I have faith that you can do it.

I think you need to read this thread.

Yes, I have.
Yes. They are overblown. Ridiculously overblown. Unforgivably overblown? I'm not so sure.

The butt of the joke rarely laughs. He's not supposed to laugh - indeed, it's not nearly as funny when he laughs. The point of making you a temporary butt of some admittedly bad jokes is only to try to get you to see that Microsoft paid good hard money for all the ill-will they bought and pointing out some over-zealous, overblown rape-equivalency, in-bad-taste hyperbole doesn't much change that. That is the reason that the Xbox One keeps getting trashed by Sony fanatics. They're mad and they're probably quite disturbed by the fact that you're not mad because a great many of us (me included too often) assume that the world looks exactly the same to everyone and any decision other than the one we would make is a clear symptom of brain-damage.

You're seeing the result of 7+ years of pent up frustration displaying itself as schadenfreude. You're trying to be the voice of reason in a storm of red-eyed revenge. It comes with the territory on a forum so passionately enthusiastic about a medium we all enjoy. Expecting people to be different is so utterly disheartening, why would you persist?

Take your lumps for now and lord Titanfall and Forza (and who knows what else?) over us when the towering expectations of Sony greatness turn out to be a bit less great than the the dizzying heights of our collective imaginations make them out to be. Like finding out your best friend's supermodel girlfriend has herpes, there will be opportunities to revel in the tears of some of the people being abso-smurfly ridiculous console warriors. If at that point you fail to do so, you will prove that you are better than they are. But schadenfreude is a damned tempting mistress (with herpes).

Oh man, don't tell me herpes hyperbole is also off limits.
After reading things like "7+ years of pent up frustration" and "a storm of red-eyed revenge" I guess our disagreement really boils down to the fact that I just don't care that much. I just want to read some news about the consoles. Folks like your self are up for a console war. Priorities and all that. Oh well.
You missed the point. You don't understand and I am sorry. I will explain it again and for the last time. You can use hyperbole without belittling drunk driving deaths. It might take a little more brain power but I have faith that you can do it.

Yes, I have.

You can but it just doesn't always have the same punch as a good-bad-stupid rape-analogy hyperbole. I'm not certain that making oneself the hypothetical victim of an overblown murder-rape-murder hyperbolic analogy is as bad as a passive-aggressive yet personal swipe at the intelligence of someone who disagrees with your probably-faux outrage is, however. (<--holy tortured sentence!)

I'm honestly stumped and can't decide which is worse.


You can but it just doesn't always have the same punch as a good-bad-stupid rape-analogy hyperbole. I'm not certain that making oneself the hypothetical victim of an overblown murder-rape-murder hyperbolic analogy is as bad as a passive-aggressive yet personal swipe at the intelligence of someone who disagrees with your probably-faux outrage is, however. (<--holy tortured sentence!)

I'm honestly stumped and can't decide which is worse.

Might want to read what I was responding to. I was responding to him the same way he responded to me. If you cant see the difference and which is worse then there is no need to continue our discussion.
After reading things like "7+ years of pent up frustration" and "a storm of red-eyed revenge" I guess our disagreement really boils down to the fact that I just don't care that much. I just want to read some news about the consoles. Folks like your self are up for a console war. Priorities and all that. Oh well.

Subtitle: "People who care more than I do about a thing have bad priorities." Laugh at the console warriors, but for Siddhartha's sake, why be upset that people choose to be a different type of person? If you set yourself up as superior, you have already lost the high ground. If you are superior and not merely butthurt, you won't have to tell us. Anyone worthwhile will already know.
Might want to read what I was responding to. I was responding to him the same way he responded to me. If you cant see the difference and which is worse then there is no need to continue our discussion.

Neither is worse, both are equally bad. One is pretending to not be as bad and doing badly at it.

Disagreeing with me is not a sign you have brain-damage.

Dude, you so totally know that a few of the brave Sony console warriors will be playing Titanfall right alongside you in a mere few month's time - because anyone passionate enough to be embroiled in the temporary insanity of console-warrior-dom will probably find some really cool shit to like about Xbox One games.
That doesn't explain the 'newly minted' aspect.

Don't get me wrong - I'll probably pick up an Xbox One in a couple years because, hey - more gamez - but I still find it really odd that Microsoft could have simply owned Video Games and found every way possible to step on its own wang at the Sunday Cordial.
I don't know if this is an insult or compliment.

I like that this may just be intelligent troll bait but I'm sure you know Microsoft will support their system just as well as Sony will for as long as they only have one system on the market.
How can you honestly say that when the Xbone hasn't launched yet, and Microsoft's support for 360 has all but dried up for the past year? Sony just released Last of Us, is still yet to release the next Ratchet and Clank, and even still has its potentially biggest PS3 game of the generation GT6 releasing post PS4. What have Microsoft brought for 360 this year? There are plenty of valid reasons for buying a Microsoft console. Expecting Microsoft to support their consoles as long as Sony is not one of them.


Subtitle: "People who care more than I do about a thing have bad priorities." Laugh at the console warriors, but for Siddhartha's sake, why be upset that people choose to be a different type of person? If you set yourself up as superior, you have already lost the high ground. If you are superior and not merely butthurt, you won't have to tell us. Anyone worthwhile will already know.

Are you saying there are more butthurt Sony fans than Xbox fans?
The passion on here is admirable...

that is all GAF '-)

Good day to you all...may the best console win the war, but all soldiers end up doing the victory dance'-)
A very good point you make and it is my feeling it applies both ways. A lot of people think Sony cannot possibly fail to decimate the XB1 in every single market. The expectations are so high that this will happen that anything other than the XB1 selling like the Wii-U(sorry Nintendo) and PS4 selling like the PS2 will cause...lets say hurt feelings.

I agree. I think Sony will get off to a fast start but they aren't going to run away with this generation like many here think is a forgone conclusion. In fact, it's pretty safe to say that whatever the assumptions are pre-launch are almost always wrong. Before last gen the Wii was gonna be a bomb, Sony was unstoppable and the ps3 was going to be unstoppable... and the 360 was a nice step up but microsoft still would be playing catch up.

We all know how that turned out...
I can't believe you actually think Playstation is still the dominant brand in gaming. Maybe in your country but worldwide the "Playstation" brand hasn't dominated the gaming landscape since 2006.

It's true that PS sales declined significantly in US/UK/JP, but

-Sony has sold 130 million home consoles since the Wii came out

-Sony has sold at least 15 million home consoles annually since FY 1997

-PS3 has sold more than NDS and Wii since Gamescom 2009

-PS3 ~ 2 (Wii + Wii U) YTD 2013

-PS3 will be the second best selling console of all time at EOL

Microsoft was somewhat destined to have some erosion regardless. The ground they gained was due to that year head start and subsequent issues
Year head start was a waste of money. For nearly three years, the Xbox 360 was caught between a rock and a hard place (massive losses , poor sales)


  HW      Ja-Mr'07   Ap-Jn'07   Jl-Sp'07    Oc-Dc'07    Ja-Mr'08    Ap-Jn'08     Ja'07 - Jn'08

  Wii       2.65       3.43       3.90        6.96        4.32        5.17           26.43

  PS2       2.4        2.7        3.2         5.4         2.4         1.5            17.6   

  PS3       1.8        0.7        1.3         4.9         2.2         1.6            12.5       

  360       0.5        0.7        1.8         4.3         1.3         1.3            9.9

US Hardware Sales (First 18 Months)
  360    5,399,661  

  Xbox   5,220,174

Sony and Nintendo had taken control of the US market during 2008

PS3 hit a million UK sales faster than its predecessor PS2 (February 13th 2008)

-The Xbox 360 became a viable platform because Sony couldn't respond to Microsoft massive price cuts in 2008. Why ? Blu-ray trojan horse BS inflated PS3 BOM

-Microsoft: Blu-Ray Absence Boosted Xbox 360 (March 16 2010)

-Blu-ray less PS3 would have been the best selling console of all time

Xbone (and Wii U) is a love letter from Microsoft (and Nintendo) to Sony; an attempt to return to the PS2-Xbox-GC glory days.

That said, although the PS4 will probably have the largest launch in PlayStation history, PS2-PS4 comparison is premature for several reasons: Japan is too weak to support high-end consoles, Microsoft has a shot at winning the next gen in the US/UK if they reach price parity, the PS2 avoided the cross-gen problem and sold nearly 19 million units in 2001 (GTA III,GT3,FFX,MGS2,RE CV,DMC,J&D,Onimusha,SH 2 couldn't be played on the PS1)

Since the PS2 is on another level, use the Slim PS3 (Fat PS3 at 399 for pessimists) as a measuring stick in 2014.

James Sawyer Ford

Gold Member
The market is crowded with games trying to be like CoD. A game that offers something new actually has a pretty good chance to be successful.

I don't think what TitanFall is doing is all that new, though.

It's CoD with mechs and more agile mechanics.

There's plenty of games that have explored similar things before, or have an even bigger scope.


sony's marketing tactics = 'smug'?...

i'd say sony's simply looked competent & confident, not 'smug'. while pre-180 ms came off as nothing but out-of-touch/smug, & the post-180 ms basically just looks adrift/back-to-square-one-shooterbox...

^ This. Saying Sony's basic strategy to kick back with large buckets of popcorn and grins on their faces while they let MS essentially hang themselves is not smug, it is *common sense*.

On a side note: MS never ceases to amaze (full disclosure: I worked there and enjoyed my time immensely despite the bureaucracy becoming increasingly political and incestuous over the last 5 yrs) in that they can populate a board room with a bunch of cone-heads (I say that lovingly)...with a collective IQ somewhere north of a billion...and, yet, continue to make bone-headed marketing/PR/product line decisions time after time (after time) which seem completely out of step with the reality of what the market needs/wants. It's almost as if some of the people pulling the strings in Redmond live in a bubble. Which, in a way, they do.
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