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3DS Homebrew Channel imminent (?)


Don't some games require you to update? So you have to connect online regardless.

Don't games that require an update have it on the cart already? They have to assume there will always be that one person in the middle of nowhere without internet access that wants to play their new game that can't connect to update.


Fucking terrible idea to delay. I think you'll be seeing a few 'stability updates' from Nintendo in the near future.. And there's no way his or any other exploit will work on the new model regardless.

If he actually had something this would be the BEST time to release it, because the main drawback of his exploit was that you couldn't play future 3DS games once it inevitably gets patched... But with New 3DS announced it's a non-issue since you have to buy a new console to play them anyway.
So, be wary. As shown in http://m.neogaf.com/showthread.php?t=885308 nintendo WILL do it.
Company tracks purchases made and can revoke content purchased fraudulently (or at least that is how NOA sees that). News at 11.

It is quite a leap to go from that to...
Speaking on the topic of the Homebrew Channel:
Illegal content is the closest thing to what this homebrew is known to do on that list (but it is a stretch since it is not using the Nintendo Network) so I'd file this under "they're gonna brick ya console" conspiracies because they said unauthorized software may harm your system...

If it said something like using the network with unauthorised technical modifications of hardware or software (what Nintendo generally refers to these things as) in any of that I would be more convinced.

But it is one of those including but not limited to so they can always add it when the time comes.


Speaking on the topic of the Homebrew Channel:

[here were some bolded quotes from some Nintendo ToS]

I think they have made it absolutely crystal clear. They can detect it. They WILL detect it. And they will most definitely ban you. And this will be not only your 3DS, but Wii U titles gone forever.

Anyone even remotely considering hacking their 3DS need to read the above and understand it fully. If you want homebrew, use another 3DS that is not linked to your NNID.

An exploit that allows you to launch user's code
does NOT violate any of your bolded terms?

From which version of Nintendo's ToS did you take it, by the way?

And there's no way his or any other exploit will work on the new model regardless.
Based on what?


So what happened to this? They confirmed the region lock and he still doesn't want to release it?

He's not releasing it until he gets the New 3DS. Once he has it, he can see if the hack can be implemented there too - benefits would be the extra processing power and buttons.

If he releases the hack now, Nintendo will patch the New 3DS before release and there will be no chance.


He's not releasing it until he gets the New 3DS. Once he has it, he can see if the hack can be implemented there too - benefits would be the extra processing power and buttons.

If he releases the hack now, Nintendo will patch the New 3DS before release and there will be no chance.

Well then I hope they won't patch the exploit before that unannounced day in 2015 when the N3DS comes out in the West.


Juste a question, what exactly would be the point of 3ds hombrew?
I mean you can't go online anymore or use miiverse. And there's the risk of getting caught, so what would be the benefits?


Well then I hope they won't patch the exploit before that unannounced day in 2015 when the N3DS comes out in the West.

Whether or not the exploit still works on the New3DS, it will be released. If the exploit works, everything is cool. If it doesn't, well it still can be applied to the millions of old 3DS out there.

The delay is just here so Nintendo can't deliberately patch it on the New3DS.
Juste a question, what exactly would be the point of 3ds hombrew?
I mean you can't go online anymore or use miiverse. And there's the risk of getting caught, so what would be the benefits?
Fair points, but the allure of region free, running emulators and homebrew games is nice. If you have a spare older one, you could use it for homebrew and keep another for non homebrew stuff.
Juste a question, what exactly would be the point of 3ds hombrew?
I mean you can't go online anymore or use miiverse. And there's the risk of getting caught, so what would be the benefits?

I have homebrew for my original old school DS. M3 with a CF card. I once made a post about it and I've still got the pics from it.


I had a whole bunch of cool programs, games and apps.


Sleek OS with MP3 and movie playing capabilities:


Port of Heretic:


Nitrotracker was awesome:


SCUMMVM, where I could play games like Sam & Max:


I forget what this game was called...from what I understand it was a port of a minigame from another game series...whatever it was, it was really fun:


POWDER, a really great, simple, addictive roguelike (which has since been ported to other platforms including PC, bit it's nice to have on DS):


There were homebrew bullet hells and shooters:


At the time there was also a lot of stuff that wasn't available on the platform that eventually made it to the 3DS, including art programs.


Basically homebrew is awesome and well worth it depending on what your priorities are.

Of course, the DS didn't have much online presence, you wouldn't lose access to tons of purchased content if Nintendo had some way to detect it. 3DS is more of a risk.
Juste a question, what exactly would be the point of 3ds hombrew?
I mean you can't go online anymore or use miiverse. And there's the risk of getting caught, so what would be the benefits?

Region free gaming, emulators, homebrew stuff is far more important to me than having miiverse or going online with it.


Juste a question, what exactly would be the point of 3ds hombrew?

The typical homebrew stuff:
media players,
save game editing/cheating
circumventing some OS limitations (savegames, region-lock)
and the rare original homebrew application

I mean you can't go online anymore or use miiverse. And there's the risk of getting caught, so what would be the benefits?

Those are all assumptions, none of which may be true.
For example on teh Wii, homebrew did not stop you at all.


The single best thing apart from region free is backing up digital purchases. Of course, that wouldnt be needed if Nintendo had a proper fucking account system.


Whether or not the exploit still works on the New3DS, it will be released. If the exploit works, everything is cool. If it doesn't, well it still can be applied to the millions of old 3DS out there.

The delay is just here so Nintendo can't deliberately patch it on the New3DS.

What if they find the exploit and patch it before the New3DS is released? I thought the guy didn't want to release an exploit that wouldn't work with all currently released (old) 3DS devices.
Doesn't the total lack of foreign keyboard support make region locking a more complex issue than on other systems?

Like, I heard you'll be able to get a game out of region to boot, but if you have to enter text for things such as name entry the game will just hang.
Doesn't the total lack of foreign keyboard support make region locking a more complex issue than on other systems?

Like, I heard you'll be able to get a game out of region to boot, but if you have to enter text for things such as name entry the game will just hang.

That's an interesting problem.

If it does turn out to be an issue, then they might figure out a way to do some save file magic to bypass name entry. Have a save right at the start of the game with a generic name already entered etc.


Doesn't the total lack of foreign keyboard support make region locking a more complex issue than on other systems?

Like, I heard you'll be able to get a game out of region to boot, but if you have to enter text for things such as name entry the game will just hang.

Don't believe that's true as Gateway can already boot games from other regions with no issues.
Don't believe that's true as Gateway can already boot games from other regions with no issues.

Well "boot" doesn't mean "run with no issues." People testing this sort of thing aren't always the most thorough. You get past the intro movie and see the start screen and go "yep it works" and shut it off because you didn't want to actually play the game, you just wanted to break the region lock.


Well "boot" doesn't mean "run with no issues." People testing this sort of thing aren't always the most thorough. You get past the intro movie and see the start screen and go "yep it works" and shut it off because you didn't want to actually play the game, you just wanted to break the region lock.

I have had no issues playing any of my Japanese 3DS carts.



I knew about emulators, but I didn't think people actually did their own ports. Impressive

Those are all assumptions, none of which may be true.
For example on teh Wii, homebrew did not stop you at all.
I don't think the Wii is really good example. I mean it didn't even have patches or account system so yeah.
I guess if you want to risk it, it's up to you, then again I don't really know anything about this stuff.


That is good to know. On name entry, that sort of thing, what does it come up with? Japanese characters by default, or does it just use the system default?

I'll have to double check when I'm home, but I feel pretty positive that my file names are in English.


I don't think the Wii is really good example. I mean it didn't even have patches or account system so yeah.
I guess if you want to risk it, it's up to you, then again I don't really know anything about this stuff.

The Wii's OS was patched a lot, for a while.
and the homebrew scene was able to circumvent every try from Nintendo to patch or remove homebrew software.
They also did not remove your WiiShop channel. (As most of the important data was stored on the system)
or prevented you form entering online games with hacked/cheated games.


Looks like he's delaying it again for another two weeks even after the Japan n3DS launch.


I seriously don't get this guy. What's the point of even checking to see if the exploit works on the Japanese n3DS? What about the EU and NA n3DS? They won't work on these systems since it will have been patched by then.


Looks like he's delaying it again for another two weeks even after the Japan n3DS launch.


I seriously don't get this guy. What's the point of even checking to see if the exploit works on the Japanese n3DS? What about the EU and NA n3DS? They won't work on these systems since it will have been patched by then.

I don't see whats hard to understand. His reasoning is perfectly sound.

Anyhow, it's unlikely to be patched by the time I get my PAL unit next month, so I'm good.


I don't see whats hard to understand. His reasoning is perfectly sound.

No it isn't...?

The exploit won't work on NA and EU n3DS systems period because it will have been patched by the time they are released. The NA/EU n3DS won't be released until next year.


No it isn't...?

The exploit won't work on NA and EU n3DS systems period because it will have been patched by the time they are released. The NA/EU n3DS won't be released until next year.

It's out in Australia next month.

And it's a starting point. Why release it now and completely rule out N3DS support? That doesn't make sense.


It's out in Australia next month.

And it's a starting point. Why release it now and completely rule out N3DS support? That doesn't make sense.

Australia isn't part of the European continent.

It should be either wait for all of the systems to be released or none. Only the Japanese n3DS will be unpatched at its launch which means for the NA/EU systems he'll have to find another way to get his exploit running on those systems.


Australia isn't part of the European continent.

It should be either wait for all of the systems to be released or none. Only the Japanese n3DS will be unpatched at its launch which means for the NA/EU systems he'll have to find another way to get his exploit running on those systems.

he alredy decided to wait and see if he can support the n3DS for japan, so its alredy a decition taken, and I seriously do not see the problem there, even if the NA/PAL consoles get patched, I still see that the more support, the better...

besides, this is a start, if smea can make it to the n3DS, with luck, more hackers can make a compatibility for that homebrew on later patched firmwares
Australia isn't part of the European continent.

It should be either wait for all of the systems to be released or none. Only the Japanese n3DS will be unpatched at its launch which means for the NA/EU systems he'll have to find another way to get his exploit running on those systems.

Dude doesn't have to share his work at all... and I've seen plenty of people in the hacking and emulation communities pushed out because of needy people who don't want to accept their ridiculously simple requests for more time on their free works.

He's not some unknown guy that is likely faking everything and just drawing it out for attention, Smealum is a known entity and is backed up by many members of the portable hacking scene.


Australia isn't part of the European continent.

It should be either wait for all of the systems to be released or none. Only the Japanese n3DS will be unpatched at its launch which means for the NA/EU systems he'll have to find another way to get his exploit running on those systems.

Because as he said, it will be the best way to take a look at all the N3DS stuff internals. It's for him, like making this stuff has been a hobby in general anyway. Those 2 weeks will be for him to dig in if it works.


Australia isn't part of the European continent.

It should be either wait for all of the systems to be released or none. Only the Japanese n3DS will be unpatched at its launch which means for the NA/EU systems he'll have to find another way to get his exploit running on those systems.
(emphasis mine)

The Australian systems would likely be unpatched at launch too,
and should just work for Europeans, unless Nintendo changes up things.
And if the exploit and other homebrew development works well, there is a good chance, that Japanese Systems could work for everyone.


Should be noted that this is 4 hours after the "we have a new 3ds ! yay !" tweet

Really cool

will be interesting to see if he can utilize the extra power of the n3ds. May have to try it out next month, or just buy a 2DS for the meantime


I would prefer him to wait until NA has the n3DS on hand.

I wouldn't. Who knows when NA will get it? JP have it now, AUS have it next month, NOE have stated we'll have it early next year...NOA haven't said shit. It could be next november for all we know.
He wanted to wait for n3DS so that they could get an understanding of the hardware from code running on it. No reason to expect the NA one will be different hardware, so no reason to delay longer.
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