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Rumor: Riskit4TheBiskit says four separate sources indicated there is a Hellblade 2 port for PS5

Probably. The game being like 6 hours long and $40 tells us it’s not planned to be a heavy hitter like Fable or Starfield but more in the leagues of Hi-Fi Rush.

It’s absolutely inconceivable to me that a game that will have taken 7 years to develop is not only not very important but also incredibly short.

Microsoft should have tried to make this a system seller, not some interactive movie.
fable and starfield are heavy hitters? lmao
Jesus fucking Christ.

“I need some time to process this.”

“This feels like a betrayal.”

These are the phrases you utter in the weeks before you file for divorce. I truly cannot fathom what it is like to be so utterly consumed by a brand like these people are. Do they just have no concept of self-identity? Are they really that invested in the propaganda they’ve been fed? I mean, it is a little satisfying, with no small measure of schadenfreude, to see MS’s evangelism bit them in the arse here, but it’s also a really depressing glimpse into the fragility of the human psyche.

Consumer capitalism in a nutshell.

I want to take the victim's (here, people like the guy in the video) side, because his drive stems from the sunk cost fallacy, as he says in the video that he's invested 100's of 1000's of dollars into the brand over the years (if not decades), that it personally hurts him seeing his precious toys which gave him a sense of belonging or identity, is now being shared with the world, and the realization that the manufacturer of those toys doesn't give a single flying fuck about him or his identity, but their monetary gains.

It's entirely based on mass marketing and manipulation through all forms of media (especially through social media these days), like the fast food chains of the world targeting children with their coded commercials, and the unregulated sugar & salt levels up until recently a few countries started to take notice. A global propaganda machine.

In a way, it's indeed like a divorce or a breakup of a long term relationship, and yes, it does affect the human psyche, because we are tribal in nature, with years and years of something that you were so sure was only yours, is now being told it's not, especially when the other tribe gets to keep theirs (for the time being), you "feel" insulted, taken advantage of, and the possessiveness and trauma starts to kick in.

Evolved monkeys after all.


No one is rushing out to buy a new Xbox.
Reese Witherspoon Agree GIF by Coolidge Corner Theatre

The Fuzz damn you!

Gold Member
Consumer capitalism in a nutshell.

I want to take the victim's (here, people like the guy in the video) side, because his drive stems from the sunk cost fallacy, as he says in the video that he's invested 100's of 1000's of dollars into the brand over the years (if not decades), that it personally hurts him seeing his precious toys which gave him a sense of belonging or identity, is now being shared with the world, and the realization that the manufacturer of those toys doesn't give a single flying fuck about him or his identity, but their monetary gains.
Oh yes, I absolutely feel sorry for people like this - they are unquestionably victims of a sophisticated marketing / propaganda campaign, parts of which we see play out on this very forum. My schadenfreude is very much directed at MS’s marketing evangelism department. They have created their own demons here, with a fanbase that they have trained to proselytise on their behalf now having to come to terms with that very same message they were told to spread being rendered meaningless.


This game is probably the most fit for ps audience.

I loved the first hellblade , I'd get it day one especially at that price point.
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James Sawyer Ford

Gold Member
Riskit4TheBiskit is rockin’ the set
It's like Russian roulette, when your placin', your bet
So don't be upset when your broke and your done
'Cause I'm a be the one till I jet (I'm a be the one till I jet)
People really need to keep their expectations in check for this game.

Even Ninja Theory aren't hyping this up like the Xbox fanboys and the press.

They even came out and said that it will be around the same length as the first one. Around 8 hours. It's a small game.

The first game launched on PS4 for $30 back in 2017. But the scope and production value this time are way higher since Microsoft is involved, and it launches for $50 now. Skyrocketing gamedev costs, studio acquisition > ROI, inflation etc played a part in the slight rise in price.


In 2024 bo one is rushing to buy a console because of a game. In the middle of the generation, people buy the console where their friends are or has the mos players (for GAAS games or multiplayer). Games push consoles at the beginning of the generation. Now is just inertia..
They will for GTA 6 I bet.


Gold Member
Is this the same guy mentioned in the OP as the source?


Man there is a whole world out there of console warrior influencers i have never heard of. Maybe I should check them out.

Always Sunny Gotcha GIF by It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia

Also, lol @ “it’s no big deal guys it’s just video games” while typing out “need to process this. Going off X all day” and talking about betrayal and HOLD THE LINE


if it does come, I'll try it on gamespass, if its particularly good (and they have great dualSense support) I'll then grab it for ps5. If not, I'll finish it on gamespass. My guess is it will be good, but not great, and relatively brief, and they'll choose not to go all out on dualsense, so I'll prob keep playing it on xbox. Guess we will see in due course

Dont believe anything that Risket4TheBisket says on X (Twitter), he is one off the greatest Sonyhaters on X. He has been making up lies beyond believe, when you dont believe me look up his posting history on X.
He is an attention whore. Almost everybody knows what he is. Now that people see right trough him he is making up storys to get attention again..
Dont believe that 🤡
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Gold Journalism
MS gonna use Playstation sales to fund there Gamepass dreams because it doesnt make enough money by itself…
Even that is a dream.

Because there is no Game Pass dream. The dream was that it would make a ton of money for Microsoft, but it failed. And in that pursuit, Microsoft onboarded 30+ studios.

This multiplatform approach isn't to feed Game Pass gamers tons of awesome games. It is to ensure those 30+ studios have enough money to keep the lights on.

We'll see Game Pass increase in price and deteriorate in quality (even more!) very, very soon.


Gold Member
Dont believe anything that Risket4TheBisket says on X (Twitter), he is one off the greatest Sonyhaters on X. He has been making up lies beyond believe, when you dont believe me look up his posting history on X.
He is an attention whore. Almost everybody knows what he is. Now that people see right trough him he is making up storys to get attention again..
Dont believe that 🤡

Doesn’t really matter tho. There are going to be rumors like this for every MS game going forward.


Okay fine irrelevant for us here, enthusiasts, or about 50% of us I assume going by system owner polls.
And while we may be a small part of the whole userbase we’re the ones out there talking about games here and on social and making videos etc. It will 100% show when we start abandoning our consoles. How much our noise will affect the platforms and the talk on social etc I can’t tell but I guarantee that it won’t be a positive thing.

One tiny example, I had my new living room PC up for one day when it ended with my brother coming over to eat and asking questions about the cost and how to choose the right parts when building a PC. No purchase yet but a seed was definitely planted and I didn’t even attempt it, I was just enthusiastic about the new PC and showed him Steam and Big Picture Mode and some games.

I just can’t stop thinking it’s a dangerous move for any console manufacturer to show that there are alternatives now. You should either go 100% closed like Nintendo or you could just as well open it all up and release games on every box connected to a screen.

And luring people in with timed exclusivity is not going to work, it’ll just end with negativity around the launch and no increase in sales when the hype is the highest. Those who could possibly be excited enough to want to invest in hardware to get the games day 1 already have all consoles and are the enthusiasts that are slowly moving over to PC.
I'll keep buying consoles as long as there is a market.
If it reviews well I’ll watch it on YouTube since it’s pretty much a movie
Well if that's the case it won't review well and you won't watch it on YouTube. If it does review well then it's not going to be "pretty much a movie", either way your comment makes no sense 🙄


Gold Member
It’s kinda funny to me how now all of a sudden, no one cares about or ever cared about any Xbox IP.
A result of pushing out their larger full priced games in effectively an early access state to be fixed and filled out with content later


Gold Member
Tbf that's part of why Xbox has to bring their games Playstation.

People clearly aren't coming to Xbox for those games.
What interests me in this whole bringing games to PS experiment is that clearly people do want to play these games with how well SoT was being preordered on PS

But like you said, not enough interest in them to actually buy even a Series S to play them.


What interests me in this whole bringing games to PS experiment is that clearly people do want to play these games with how well SoT was being preordered on PS

But like you said, not enough interest in them to actually buy even a Series S to play them.
I don't doubt there is a market for Xbox games on Playstation.
If only because there is a part of the PS5 installbase that used to own an Xbox.

What I'm curious to see, is the extent of interest among the Playstation installbase.
1% of the installbase on PS is at least double that of 1% on Xbox.
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