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85th Academy Awards Nominations - Results are up

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Gandhi is very good. Don't understand the whole "beat E.T." nonsense either

The Wackness is a superior sequel to Gandhi.

I wasn't bothered when Bigelow won for THL, it was a well made film. But I'm glad she's not up for a repeat. The Hurt Locker >> Zero Dark Thirty
I still can't comprehend why she was nominated. She was 5 when they casted her, what acting range can you expect from a 5 or 6 or 7-yo kid? All she does is starring into the camera angrily, that's an Oscar-worthy performance?

Because saying "The youngest ever nominee vs the oldest ever nominee" is a nice story to promote that category.
The Hurtlocker win was a fucking travesty. I didn't like Avatar either, but I would have gladly taken that win because it wasn't nearly as offensive.
What's wrong with you people? THL was great, far better than Avatar. I don't give a damn about it not being accurate. One of the best nominees that year, the only competition was IB.

You make it sound like it was a piece of shit!


Can't believe The Departed won best picture in 2006.. that movie is terribly overrated.

and to throw salt in the wound Pan's Labyrinth wasn't even nominated that year.. wtf?

Wll Marin Scorsese may not make another great movie they got to make good on him before its too late.
I'm quite disappointed (yet not terribly surprised) that Brave got a nomination. Don't get me wrong, the movie is amazingly beautiful... visually. However, I personally found the plot and characters lacking in more than one way. Characters, especially. Flat, uninteresting, minimal development. The only character I can say I didn't actively dislike was
the mother, and she was rendered mute only a third of the way through the movie
. I dunno. I have a hard time liking Pixar movies in general, and I was really excited for Brave. But, in my opinion, it missed the mark completely :( Super bummer.
THL was great, far better than Avatar. I don't give a damn about it not being accurate. One of the best nominees that year, the only real competition there was IB.

You make it sound like it was a piece of shit!

The Hurt Locker was a perfectly decent and enjoyable film, but it was most definitely not better than Avatar, nor Basterds, nor Up in the Air.
Do you think The Hurt Locker ought to have been nominated for best cinematography as it had been?

Why shouldn't it have been nominated for cinematography? What would you have selected in its place? District 9, Up in the Air? I agree it may not be the best looking film and it has too much shaky cam though.
Why shouldn't it have been nominated for cinematography? What would you have selected in it's place? I agree it may not be the best looking film and it has too much shaky cam though.

Off the top of my head?

A Serious Man.
Up in the Air.
The Road.
The Lovely Bones.
The Soloist (awful movie)

It was nominated for the same reason Mark Boal won best original screenplay for THL.
Off the top of my head?

A Serious Man.
Up in the Air.
The Road.
The Lovely Bones.
The Soloist (awful movie)

It was nominated for the same reason Mark Boal won best original screenplay for THL.

Of those I've only seen Up in the Air, I do think it was deserving a cinematography nod (I liked the movie a lot too).

Which reason?
To help justify THL winning best picture and putting Bigelow on stage for bigger press headlines for The Academy.

Oh yeah, lol.

Still, I had no problem with it winning overall. I know cinematography has little to do with how good a movie is, maybe it shouldn't have been nominated for that award.

I really enjoyed Up in the Air, but I think THL is better. IB is a different case.
The Oscar just don't want to hear the "King of the World" speech.

Well between both of his speeches at the 98 Oscars (asking for a minute of silence while they're running overtime :lol) and him speaking in Na'vi at the Golden Globes, he's pretty damn embarrassing when he's on stage.


I still can't believe THL won. I would have taken any of the other nominees over it, honestly.

If I'm honest, I much prefer Crash to THL. Like not even close.
If my movie won 11 oscars I would be pretty fucking crazy too.



Don't think Brave is really in the race. It's between Wreck-it-Ralph, Frankenweenie and Paranorman which have been sweeping up the other awards.
I think Paranorman is the worst film of the five nominees, myself. But it appears to be in the top 3 for consideration.

I still think Aardman ends up picking it up.
My biggest gripe with THL (besides being at best an average film) was that it was shoved down everyone's throat with how realistic it was by movie reviewers who had no idea what the hell they were talking about. As a former member of the military, I cringed numerous times during that film as how ridiculous it was.
Best Picture

Best Actor
Daniel Day-Lewis, Lincoln

Best Actress
]Emmanuelle Riva, Amour

Best Supporting Actor
Philip Seymour Hoffman, The Master

Best Supporting Actress
Sally Field, Lincoln

Best Director
Senior Spielberg


Paranorman was better than both.

I enjoyed Wreck-It more (just a teeny-weeny bit) but Paranorman is absolutely deserving of an Oscar as well. Brave (even if it was slightly disappointing, for a Pixar movie) and Pirates! are both good, but not the best animated movies this year. I think Paranorman will win.


No classes on Tuesdays this semester which means I can spend the day going to the theater and watching films for cheap instead of studying. Haven't seen Amour, Zero Dark Thirty, and Les Miserables. Will be able to watch 2 of the 3 on Tuesday for $12. After that I can start doing some predictions.


I think Paranorman is the worst film of the five nominees, myself. But it appears to be in the top 3 for consideration.

I still think Aardman ends up picking it up.

Pirates has absolutely no chance here. Even the nomination was a surprise.

A lot of people will be disappointed if Brave wins. Even normal people didn't care for that movie.

Lol, we are the normal people. Anyway, the 79% user rating on Rt and the 7.2 on IMDB indicate that 'normal people' liked it fine, not nearly as much as most other Pixar films though. And I could have sworn that the IMDB score used to be much higher not too long ago.
Lincoln is very much a feel-good movie. It has the most nominations, a historical biopic, by a beloved film maker, starring a beloved actor, and a feel-good oscar bait film. There is a reason why Lincoln is the undisputed frontrunner right now.

but it's not a "feel-good movie" in the same manner as stuff like Rocky, Forrest Gump, Chariots of Fire, My Fair Lady, or Silver Linings, or even Driving Miss Daisy. It's a big historical epic with all manner of weight/portent. That'd be like describing Return of the King as a "Feel Good" movie.

It's a weird bit of terminology, to be sure, but I don't think people would normally describe "Lincoln" as a feel-good.


Lincoln has a feel-good scenes toward the end of the film, but most of it is people being frustrated, disappointed, and distraught at the continued war and conflict.

I can't even imagine what it would have been like to live in a world where so many people believed black people belonged in chains. There's nothing feel-good about that, amendment or no.


By the way, I just saw Les Miserables today. I rarely go out to the theaters, but I wanted to see at least 3 BP nominees.

Anne Hathaway is unbelievable, and Hugh Jackman works so hard to make his scenes powerful. I also liked Eddie Redmayne's role.

The rest of the film is just kind of there. I didn't hate Russell Crowe, but there's no passion in his eyes. He was just singing the notes.

Helena Bonham Carter and Sacha Baron Cohen need razzies for their roles. They're just awful, and so is every scene they inhabit.

Eponine was...interesting. Despite a really well sung role, she inspires very little empathy from the audience.

Amanda Seyfried did okay, nothing great or bad. If you watch the first 40 pr so minutes of the film and then follow it with the last 10 minutes, you've got a terrific film. What's in the middle is hit and miss.

If the film had been as good as its best parts, I'd pick it as the best picture on principle.


Best Picture: ZDT

Best Actor: DDL

Best Actress: Chastain

Best Supporting Actor: Waltz

Best Director: David O. Russell

Best Original Screenplay: ZDT

Best Adapted Screenplay: Silver Linings Playbook

Best Animated Feature: Wreck-It Ralph

Best Cinematography: Dat Deakins


Best Picture: ZDT

Best Actor: DDL

Best Actress: Chastain

Best Supporting Actor: Waltz

Best Director: David O. Russell

Best Original Screenplay: ZDT

Best Adapted Screenplay: Silver Linings Playbook

Best Animated Feature: Wreck-It Ralph

Best Cinematography: Dat Deakins

Why did you leave off best supporting actress?
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