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Yakuza Community Thread - FEEL THE HEAT!


I can think of no greater Kyoudai to make the OT than you my man.

sure, but i did 4, Dead Souls & the starter guide; i'm okay with others doing threds - this one by m'man cj_iwakura (he's awesome) and the other...my only request is that the genre be "Kazuma Kiryu Simulator", a proud tradition by my dude Himuro during the segata sanshiro days here.

i can do write-ups, but i can't do imaging worth a shit. i reach out to dudes like john hardin for input, but that's all i got. and i don't mind someone else's name on the thread title.


Managed to finish Yakuza 6. It's definitely a good game but it took the leap to next-gen and everything that entails. A lot of things that were taken for granted in past games are completely gone here. The ending is uhhh

I don't know how to feel about it. The reveal that Kiryu was alive the whole time felt like I got played. They wrung his death for all it was worth without actually going through with it. On the other hand if Kiryu had actually died like that I would be upset (worst bullet taking scene ever), and if he didn't fake his death it would mean a return to the status quo which would be disappointing for the final game in the saga. The entire thing needed to be executed a lot better.

I'm also disappointed in how sanitised the finale was. I thought Kiryu was actually going to go through with his plan to kill those two, especially after he shot down that helicopter and watched coldly as it blew up. What we got instead is Sugai takes the easy way out and Iwami gets sucked into the yakuza black hole known as prison. It wasn't as carthartic taking them down as I would've liked.


+Story is ok. Loses a lot of steam about 3/4 through but I enjoyed it, mostly because of the characters. It's also a LOT like 3 so if you didn't like that game this one probably won't fare much better.

+Presentation is improved. Everything is fully voiced and no more text boxes (though I kinda wish there were so I could read at my own pace), UI looks better, seamless transitions in and out of buildings and so on.

+Someya. Best character, best fights, best boss themes,
sadder death than Rikiya.

+Moving Kiryu around feels good. Everything has a satisfying amount of weight to it (except the quickstep). That and the new physics makes combat feel more punchy than before.

+Onomichi is a great second city. I like that it has different atmospheres depending on the time of day as opposed to Kamurocho's bustle by day bustle by night. Wish there were more stores though.


-No coliseum, no gambling den/casino, no master's training, no weapons, no ultimate battles, parts of Kamurocho are blocked off, etc.

-There are some big holes in Kiryu's moveset. It's like you were given a style from 0 but without the other 2 to round it out. There's a decent amount of cool new heat moves but the pool feels smaller the further I got through the game.

-Performance in Kamurocho is bad and it's especially noticeable after spending a bunch of hours in Onomichi. I don't even think it looks that good for it to be justified. Don't get me wrong the game does look good but it's 900p with a ton of shimmering and jaggies.

-Clan creator and grass lot baseball are meant to be the main side activities but I don't think either of them are very fun.

-Many returning characters don't get their due in this game. Majima, Saejima and Daigo
are in prison for the entire duration of the game. Outside of Daigo they have 0 interaction with Kiryu
. Komaki and Hanaya aren't even in the game. Hard to feel like Kiryu's last game when these important characters are a non-presence throughout the story.

The reveal of the Onomichi secret was underwhelming considering the build up it got for several chapters. I thought it would be a bigger deal but really it was just to protect the interests of a couple people. Could've been redeemed if it was the final level and you got to kick lots of ass on it. Speaking of...

-Final boss fight is honestly shit. How'd we go from 5/Ishin/0's final bosses to this one is beyond me. The character isn't much better.
What a pathetic yakuza wannabe. Really hateable but without the cool/badass factor to balance it out. It's even worse since he was basically the same type of character as Shibusawa but not even a tenth as good.

I realise this post skews kinda negative but like I said it's a good game. But after 0, which was a legit good game, we've gone back to the traditional deeply flawed good game. I'm not a fan of ranking the series but if I had to it'd look something like:

That gif rocks. That fight intro got me seriously hyped for the fight. And like
at the end of the second chapter I loved the level of destruction you got when smashing up the items in the room. Looked seriously impressive. Without reading the spoilers I can understand where you coming from complaints wise. The more I play the more I can't help but feel that the combat is missing something, but I'm still taking this as the teething pains of completely upgrading to current gen. If Yakuza 7 or whatever the next big game in the series adds in all the missing stuff, and more I'll feel less bad about some of it being missing in 6.

I will miss the arena though, I loved that side content and without multiple characters it probably wouldn't have felt like a grind in 6... Oh well, at least you get to fight another bear in 0's fighting arena!


Well concerning the ending:

It was obvious Kiryu wasn't gonna get the happy ending, he and fans of the series wanted since he's made a lot of enemies over time, someone always looking for revenge for something and if its not them, then it would be someone hoping to make a name for themselves to say they defeated the "Dragon of Dojima" and the easiest way to drag him into another conflict would be to target the orphanage, which of course because of Haruto, he had to make a painful choice in letting everyone(besides Date) think he is dead so that people would at least cease any retaliation they had planning but I figure he would always keep a close eye on everyone to make sure they are doing alright and take out any would-be trouble makers should it come to that. But knowing what happened to him in Y5 and how miserable it made him, this has to be really hard on him since he can be close yet so far watching his kids grow up and mature without him being directly in their lives.

Yeah Yakuza 6 was definitely the testing bed for future games in terms of combat, food and the leveling up system, there is a lot of good but lots of bad also, for example enemy combat and blocking, they can completely stop any kind of momentum you have going by blocking so when dealing with large crowds and you're just doing your attack strings, its more of a liability straight up meleeing enemies as one enemy can block your attacks and the others are just swinging at you from behind them, and trying to follow up with a circle finisher after triangle doesn't help too much since they still block when you are swinging around guys doing crowd control, so I just opt for doing dragon mode drop kicks as you can take out/knock down a lot of them in one go if they are bunched up, or doing tiger drops to take out multiple enemies at once or using heavy objects.

Its bad many things were taken out or changed for this game that we're use to, I figured it would be because either they didn't have time to implement it or just to have it "return" for future installments, like bowling, the underground arena and some other stuff, while many of the stuff that is still in, is good like how darts has been made better and easier and hostess clubs(well its just Shine now) doesn't have any negative penalties if you mess up on answering questions with the hostesses and of course Sega arcades have been expanded on and made better with machines that offer different difficulty settings for the games. For the new mini games definitely spear fishing is the best one of the bunch and might be one of my new favs in the series, it captures that arcade look and feel that Nagoshi and the team have built their careers on at Sega, while the other mini games like grassroots baseball felt really could have been a full game of baseball with pitching, catching and the whole nine innings, it would have added a lot to Y6 if you could have done that, but as it is it could have been omitted easily, though I'm sure playing a full nine inning game and having to do it multiple times(not counting losses) to get completion clears would have been tiring. But I do hope they maybe revise it if they decide to bring it back for say Shinada comes back(doubtful) or Mitsuo becomes a playable character in the future(and still likes baseball that is). Then there's Rizap which honestly before the second demo I thought was gonna be the new training regiment for gaining new skills but in the end it turned out to be nothing really, I felt like it should have had more substance to it or at least give you a ton of exp for doing training but it is what it is. Live Chat was funny but I wished there were more girls and lastly clan creator which could have been a mobile game app, and going in I thought it was gonna be complicated but it wasn't, those New Japan guys in Justis were alright(
funny that Kiryu pointed out they spelt Justice wrong
) and all but I ended up using the codes to get Majima and other characters on my team, which was Kiryu, Majima, Saejima, Akiyama, Pocket Fighter/Daigo and Michio Ono as my healer, all but Pocket Fighter and Michio Ono were Super Rare cards, Michio Ono just has a rare one (
I swapped out Pocket Fighter/Daigo for Amon when I got him but just to fool around with since I was done long time with all the missions
) but it along with spear fishing made me a ton of money, which I spent on spamming muscle powder, oh and trouble missions were almost a complete waste of time outside of fighting
Sodachi and Saigo
and I guess the trophies for doing 5 and 20.

Onto places, first Kamurocho in general a place we're all so use to has had some changing up yet remained the same place, sure the whole hotel district, west park, Ryuuguujou(dragon palace) and Kamurocho Hills were blocked off but I felt there was "enough" to keep things interesting especially with all the new restaurants around, I liked that "Little Asia" now had its own proper section instead of barely passable alleyways and that Tougenkyou/Shangri-La was still around (
and used as a hideout and that freaky Hangman guy in there
) and I liked how the city lit up at night making everything shiny. Onomichi Jingaicho on the other hand despite being smaller in size I really enjoyed being there especially during the morning/day cycles, at night its pretty much what you'd expect in a small town, quiet expect with local gang and Yakuza thugs patrolling so often plus the battle music there is so much better. And yes (
it was disappointing the final battle was not on the battleship or better yet using the battleship to fight other ships would have been cool.

Boss fights and presentation being the highlights, all of the boss fights (
barring of course the last one, the Yuta fight,and the first Nagamo fight but it still passes
) was really great in their presentations, Someya was an excellent character, excellent fights and great theme, like in the gif when you square off with him is so cool and his stance change was really great(tried to kick the couch at me but I tiger dropped him and the couch in the first fight), Zhang/Edo I thought had good fights against though two of those you had people helping you out, but I'm glad he got used in the main story
unlike that guy with the scars and purple suit from the first demo being relegated to being in clan creator
also Edo's theme is cool. Han Jun Ki was also excellent, great theme and then there's Hirose and I think they did good job with Beat Takeshi, being a sneaky, silent killer creeping towards you and his theme does a great job of doing this as well as the quick time events and course there's the fight against everyone's favorite secret character,
who, I'm glad is finally able to speak, but its kinda sad they've been steadily making it easier and easier to fight him as the series has gone on, with this being the easiest requirements thus far and also having
one life bar
but it wouldn't be
without the gimmicks and I spent seven fights with him learning everything to the fight so I was able to do a no damage fight and getting the trophy win over him, also best version of "Fiercest Warrior" . The rest of the fights were good like against Nagamo, or the others in the Hirose family but moving to the fights I didn't like,which was of course
the final one
and I call the last boss "Iwata" because he looks just like him but with none of his charm, and once I saw it was
his moves Amon was copying
I decided to bring a beat down "directly to him" with no mercy using the blood stained sarashi and loincloth to put my attack at 355 and be in dragon mode so my tiger drops decimated him, then there's Yuta and well I couldn't be bothered to take him seriously and just wanted to beat his face in as fast as possible which I did, same with Koshimizu and Masuzoe.

The new characters in general were great, Nagamo and the rest of the Hirose family(Yes even Yuta to an extent) were cool and fun to hang around, fight with and fight against but Nagamo really stands out being a cool guy after being hot headed when you first meet him, Someya had charm to him even if he was a little full of himself, did wish he would have
survived but dying freed up Kiyomi for Nagamo
, I felt
Yuta and Haruka's
interactions could have been shown more, I mean other than when the flashback of him
beating up the guy who took the picture
, there's really nothing else....I suppose it was just a spur of the moment thing and not a gradual buildup to what happened. I liked Kiyomi but I knew she was hiding something, it was all over her face and in her voice, didn't think it was that about
but I did wish they gave her different clothes, all through the game she wears the same thing(
other than the flashback when she was younger
) as opposed to others who, changed clothes often. Han Jun Ki I thought had a lot of style about him and I almost believed that
he was a honorable guy with sportsmanship
but he's not. Too bad you didn't interact with Hirose too much in the game but its Beat Takeshi in a Yakuza game and you have a cool fight against him so that's great I guess and lastly I think the New Japan guys in Justis could have been in a new Kurohyo game instead.

Yes its sad none of Kiryu's more familiar characters don't show up, or are even mentioned ever, some of which could have been added to clan creator like Komaki if they wanted to or have them as roaming trouble mission fights like
Saigo and Sodachi
it would have been cool and is wasted really.

All in all, Yakuza 6 is a good Yakuza game, its not the greatest, its obviously a testing ground for the later installments or even a new IP should they have an idea of doing another one, for now I'm undecided on where to rank it so would need more time personally.
Finally upgraded my L1 parry move and now the timing window is far more lenient. I wonder why it wasn't just this way to begin with? It feels so much better now! Makes fights actually feel more fluid and fun especially when fighting larger groups as its especially easy to get overwhelmed if your not careful. Still can't do the weapon grab counters at all though... It just feels far easier and more effective to simply grab them to get them to drop their weapons. Doesn't look as cool but its way easier.

Also, I loved the end of the
Pocket Fighter
side story. They even got the music and his classic outfit in there. He's somehow managed to become one of my favourite misc. characters from 0, Kiwami and now 6. Side stories continue to deliver.


I'm going to go out on a limb here and predict that Yakuza 2 Kiwami is next cab off the rank, and Yakuza 7 will be another multi-cast game with Majima taking over as the lead character. Majima is such a fantastic character in Zero and I genuinely think he is more interesting than Kiryu ever was. Throw in Akiyama, Saejima, and Shinada for the luls, and I'd play another 10 Yakuza games.


I'm going to go out on a limb here and predict that Yakuza 2 Kiwami is next cab off the rank, and Yakuza 7 will be another multi-cast game with Majima taking over as the lead character. Majima is such a fantastic character in Zero and I genuinely think he is more interesting than Kiryu ever was. Throw in Akiyama, Saejima, and Shinada for the luls, and I'd play another 10 Yakuza games.

I don't know anything about post-5 games. But if Yakuza future is not starting completely new. Majima / Haruka (as a real character) game oooooooooh.
I'm going to go out on a limb here and predict that Yakuza 2 Kiwami is next cab off the rank, and Yakuza 7 will be another multi-cast game with Majima taking over as the lead character. Majima is such a fantastic character in Zero and I genuinely think he is more interesting than Kiryu ever was. Throw in Akiyama, Saejima, and Shinada for the luls, and I'd play another 10 Yakuza games.

I don't know if I'd want Majima to be the main character. I feel like he works better as a foil.

I'd rather see Saejima take over as the new protagonist of the guys we have right now.


I don't know anything about post-5 games. But if Yakuza future is not starting completely new. Majima / Haruka (as a real character) game oooooooooh.

Yeah, I mean, I would totally play a new 5 game series chronicling Haruka's descent into the underworld under Majima's guidance and her subsequent rise to become the next Tojo Clan Chairwoman. One can dream.
Unless Yakuza 6's ending has Haruka's personality completely shattered and has her go mad with rage I can't see how she'd end up in organised crime. She's far to innocent and friendly to ever hurt a fly, let alone another human (they went to great lengths to show that in 5). I'd rather they leave Haruka alone and focus on a brand new female character instead of using her. I'd like Haruka to get a happy ending in 6

That's assuming that I ever actually finish it, several hours into chapter 6 of Y6 and all I've done is several sub stories, marveled at the new lighting effects in Kamuracho and played loads of Mah Jong!)

Not sure about having Majima or even Seijima as a main character. I love Seijima as a character and would love him to get another shot (no prison this time) but he seems to work better as part of an ensemble cast. Not sure about Majima though, I love his character and wouldn't say no to playing as him again, as long as the story/reason your playing as him is good.

I'd rather they go with an all new character or Akiyama myself. All new lets them build from the ground up, and Akiyama just seemed like he had potential from the end of 5 and I just like his personality the most out of the new characters introduced in 4.
Played several more hours today on 6, basically just doing side stuff. I loved the
side story simply for the novelty of chasing it across most of Kamuracho.

I finally got round to unlocking the Tiger Drop counter move, unless I've gotten so used to the smoothness of 0 and Kiwami it seems way harder to land (smaller execution window). Still useful in 1 on 1 encounters, but only when I can read the enemy well.

Also gave the hostess club a try. I love how they've implemented/changed this part compared to older games in the series. I liked where it was going with 5 but I think I prefer the way 6 does it. Plenty of conversation, but its just far faster to rank up each hostess.

Still not sure where I'd rank this game in terms of the other games in the series. I understand all the complaints about it, and agree with some of them. However I also find myself spending several hours at a time playing this game without ever getting remotely bored. So at its worst I see this as being a great entry in the series, just with some changes/exclusions that hamper it compared to the stronger entries like 0 and 4.

Oh, and Super Hang On rocks.


Well there's a few characters who, could become new main characters going forward like Tachi, Mitsuo, Kouji or even Shirou from the Orphanage.

Tatsuya from the Kurohyo games could be rolled over, course there's some problems with that as there's things that exist in those games that don't in the main series but if not him could be someone like him starting up a new legend within Kamurocho and hearing about Kiryu and stuff.

The main character or one of the new main characters could even be a foreigner and not Japanese or even Asian since Nagoshi and team have never been shy about having people from outside come in.


Atlus PR
Alright, review codes are out for Yakuza 0 - you could start seeing some early impressions (maybe livestreams?) on the 11th, and then the reviews should be coming out on the 19th.

Trying to get a livestream with our Yakuza team here too so we can join in on the fun.

And when you guys start playing through the game in English finally,
if you don't tear up at the scene at the end of Chapter 6, you're an inhuman monster :(


Personally, I wouldn't go as far as Haruka becoming a crime boss or anything like that, but I do kind of think towards the later games, Haruka becoming a dainty ultimate feminine prototype is kind of eye rolley. Her life was fucked by the Yakuza and you could feel it. That's why her character in Y1 was so much easier for me to care for as opposed to later games, I know it's a whole grow up and out of it and be beautifully innocent but it has felt kinda forced to me, there's zero reason for me not to expect that Kiryu would at least teach Haruka to defend herself after all these games, especially up to 5 and from what I can tell at a glance doubly so for 6. I kinda just want her to be her own character again and not just an innocent flower to rescue, but I guess maybe you got that in 6, i dunno.
Alright, review codes are out for Yakuza 0 - you could start seeing some early impressions (maybe livestreams?) on the 11th, and then the reviews should be coming out on the 19th.

Trying to get a livestream with our Yakuza team here too so we can join in on the fun.

And when you guys start playing through the game in English finally,
if you don't tear up at the scene at the end of Chapter 6, you're an inhuman monster :(

Hey, you actually came to hang out with us, that's cool.

Review codes being sent this early is good as well, since journalists need to take their times with this. And, yeah I really hope you can do a live-stream for this. I probably won't be able to see it live but I'll definitely check it out afterwards. The Yakuza 5 one was really fun :)

There is one other thing though, John. You probably can't answer this since Deep Silver is the one doing the EU release, but do you know what's taking them so long? Game will be out in three weeks and the pre-orders still haven't gone live on EU store.

Well there's a few characters who, could become new main characters going forward like Tachi, Mitsuo, Kouji or even Shirou from the Orphanage.

Tatsuya from the Kurohyo games could be rolled over, course there's some problems with that as there's things that exist in those games that don't in the main series but if not him could be someone like him starting up a new legend within Kamurocho and hearing about Kiryu and stuff.

The main character or one of the new main characters could even be a foreigner and not Japanese or even Asian since Nagoshi and team have never been shy about having people from outside come in.
Actually how is the main character from PSP games? I haven't played those entries myself so I'm curious to know whether he can be the next protag of the mainline series. (story and personality wise)


Atlus PR
There is one other thing though, John. You probably can't answer this since Deep Silver is the one doing the EU release, but do you know what's taking them so long? Game will be out in three weeks and the pre-orders still haven't gone live on EU store.

0 is actually being handled by SOE, and I'm not sure about that. I'll take a look.
0 is actually being handled by SOE, and I'm not sure about that. I'll take a look.
Oh wow, didn't know that.

And thanks for looking into it. I've already pre-ordered mine form NA store but I know there are people who are waiting for EU version, so I'm sure they appreciate this as well.
Hey, you actually came to hang out with us, that's cool.

Review codes being sent this early is good as well, since journalists need to take their times with this. And, yeah I really hope you can do a live-stream for this. I probably won't be able to see it live but I'll definitely check it out afterwards. The Yakuza 5 one was really fun :)

There is one other thing though, John. You probably can't answer this since Deep Silver is the one doing the EU release, but do you know what's taking them so long? Game will be out in three weeks and the pre-orders still haven't gone live on EU store.

Actually how is the main character from PSP games? I haven't played those entries myself so I'm curious to know whether he can be the next protag of the mainline series. (story and personality wise)

I've not played the second PSP game, but Tatsuya in the first PSP game was a complete, evil asshole. The game does a brilliant job at showing how much of an irredeemable jerk he is for most of the game - more than one of the bosses in the game are people he bullied/wronged in his earlier years. It feels like he kinda turns a corner at the end of the first game though, so hopefully he's more bearable in the second game.


I finally got round to unlocking the Tiger Drop counter move, unless I've gotten so used to the smoothness of 0 and Kiwami it seems way harder to land (smaller execution window). Still useful in 1 on 1 encounters, but only when I can read the enemy well.

Also gave the hostess club a try. I love how they've implemented/changed this part compared to older games in the series. I liked where it was going with 5 but I think I prefer the way 6 does it. Plenty of conversation, but its just far faster to rank up each hostess.

Timing your tiger drop would allow you get take out enemies that are bunched up, its a good strat when you have to deal with lots of enemies with a boss or "tough" enemy who attacks more frequently.

Yeah the hostess system now you can't really do bad as the meter doesn't go down if you mess up which is good, also for hostesses I think all of them like 12 year Hakushu which is cheap and for food its the fruit platter

Actually how is the main character from PSP games? I haven't played those entries myself so I'm curious to know whether he can be the next protag of the mainline series. (story and personality wise)

Also adding to what Shadowman16 said, Tatsuya was also a "strength is everything" type of person who, despite having friends and people who cared about him, he was just reckless and quick tempered but mellowed out later on.
I've not played the second PSP game, but Tatsuya in the first PSP game was a complete, evil asshole. The game does a brilliant job at showing how much of an irredeemable jerk he is for most of the game - more than one of the bosses in the game are people he bullied/wronged in his earlier years. It feels like he kinda turns a corner at the end of the first game though, so hopefully he's more bearable in the second game.
Also adding to what Shadowman16 said, Tatsuya was also a "strength is everything" type of person who, despite having friends and people who cared about him, he was just reckless and quick tempered but mellowed out later on.
Ah, he seems like the kind of characters that I wouldn't like very much. I was hoping that he would be more like a cocky and capable guy who can get under peoples' nerves by showing off (and actually backing it up) but when it's all said and done does the right thing or stands up for what is right and things like that. But being an actual jerk who bullies people.... naaaah, I think we'll be better off without him. Akiyama it is then. Well, at least if they are gonna use an existing character.

Wouldn't really mind seeing a new guy/girl altogether, though. Just hopefully whoever the main character is, he/she will be much more cocky. It always bothered me how extremely down to earth Kiryu was, even though he was a living legend. For the most games it felt like he was The Hidden Dragon of Dojima. Besides some of the more important characters of each title not many people knew about him and even less were genuinely intimidated by his legend.

If the next MC has a legend status or reaches one, then that legend should carry a lot more weight among different ranks of Yakuza.
Timing your tiger drop would allow you get take out enemies that are bunched up, its a good strat when you have to deal with lots of enemies with a boss or "tough" enemy who attacks more frequently.

Yeah the hostess system now you can't really do bad as the meter doesn't go down if you mess up which is good, also for hostesses I think all of them like 12 year Hakushu which is cheap and for food its the fruit platter

Also adding to what Shadowman16 said, Tatsuya was also a "strength is everything" type of person who, despite having friends and people who cared about him, he was just reckless and quick tempered but mellowed out later on.

I can't do the Tiger Drop when you have a group of enemies - especially on hard mode they all attack together and mess you up real quick! Using any kind of radius grab/throw that hits many enemies at once. Thins out the heard quickly and easily!

*edit* Finished chapter 7 now. I loved the massive brawl in
Little Asia. The number of enemies they are chucking at you in these fights is nuts. I loved the battle against Edo, especially some of the cinematics/QTE's in the fight. Got me really hyped!


I can't do the Tiger Drop when you have a group of enemies - especially on hard mode they all attack together and mess you up real quick! Using any kind of radius grab/throw that hits many enemies at once. Thins out the heard quickly and easily!

*edit* Finished chapter 7 now. I loved the massive brawl in
Little Asia. The number of enemies they are chucking at you in these fights is nuts. I loved the battle against Edo, especially some of the cinematics/QTE's in the fight. Got me really hyped!

I wish there was a mode in the game where you could replay the big fights that are in the main game. I've platinumed the game now and I'm fully leveled up so I'm kind of wondering what more I can get out of the game.

What does New Game + actually entail?
Has the vita companion app already released?

Its not getting released outside of Japan. Which sucks, as portable Mah Jong would have been awesome (I played the Japanese app, I still think its version of Mah Jong is better than some of the full fledged Mah Jong games on the system).

I wish there was a mode in the game where you could replay the big fights that are in the main game. I've platinumed the game now and I'm fully leveled up so I'm kind of wondering what more I can get out of the game.

What does New Game + actually entail?

Not sure. Probably lets you keep certain stats (like the completion list?) and maybe your level/combat unlocks (though they've not let you carry that over in the last few games).

Then of course you've got the Premium Adventure mode which lets you do the side stuff you missed on the main game, which will be the mode I focus on once I finish the main story in the game.


Not sure. Probably lets you keep certain stats (like the completion list?) and maybe your level/combat unlocks (though they've not let you carry that over in the last few games).

Then of course you've got the Premium Adventure mode which lets you do the side stuff you missed on the main game, which will be the mode I focus on once I finish the main story in the game.

Cool yeah I was playing Premium Adventure mode to get all the sub stories and eventually get the Platinum trophy, was just wondering what happens to your stats and items when you start New Game +.
It's probably been posted already but is there a list of the side-activities present in Yakuza 0 and Kiwami?

Snagged these from the Japanese wiki's, so forgive the bad English (one of the Japanese card games is translated really weirdly, which is also the one I forget the name of)


- Disco
· Pocket Circuit [all]
- Shogi
- Mahjong
· Arena
- Karaoke
- Darts
- Billiards
- Bowling
- Batting Center
- Fishing
- Gambling
├ dice game gambling
├ cee-lo
├ Koi-Koi
└ 4th gambling game that I forget :(
- Casino
├ roulette
├ Black Jack
├ poker
└ Baccarat
- High-tech land Sega
├ UFO Catcher
├ Space Harrier
├ Fantasy Zone
├ Super Hang-On
└ outrun
- Cat Fight
· Telephone dating club


pocket Circuit
- Mahjong
- Bowling
· UFO Catcher [all]
- Batting Center
● Karaoke
· Underground arena
▼ Casino
├ roulette
├ Black Jack
├ poker
└ Baccarat
▼ gambling parlor
├ dice game gambling
├ ● c-lo
├ ● Koi-Koi
└ ● Other card game
Hostess club girls
Majima anywhere system
Haruka's Trust (Premium Adventure Mode)
Insect Queen arcade game (Rock/Paper/Scissors game) - basically the cat fighting from 0, except the AI doesn't cheat anywhere near as bad, very much the opposite actually, its bloody thick 90% of the time.

Hope that helps :)


A friend of mine is a reviewer and is currently playing Yakuza 0... Guess the review copies are up.

Tight, I really want the game now after playing 6. I know I'll miss some of the more impressive elements of 6 but also enjoy that the game will be in English, 60 fps, the 80s time period and fighting styles a lot more.

I've never played a Yakuza game where you can play as Majima so I'm super pumped to use his slugger and breaker style.


I'd be happy to help with 0's OT if necessary. Does anyone think the gifs I did for 5's OT were overkill? I had fun doing them.


Its not getting released outside of Japan. Which sucks, as portable Mah Jong would have been awesome (I played the Japanese app, I still think its version of Mah Jong is better than some of the full fledged Mah Jong games on the system).

Umm...Vita is really dead in the west. Mahjong is behind a paywall. You have to purchase a dlc for the vita app. That mahjong was a ported game from SEGA's smartphone service or something and iirc, it's not as good as the mahjong game in the main titles.

Yoooo this is in Zero right?



I'm at a convention right now and I see Yakuza 1 & 2 HD. The only chance of me playing Yakuza 2 is if Kiwami 2 happens. Should I just get it?
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