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1 Month Later, Halo: MCC is still broken


Halo 5 and Battlefield 5 will both launch with zero issues in my opinion. I think its safe to say both companies learned their lesson. If not then I weep for this industry.


Sorry, but you are pretty delusional if you think this. Halo 4 was sold over 11 million times. Literally nobody cares about the (hard)core players anymore. It's all about catering to the the casuals, in order to make a shitload of money.

Only thing I could see happening is, that sales don't meet expectations, because the Xbox One user base isn't that large yet.

Halo 4 sold 11 millions because it was THE RETURN OF THE MASTER CHIEF, was coming out after the disappointing multiplayer offering from Reach, because 343i said "TRUST US" and said that they knew what players wanted and because the Xbox 360 had an install base of 80 million, of course.

343i doesn't have any of those cards to play anymore. Judging by how fast the player base, be it casual or hardcore, abandoned Halo 4, and by the pathetic launch of TMCC, I think it's pretty fair to say that they have lost any and all good will from the fan base.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State

My xbox one's already collecting dust.

Buy some other games for it.


Dat feeling when you are playing through Truth and Reconciliation on Legendary and the game crashes at the very end of the level....in coop. Meaning me and my friend have do it again. This is after I did the most of the very same level and a patch wiped. Seriously, fuck this noise. I'll try this again in January.
343i are the ones who:
  • Didn't answer major questions about the game during development (versions ported, netcode adjustments, etc.).
  • Released little to no information about the details of the game during development.
  • Constantly told us bugs and other issues were due to "old builds." Whenever anything went wrong and anyone expressed concern, "oh, it's an old build, don't worry."
  • Went back on all of the promises they made at the reveal. 1080p? Not quite. 60FPS? Sure, if you ignore all the drops and borderline unplayable splitscreen. Exactly as you remember it? Depends on if you remember broken ports of PC games and incorrect settings.
  • Told us we'd be getting the Halo 2 ranking system back, then revealed it was actually going to be a new system to resemble the H2 one. Oh, and it won't be ready.
  • Wouldn't show any gameplay of Halo 3 or Halo 1 until right before launch (presumably because those games weren't functioning).
  • Had broken, crashing, buggy builds running at tournaments. So much so that gameplay was interrupted on multiple occasions for pro teams.
  • Put together a masturbatory vidoc about how great they were and how great this collection is.
  • Seemingly have no issue with Dan Ayoub, their executive producer and initial face of the game, to go from being active in promoting the game to disappearing entirely off of Twitter as of two days after launch. His name was signed to one of the awful PR-speak apologies which insulted customers with language like "some users" experiencing "longer than normal" matchmaking times when the game wasn't functioning at all, but he's been absent otherwise.
So I think there's plenty of reason to be upset at 343i. Plenty of blame can get thrown at the studios responsible for the sloppy ports, and I'm sure MS's hands are dirty in rushing this out the door (not to mention continuing to advertise and promote it), but 343i is about as far from innocent as possible.

Compare them with DICE's speediness. Which developer will fix their game sooner? BF4 took about a year.

BF4 has barely been out a year and it was fixed a good 7-8 months ago. I'm not saying Dice's response was speedy or acceptable, but this is an awful attempt at justifying 343's handling of the MCC.


Halo 5 and Battlefield 5 will both launch with zero issues in my opinion. I think its safe to say both companies learned their lesson. If not then I weep for this industry.

You are probably right but no way in hell am I picking those up on release.


Halo 5 and Battlefield 5 will both launch with zero issues in my opinion. I think its safe to say both companies learned their lesson. If not then I weep for this industry.
I am pretty certain that Halo 5 will launch without any major issues but Halo 4 certainly wasn't as perfect as some people are saying. The File Browser was literally broken until January 2013 and I ran into a bug that erased all my saved progress.

But regardless of how well Halo 5 works, 343 has pretty much destroyed any good will they had. With Halo 4, people gave them the benefit of the doubt since Reach was a bit disappointing and people wanted change. 343 now lacks that and a large user base. I'm certain that there will be bundles with Xbox Ones but word of mouth regarding Halo 4 and the MCC will definitely hurt Halo 5.


Halo 4 sold 11 millions because it was THE RETURN OF THE MASTER CHIEF, was coming out after the disappointing multiplayer offering from Reach, because 343i said "TRUST US" and said that they knew what players wanted and because the Xbox 360 had an install base of 80 million, of course.

343i doesn't have any of those cards to play anymore. Judging by how fast the player base, be it casual or hardcore, abandoned Halo 4, and by the pathetic launch of TMCC, I think it's pretty fair to say that they have lost any and all good will from the fan base.

I don't think that's true. I feel like people buy games like Halo, because it says Halo on the game. The vast majority doesn't even know, that 343i apologized for Halo 4 or that they said "Trust us". These people just buy the game on release day and they mostly don't care about any critisicm the game gets from communities or fans in general.

I kinda hope you are right, though. I'm not seeing myself playing Halo 5 for too long, because it really doesn't look like Halo to me. Recent gameplay videos and news just show me even more, that 343i didn't listen and that they are still targeting an audience, that leaves the game after a coupple of weeks/months. Halo is really going downhill for me and I'm sad and angry...


I think this is an interesting video that discusses the issues and why pre-ordering is a bad move: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dCC499Gf4DY&feature=youtu.be

The Halo Collection Is Getting Better, But Still Not Fixed After A Month (Kotaku)

MP still broken
- Game crashes[B ]Barely occuring for me nowadays[/B]
- People can't find games Lol what? Sorry but this has to be then more than the game's fault, I know plenty of people who can play since like 2 weeks in a minute time, me aswell
- Uneven teams Mostly fixed, but quitter asshats who leave when their gametype isn't voted are also at fault

Single Player campaign issues:
- Halo 2 save Yup that annoys me to no end
- Achievements not unlocking An Xbox One problem in general but I got everything after a day or so
- Game crashes never had one in campaign
- Split Screen frame rate drops Halo was always terrible in split screen, but yeah sad they didn't improve that

Even GAFs very own OT is mostly posts about the bugs or people "finally" getting into games.

I don't understand why this game wasn't delayed. This is the premier franchise for Microsoft and they couldn't extend the deadline to a later date for their biggest IP and one of the biggest IP in all of gaming.

What was 343i doing?

Responses in bold.

Also what was 343 doing? Almost nothing, the game was mostly outsourced to other studios, and everyone did somekind of a shitjob to stitch it together
343i are the ones who:
  • Didn't answer major questions about the game during development (versions ported, netcode adjustments, etc.).
  • Released little to no information about the details of the game during development.
  • Constantly told us bugs and other issues were due to "old builds." Whenever anything went wrong and anyone expressed concern, "oh, it's an old build, don't worry."
  • Went back on all of the promises they made at the reveal. 1080p? Not quite. 60FPS? Sure, if you ignore all the drops and borderline unplayable splitscreen. Exactly as you remember it? Depends on if you remember broken ports of PC games and incorrect settings.
  • Told us we'd be getting the Halo 2 ranking system back, then revealed it was actually going to be a new system to resemble the H2 one. Oh, and it won't be ready.
  • Wouldn't show any gameplay of Halo 3 or Halo 1 until right before launch (presumably because those games weren't functioning).
  • Had broken, crashing, buggy builds running at tournaments. So much so that gameplay was interrupted on multiple occasions for pro teams.
  • Put together a masturbatory vidoc about how great they were and how great this collection is.
  • Seemingly have no issue with Dan Ayoub, their executive producer and initial face of the game, to go from being active in promoting the game to disappearing entirely off of Twitter as of two days after launch. His name was signed to one of the awful PR-speak apologies which insulted customers with language like "some users" experiencing "longer than normal" matchmaking times when the game wasn't functioning at all, but he's been absent otherwise.
So I think there's plenty of reason to be upset at 343i. Plenty of blame can get thrown at the studios responsible for the sloppy ports, and I'm sure MS's hands are dirty in rushing this out the door (not to mention continuing to advertise and promote it), but 343i is about as far from innocent as possible.

The worst is when i hear things like "oh we didn't know these were problems until it was out" yet lots of people at those tournaments and preview events mentioned some of these problems way before the game released. Just seems like a lot of bullshit. Damn shame too. I know people who were going to jump in and decided to go ps4 cause of the way this game launched. They only have themselves to blame.
Oh spare us please. The kind of crap you're spewing is ignorant bs. This isn't one single game they developed from the ground up. It's four different games being redone, with different code, outsourced to multiple developers, and slapped together in a short amount of time for microsoft. Be mad at microsoft, not 343.

Today I learnt that you can avoid all responsibility for anything by outsourcing it.

343i outsourced their workload. 343i chose who these people were. 343i signed off on the product and put their name to it.

Nothing to do with them though. Nope.


Neo Member
I play today with a friend and it was working fine the best it has work since launch. Few hiccups but overall we had fun.

Solaire of Astora

Death by black JPN
Hmmmm, that's a tough one. I'd say that BF4 was worse only because there were far more technical issues that plagued the game. It's not by a large margin, though.

Shit. That bad, huh? Feel bad for you guys. This should have been the ultimate celebration of the Halo franchise. Hope it gets fixed soon.
Shit. That bad, huh? Feel bad for you guys. This should have been the ultimate celebration of the Halo franchise. Hope it gets fixed soon.

It was certainly bad, probably comparable to BF4 in some ways at launch on the multiplayer front. It has gotten a lot better, though. (Most) People can pretty consistently get matches now. There are still issues, but I think it's moved above the state that BF4 was in last year.

That being said, I'm not sure how big of an accomplishment that is. There is still a lot of room for improvement, and I hope we see that improvement somewhat soon.
It was certainly bad, probably comparable to BF4 in some ways at launch on the multiplayer front. It has gotten a lot better, though. (Most) People can pretty consistently get matches now. There are still issues, but I think it's moved above the state that BF4 was in last year.

That being said, I'm not sure how big of an accomplishment that is. There is still a lot of room for improvement, and I hope we see that improvement somewhat soon.

Worse than BF4, at least we could play that.


I can't believe MS let this happen to their flagship series...

They're probably regretting releasing the game in this state and damaging the series reputation, what a farce.

It's their fault, really, not 343. They're the ones who wanted to rush this collection out onto the market instead of delaying it to make sure that all of it's problems were fixed as a whole.


sparkle this bitch
I'm still amazed at the single player issues for ports.

Halo 5: Abandon All Hope, Ye who enter here.

That's two strikes for i343
Why wasn't this delayed until finished?

Seriously. WHY?

It makes ZERO sense for an in-house company to rush the Xbox brand's flagship title when the parent company is basically Daddy Warbucks and has more cash reserves than God.

If the publisher was some soul-less money grubbing outfit ran by a group of ex-Wall Street vultures like EA, Ubi, or Activision then I could maybe understand it. But with MS writing the checks why rush? Just keep it under wraps until its properly finished.

Its almost as if MS's ginormous bureaucracy is so huge and unwieldy the right hand doesn't know what the left hand is doing and they have people with zero business sense in positions of power within the company. Oh, wait....
Tried out MCC for the fest time today. Single player campaign in Halo 1:CE works great. Nothing to complain about here and the game still holds up really well. Multiplayer....well 1/5 anyway. First one had no matches after 10 minutes, second one had a matched and everything worked fine. Last three was finding a match, choosing the map, then having it game over 3 times in a row right after. Disappointing, but imagining it being worse than it is right now, that's got to be even more disappointing.


so you don't have proof?

It's been well known that 343i knew that there were many problems within this collection when they outsourced most of this collection to other companies.

They wanted to delay it, but they were forced by Microsoft to put it out in time for the holidays, that's it. What more proof do you need? There were other threads talking about it as well; You can't really be that oblivious.


What more proof do you need? It's been well known that 343i knew that there were many problems within this collection when they outsourced most of this collection to other companies.

They wanted to delay it, but they were forced by Microsoft to put it out in time for the holidays, that's it.

It's been well known that 343i knew that there were many problems within this collection when they outsourced most of this collection to other companies.

They wanted to delay it, but they were forced by Microsoft to put it out in time for the holidays, that's it. What more proof do you need? You can't really be that oblivious.

Stating something as a fact isn't proof, man. That's just faulty logic.


Everyone else is saying the exact same thing; look around. This wasn't the only thread talking about something like this.

I'm with you on the suspicion that Microsoft probably pushed the game out the door before it was ready. But still, you're stating suspicion as fact. You probably shouldn't do that.

Actually no, you're basing your proof of this being fact on the fact that people are also suspecting this thing. That's two different levels of flimsy.
Why wasn't this delayed until finished?

Seriously. WHY?

It makes ZERO sense for an in-house company to rush the Xbox brand's flagship title when the parent company is basically Daddy Warbucks and has more cash reserves than God.

If the publisher was some soul-less money grubbing outfit ran by a group of ex-Wall Street vultures like EA, Ubi, or Activision then I could maybe understand it. But with MS writing the checks why rush? Just keep it under wraps until its properly finished.

Its almost as if MS's ginormous bureaucracy is so huge and unwieldy the right hand doesn't know what the left hand is doing and they have people with zero business sense in positions of power within the company. Oh, wait....

they weren't about to go into a holiday with Sunset Overdrive as their flagship title


It's been well known that 343i knew that there were many problems within this collection when they outsourced most of this collection to other companies.

They wanted to delay it, but they were forced by Microsoft to put it out in time for the holidays, that's it. What more proof do you need? There were other threads talking about it as well; You can't really be that oblivious.

Why is baseless bullshit speculation like this allowed on this forum? I agree with other posters above lets provide some links and facts to your statements.


I'm with you on the suspicion that Microsoft probably pushed the game out the door before it was ready. But still, you're stating suspicion as fact. You probably shouldn't do that.

Actually no, you're basing your proof of this being fact on the fact that people are also suspecting this thing. That's two different levels of flimsy.

Why is baseless bullshit speculation like this allowed on this forum? I agree with other posters above lets provide some links and facts to your statements.

I apologize if that's the case. I'm just going by what everyone else on here are saying.

I just think that I'll keep my mouth shut from now on, because it always turns into chaos every time I say something.
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