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Adam Saleh, popular YouTube racist, kicked off Delta plane for being a jerk

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This guy needs to have the book thrown at him in court. Crying wolf on a matter like this should carry serious consequences. Youtube should suspend his channel as well.


Prank channels are to YouTube as fake news is to Facebook; in a word: toxic.

I don't support kicking anyone off a plane, but if you infringe on the freedoms of other people, namely the right to safety, it's warranted. At a movie theatre I worked at we were instructed to prevent smelly homeless patrons from purchasing tickets. In my city, homelessness is a clear issue, and I don't believe in denying anyone's right to watch a film, but if you're forced to sit in a tiny theatre next to someone who reeks of piss for two hours, it's possible that all the guests in that theatre will complain/leave. So, it hampers the freedoms of everyone else watching the film. It's not a black and white case either, you don't have the right to kick anyone out. There has to be a clear disturbance. The kind where when you walk into the room and several rows away the stench is unbearable.

I think you have to consider air travel conditions as well. I am rudely reminded when I purchase an overpriced economy ticket just how close and tight economy seating is arranged. You're packed like sardines. The whole thing feels archaic. So, if the person next to you is shouting at random, I think you'd do something. Especially when everyone in your vacinity is coming to terms and adjusting to their new range of personal space. There's a certain unspoken etiquette to air travel. Just about the only instance of a noisy passenger travelers are willing to accept is the presence of a screaming infant.


People on Twitter are still calling for a Delta boycott over this. I hope they sue the living shit out of him.

I suppose the good news in this is that 99% of people yelling "BOYCOTT!!!" will have forgotten about it in two weeks. Sorta like the whole Kellogs-boycott a few weeks back.

I seriously doubt they will in anyway feel this financially.


The worst part about this it it'll just make this pair of cunts more popular. You can tell they sniffed an opportunity whilst getting kicked off and it worked for them. They probably didn't expect it to blow up like this, but hey, they're gonna do pretty well out of it.
To be fair some people probably just move on and have other things to do so it isn't a huge deal.

It's just sad that people have real issues with racist things and this guy goes all in for himself and damages a lot of trust and people in the process.

I think Delta has enough witnesses to do something but with the idea of looking a bit wrong and from past incidents they may not which gives him way too much leverage. I still hope they do something for his antics though.


Given the facts, I'm happy that Delta decided to escort them off the plan.

These pranksters and jokesters are not funny.






"We only make videos with a message" is my fave line.

Amazing. "We didnt do this for the views! Please check out the video on twitter, youtube!!!! etc..." EL OH EL

Either way they got what they wanted, they are going to milk this shit into the ground.

Also, GG mods. Finally.


Amazing. "We didnt do this for the views! Please check out the video on twitter, youtube!!!! etc..." EL OH EL

Either way they got what they wanted, they are going to milk this shit into the ground.

Also, GG mods. Finally.

It did give his twitter like six digit followers in like... a day. He dgaf about the optics as long as the groundswell continues.

The guy is a piece of shit but he doesn't that that trivial fact get him down.


The worst part about this it it'll just make this pair of cunts more popular. You can tell they sniffed an opportunity whilst getting kicked off and it worked for them. They probably didn't expect it to blow up like this, but hey, they're gonna do pretty well out of it.

Unless they can somehow be sued by Delta for defamation they are going to come out ahead due to exposure and people being absurdly gullible.


Blows my mind reading the comments on his YouTube page with people going "we believe in you Adam, don't listen to the haters" etc. What the hell.


See now I'm super skeptical

Dude does pranks on planes
Allegedly lies a lot
Said he snuck onto a flight in a suitcase (wat)

this should have caused red flags everywhere. A lot of L's to be handed out. That this type of shit makes things worse in general. Fuck those piece of shit
Curious why none of the early posters have returned to this thread 🤔🤔🤔.

What's there to say? Some of us thought "hey, let's be logical here and wait to hear more details" while some people said "fuck that guy he pulls pranks."

Basically, even if you made the right call by jumping to conclusions, you still used a faulty methodology that is prone to false accusations. You use character assassination in the same way people call young men "thugs" when they're brutalized by police because they had a record for shoplifting once as a teenager. It's a bad practice even if you were right this time.


I've experienced something like this before except on a bus instead of a plane. No, it is not funny in fact it's utterly terrifying. No sympathy for these guys.


What's there to say? Some of us thought "hey, let's be logical here and wait to hear more details" while some people said "fuck that guy he pulls pranks."

Basically, even if you made the right call by jumping to conclusions, you still used a faulty methodology that is prone to false accusations. You use character assassination in the same way people call young men "thugs" when they're brutalized by police because they had a record for shoplifting once as a teenager. It's a bad practice even if you were right this time.

This post contains truth. There were a handful of "wait for the facts." But there was a ton of he has a past.

There is also a lot of puffed out chesting about being right, in this instance.


I hope he seriously gets sued, other people are really affected/victims of this and we have this guy trying to make a joke out of it? What a dick, with his social popularity he should really focusing on helping people instead of making it worst.


delta wont sue him, considering how many sympathizers that he still has it would just look like delta is going after arabs. also would just put a target on them, delta probably just want this to go away a lawsuit would just keep it in the news cycle longer and for what its not like he has millions of dollars.

the best case which i doubt will happen is that enough people report him on youtube that he can no longer monetize anything on there and decentivize him enough from putting up more of these toxic videos.


lol they have both posted new vids and nothing to do with the airplane thing. I reckon both have been told to shut up.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
What's there to say? Some of us thought "hey, let's be logical here and wait to hear more details" while some people said "fuck that guy he pulls pranks."

Basically, even if you made the right call by jumping to conclusions, you still used a faulty methodology that is prone to false accusations. You use character assassination in the same way people call young men "thugs" when they're brutalized by police because they had a record for shoplifting once as a teenager. It's a bad practice even if you were right this time.

"Let's wait to hear more details, he is a youtube pranker".



Blows my mind reading the comments on his YouTube page with people going "we believe in you Adam, don't listen to the haters" etc. What the hell.

People in this country worships celebrities to hell and back. To a point of complete, utter denial and incompetence.


He who pursues two rabbits gets two rabbits.
Yeah, I hope this guys fame is over.

Wouldn't be surprised if this was his most successful stunt to date.

You use character assassination in the same way people call young men "thugs" when they're brutalized by police because they had a record for shoplifting once as a teenager. It's a bad practice even if you were right this time.

What we have here is a career prankster whose entire shtick revolves around faking exactly this type of incident and exploiting prejudice for personal gain. And being rewarded for it. Which a 10-minute Google search would have been more than enough to confirm.

That's quite a different case than someone getting murdered by the police and then smeared to justify it.

Someone earlier in this thread seriously tried to compare the skepticism here to the "no angel fallacy" and the character assassination of Michael Brown. Which is frankly kind of disgusting. People like Michael Brown have suffered enough and don't deserve to be posthumously used as a shield for someone who cynically exploits prejudice for his own gain and further hurts any cause that aims to help actual victims.
The worst part about this it it'll just make this pair of cunts more popular. You can tell they sniffed an opportunity whilst getting kicked off and it worked for them. They probably didn't expect it to blow up like this, but hey, they're gonna do pretty well out of it.

Yeah, I wish people would understand this better.

It's one of the reasons why Trump became more popular the more "scandalous" shit he said.
Celebrities are measured by popularity, not by how decent they are (especially on the internet with click-based income).

You get upset, and then you drop them and avoid anything they make from then on. That's it. Not clicking the next "omg you won't believe what the guy you hate said this time" link. There's no shortage on entertainment nowadays, it's a service and you should not invest yourself in personalities/celebrities.
Not only does this feed into the hateful narrative of the GOP, but it also gives democrats another opportunity to cannibalize each other. And makes it harder for actual victims to speak out and get help.

It cannot be overstated how dangerous this kind of behavior is.


All evidence seems to be against him, fuck him. How dare he, abusing situations some people have genuine trouble with. The worst thing is they'd probably don't get to deal with the consequences.


I suppose the good news in this is that 99% of people yelling "BOYCOTT!!!" will have forgotten about it in two weeks. Sorta like the whole Kellogs-boycott a few weeks back.

I seriously doubt they will in anyway feel this financially.

There was a Kellogs boycott a few weeks ago? LOL wow!

I commend you for this. Few people have the balls or spine to admit they're wrong.

I agree, it's nice to see people admit to wrong doing, even if it was in good faith.


Karim aka someone who has worked with them via TrueStoryASA. Breaks the whole incident in a mature manner by providing some background on why they were doing this...


Also brings up some interesting points on Adam and Slim's personality.

I have no words... Seriously, wow. :|

lol wtf they probably weren't even shouting in Arabic but trying to start a viral video with an Indonesian saying/meme?
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