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Your most unpopular opinions

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Attack on Titan is a mediocre series that only caught on the sheer luck instead on any actual quality.

All the Star Wars movies so far have been dull.

The Spectre opening theme is fantastic.

Into Darkness is a better movie than Star Trek (2009).

The Evangelion fandom is generally pretty awful.

The future storyline with Desmond in the Assassin's Creed games where the connective tissue holding the entire series together and how they ended Desmond's story was lazy.
Oh yeah fucking this, I dont know if it was from everyone and there moms hyping it up but I cannot get into this series. Its not bad just pretty average and i cant find a favorite character to keep me invested.
For me personally I find muscles on men to be unattractive 98% of the time, so all your hard work at the gym hoping to woo someone like me would only be a turn off in most cases, sowwies >_< I honestly find a dad bod more physically attractive then a 6 pack of abs.

I don't find puppies cute/don't like dogs. #TeamKittyCat!

I don't believe in reviews for anything. I just don't understand letting someones subjective opinion determine whether or not you watch/play/buy something especially when no two people have the same exact tastes/preferences/tolerances.

The only good steak is a well done steak!

I don't enjoy 99.9% of fan service present in video games/anime now a days as the majority of it seems to be grossly sexualizing childlike characters, or ridiculous out of place costumes/camera angles for the female characters for the purpose of exciting male viewers/players.Nintendo of America altering certain costumes in Bravely Default, Tokyo Mirage Sessions, and other games made the games better in my opinion.

I don't believe in sarcasm most of the time and feel that people shouldn't use the anonymity of online to act different then they would in person. I personally say/act the exact same way online as I do in person and if I wouldn't say it in person I wouldn't say it online.

Butter is gross 99.9% of the time when used as a topping.

I have no clue how anyone can enjoy eating "A**" aint no guy (or girl) is ever going near my butt with their mouth >_<


I think society as a whole has a pretty irrational perspective on paedophiles, because it's an emotional issue where people can't bring themselves to defer to cold, hard logic. It's pretty much the one area where I feel more forward-thinking than most of my liberal friends.

Firstly paedophiles should be differentiated from child molesters as the two are conflated by most people. The former hasn't necessarily committed a crime and may very well appreciate that they have a mental disorder and make every attempt to avoid acting on their compulsions (check out the Kevin Bacon film The Woodsman for a very nuanced take on the subject).

I think the conversation needs to be less of "we need to kill/sterilise/forever imprison these people" and more towards the mental health issue, but unfortunately it's easier to just dehumanise them and throw away any prospect of help or rehabilitation. Ironically the stigma just makes people less likely to seek help and therefore create a higher risk of them offending without any sort of support structure. It makes me feel sorry for these people.

I once raised this viewpoint during a night out when someone said "we should just castrate and burn the lot of them" and pretty much sucked the air out of the room.

I hope that in future decades there are more avenues open to these people, but it will be an extremely slow process and probably not something I'll see in my lifetime.


I think society as a whole has a pretty irrational perspective on paedophiles, because it's an emotional issue where people can't bring themselves to defer to cold, hard logic.

Firstly paedophiles should be differentiated from child molesters as the two are conflated by most people. The former hasn't necessarily committed a crime and may very well appreciate that they have a mental disorder and make every attempt to avoid acting on their compulsions (check out the Kevin Bacon film The Woodsman for a very nuanced take on the subject).

I think the conversation needs to be less of "we need to kill/sterilise/forever imprison these people" and more towards the mental health issue, but unfortunately it's easier to just dehumanise them and throw away any prospect of help or rehabilitation. Ironically the stigma just makes people less likely to seek help and therefore create a higher risk of them offending without any sort of support structure. It makes me feel sorry for these people.

I once raised this viewpoint once during a night out when someone said "we should just castrate and burn the lot of them" and pretty much sucked the air out of the room.

I hope that in future decades there are more avenues open to these people, but it will be an extremely slow process and probably not something I'll see in my lifetime.

Go team emotional disconnect!

Paedophilia is a mental illness and the only way we can hope to stop sexual assaults on minors is to treat it as such. Don't get me wrong, I completely understand why it's such an emotionally charged subject, but reactionary condemnation doesn't help anyone in the long run.


I don't think Game of Thrones deserves half the hype it gets.

I'm almost done with season 2 and i guess i won't go any further, it's just...boring in my opinion. I got a lot of shit from people simply because i'm not into it.


I think society as a whole has a pretty irrational perspective on paedophiles, because it's an emotional issue where people can't bring themselves to defer to cold, hard logic. It's pretty much the one area where I feel more forward-thinking than most of my liberal friends.

Firstly paedophiles should be differentiated from child molesters as the two are conflated by most people. The former hasn't necessarily committed a crime and may very well appreciate that they have a mental disorder and make every attempt to avoid acting on their compulsions (check out the Kevin Bacon film The Woodsman for a very nuanced take on the subject).

I think the conversation needs to be less of "we need to kill/sterilise/forever imprison these people" and more towards the mental health issue, but unfortunately it's easier to just dehumanise them and throw away any prospect of help or rehabilitation. Ironically the stigma just makes people less likely to seek help and therefore create a higher risk of them offending without any sort of support structure. It makes me feel sorry for these people.

I once raised this viewpoint during a night out when someone said "we should just castrate and burn the lot of them" and pretty much sucked the air out of the room.

I hope that in future decades there are more avenues open to these people, but it will be an extremely slow process and probably not something I'll see in my lifetime.
More or less with you on this. Child Molester are scum of the earth, but Pedophiles are people who need help and support.
Blink-182 are terrible.

Don’t have a single good track in the catalogue. Their resurgence is owed entirely to stoners who shop at Hot Topic and PacSun and think board shorts are acceptable for every occasion.


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
I have no clue how anyone can enjoy eating "A**" aint no guy (or girl) is ever going near my butt with their mouth >_<

GAF is probably the only place where "I don't like putting my tongue inside buttholes" is an unpopular opinion.

and not to be semantic, but chances are you are definitely ok with someone going near your butt with their mouth. Perineum aint that big.


I think Empire Strikes Back is the best film of the original trilogy, but the least entertaining. My personal favorite is Return of the Jedi.

I don't like cats at all.


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
Oh, here's one that's a little iffy: I truly believe that when it comes to comedy, literally nothing is sacred as long as the execution and intent are there. A skilled enough comic not coming from a place of malice can joke about pretty much any tragedy/death/etc.


My possibly irrational hated for people who litter. I think they are terrible, disgusting human beings.

Like, I really really hate them. For me they rank just under murderers, rapists and racists.

I've often said to my friends that if I had one super power it would be the ability to point at a piece of litter on the ground, whether it be a chip bag, cigarette butt or dog shit and be able to snap my fingers and have that litter teleport into the person who left it there's mouth.


Oh, here's one that's a little iffy: I truly believe that when it comes to comedy, literally nothing is sacred as long as the execution and intent are there. A skilled enough comic not coming from a place of malice can joke about pretty much any tragedy/death/etc.

As a Brit I fully agree with you on this one. Nor should they feel like they have to be restricted, comedy is wonderful (and necessary IMO).


Final Fantasy XIII is a great game.

So are FFVIII, X, XII, and XV.

I think that covers the games I see hated on the most in the series.


For me personally I find muscles on men to be unattractive 98% of the time, so all your hard work at the gym hoping to woo someone like me would only be a turn off in most cases, sowwies >_< I honestly find a dad bod more physically attractive then a 6 pack of abs.

This is not so much of an unpopular opinion. My partner says she loves me and finds me attractive DESPITE my physique. Also pretty much every girl I've ever been with says that.


Plays with kids toys, in the adult gaming world
Re:Zero and Steins;Gate are the worst anime of all time

Gundam 0080 is a one trick pony and a shit tier gundam OVA

Outlaw Star >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Cowboy Bebop

Mario games (other than SMB and Mario 64) are just ok

FF12 is an abortion

3D/4K/HDR aren't worth spending money on

Pork is gross

Tattoos are stupid

Kendrick Lamar is this generations Joy Division
This should be the popular opinion.

I'n my experience I seem to be the only person I know who doesn't seem to like dogs and I know they are quite popular online too. I don't have it in me to hate any dog or have any ill will to any animal but dogs just aren't for me for a variety of reasons.

GAF is probably the only place where "I don't like putting my tongue inside buttholes" is an unpopular opinion.

and not to be semantic, but chances are you are definitely ok with someone going near your butt with their mouth. Perineum aint that big.

I did try Anal once but it wasn't the best of experiences. For me while I'm a very clean/hygienic person it's just the mental aspect of knowing the main purpose of that area of the body so my mind just screams - No! No! No! - at the thought of it.

Fine Fine I'll rephrase, aint no one sticking their tongue/mouth anywhere south of my vagina, happy? :p


I don't like alcohol, weed or fast food.
Cats are better than dogs.
Soccer and Baseball are not good sports.
I like going to movies and restaurants by myself (with others is fine too)
Mumble Rap is universally terrible. Grunge and Post Rock are terrible 98% of the time.
Donald Trump, with zero exaggeration, is evil.
FF12 is the best FF game.


Cars should be capped at 100 kilmoters/hour or 60 miles/hour. It should not be an unpopular opinion, but if any politician anywhere in the world would fight for this, his or her career would be over.

Switch Back 9

a lot of my threads involve me fucking up somehow. Perhaps I'm a moron?
The current state of mainstream hip-hop is garbage, and the hypocrisy of people that really like it aggravates the fuck out of me.

How someone can in one sentence say that Wu-Tang or a similar artist is "corny" then praise Future or some other shit blows my mind. It's fine if you think older rappers or older hip-hop is cheesy, a lot of it is, but so is this new shit. Call me fucking dusty you ignorant little shits. Reading Lonzo Ball's comments on Nas and Migos nearly gave me an aneurysm, and a ton of posters on this forum seem to echo his statements.

That's about as far as I'm willing to go in this thread. "Unpopular opinion" on GAF is basically equal to "admit this and get banned", so no thanks.
Anal sex is disgusting.

There's something inherently homophobic about this.

Brienne of Tarth's chapters are some of the best between Feast for Crows and Dance With Dragons.

This might be my favorite opinion here, it's just niche enough to not cause any outrage but among ASoIaF fans it's an extremely unpopular opinion. The world-building in her chapters is my favorite thing in the series. You get to see how the literal Game of Thrones has affected the rest of the realm and the smallfolk.


In America I think there should be mandatory military or infrastructure repair and national service for a year or two after high school. Work in a hospital, help elderly, feed people, fix and clean stuff, and if you did military service you should get some more benefits from it. People are becoming more insular and it would help the country I think.


As a Brit I fully agree with you on this one. Nor should they feel like they have to be restricted, comedy is wonderful (and necessary IMO).

I think understanding the intent can sometimes be blurry personally. I find it hard to discern whether somebody is joking simply because they want to create laughter, or because they consider whatever the topic is based on as stupid/ridiculous.
Because jokes don't come from nothing, right? Or do they, and I'm that out of the loop? lol


Inhumans are better than the X-Men, they have less books and less continuity, making the Inhumans infinitely easier to jump in without feeling lost.

And I think that most Inhuman characters have more interesting limitations than the most of the X-Men cast
Neon genesis evangelion is terrible. Bad ending and the worst protagonist. Ever.
People take game reviews way too seriously.
Souls games suck.
Party chat ruined multiplayer.
A majority of gaf has terrible fashion. I'm looking at you, people who wear cargo shorts.

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
I think Queen and Metallica are awful.

I think 99% of Metal music is cheesy drivel.

I hate Tom Hanks movies.

Tolkien is boring and the gravitational pull of his mythology ruined the Fantasy genre.

I think the aggressive US brand of Leftist could do with being more self-aware and accepting constructive criticism.
I cant stand modern vernacular, im not even old hell
Im only 24 but i often let ot a deep groan when i hear the words woke, lit, as fuck, thot, p good, fire as in this song is fire, used unironicaly . Ect i could go on, i understand that im
Probably just yelling at clouds though and im sure i had used some dumb slang when i was a teenager as well. Suprisingly though i dont mind hella. Thats okay.
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