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Advanced DirectX12 Graphics and Performance - Discussion


Pretty much.

The tl;dr edition of all this is that DX12 has less overhead sucking up CPU and GPU resources compared to DX11. The main downside comes in said overhead containing useful stuff for programmers, so it's more susceptible to coding cock-ups. That is what testing is for, however, and it's not like there wasn't stinkers shipped with DX11 (hi, Master Chief Collection).

Even better tl;dr explanation: "Thank you Mantle".


Just go's to show how shitty and inefficient the MS code was before to the point it was embarrassing.

We literally have been spending fortunes just to brute force completely shitty code to work.

It's the same with any open platform. Unless you're coding for a single piece of locked hardware.


Can’t stump the diablos
I need some clarification:

Do you mean those that upgrade early will have to pay after a year?

Or do upgraders have a year window to download W10 for free, which they'll have to pay if they miss that one-year window?

The bolded portion is correct. I don't know where people get this subscription idea from. It's a nasty rumor that will take some effort for MS to squash.

It is basically the same thing they did with the 8.1 release or the heavy discount when 8 released.
The bolded portion is correct. I don't know where people get this subscription idea from. It's a nasty rumor that will take some effort for MS to squash.

It is basically the same thing they did with the 8.1 release or the heavy discount when 8 released.

Yup. They want to make money on the ecosystem and the W10 OS is just a means to get you in their ecosystem.

I have a feeling we will see a lot of non-gaming full windows apps showing up in the W10 store.


I think it ties into the Universal Apps thing; building a game in DX12 might not offer significant performance improvements over their existing low-level console API, but it will make porting things back and forth much, much easier.

Right, it will encourage developers to take advantage of DX12 features knowing it will be a breeze when porting to X1. Not only will it benefit X1 by way of easy porting, but also if games are made using DX11 and are directly ported to X1 with not much optimizations, a developer may opt to run the game at 900p or less to save time and money vs coding to the metal.

DX12 will help X1 in that sense, yet somehow everyone claiming it will have 0 benefit to X1 are missing the point entirely, not everyone painstakingly recodes their engines when porting from PC, time, ability and money all factor in.
it'll improve much upon the PC, there was a thread about how there's a 20% gpu boost, I just wish it was crystal clear what it will do for xbone.
It'll be interesting to see if the Xbone becomes the lead console platform for development due to the unified PC/Xbox toolset.
Makes sense to develop as a universal Win10 with DX12 game then port to other consoles.

Probably depends on install base of Windows 10

more like DX12 could be the lead for multiplatform titles
more like DX12 could be the lead for multiplatform titles

Bingo. I think this will be interesting to watch. MS has already courted Unity and UE4 and are pretty much making DX12 work between PC and XB1 with little issue. The fact that Shovel Knight was ported in a day should say a lot.

Other than the diehard OGL users, it seems like DX12 makes sense as the easiest platform to lead on.


They were specifically speaking about the impact of the shift from DX11 to DX12 on the PC version of the game. Just converting it from DX11 to DX12 allowed them to move from 900p to 1080p at the same frame rate.

But this doesn't compute.
Going from 900p to 1080p is actually a 44% jump and not a 20% one.


Junior Member
I upgraded my 930 to a 4770k a few weeks back.

It was worth it. I ended up getting 10-20fps extra in a lot of CPU demanding situations.

As for the Topic at hand, theres Directx 12, and Directx12.1

Maxwell supports Directx 12.1 (according to OP)
What does Directx12.1 do?

As an intel engineer, reading stuff like this makes me happy!
But this doesn't compute.
Going from 900p to 1080p is actually a 44% jump and not a 20% one.

900 to 1080 is 20 percent but not in pixels. It was just a simplistic statement that Phil made. Watch the Dx12 video I posted and towards the end they do the GPU section.


Right, it will encourage developers to take advantage of DX12 features knowing it will be a breeze when porting to X1. Not only will it benefit X1 by way of easy porting, but also if games are made using DX11 and are directly ported to X1 with not much optimizations, a developer may opt to run the game at 900p or less to save time and money vs coding to the metal.

DX12 will help X1 in that sense, yet somehow everyone claiming it will have 0 benefit to X1 are missing the point entirely, not everyone painstakingly recodes their engines when porting from PC, time, ability and money all factor in.

Portability between Windows 10 and Xbox One is certainly a great benefit, but as others have pointed out, Windows 10's adoption rate and the willingness/ability of developers to utilize DX12 features will have an impact on how many "DirectX12-ready" games we will see.

My question is how the PS4 plays into this and how easy it is to port from DirectX11 to DirectX12. With 20 million+ boxes out there, it's difficult for devs to ignore it.

Perhaps someone with more knowledge in the development of multiplatform releases could look into these questions:

  • The PS4 allows the use of DirectX 11.2, so I imagine that there are cases where devs targeting multiplatform releases might use it as the common denominator; wouldn't this discourage developers from jumping to DX12 in the first place, along with the previously mentioned concerns?
  • Does it make more sense to make the PS4 the lead platform and then port to DX12?
  • Perhaps there are benefits to porting from the PS4 if its devkit already reaps the CPU-bound benefits of DX12?


Gold Member
The bolded portion is correct. I don't know where people get this subscription idea from. It's a nasty rumor that will take some effort for MS to squash.

It is basically the same thing they did with the 8.1 release or the heavy discount when 8 released.

Well because they worded it poorly, in the video in OP he makes it sound like the first year is free, i.e. then you have to pay.

I already know that is not the case, but I can see why some people would get confused.
Portability between Windows 10 and Xbox One is certainly a great benefit, but as others have pointed out, Windows 10's adoption rate and the willingness/ability of developers to utilize DX12 features will have an impact on how many "DirectX12-ready" games we will see.

My question is how the PS4 plays into this and how easy it is to port from DirectX11 to DirectX12. With 20 million+ boxes out there, it's difficult for devs to ignore it.

Perhaps someone with more knowledge in the development of multiplatform releases could look into these questions:

  • The PS4 allows the use of DirectX 11.2, so I imagine that there are cases where devs targeting multiplatform releases might use it as the common denominator; wouldn't this discourage developers from jumping to DX12 in the first place, along with the previously mentioned concerns?
  • Does it make more sense to make the PS4 the lead platform and then port to DX12?
  • Perhaps there are benefits to porting from the PS4 if its devkit already reaps the CPU-bound benefits of DX12?

PS4 doesn't utilize direct X at all.
Except for Halo, or Gears, or Forza, etc I would guess. Pinball though? Hell yeah crossbuy/crossplatform lol.
okay well epic games was part of the announcement of utilizing dx12, and that to me meant that dx12 will be used possibly for a GoW4. with that being said, will dx12 do other things for xbone? particularly in the game making process?


PS4 doesn't utilize direct X at all.

That does not appear to be true:


Sony is building its CPU on what it's calling an extended DirectX 11.1+ feature set, including extra debugging support that is not available on PC platforms. This system will also give developers more direct access to the shader pipeline than they had on the PS3 or through DirectX itself. "This is access you're not used to getting on the PC, and as a result you can do a lot more cool things and have a lot more access to the power of the system," Norden said. A low-level API will also let coders talk directly with the hardware in a way that's "much lower-level than DirectX and OpenGL," but still not quite at the driver level.

Whether it's being used that often is another matter...


Will I ever upgrade my i7 920?

We may not have to (internet high five).

The 920 has to be one of the best long running gaming processors out there. We have 4 cores and 8 threads that already handle games fine. (I'm running a 920 with a GTX 980)

DX12+ would apparently help this darn CPU to just keep on trucking. I've yet to hit a wall with it.


That does not appear to be true:


Whether it's being used that often is another matter...

I realize the wording can be confusing, but "DirectX 11.1 feature set" is a set of hardware features required to be certified as DirectX 11.1 compatible, as opposed to the actual API itself.

The API is just software by Microsoft, but you need certain physical pieces of hardware to be compatible with the software.


I realize the wording can be confusing, but "DirectX 11.1 feature set" is a set of hardware features required to be certified as DirectX 11.1 compatible, as opposed to the actual API itself.

The API is just software by Microsoft, but you need certain physical pieces of hardware to be compatible with the software.

Thank you for the clarification - that makes sense. With this in mind, I've reworded my first question below:

The PS4 allows the use of DirectX 11-compatible feature set, so I imagine that there are cases where devs targeting multiplatform releases might use that set of features as the common denominator; wouldn't this discourage developers from jumping to DX12 in the first place, along with the previously mentioned concerns?

This all depends on how difficult it is to port between the PS4 feature set and DX12, let alone the existing DX11 feature set for PCs (which we are already seeing). I'm hoping the answer is that "it's a piece of cake" so that multiplatform developers can take advantage of each platform's strengths.
yeah but the i7 920 still stomps the 2500k overall due to hyperthreading.

Stomps? Overall? Only with the games that make good use of hyperthreading, which are not that much. I don't know if DX12 is going to help with this, haven't read/seen it all yet.


Thank you for the clarification - that makes sense. With this in mind, I've reworded my first question below:

The PS4 allows the use of DirectX 11-compatible feature set, so I imagine that there are cases where devs targeting multiplatform releases might use that set of features as the common denominator; wouldn't this discourage developers from jumping to DX12 in the first place, along with the previously mentioned concerns?

Potentially, yes. This situation will still happen in a world where DirectX 12 exists. This is because DirectX 12 and DirectX 11.3 will co-exist. 12 trading greater complexity for closer access to hardware and theoretically more performance and 11.3 trading performance/features for usability. I would expect 11.3 to be the more commonly used API between 11.3 and 12.

Developers will choose the tools that best suit their project requirements and resources. DX12 just gives them more choice than they've previously had on PC, but it wont be suitable for all projects or developers.


I forgot about the free upgrade. Still v. concerned about existing games/apps not working on 10 though.

Can't access it at the mo. Take an average person with, like, 300 working Steam games. Are they suggesting they would all work on 10?

Look at it this way.

From Windows 7 to Windows 8 to Windows 8.1, there were negligible compatibility problems. Pretty much everything works without question, outside of a few outliers. And of those outliers, most have been fixed over time.

For Windows 10, Microsoft is putting far more effort into compatibility than they have for any past Windows release, ever.

The free upgrade to Windows 10 isn't just something that Microsoft is offering to people to take it or leave it. It's something that Microsoft wants every person to do, and if people are blocked from doing it for whatever compatibility reasons, they're going out of their way to address those compatibility problems and enable them to upgrade.

The entire reason for the free upgrade is to get everyone on the same platform, to entice developers to develop for that platform. If there are major compatibility issues preventing those upgrades from happening, it's not just a technical problem to solve, it's a clear business problem to solve too.


PS4 doesn't utilize direct X at all.

I think what people might be looking for here is, PS4's GPU has Shader Model 5.1 feature set. Sony's API itself has nothing to do with DirectX.

SM5.1 I believe is the feature set that goes with DX11.1 on the Windows / PC / DirectX side.

The Wii U GPU has the Shader Model 4.1 feature set, even though it does not use DX10.1 at all.

Sony and Nintendo consoles use custom derivatives of OpenGL for their APIs.

Someone else can explain this far better than I can though.


I'm hoping the jump to Windows 10 from Windows 8.1 is nothing more than a service pack upgrade.

I'd hate to fresh install all the programs I have right now being a graphic designer and all (not to mention all the old games I have on my system too. Win8.1 has been surprisingly old PC game friendly, even the Windows 95 ones!).
I'm hoping the jump to Windows 10 from Windows 8.1 is nothing more than a service pack upgrade.

I'd hate to fresh install all the programs I have right now being a graphic designer and all (not to mention all the old games I have on my system too. Win8.1 has been surprisingly old PC game friendly, even the Windows 95 ones!).

Its how they did the W10 tech preview so I would expect it to be the same.
I'm hoping the jump to Windows 10 from Windows 8.1 is nothing more than a service pack upgrade.

I'd hate to fresh install all the programs I have right now being a graphic designer and all (not to mention all the old games I have on my system too. Win8.1 has been surprisingly old PC game friendly, even the Windows 95 ones!).

Yes, you can do an in-place upgrade and keep everything. Full upgrade also works for Windows 7. I'm fairly certain (not 100% confident) that Vista or earlier will require a clean install.
I guess we will hear more about its impact on the XO at a later date:


DirectX 12 ‏@DirectX12 10 minutes ago
DirectX12:New Meaning for Efficiency & Performance presented w/our pals @AMDRadeon starts at 11:30- Rm 2014,WestHall

Talal Al Reyami ‏@talreyami 8 minutes ago
@DirectX12 @AMDRadeon Xbox One fans demand to know what it does mean for Xbox One?

DirectX 12
@talreyami @AMDRadeon There is a time and a place for everything....


I'm hoping the jump to Windows 10 from Windows 8.1 is nothing more than a service pack upgrade.

I'd hate to fresh install all the programs I have right now being a graphic designer and all (not to mention all the old games I have on my system too. Win8.1 has been surprisingly old PC game friendly, even the Windows 95 ones!).

Not only can you (of course) do an in-place upgrade from Windows 8.1 to 10, you can even do so if you have Windows 7.


Yes, you can do an in-place upgrade and keep everything. Full upgrade also works for Windows 7. I'm fairly certain (not 100% confident) that Vista or earlier will require a clean install.

I don't mind having to delete my backup or system restores as they can be incredibly HDD space intensive. I also hope that doing the in-palce upgrade does not break compatibility with software that's already installed.

Clean installs are almost like a week on investing to make sure that everything you previously had installed is up, working and optimized. I just couldn't afford that kind of time commitment nowdays.
Wow, even Windows 7 computers too?

I might upgrade my old laptop in that case and get more life out of it as a stream service device or something. Squeezing every last ounce of old tech has always been my kinda thing.
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