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2021 and 2022 Cloud Gaming Market Share released. (Xcloud, PSNow, GFN, Stadia, Luna)

I guess using XBX for their stream host devices is paying off and some people decided to just use that instead of investing in any new hw?
Sony should have held a lot of PS5 units back and used them for streaming. People who want to play on PS5 and could not get one, could have played on their stream service then instead. But long term it is possibly more profitable to have people buy your hw, which then likely will buy some games instead of cultivating an audience that want their games via a flatrate subscription. I'd assume MS has to fight for market share, while Sony can be more interested in profits, prioritize the single full price sales instead of subs. Once PS5 demand is somewhat saturated and they put some PS5 in the servers, it might get closer. Or stream interested customers are then already on Xcloud. Whatever. The market did not take off as fast as Sony anticipated (with their Onlive Gaika buys) and probably still won't explode in the near future either to be really significant soon.


They should release the market size and value.
Agreed. Without specifics these percentages mean very little. I suspect the overall market is tiny and xCloud is only huge because everyone with a Game Pass sub has access to it.

Things aren't looking good for Luna. With Stadia dead and Luna seemingly on its way out, what will Phil Spencer consider competition going forward? The Google/Amazon threat was incredibly short lived.


The reason it isn't inevitable is because there is a time coming when a mobile chip will run a game in 1080p that would look pretty similar to the console version at 4k then streamed 1080p. Clock's ticking. A ps5 is far more powerful than a ps4 but it that doesn't get you much these days. Demon's souls looks great because it looks perceptably better than ps4 games which already looked amazing. PS4 was the first time a console's graphics were totally holding up at the end of a long run. Diminishing returns are real and there is only so far left to go while graphics take these ever smaller steps towards looking like real life. That whole angle of playing with better graphics than your phone can locally do will be slipping away over the next 10-20 years.

And i don't think you are going to convert many clash of clans players to assassin's creed in the meantime, sorry.

The one thing I hate about this generation is that Covid hit at the beginning of it and that has led people to believe that it's just a PS4.5 type of generation. Your big AAA games this gen will end up looking closer to this........

The Matrix Car GIF by Unreal Engine

The Matrix Car GIF by Unreal Engine

than what we've seen so far.


The one thing I hate about this generation is that Covid hit at the beginning of it and that has led people to believe that it's just a PS4.5 type of generation. Your big AAA games this gen will end up looking closer to this........

The Matrix Car GIF by Unreal Engine

The Matrix Car GIF by Unreal Engine

than what we've seen so far.

A lot of people seem to think that ue5 games won't look that good this jen, but I do. And that does look great. But compared to PS3 to PS4, it's a smaller job. And they have to get smaller and smaller because things are getting pretty close to looking real.


A lot of people seem to think that ue5 games won't look that good this jen, but I do. And that does look great. But compared to PS3 to PS4, it's a smaller job. And they have to get smaller and smaller because things are getting pretty close to looking real.

True. But then toss in things like VR. The processing power needed for that..........it ain't happening over cloud processing.
Stadia was a complete product released worldwide.

Not at first.

Diminishing returns are real
No they are not, stop making excuses for pull back hardware minimums, and devs not taking the time to actually take advantage of hardware until late, or engine companies putting out unoptimized engines for the first few years of the gen.

It's gotten so bad there's no longer standout major high-end PC exclusives showcasing these carts outside of minimal improvements because everything is being held back software wise while the tech is going forward.

Your same statement was said the first few years of the Xbox One and PS4 from the late 360/PS3, where people were talking about diminishing returns ignoring the exact same problems, with Knack, Killzone, DR3, and Ryze being the punching bags at first going until about 2016 when we saw devs catch up with the hardware.

We aren't going to see instant day 1 graphic gaps like the 360 at launch again for this very reason.


Not at first.

No they are not, stop making excuses for pull back hardware minimums, and devs not taking the time to actually take advantage of hardware until late, or engine companies putting out unoptimized engines for the first few years of the gen.

It's gotten so bad there's no longer standout major high-end PC exclusives showcasing these carts outside of minimal improvements because everything is being held back software wise while the tech is going forward.

Your same statement was said the first few years of the Xbox One and PS4 from the late 360/PS3, where people were talking about diminishing returns ignoring the exact same problems, with Knack, Killzone, DR3, and Ryze being the punching bags at first going until about 2016 when we saw devs catch up with the hardware.

We aren't going to see instant day 1 graphic gaps like the 360 at launch again for this very reason.

It was said back in the first few years of the last gen because it was true. We are moving closer to photorealism. Crossing into the point where we are left chasing down innacuracies from things like shadows or volumetrics that already look good. Harware utilization improving is a thing, yes. And business realities dragging baselines down is a thing, yes. But there is no way around that inevitable point where things just look real. And to circle back around to my point, it will be before the acheivement of photorealism that great spreads of processing power are going to amount to relatively little on screen. Much moreso a 6 inch screen.
It was said back in the first few years of the last gen because it was true

No it wasn't, early last gen and later aren't even close.

We are not near diminishing returns, we are in a bad placed of devs and engines having an issue catching up. This gen is going to end up the same as last gen and you're going to say ok maybe not this one, but PS6 and Xbox 5 have the diminishing returns, rinse repeat. Although at least then maybe that might be the case. 10 years from now chips and tech should be in place by then. Maybe not 60fps though.


Difficult analysis, given bundling and rebranding, restructuring etc.

I don't trust most of these grad-level analysts to be able to break down the numbers properly.

Demigod Mac

Are you really telling me we are never gonna get to a point where I can game on my smartphone via the cloud, and have it be 100 percent the same latency and graphics, and nothing to differentiate a physical and digital version?
Are you seriously telling me we will never get there? I'm 100 percent sure you will be wrong, it's just common sense really.

The speed of light says hello.


No it wasn't, early last gen and later aren't even close.

We are not near diminishing returns, we are in a bad placed of devs and engines having an issue catching up. This gen is going to end up the same as last gen and you're going to say ok maybe not this one, but PS6 and Xbox 5 have the diminishing returns, rinse repeat. Although at least then maybe that might be the case. 10 years from now chips and tech should be in place by then. Maybe not 60fps though.

I would like to assume you mean "the public at large" and not me when you say "and you're going to say." One quote up I told you last gen already showed it and it marches on.

But that 10 years you mention, I think we are actually agreeing on the timeline.
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