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Yakuza 7 Announced (new turn-based RPG style battle system, set in Yokohama, Jan 16th Japanese release)


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Absolute nonsense in going for turn based combat, it wasn't as if the fighting mechanics for the past 6 entries were so bad a dramatic overhaul was needed. If it ain't broke why fix it?


A lot of people complain but what they are describing there looks really cool:

Wow, that actually sounds really great (especially about the "living city" bit):

#1: Yakuza: Like a Dragon. The media should be publishing detailed articles about the battle system later on, but I’ll explain the points I discussed yesterday here.

#2: “Live Command RPG Battle” means battles through command execution where the fight is constantly in motion. In a standard RPG, enemies and party members are stationary, and their actions only playback by executing commands such as “Attack.” But in Yakuza: Like a Dragon, battles are different.

#3: To be specific, this is a battle system where “characters move in real time” and “fight in a living city.”

#4: Except for some bosses, when you encounter an enemy, the battle will begin from right where you’re standing. In other words, depending on how you encounter the enemy, your starting position in the battle will change, which can both give you the upper hand or land you in a pinch. (Some enemies may also suddenly appear from hiding.)

#5: When you enter battle, enemies, party members, and even the “city” will remain in motion. They don’t stop moving. Characters will turn towards nearby enemies and keep their distance. And naturally, since these battles take place in the city, characters will fall if they bump into things like street signs or bicycles.

#6: Everything moves according to the physics of the Dragon Engine developed by Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio. Through this, the “objects” that exist on the battlefield, such as bicycles, can be used as weapons or obstacles like in the action-based battles of previous games.

#7: Turn order is determined by parameters such as a character’s stats, but that doesn’t mean you’ll get the same result by attacking just any enemy. In a situation where you attack the enemy directly (by running up to them), there is a high chance that another enemy character will interrupt your attack.

#8: The situation completely changes depending on your distance from the enemy character you’re attacking, as well as the “city objects” in the area. If a bicycle or something similar rolls by, you can kick it at the enemy, or pick it up and attack with it. This action also depends on the character’s class and traits.

#9: Even enemy characters outside of those you are trying to attack may become the target of an attack or interference. For example, when you run up to a distant enemy to attack, there is a high chance of you being interrupted by another enemies in the run-up. On the other hand, depending on the technique, you can attack several enemies at once through attacks that sweep and ranged attacks.

#10: In a situation where you are blown onto the road and the like due to the impact of an attack, you may get hit by a car passing by. Naturally, you will take damage. Basically, this system is called “Live Command RPG Battle” because you fight in a space where the people and city are constantly in motion.

#11: Depending on the technique, there are some action-like operations such as repeatedly pressing a button to match the action during an attack. There is an “Auto” mode for people who want to play without worry, which automatically chooses actions based on each character’s class and traits. (However, this feature may not always act as expected.)

#12: Everything utilizes the real-time physics of the Dragon Engine we’ve built up with previous entries in the series, and no battle situation is the same. The stronger the enemy, the smarter they are, so if you find yourself in a pinch, you have various options including retreating behind other characters.

#13: In yesterday’s (August 29) announcement, we were only able to share some basic information about the battle system. Since you can change classes at Hello Work, there are variations to techniques unlike anything before, as well as various other unannounced special moves.

#14: Everyone on the team is working hard to have everyone experience this “Live Command RPG Battle” for themselves at Tokyo Game Show 2019 starting September 12! If you are attending, please stop by and play! If you are not attending, we will work hard to share information through forms such as video.


That story had the feels doe right? I might replay Zero next year.
Yeah can't say the story captivated me but really enjoyed the game. Really dug the cultural presentation and overall light-heartedness of it all. Never felt like the combat was something I wanted to get good at but I should qualify that by saying these aren't the types of games I typically gravitate towards. Am more than willing to give the turn-based system a shot.
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This should be a spinoff. I prefer turn based RPGs and just like I dislike them "evolving" into action games, I don't want to see action games "evolve" into turn based RPGs either.
I actually think this might be pretty slick. I have a complete collection of Yakuza games to get my action fix. I don't mind them exploring other ways. If it doesn't work then it doesn't work. Would be crazy if this is all a ploy and it turns out to be just a tribute to the best real-time combat game in the world.


Gold Member
As a Yakuza fan, this is disappointing.

If this was a spin-off I wouldn't have a problem with it. But, this is a way, way too drastic change. My main gripe with the gameplay has been how relatively simple it is. It could've benefitted from some polished depth like more advanced enemy AI/interaction and clever tactics. Not replacing it entirely. I've appreciated the series for it being a modernization of the old school beat 'em up genre. It kind of revitalised it. This is just kind of undoing all of that.

I'm cautiously optimistic that this is some precursor to an actual JRPG project that's being conceptualised at RGG studio like the case of Dead souls eventually leading to Binary domain. RGG studio is a great team and I do want them to try out new ideas. Albeit, not on at the expense of the Yakuza series' established and fundamental gameplay.
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Yeah. The idea is growing on me but you just don’t put number 7 on a “spin-off”
That's the thing, it's just a number.The next Yakuza game was going to be this game regardless.It's not like it's a series we're starved for entries in.The only thing being in the main series denotes is that it's canon.


That's the thing, it's just a number.The next Yakuza game was going to be this game regardless.It's not like it's a series we're starved for entries in.The only thing being in the main series denotes is that it's canon.

Ace Attorney Investigations 1 and 2 are canon but they put the "Investigations" on the title because the gameplay is different.

Dragon Quest Monsters, Dragon Quest Heroes, Dragon Quest Swords, and Dragon Quest Wars all explored different styles of gameplay without interrupting the main series. And the one time they did mess with the main series (10) the series lost momentum in the West.

This game could still be canon with a subtitle instead of "7". I mean it's great for me personally, I might try it now, but I'd try it even with the subtitle. Is making this a main entry worth ticking off actual Yakuza fans?


Gold Member
I like turn based combat but they need to make it like tha snappier turn based combat ever with how much combat you do in yaluza...

Like persona system but 10x faster...


That's the thing, it's just a number.The next Yakuza game was going to be this game regardless.It's not like it's a series we're starved for entries in.The only thing being in the main series denotes is that it's canon.

I know, right. There are what, 6 beat em up yakuza games on ps4? I really hope 7 works out for them and we can have both kinds of game. People are creatures of habbit though, and generally dislike change so, i think it will be rocky.


Gold Member

I honestly don't think they have to prove it. I firmly believe that team is capable of accomplishing whatever they want with great results. They're very talented. I just would've preferred they took this RPG idea and used it on an entirely new standalone IP like Binary domain.

At least I hope it leads them to create an original JRPG at some point.
All the combat footage from TGS looks completly ass, this is their idea of fast paced turn based combat lmao. looks slower then persona 5. Almost all parts of the storyline ripped straight from the Yakuza Online gatcha game!!!!, characters have "heat" in the canon cutscenes now, have to drag around stupid ass npcs in town to fight as a party. and there are fucking summons in the game now!! looks like its heavily focused on "comedic" shit in the main storyline, seemingly they took all the parts i dislike about the games and made it into one.

Fuck you sega i hope to god this flops spectacularly and you idiots dont buy it, seems they took the feedback from the new western fans that came with 0 into a "epic wacky game" and ruined my favorite series. zero hype. Swear to god 0's influx of new fans was the worst that ever happened to the series, it runined the kiwami remake with Majima everywhere and now seemingly they are building a game for yakuza fans that scream on twitter like morons about "nugget so funny, haha mr libido so epic, omg why do i have to play as only Kiriyu where is Majima??? Minigames yaaaaaay, combat is boring lmao"

This will be like having watched Outrage series from Kitano and its what you know him for and then the new movie in the series comes out and its a comedy with none of the previous actors from the movies but its called Outrage 4 and if it sells well the next movies in series is turned into a that forever. If im going to buy it i will buy it used, not giving a dime to sega in support of this game. Yes i know im salty im actually fuming.
All the combat footage from TGS looks completly ass, this is their idea of fast paced turn based combat lmao. looks slower then persona 5. Almost all parts of the storyline ripped straight from the Yakuza Online gatcha game!!!!, characters have "heat" in the canon cutscenes now, have to drag around stupid ass npcs in town to fight as a party. and there are fucking summons in the game now!! looks like its heavily focused on "comedic" shit in the main storyline, seemingly they took all the parts i dislike about the games and made it into one.

Fuck you sega i hope to god this flops spectacularly and you idiots dont buy it, seems they took the feedback from the new western fans that came with 0 into a "epic wacky game" and ruined my favorite series. zero hype. Swear to god 0's influx of new fans was the worst that ever happened to the series, it runined the kiwami remake with Majima everywhere and now seemingly they are building a game for yakuza fans that scream on twitter like morons about "nugget so funny, haha mr libido so epic, omg why do i have to play as only Kiriyu where is Majima??? Minigames yaaaaaay, combat is boring lmao"

This will be like having watched Outrage series from Kitano and its what you know him for and then the new movie in the series comes out and its a comedy with none of the previous actors from the movies but its called Outrage 4 and if it sells well the next movies in series is turned into a that forever. If im going to buy it i will buy it used, not giving a dime to sega in support of this game. Yes i know im salty im actually fuming.
Please point on the bear where Nagoshi touched you.


New info on the Persona-esque "human upgrade" system:


By raising your human power you’ll be able to unlock specific jobs at the Hello Work offices, talk to people you usually wouldn’t be able to interact with, and it’ll be adavantegeous in battle. You can even become popular with the ladies.

Passion represents your motivation and romance. It grows with passionate behavior and devotion.

Mental represents your willpower and ability to focus. It grows in situation where your will and mental fortitude are tested.

Cheerfulness represents how sociable you are and your positivity. It grows when your action brighten the environment around you.

Kindness is the power of acceptance and compassion. It grows through gentle contact with people, animals, and plants.

Intellect represents education and memory. It grows when you make a logical suggestion or study.

Charm represents your actractiveness and quality. It grows after a witty exchange or agreeable behavior.


You can improve your Human Power by helping people in need, playing minigames, and performing various actions.

In sub-stories, your Human Power can increase depending on your choices. Playing, learning, and inteacting with people is the key to growing your Human Power.

We also get to see the Wadanohara Qualification School, where you can undertake a variety of qualification exam in Yakuza: Like a Dragon. If you pass them you can dramatically improve your Human power.

Examples of exams include History, based on general knowledge of Japanese and world history, and one on the issues related to Isezaki Ichincho, which is the new setting of the game in Yokohama.

In order to pass them, you have to solve quizzes with four possible answers.

Human power is also increased by minigames like golf, pachislot, and Dragon Kart. By playing around the city and reaching high levels of Human Power, you will gain a considerable advantage in the game.

If you’d like to see more about the game, you can check out the original reveal, the first trailer with English subtitles, more trailers and gameplay, even more clips, another batch of videos, the latest one, and the previous gallery.

Yakuza: Like a Dragon will launch in Japan on January 16, 2020, exclusively for PS4. It’ll also come west later next year.



what they've shwn looks great but don't know how i feel about changing the gameplay of a main chapter of the series that much..if it was a spinoff? sure,...but a maain game? uh...


what they've shwn looks great but don't know how i feel about changing the gameplay of a main chapter of the series that much..if it was a spinoff? sure,...but a maain game? uh...

It's not really a main game since Kiryu et al are no longer part of the story though. So why does it matter if it's named Yakuza 7 or Yakuza: Insert Spinoff Title Here.


It's not really a main game since Kiryu et al are no longer part of the story though. So why does it matter if it's named Yakuza 7 or Yakuza: Insert Spinoff Title Here.

It won't even be called Yakuza 7 in the West, it'll be called Yakuza: Like a Dragon. Maybe they'll backtrack on calling it Yakuza 7 in Japan too.


It's not really a main game since Kiryu et al are no longer part of the story though. So why does it matter if it's named Yakuza 7 or Yakuza: Insert Spinoff Title Here.
it matters because if a spinoff sells well the series splits, if the new main line game sells well they might decide to completely change the saga, and for me what identifies a videogame series is the gameplay, not the story, if you wanna change the gameplay so much, call it with another name..or use a name but make it a spinoff and leave the main series alone


it matters because if a spinoff sells well the series splits, if the new main line game sells well they might decide to completely change the saga, and for me what identifies a videogame series is the gameplay, not the story, if you wanna change the gameplay so much, call it with another name..or use a name but make it a spinoff and leave the main series alone

Sorry that makes no sense to me. The Kiryu saga is over and will not change. It doesn't matter what a title is called.
And queue the incomming "lol turn based combat is better anyways, old combat sucks" "lol i dont care it looks fun the game series was stale anyways"

No one would say the same if Forza 8 was announced as a Racing Managment simulator and if it sold well thats how it would continue.

Its 7 in japan thats all that counts.

Hope this shit flops
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