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Woman records boyfriend after getting shot by the Police on Facebook

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Why is everyone in this thread assuming the Dallas shooters were black and it was direct retaliation to the earlier shootings this week? The protest may have been cover for a pre-planned attack.

Beats me, but I haven't really got those vibes (though this thread moves rather quickly).
All this events have me legit disturbed. The level of violence and desperation... I felt sick after watching this.

Really sad situation, i thought america was over this shit.



Just google "race relations in Brazil" and you'll get a ton of articles examining the issue. Brazil is like most other places in that, the darker your skin, the worse off you tend to be.

Xenophobia has more to do with the country and/or culture you hail from over the race you identify (or are seen) as, although xenophobia and racism do often do hand in hand.

Why would it be a non-issue there? African descendants in Brazil were brought there under similar if not worse circumstances than in the USA.

Eh didnt know much about Brazil. Since most people there are mixed I figured race and racism wasnt an issue

Reading up on it it seems worse than US
It caught my eye that she's extremely cold and indifferent, I think she was having a massive shock and the reality didn't seem to sink in.. Horrible.
I watched a family member die young in front of me. Didn't cry for two days after. My girlfriend was weirded out that I had come home from the hospital and was laughing at some dumb TV. But when my mind caught up to reality, I lost it for months afterward. I think we have a survival instinct to persevere through unexpected trauma.
This thread title always makes me think it's a new one because it's written in such a way that it seems like the woman got shot and for some reason is recording her boyfriend

It caught my eye that she's extremely cold and indifferent, I think she was having a massive shock and the reality didn't seem to sink in.. Horrible.

She starts to freak out in the back of the squad car a little, near the end of the video. But I'm sure she was full of adrenaline and fear and wasn't really in a position to mentally shut down, especially with her kid there.


Aftershock LA
It's called trauma. People live their lives never expecting things like this to happen to them. We tell ourselves that these are the sort of things that happen to other people. Not us. So when it does sometimes you get into shock. Sometimes you don't know how to react.

When I was stabbed and slashed I laughed it off while holding my arm together and didn't internalize how serious it was until hours later.

Yup. The day your personal "bubble of protection" bursts is not a pleasant feeling.

I grew up thinking my family was invincible. That nothing horrible could ever happen to us, or people that we knew and loved. And then my cousin was murdered. I couldn't even cry because it so traumatic. It wasn't until a few days later, when I arrived back in my hometown and saw my family that the loss really hit me and I broke down.

Then earlier this year, one of my dearest friends of about 16 year's little sister was murdered by her estranged husband. She was a sweet woman who was nothing but kind to me and everyone she knew. Gone.

Discovering that you're not immune to tragedy and the horribleness of the world is something I wouldn't wish on anyone (Donald Trump is pushing it, though). Just an awful, awful realization and feeling, but the initial shock of it all often takes days, weeks, to really sink in. People also react to stuff like this differently.

Oh, man. Saw a teacher this morning. Blonde. She was oh so devastated and taking about what a great man he was. His interaction with the children and how much they loved him. I'm very happy that folks are coming out for him like this..they'll never be louder than the Facebook crowd, but at least there're people out there who can speak to the man's character who ACTUALLY KNEW him..


Kills Photobucket
Sure it's been talked about yesterday, but I think the most haunting thing about the video is how calm the woman was, and how shockingly panicked the officer sounds.
Sure it's been talked about yesterday, but I think the most haunting thing about the video is how calm the woman was, and how shockingly panicked the officer sounds.

For me it's how quickly and quietly he goes. When she says something to the effect of "Dear God, please don't tell me he's gone" and it becomes clear that he has, no time for goodbye or to even comprehend all that's occurred... it destroys me inside.
hmm meaningless when the officer asked him for identification

no excuses he didn't deserve to die. End of story

No he didn't deserve to die but when false information gets thrown out there it gets blown to proportion without people looking at the other side. From what I know, he wasn't pulled over for a tail light but for an armed robbery suspect.


No he didn't deserve to die but when false information gets thrown out there it gets blown to proportion without people looking at the other side. From what I know, he wasn't pulled over for a tail light but for an armed robbery suspect.

Where on earth did you hear that? And how is it being blown out of proportion? Whether he had a permit or not seems pretty damn irrelevant in this case.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
The countiy sheriff department said he didn't have a conceal and carry permit. Ramsey County said they have no records of him having it. Hmmm



Edit: Instead of looking at random conservative bullshit sites which are smearing the dead, why don't you look at actual newspapers and journalists?

No shit he wasn't registered with ramsey county: Robbinsdale, the issuing city, is in Hennepin County.


Edit: Instead of looking at random conservative bullshit sites which are smearing the dead, why don't you look at actual newspapers and journalists?

Ramsey county sheriff reported on there Twitter he never registered for one.

All I'm saying is that the only information is what we seen on Facebook and what his girlfriend has spoken about. I'm not saying he deserved to be shot but it's easy to point fingers when givin something directly without the other story.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Ramsey county sheriff reported on there Twitter he never registered for one.



You're slandering the dead.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
"Hey guys, I live in Seattle, and have a seattle ID but the city of Fargo, North Dakota doesn't have me in their residency records. WHAT GIVES?!?!?!?!"


The other day I had to correct a friend who sourced something from the other shooting saying the guy was harassing folks with the gun. Had to quote the store owner in saying that it wasn't him at all. These websites that just outright lie for clicks and rile people up are disgusting.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
It doesn't even fucking look like him! and you can't even see the gun in the car!

God, pisses me of that you have thousands of people out there spreading lies about a dead man and dragging his name through the mud. And then you call them out and they just vanish (Outtrigger888)
It doesn't even fucking look like him! and you can't even see the gun in the car!

God, pisses me of that you have thousands of people out there spreading lies about a dead man and dragging his name through the mud. And then you call them out and they just vanish (Outtrigger888)

Im not dragging nothing, we haven't heard anything from the investigation. Black people get pulled over all the time but this one resulted in a death there might be more to the story.

A fucking child was shot and killed in Minneapolis today


Where the fuck is the uproar. Where's the 1500 post thread?
If a cop killed the child there would be a outrage.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Im not dragging nothing, we haven't heard anything from the investigation. Black people get pulled over all the time but this one resulted in a death there might be more to the story.


He. Is. Licensed. To. Carry. He's a school cafeteria supervisor. Kids loved him. His family loved him. He had a kid of his own, and no record, and was getting his ID out.

Jesus fucking christ.


Im not dragging nothing, we haven't heard anything from the investigation. Black people get pulled over all the time but this one resulted in a death there might be more to the story.

It seems there is always 'more to the story' when these shootings/killings occur. Perhaps we should be questioning the methods used that lead to loss of life instead of looking for dirt on victims.

On your edit: People are killed by criminals every day in America. Thats the reality of living in a country with gun rights. If we want to hold police to the lesser standards of criminals, I guess that can be part of the conversation.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Im not dragging nothing, we haven't heard anything from the investigation. Black people get pulled over all the time but this one resulted in a death there might be more to the story.

A fucking child was shot and killed in Minneapolis today


Where the fuck is the uproar. Where's the 1500 post thread?

You fucking serious?


bystanders dying in the crossfire of a firefight is a tragedy, but at least it's not getting killed by your own government.


Im not dragging nothing, we haven't heard anything from the investigation. Black people get pulled over all the time but this one resulted in a death there might be more to the story.

A fucking child was shot and killed in Minneapolis today


Where the fuck is the uproar. Where's the 1500 post thread?
If a cop killed the child there would be a outrage.

Yes, I'd imagine if a cop walked up to a car and shot a child in their seat there would be outrage. What even is this comment.


Im not dragging nothing, we haven't heard anything from the investigation. Black people get pulled over all the time but this one resulted in a death there might be more to the story.

A fucking child was shot and killed in Minneapolis today


Where the fuck is the uproar. Where's the 1500 post thread?
If a cop killed the child there would be a outrage.

At least you went to a reputable website to share that story.
Im not dragging nothing, we haven't heard anything from the investigation. Black people get pulled over all the time but this one resulted in a death there might be more to the story.

A fucking child was shot and killed in Minneapolis today


Where the fuck is the uproar. Where's the 1500 post thread?
If a cop killed the child there would be a outrage.

You are picking the wrong sword to die on bruh


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
and yes, you ARE dragging him through the mud. Look at what you linked to. You're saying he committed armed robbery. You're saying he was illegally carrying. You're saying he was human scum. You're saying he did something to deserve to get shot.

You are spitting on his corpse.
and yes, you ARE dragging him through the mud. Look at what you linked to. You're saying he committed armed robbery. You're saying he was illegally carrying. You're saying he was human scum. You're saying he did something to deserve to get shot.

You are spitting on his corpse.

I never said he committed armed robbery I said there might be more to the story than one sides statement.


Tagged as I see fit
Im not dragging nothing, we haven't heard anything from the investigation. Black people get pulled over all the time but this one resulted in a death there might be more to the story.

A fucking child was shot and killed in Minneapolis today


Where the fuck is the uproar. Where's the 1500 post thread?
If a cop killed the child there would be a outrage.

OH, the "(THING) happened, where's the outrage!?!" trick.

It's almost like you guys lose all sorts of common fucking sense and logic when people call you out.

I'm gonna say it, you're sounding like a typical White Supremacist and your stupid ass comments in this thread sort of confirms that.
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