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7 years later, what are your thoughts on Infamous: Second Son?


Back in February 2013, Sony held an event in New York city to announce the Playstation 4. At this event, a variety of launch, and “launch year” games were shown. Killzone: Shadowfall, DriveClub, and Knack were all shown, but none of these games were as discussed or hyped up the same way that Infamous: Second Son was.

To be fair, we had every reason to be excited. Infamous 1 and 2 were great games, and the promise of a beautifully realized, open world seattle that we could run around and blow shit up in, was tantalizing.

After over a year of hype via gameplay demonstrations and press events, the game finally launched in March 2014.

and...it was fine.

just fine.

For me it was a case of expectations vs reality. It was our first real taste of a beautifully realized next gen open world. On the ps360 we had grown acustom to open world gamed looking much worse than their linear cousins. The systems were very gpu limited, and often finer texture quality was sacraficed for the sake of scale. For the first time, we were seeing an open world that didn’t need cut backs, one not bound by an ultra limited gpu. The visuals were draw dropping. Even the npc’s were nicely detailed. It still looks decent now.

sadly however, seattle is dissapointingly small, and very shallow. After you get over the nice visuals and fun gameplay, you realize that there isnt much to do. You can do the same repeatable, boring missions across different districts but that really was it. The story was...fine, i didn't love it, and the music was forgettable.

i think that ratchet and clank: rift apart and infamous: second son, have a lot in common. Both highly anticipated show piece games that launched a few months after the console came out,. And while they made a great first impression, both games ultimately failed to leave a lasting one. And both out shone by their two prequel ps3 entries.


I loved how they portrayed Seattle. Delsin was a fun character. The gameplay at 60 Hz is amazing especially with Neon. They left it at a cliffhanger. Where the fuck is my Cole vs. Delsin showdown? It's the only superhero franchise worth talking about. Delsin is like Rogue and the story somewhat reminds me of X-Men.


I haven't played it since launch but I remember liking it a lot. It was a nice intro to new gen.

A fan of the first infamous but the second one didn't really hooked me.


The enemy variety was really bad in Second Son especially compare to InFAMOUS 2. I mean in 2nd game you fought enemies that was size buildings while in Second Son you mostly fought soldiers with little concrete powers.
Yeah i loved fighting the monsters in infamous 2, and the beast boss fight was incredible. The dup by comparison were pretty lame. Also coles electric rod was more fun to use than delsins chain


The nicest person on this forum
Yeah i loved fighting the monsters in infamous 2, and the beast boss fight was incredible. The dup by comparison were pretty lame. Also coles electric rod was more fun to use than delsins chain
Not only that, you could pick up cars and throw at the enemies in 2nd game and traversing with Ice jump was really fun.


Hands down my favorite PS4 game. Amazing launch window title. Hope SP returns for another iteration, even though I’m also a big fan of GoT.
I havent played got yet. I might gran the ps5 version later this year. I wouldnt hold out hope for infamous, i think spiderman has become sony’s defacto super hero game series


It was an OK super hero kind of game. Is one of the modern games with better good/evil paths. Was never a big fan of the inFamous games, but Secon Son was my favorite.
Im glad SuckerPunch moved on to a new IP cuz they delivered my GOTY with Ghost of Tsushima.


this was the game that made me buy ps4, amazing game and the dlc was good too, kind of bummed they didn't add the glass power which was teased heavily as dlc or to the main game tho.
i would love a infamous 3 which continues cole's story because i really loved his powers and also really enjoyed his supporting cast of characters.


Infamous was cool/ok but Im glad Sucker punch has move away from it. Ghost of Tsushima is way better and so is Sly Cooper.

Id rather they focus on GOT and Sly Cooper + new IP instead of more Infamous
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Currently Gif and Meme Champion
Probably the most perfect open world game, when it comes to overall design, physics and length. This game really got me hyped for (by that time) next-gen, but sadly not much come to fruition.


Incredibly shallow and forgettable but technically speaking pretty nice early ps4 showcase. It was obvious that the game was a tech demo pretty much that was the focus. It had solid destruction elements that ghost of Tsushima doesn't have.
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dogshit controls, extremely repetitive missions, awful combat, dumb gimmicky use of the controller... just not good whatsoever.

I really liked the first 2 Infamous games, but even calling Second Son a disappointment would be a massive understatement... typical launch window title at the time, shallow as fuck and unrefined mediocrity but pretty to show them nice screenshots!
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I thought it was shit when try on ps4, recently give it another shot on ps5 with 60fps and has realy good fun, also graphics still looks good
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Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
Huge fan of the game. Pretty much Troy Baker's best character performance, because he acts like a natural, more believable version of himself. He's not faking some heavy southern accent, but just doing solid voice acting.

The graphics and destruction were completely insane for the time, and the game looked better than FFXV in many parts. The art design behind the neon, smoke, and video powers was really top notch. The OST is one of the most underrated OSTs ever, and is a genuinely unique mix of grunge, rock and soundscape.


The gameplay was great, but it fell short of being a great game due to how small it was in scope.

There was little enemy variety, story and game length felt very short, not enough boss fights, not enough mission variety and depth to these missions, Seattle was very small with not much to do in it, etc etc. But, like I said, they nailed the core gameplay. The graphics are exceptional too (they hold up today).
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great game for a launch in the first 6 months of a console, amazing graphics that still hold up, the super power gameplay is endlessly fun, the super powers themselves are unique, unfortunately Delsin just couldn't fill the role of a super powered story protagonist that well, he's like the 3rd guy you talk to on the team maybe, not the leading force of a story, but overall great game, too bad that it never got a great PS4Pro/5 patch, right now it's stuck in it's broken contrast options at 1800p checkerboard which in terms of native pixels it's a little over 1080p so... not great, I would love a $20 PS5 full remaster of Second Son+First Light at 4k native/60


I was a fan of the first 2 games. I rated them very highly infact. Like you I believe Second Son was just fine. There was fun to be had there and I enjoyed parts of it, but it just didn't stick with me like the first 2 games.

Dick Jones

Gold Member
I bought the game years ago and got the hero ending. It felt long the first time. I downloaded it again to get the platinum and I breezed through it. It is a beautiful game and alot better than I thought. The infamous ending...wow Delsin is a cunt and a half.

I then platinumed First Light. The arenas were a pain for a while grinding but it is a nice bitesize game.

If you have either, give them another shot.

Mr Hyde

Gold Member
Pretty graphics, shallow game. Infamous 1 & 2 were so much better. Sucker Punch moved up in the world with Ghost of Tsushima, fantastic game, but I wouldn't mind if they took a stab at Infamous 4 now that they showed the world what a powerhouse developer they've become.


Gold Member
Incredibly underrated game. Loved the variety of powers. Yeah.....a bit repetitive, but awesome gameplay makes up for that every time to me.

SF Kosmo

Al Jazeera Special Reporter
I thought it was really good, but... thin? Like it was short, the world was small, it didn't feel like there was a ton to do. But it also didn't outstay its welcome.

Stunning visuals and the traversal just felt amazing. It was one of the first games that gen that really impressed me as next gen. A lot of it is pretty quaint compared to Spider-Man but I thought it deserved better at the time.


As a game, it's alright. As a technical showcase it was great in the early PS4 era.

And while I'm not a trophy hunter by any measure, I got a good chuckle for accidentally getting the "everyone's a critic" trophy (by killing enough street musicians - I was doing a good karma run at first, but seriously, being able to dive-bomb them from way above was just too hard to resist).


Great game, loved the Rogue(X-Men) like ability that Delsin had to consume other conduits' powers. First Light was pretty good too. Wish Sucker Punch goes back to the franchise at some point.


Fuck it. Give me Cole.





Gold Member
I loved the first two and bought a PS4 when the game was released just to play it. I was very impressed with it then, but honestly haven’t replayed it since. I need to go back and play it again, or at the very least pick up First Light and give it a shot.
As much as I like inFamous, I would love to see another Sly Cooper and I really need to sit down and give Ghost a fair shake as well.


A little short, a little shallow, but a lot of fun. Probably my favorite early PS4 exclusive.

I liked the power variety (though concrete was admittedly kinda lame). Video was the best power, IMO, though neon's traversal was a ton of fun. Played the expansion a bit, but either too much time had passed or I had had my fill, because I never finished it.

I'd love to see another game in the franchise with new and even weirder powers. Still sad we never got that paper power teased in the expansion.
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Gold Member
The visuals were great for their time, hell they still are, but the story was kinda meh and the cast from annoying to forgettable. As for the gameplay, I found the different powers to be too similar to one another and most enemies bland. I'd rather they had focused on just one power/element and expanding upon it with many more moves /traversal options/ skills to unlock. Honestly, I'd prefer a modern port of the second game instead of Second Son.
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Gold Member
Couldn't bring myself to finish it. Just got stale, but I thought the same way about all of the Infamous games, though I did finish the first 2.

I hope if there's another Infamous that they make it come out in about mid gen. Give them a chance to really improve on the formula.
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