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LTTP: Uncharted: The Lost Legacy is some of the best of Naughty Dog


Things I think Naughty Dog is good at:
-Believable, almost living, breathing, characters
-Mystery and exploration
-Train sequences

Things I like less
-The gunplay, especially with tedious waves of enemies type levels
-Not knowing where to go for too long/pointless searching

So finishing Uncharted 4 I kind of just thought it was ok. There were good bits, there were also boring bits, the pacing could have been better. The Lost Legacy was almost perfect in this regard, there was narry a boring bit to it, start to end it had a density of gameplay and lack of filler that was really refreshing not just from 4 but from almost all modern AAA gaming.

The other thing I really enjoyed as someone of Indian heritage is the respect and detail they put into it. I've never seen a western movie, TV show, book, or game before this ever use the Persian invasions of India as a subject matter, I was kind of blown away by the use of that, the detail in the temples and monuments, it made me want to look up what inspired Naughty Dog to do this, and how they were able to do it so much justice. The density of life, the wetness, you could almost smell the damp ancient temples if you've ever been to such a thing. And Asav which was hinted at reigniting the same communal tensions through his bomb without ever really spelling it out which remained respectful and non antagonistic to modern communities.

The environment and backstory was almost more of a draw than the fighting, but there was usually a silenced pistol and enough foliage to find which to me is better gameplay than just gunning down waves of mooks.

To me, that was Naughty Dog at some of its best, and did a lot better than even it's main series title in 4.



The only Uncharted game I haven't played at this point is Golden Abyss since I didn't own a Vita. I keep wishing they'd do a console version even though I hear it was kind of a low point for the series. Would agree that Lost Legacy was fantastic though.


Nah, Lost Legacy is the worst ND game ever made.

Due to wokeness they removed the white male main stars Nate and Sully and replaced them by manlified and uglyfied non-white women, plus all the men in the game are limited to be bad guys or dumb characters.

In addition to this, its story is the least appealing one of the Uncharted games. They should have kept it as just the DLC it originally was instead of promoting the project to a standalone game.
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It was my favorite ND game from last gen.
Not perfect but at least the pacing is decent and they mostly kept the focus on the gameplay instead of constantly forcing you to play through boring and barely interactive story sequences.
The setpiece with the train at the end was amazing too.


She looks very good in that photo, for some reason she doesn't look like the Lost Legacy model I saw in the game:


Well they aged everyone up in 4. Sometimes in-gameplay it doesn't look great but a lot of the times does. This one moment she's pushing through a cave crack I was like...Woof.

But really, your other complaint is that she's non-white? I always thought she was the best looking one, and this is also an existing character and not turning Harry Potter into a black queer woman or something. Something I've heard from more than one of my friends is that they were sleeping on Indian women but are now super into them and realized they were hot lol.
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Uncharted 1 -> lost legacy were all fantastic games.

I hope naughty dog is able to rekindle some sort of magic.
I enjoyed TLoU2, the 3rd person action is still unmatched, but I'm burnt out on that franchise, there's just too much shit surrounding it and within it. It's hard to find enjoyment in it anymore


Uncharted 1 -> lost legacy were all fantastic games.

I hope naughty dog is able to rekindle some sort of magic.
I enjoyed TLoU2, the 3rd person action is still unmatched, but I'm burnt out on that franchise, there's just too much shit surrounding it and within it. It's hard to find enjoyment in it anymore

I'm excited to see them do something new now



But really, your other complaint is that she's non-white? I always thought she was the best looking one, and this is also an existing character and not turning Harry Potter into a black queer woman or something.
I have no issue at all with her being female or from whatever ethnicity. I loved the character in Uncharted 2. I'm a big Claudia Black fan too.

My issue is companies like Sony removing / replacing iconic characters because of their gender, skin color or sexual orientiation or uglyfying them, acting as if a main character being a man, white, heteresexual or attractive would be a bad thing just to get white signalling medals from the woke religion / ideology that certain western economical elite is forcing everywhere.

I'm excited to see them do something new now

They mentioned "other games" (more than one) in addition to TLOU Online. Once TLOU Online got cancelled, they mentioned to focus on SP games. Meaning, early 2023 they had minimum two SP games under development, and later we knew none of them is TLOU3.

I assume one of them may be a new IP apparently hinted in TLOUP1 remake where as I remember appeared a dragon and a black woman.



The other one could be the Uncharted spinoff that according to Jason from Bloomberg Bend started to work on and later abandoned to work on their own next new IP. Maybe an Uncharted game with Cassie, the daughter, which could also be the reason of apparently including her on a PS ad (heavy Uncharted 4 spoilers regarding who Cassie's parents are):

Uncharted is one of the biggest PlayStation IPs and now it's getting movies, I think they won't kill the IP.

Maybe after having cancelled TLOU Online they started a third SP game being TLOU3 to quickly reuse a lot of work done in TLOU Online and quickly relocate most of its devs.
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Gold Member
Lost Legacy was fantastic. Just the right length. My only bother was the semi open parts they took from UC4. Apart from that it was the game I hoped UC4 could of been. Chloe actress is fantastic in it. The relationship that grew between the two leads was well timed and thought out.


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I have no issue at all with her being female or from whatever ethnicity. I loved the character in Uncharted 2.

My issue is companies like Sony removing / replacing iconic characters because of their gender, skin color or sexual orientiation or uglyfying them, acting as if a main character being a man, white, heteresexual or attractive would be a bad thing just to get white signalling medals from the woke religion / ideology that certain economical elite is forcing.

Again though there's a point to this not being a numbered main series Uncharted game. It's like saying Halo ODST wasn't about Master Chief. Well yeah, that's where they have the freedom to do something else.


I know the prevailing rumors are suggesting fantasy game, but I really wish it was the sci-fi game rumor. Especially after something like starfield it would be great playing a space game with meticulous detail (I'm a sucker for sci-fi)

Same, a sci-fi with Naughty Dog level detail would be cool
Eh. Lost Legacy was fine. I'd rank it in the middle.

It played as well as Part 4, but I just did not care about the core conflict.

We never met Chloe's dad, so I feel nothing for him. All we know is he seems to have repeatedly abandoned his family to search for treasure, so I don't know why Chloe puts him on such a pedestal. I also don't understand why she hired Nadine. They have no prior relationship and Nadine hates the Drake brothers, whom Nadine is closely associated with. Nadine has years in the treasure hunting business, so surely she has other contacts she would have called first. Why not Charlie Cutter from Part 3?

I don't know anything about the political situation in India, so I didn't understand the villain's motivation. I don't understand how the villain obtaining some artifact would make him some sort of rightful ruler of India.

Nadine still sucks. I can't feel sorry in any way, shape, or form for her that she lost ownership of her private military corporation that she inherited from her father (fucking nepo baby), nor was it ever explained how she lost control of it. Did she sell a bunch of stock options to Orca and he called them in? Regardless, fuck PMCs. Fucking war mongers.

The game finally got interesting when Sam arrived on the scene. He is the one redeeming thing in this game and the only reason I would recommend it to anyone.

By analogy, Lost Legacy felt like listening to a Greatest Hits album of a band, but then finding out all the songs are actually covers. It's familiar and well assembled, but it just doesn't have the magic that made the originals.

My personal rankings of the Uncharted games, bearing in mind I've never played Golden Abyss because I've never owned a Vita:

4 > 2 > LL > 3 > 1.
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