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TGA is not getting better: Where is the gameplay related awards?


I have been watching TGA since 2015, every year im hoping it gets better but no it stays the same every year with the same awards.

I dont get why the show neglects having awards for gameplay specific aspects.

Best Battle System/Combat award?

A lot of games have combat as their bread and butter, where is the recognition that goes into that system, one of the systems that we play games for, i mean there's award for best narrative, why not for combat? Developers spend a lot of time to balance, create and polish the combat, enemies, weapons and the leveling systems of a game, why not include an award for that instead of Best LE Actor, i mean best performance?

Best Level/World Design award? Hello?

Level or World design is one of the foundation of games, without interesting world or levels to play through games will be boring linear scripted hallways like some of this year GOTY noms are, so why? it has been 8 years and there's still no award for this. Imagine, games like Doom, Prey, Dishonored, Bloodborne, Resident Evil, BOTW, and many more that could get their talented developers and teams who designed these fantastic areas for us to explore and play with, where is their award? Is the award for Le content creator more important? Seriously?

Feel free to suggest more awards.. I feel we can come up at least with 3 more.

Alright other minor issues.

What's up with genre awards? How can you put Stray in Action/Adventure. Where is the action? And many such cases from previous years.
I feel those awards are just arbitrary and should be replaced by said gameplay awards.

Instead of best Action, put best gameplay/combat.
Put best Animation too, animation is not art direction by the way.
Where is the category for Horror?
Is there even enough games released each year that makes these kind of Genre awards viable? It feels a lot of the nomination are simply there because nothing else was released and they had to fill it with games from that X genre.
Why the hell is strategy and sim games together?
Also RPG award is and has always been busted, there's too many wrong takes in that award history.

So after all these years Geoff decided to add one more award, yaaay


The Fuck!!!? Really after all that the jury decided to add an award for TV Shows!!? WoW
No gameplay, no level design but best tv show based on games.
What a joke.
Calling it. This time its Edgerunners and Arcane will carry it, but next time its going to be mediocre shit and you will not care about this award.

In the end of my rant/thread i want to say that i have no problem with adding inclusive awards for every type of games, but my problem here is that they do this while neglecting gameplay related award and lumping them all together under the vague term of best game direction, one which they snubbed Half Life Alyx from in 2020 despite being THE game to innovate and upgrade game design.
TGA is sadly not showing any sign of improvements and is still the same show from 2014 to this day. What a shame.


TGAs are unwatchable. I just watch the trailers that interest me afterwards.
Thats another issue to tackle, the show is incredibly unbalanced.
They will waste time on useless ads, music shows and meaningless awards presentation but when the time comes to announce best Soundtrack or RPG? Geoff will announce them as some quick side event, like some quick 3 seconds add, its incredibly disrespectful to Games and Actual talents

Composers who make awesome, fitting and memorable Soundtracks to the games we play are as much deserving of recognition as Actors who do motion capture in cinematic games.

It's baffling that the show that started with few millions views is now so huge and has many millions of views but still has not improved with its awards and is still unprofessional.
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Gilgamesh Fan Annoyance
They are just glorified popularity contests. In general they have nothing to do with praising game systems and art design. Game awards might be better if they specifically awarded the people responsible for designing the gameplay systems or game worlds you see. Not just one person to take all the credit but all of them.

It's more like giving an award for the supposed best movie in the games industry.

Besides I'd rather spend time playing games I enjoy then watching people walk up on stage to get some paperweight they will pack away or put on their shelf for a game I won't even consider playing to begin with.
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They are just glorified popularity contests. In general they have nothing to do with praising game systems and art design. Game awards might be better if they specifically awarded the people responsible for designing the gameplay systems or game worlds you see. Not just one person to take all the credit but all of them.

It's more like giving an award for the supposed best movie in the games industry.

Besides I'd rather spend time playing games I enjoy then watching people walk up on stage to get some paperweight they will pack away or put on their shelf for a game I won't even consider playing to begin with.
Even in movies they award every single Lead in the team.
From editing, to sound design, audio, soundtrack, visual effects, costume design, acting, directing, script, camera/cinematography, art direction and even songs.
When it comes to games they award the LE Actor and the Director/Producer only.


Gold Member
Best highlight of last year.

Resident Evil Smile GIF by CAPCOM
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Gilgamesh Fan Annoyance
Even in movies they award every single Lead in the team.
From editing, to sound design, audio, soundtrack, visual effects, costume design, acting, directing, script, camera/cinematography, art direction and even songs.
When it comes to games they award the LE Actor and the Director/Producer only.
So it's even worse.

High Schools clearly had the best idea where all people who qualified for something were called by name and each given an award and had pictures taken on stage.

The processions took hours but it was at least meaningful to where everyone was recognized. Not just a team lead.

But again it just shows much of a waste of time these events are and at the end of the day as gamers we only really care about one thing. The games themselves.

The old E3, TGA, and TGS are not what they once were and I don't think we are ever getting them back.


Gold Member
So it's even worse.

High Schools clearly had the best idea where all people who qualified for something were called by name and each given an award and had pictures taken on stage.

The processions took hours but it was at least meaningful to where everyone was recognized. Not just a team lead.

But again it just shows much of a waste of time these events are and at the end of the day as gamers we only really care about one thing. The games themselves.

The old E3, TGA, and TGS are not what they once were and I don't think we are ever getting them back.
Everything is business now. Before it was passion.

Look at E3 now. We dont get the old wacky stuff.


TGA has become incredibly bloated and painful to watch. There's no reason for a games award show to be over 3 hours. I'm fine waiting and just watching the trailers on YT later.


Meaningless awards. As well as Metacritic. These hacks really believe that God of War ragnarok, Horizon Forbidden West and A Plague Tale now with more rats are the best games of the year? In which way do these games push the medium forward?

Call it best graphics, best cutscenes or whatever. They can compete on those categories... The best game category is always biased towards third person action adventure walk & talk games...
We should have game designers on these awards and not Hollywood rejects basically saying "look at us Scorcese, we can write good stories too"

Are these bad games? No way. But its like stating that top 40 radio is the pinnacle of music.
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°Temp. member
This year they might as well just name it The Elden Ring Awards because that game is a nominee in like every category. It’s so frustrating when the game you really want to vote for isn’t even an option and the. There are so many choices that you’ve either never heard of or have no interest in. Best streamer this year? I’ve heard of none of those people. Same for the esports teams. Add a category like best new IP or most innovative.
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Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
I mean, the categories like the one below are there, technically:
Best Action Game
For the best game in the action genre focused primarily on combat.
How that ends up pitting Bayonetta 3 against Call of Duty is another matter, as is Sifu being nominated in this category:
Best Fighting
For the best game designed primarily around head-to-head combat.
Etc. Really, Doritos Pope has shown since the beginning he knows nothing about vidya gaems and is into it for Kojima and other such relationships and the money. Reverse order. Finally you get it 🤷‍♂️
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Seeing a topic that wants the TGA's to be better reminds of that Angry Joe V Geoff Keighly "interview"
Normally I like AJ, but he sounds like a little bitch here.

Yeah i remember that interview, i watched it many times, Angry Joe got destroyed here because he came unprepared and its funny to see him talk about real gamers when he himself is a casual to be honest, everytime i tune to his streams he only plays multiplayer shooters or the big cinematic game, the way i watched him play Elden Ring got me tilted, but i dont want to bash the guy, he is legitimately funny sometimes and makes good content.

Geoff is saying it here the same motto 12 years ago as now, he wants the show to appeal to the widest audience possible, and i can understand that he wants money, but come on, a gaming award show, a celebration of gaming, where the fuck are the gameplay awards mate?

Meaningless awards. As well as Metacritic. These hacks really believe that God of War ragnarok, Horizon Forbidden West and A Plague Tale now with more rats are the best games of the year? In which way do these games push the medium forward?

Call it best graphics, best cutscenes or whatever. They can compete on those categories... The best game category is always biased towards third person action adventure walk & talk games...
We should have game designers on these awards and not Hollywood rejects basically saying "look at us Scorcese, we can write good stories too"

Are these bad games? No way. But its like stating that top 40 radio is the pinnacle of music.
I dont mind some of the nominations, depending on the year but i have to agree there's bias for 3rd person actio adventure games in general, but is that really a TGA case or a Gamers case? to my knowledge gamers themselves are biased to 3rd person action/adventure, its literally what they drool over the most. So not sure if i blame the jury or Geoff here, i think its what gamers like and praise the most. Go to Twitter or Youtube or any mainstream platform, gamers lose their shit when you throw Axe in the water and it makes splash effects, for them thats GOTAAAY :messenger_face_screaming::messenger_face_screaming:
Gaming awards are generally popularity contests and more business over passion oriented imo.
I think they should try to be more professional. I dont mind them choosing the popular and approved choice as much as i mind them neglecting significant awards. But you are right.


I can't remember any memorable moment from the TGA since 2014, like when Skyrim was announced on the previous spike awards show, i just watch for trailers now, then wonder when or if they will come out lol, i have to admit i don't care who wins.


Why care?

That's a serious question. Why would you care? It's a bunch of meaningless awards which are decided on by a panel of "journalists" from several publications that rate games based on a 7 - 10 scale so that they can keep getting access to early showings/previews of big titles, which are their bread and butter.

It's a glorified marketing event that disguises itself as an award show. Just step back and think about how absolutely absurd it is that new games are revealed and announced at an event that is supposedly dedicated to celebrating the best games that have come out. It's become so ridiculous that even trailers for movies are a thing now. Award winners are rushed off stage or, in some cases, awards are given out by Geoff reading them off a script in front of the camera so that they can move on to the next "reveal".

It is a shitshow and nobody should take any of it seriously.


It’s been a terrible show for so long and nothing changes at all no matter how many people complain or ask for changes. Terrible awards no one cares about, awards given out in quick five second batches with no one being given the honor to speak and receive their reward, musical guests no one wants to hear, and ad after ad after ad all combined into a cringy show every-time.

I’m sure Geoff Keighly is a nice guy and that’s what everyone says, and I know he works hard at this and I wish he would do a better job, but honestly if we want a better show, the thing that needs to change is him at the top. I say it every-time this topic comes up, we need someone new to come in and make a better awards show for gaming. Cause we all know the tgas aren’t that now and never will be as long as they continue down this road.
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Gold Member
TGA needs to decide if it is an award show or a highlight reel for new game announcements. The entire premise of watching this show to see peole who made great games get honored while also watching some sizzle reels for new shit is so dumb. It’s not fair to the award nominees and winners to try to get an audience of people who don’t want to watch an award show, and for someone who just wants to see announcements, watching a bunch of awards is bad TV.
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aka IMurRIVAL69
the show should be 1.5 hours. they could get out all their trailers and awards without musical acts nobody asked for or the cringey monologuing from keighley. as it stands i'm not watching 3 hours of bloated trash to see 1 or 2 trailers i actually want to see.


Because an "audience" resonate better with the people up front - you know: those whose voices are loudest and egos are the most inflated. (e-sport "athletes", influencers, reacters and "content creators")

They don't care about you or the people who program games.

It's all about attracting more eyeballs.
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aka IMurRIVAL69
it's like the broadcast version of a slow walk and chat from the games the critics love. you patiently listen to keighley blather on about World of Tanks for 10 mins until you get to the thing you actually wanna see.
The Game Awards (and you can add review sites like Metacritic) are only ever propped up as something important by console warriors and children who need validation for their buying decisions.

They have always and will continue to always be a joke, a vehicle for advertisements by someone who only uses it to help support gaming behind the scenes (Look up what Keighly has done to help folks like KojiPro). Even he knows this is a massive farce, but it gets money through the door that can be used better elsewhere.


Good thread and I completely agree with the criticism. Also like someone said they just give away some awards without any build up or even signifying it's importance.

OP also has nice ideas regarding new award categories.


Do they still do influencer awards?
I think thats the content creator of the year award.
Why care?

That's a serious question. Why would you care? It's a bunch of meaningless awards which are decided on by a panel of "journalists" from several publications that rate games based on a 7 - 10 scale so that they can keep getting access to early showings/previews of big titles, which are their bread and butter.

It's a glorified marketing event that disguises itself as an award show. Just step back and think about how absolutely absurd it is that new games are revealed and announced at an event that is supposedly dedicated to celebrating the best games that have come out. It's become so ridiculous that even trailers for movies are a thing now. Award winners are rushed off stage or, in some cases, awards are given out by Geoff reading them off a script in front of the camera so that they can move on to the next "reveal".

It is a shitshow and nobody should take any of it seriously.
I think the idea of awarding games with prestigious ceremony is cool, and a lot of people care about it, evident by the nominations hyper, awards hype, threads covering it and the youtube views and comments, people do care, maybe not very much but they do, so i would say give the awards their real justice at least. Maybe gamers will understand what makes great games too, because of awards like actor and narrative, the heavy focus on them, makes most people think that, this is what matters most in gaming, and whats worse is that some developers might cater to these awards by creating award bait games just to win them, and because of the absence of these gameplay awards they would rather focus on other elements? (speculation)
20% of the show is just the words "WORLD PREMIERE".
The other 20% is the word "amazing" for a crap fast and furious game btw.
It’s been a terrible show for so long and nothing changes at all no matter how many people complain or ask for changes. Terrible awards no one cares about, awards given out in quick five second batches with no one being given the honor to speak and receive their reward, musical guests no one wants to hear, and ad after ad after ad all combined into a cringy show every-time.

I’m sure Geoff Keighly is a nice guy and that’s what everyone says, and I know he works hard at this and I wish he would do a better job, but honestly if we want a better show, the thing that needs to change is him at the top. I say it every-time this topic comes up, we need someone new to come in and make a better awards show for gaming. Cause we all know the tgas aren’t that now and never will be as long as they continue down this road.
Probably, we can't know, i dont think changing him is the issue, i dont believe in the concept that one man is responsible for a big event, everything that happens around us from politics, to events to sports to anything is the result of group work, unless its clear individual act.
This is a big show, there's many people behind the scenes, producers, rich people, juries, many of them, Geoff is just the spokesman, in the same sense Biden is the president of the US.
TGA needs to decide if it is an award show or a highlight reel for new game announcements. The entire premise of watching this show to see peole who made great games get honored while also watching some sizzle reels for new shit is so dumb. It’s not fair to the award nominees and winners to try to get an audience of people who don’t want to watch an award show, and for someone who just wants to see announcements, watching a bunch of awards is bad TV.
Ehh, i think both can work, if managed properly, the idea of announcing trailers is neat, and makes the show standout from others, just need to be better.
The Game Awards (and you can add review sites like Metacritic) are only ever propped up as something important by console warriors and children who need validation for their buying decisions.

They have always and will continue to always be a joke, a vehicle for advertisements by someone who only uses it to help support gaming behind the scenes (Look up what Keighly has done to help folks like KojiPro). Even he knows this is a massive farce, but it gets money through the door that can be used better elsewhere.
Competition attracts all those kind of people, but there's some prestige here, considering big names are coming, its also a good marketing tool when you win award to put on the cover of your game copy.
Good thread and I completely agree with the criticism. Also like someone said they just give away some awards without any build up or even signifying it's importance.

OP also has nice ideas regarding new award categories.
Thanks 🙏 👍
By presenting such awards i think it may help gamers recognize what talented goes into games, its not just about narrative and acting.
I think thats the content creator of the year award.

I think the idea of awarding games with prestigious ceremony is cool, and a lot of people care about it, evident by the nominations hyper, awards hype, threads covering it and the youtube views and comments, people do care, maybe not very much but they do, so i would say give the awards their real justice at least. Maybe gamers will understand what makes great games too, because of awards like actor and narrative, the heavy focus on them, makes most people think that, this is what matters most in gaming, and whats worse is that some developers might cater to these awards by creating award bait games just to win them, and because of the absence of these gameplay awards they would rather focus on other elements? (speculation)

The other 20% is the word "amazing" for a crap fast and furious game btw.

Probably, we can't know, i dont think changing him is the issue, i dont believe in the concept that one man is responsible for a big event, everything that happens around us from politics, to events to sports to anything is the result of group work, unless its clear individual act.
This is a big show, there's many people behind the scenes, producers, rich people, juries, many of them, Geoff is just the spokesman, in the same sense Biden is the president of the US.

Ehh, i think both can work, if managed properly, the idea of announcing trailers is neat, and makes the show standout from others, just need to be better.

Competition attracts all those kind of people, but there's some prestige here, considering big names are coming, its also a good marketing tool when you win award to put on the cover of your game copy.

Thanks 🙏 👍
By presenting such awards i think it may help gamers recognize what talented goes into games, its not just about narrative and acting.

There is no prestige here. The awards are a joke and have always been treated as such. This isn’t the 1940s Oscar’s. This is modern day “awards”.
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