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A BestBuy store employee was encouraging XSX over PS5 due to the True 4k nonsense (Possibly Dusk Golem's new job after getting demodded)


Gold Member

Sounds made up but ok

He dropped a console 8 feet onto his own head, knocking him out. When he woke up, all he could recall was fainting after watching this happen in Best Buy.


If MS wanted to get a leg up at retail, they'd only need to put a disk drive on lockhart. Boom, instant preferential treatment vs. the box that is trying to kill the software business for retailers with a diskless system.

Edit: Probably won't happen since MS wants to go digital too. :messenger_beaming:
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Rodent Whores
I might have believed it but the "despite the kids complaining saying it does do 4k fine and that it has the games they want, and XSX doesn't." puts it over the edge into bullshit territory.


i used to really love best buy, but then they cancelled gamersclub. now i hate them with a passion.

but to be fair this idiot could be working at any store.
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