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Alien: Isolation |OT| 1 Alien. 1 Ripley. No Jonesy.


I guess people have gotten too comfortable with their video game doing everything for them, like checkpoints and constant automatic saving.
That's really not the case at all for me. It's simply about good game design and this save system isn't one of them in my opinion. It adds nothing of value to my gameplay experience having to go through areas again with identical layouts and identical item placements just to recover lost progress.

I guess no game is scary to you, then?
The first Amnesia was good. SCP Containment Breach also got me a few times. FEAR, Condemned, and Dead Space were all decent enough with the scares. I'm sure there are others but that's all I have off the top of my head at the moment.
Great, now the game keeps crashing in the exact same spot/situation. After I get to comms, I sneak around some androids, and every time I hit the same spot in the hallway with my motion tracker out it crashes and takes my display driver with it.


Question about the AI

Not sure if spoiler will tag just in case

But early in the game at the comms station I opened fire with my gun and basically shot two androids dead and they can take several bullets, no alien appeared which I thought was weird anyone and their dog should have heard that firefight. And still no alien is that a bug or intentional ?


That's really not the case at all for me. It's simply about good game design and this save system isn't one of them in my opinion. It adds nothing of value to my gameplay experience having to go through areas again with identical layouts and identical item placements just to recover lost progress.

I strongly disagree that not having an automatic save system adds nothing of value. Of course it adds something! Otherwise it wouldn't be different than an automatic save system. E.g. having manual and scattered savepoints gives the progress you've made much more significance. It feels like progress you've made yourself. Concurrently, having to wait around the save point while the alien is roaming about provides discomfort and nervousness while you're looking around.

You have a similar kind of save system in terms of progress being made in games like Demon's Souls or Dark Souls where you have to backtrack. Surely you must see why such game design might be positive and how it actually "adds value".

Game Informer all rated this game pretty low, but GAF seems to be enjoying it.

Is this game worth picking up?

If you like Alien, this is the game for you. It really shows that this is a labor of love.

I personally think it's amazing and refreshing thanks to atmosphere, sound design, visuals and "alternative" game mechanics.
Mine would be: Alien, Aliens, Predator, Alien 3 (good movie, shit Alien movie), Predators, AVP then Predator 2. Resurrection and Requiem are just unwatchable.

Generous. I'd separate Alien and Predator as their own universes. I'd also toss out the awful films that will no doubt be retconned out of the canon (as Scott has already done with AvP, and as someone should do with Predator 2).

For me, it's Alien, Aliens and Prometheus. Ripley's arc ends as it began, with her adrift in space.
There is no release date shipping for Alien: Isolation by Amazon.ca.

My heart. It hurts. They'll upgrade to priority shipping, but still... the entire point was to get it on the release date. Ugh.


Unconfirmed Member
I went to Best Buy today annnnd the game was sold out on the PS4. They had like 20 copies for Xbox One available, but only received 10 for PS4. Feels bad man.


So you can play this game with noise detection via the microphone?
Im watching some guy on twitch playing and if he speaks the Alien notices him.


In the beginning in the space terminal, I swear I heard a cat meow in the background...

....I thought you all said there was NO Jonsey!?!? :( :( :(

The Cowboy

So you can play this game with noise detection via the microphone?
Im watching some guy on twitch playing and if he speaks the Alien notices him.
Yep, unfortunately its only on the console versions (just PS4/Xbox one i think) - i love the idea of this feature and really want it on PC.


Just had a marathon session and had to quit because my eyes were getting tired. Getting old sucks.

Game is great so far. Just got the motion travker and the Alien itself has been generally terrifying. The save system has me running back every few minutes to save again after collecting some items.

Only issue so far is that the cutscene stutter and sometime I'll get a slight pause when the game is, from what I assume, is loading up a new area.
Question about the AI

Not sure if spoiler will tag just in case

But early in the game at the comms station I opened fire with my gun and basically shot two androids dead and they can take several bullets, no alien appeared which I thought was weird anyone and their dog should have heard that firefight. And still no alien is that a bug or intentional ?

No, not a bug.
The alien still hasn't quite shown up properly yet. Yes you've discovered the alien, but it hasn't entered gameplay yet. I think once you get through the first 1v1 it is then present from then on. You're almost at that 1 on 1.
Question about the AI

Not sure if spoiler will tag just in case

But early in the game at the comms station I opened fire with my gun and basically shot two androids dead and they can take several bullets, no alien appeared which I thought was weird anyone and their dog should have heard that firefight. And still no alien is that a bug or intentional ?
I shot the androids too and the alien didn't come out. Though he still was in open vents salivating.


I strongly disagree that not having an automatic save system adds nothing of value. Of course it adds something! Otherwise it wouldn't be different than an automatic save system. E.g. having manual and scattered savepoints gives the progress you've made much more significance. It feels like progress you've made yourself. Concurrently, having to wait around the save point while the alien is roaming about provides discomfort and nervousness while you're looking around.

You have a similar kind of save system in terms of progress being made in games like Demon's Souls or Dark Souls where you have to backtrack. Surely you must see why such game design might be positive and how it actually "adds value".

The thing is that with games like the Souls series, the items you pick up or levels you've upgraded between deaths are still with you even after dying again. There is still a sense of progress even when you die in those games because of it. It's not really an appropriate comparison since you don't have that partial progression system with Alien.

Don't get me wrong, I understand why they went with a manual save system in a game like this. It forces the player to be more careful, more cautious, etc. It perhaps adds to the tension of wondering if you'll make it to the next save location. I get that. But for me, it only works the first time through.

My issue comes when you hit a save point, you think you're fine and suddenly you're dead before you could get to the next point or backtrack to a previous point. Situations like that remove my desire to keep playing it safe when I have to re-do and reacquire the things I just did. Why spend another 30-40 minutes sneaking around when I now know where everything is and can just run and grab them in five minutes and end up right back where I had died previously. Sure, there is some tension there thanks to the Alien itself being a bit random, but that fear is mitigated by seeing what its AI did in the previous situation or utilizing your equipment to scare it off.

Maybe this entire issue that I have wouldn't be an issue if the gameplay itself was altered a bit. Don't give me the motion tracker, force me to use my ears to hear where it's crawling or walking around. Force me to use my eyes instead of seeing where it's at via a blip on a screen. Or if the motion tracker is there, make it more limited, have it run off of the batteries that also power your flashlight, something like that.


Yep, unfortunately its only on the console versions (just PS4/Xbox one i think) - i love the idea of this feature and really want it on PC.

Thats an awesome feature.

Kinda funny how the dude almost has to hold his breath when he's in a locker while everyone in the chat trying to make him laugh.


Ffs just started this, 30mims in and horrendous motion sickness. I've knocked it off to watch Alien instead but well pissed off :(


Rather than go through this entire thread, can someone give me a wrap of what the general consensus on this game is? I've seen Alien (the movie) once before and I remember enjoying it, but I don't have any fandom toward it. Will I like this game or will some of the mechanics just throw me off?


So far I'm really starting to feel the scripted nature of this game really hard. I keep being scared though. It's just that my emotions are a mix of being scared *and* being really disappointed.


Ffs just started this, 30mims in and horrendous motion sickness. I've knocked it off to watch Alien instead but well pissed off :(
Same thing happened to me, I was like wtf. Turned it off and went to bed. Played the next day and everything was good.
it was right in the beginning when you get into the transportation lobby with the grafitti and stairs.

Rather than go through this entire thread, can someone give me a wrap of what the general consensus on this game is? I've seen Alien (the movie) once before and I remember enjoying it, but I don't have any fandom toward it. Will I like this game or will some of the mechanics just throw me off?

Game is amazing. Ive seen more people loving it than not. The sound design is some of thebest I ever heard in a game. The tension stays and never leaves you for the most part. Buy it, just save whenever you can. Save stations are pretty much all over. Few people were complaining about that but, me personally have never had an issue with them.


Holy shit, the game is gorgeous.

Liking what I'm seeing so far too, the voice acting is alright.

Nice to see good ol save stations.

Also nope
at the vent they want me to enter in the beginning.

I hate vents. :(


SZips, I understand your point, but I think it's more about personal preferences. I grew up on save systems like this, so I don't mind repeating the same thing again, provided it's sufficiently entertaining (which I would say this is thanks to dynamic AI and stealth mechanics).


Holy shit, the game is gorgeous.

Liking what I'm seeing so far too, the voice acting is alright.

Nice to see good ol save stations.

Also nope
at the vent they want me to enter in the beginning.

I hate vents. :(

You'll hate them even more later on.


Game is amazing. Ive seen more people loving it than not. The sound design is some of thebest I ever heard in a game. The tension stays and never leaves you for the most part. Buy it, just save whenever you can. Save stations are pretty much all over. Few people were complaining about that but, me personally have never had an issue with them.

Thank you! Essentially, play smart and safe and you'll have a good time. Now I'm leaning more towards picking it up...


It is very atmospheric indeed, i'm playing on my 50" tv with the lights off & the surround system up to 50% & you can hear everything, little things making noises & sparks & electric crackles, then there is the items all over the station, it looks like it has been lived in, nothing like the usual space ships/stations in games that are all super smooth & sparse.

Really liking it so far & i have only just got to the second part - The Transit Area.


I'm ready to start. Its nighttime, my headphones are primed, and I've taken a poop already to clear it out my system.

Lets go.

Haha. I just finished my first hour on Sevastopol. Glorious 60fps ultra powered PC version, 55" plasma with brilliant blacks, Audio-Technica headphones, X360 controller.

Yep, it is a glorious game. The atmosphere..so good. The fact that I watched Alien yesterday evening was a nice addition too.
I am about to dive in again..
Played about half an hour so far. It's fucking awesome and exactly what I've been wanting out of an Alien game. It has some jank though, especially during cut scenes.


Anyone actually bothered trying this on Easy?

If so, is the AI just ridiculous? :p

I'm playing on easy. I had a bit of trouble in
the first stealth part with the humans.

Right now I'm at the
medical station helping a doctor who talks to me on the speaker.

I haven't seen the Alien yet.
I've seen him in cutscenes and I've seen him kill a bunch of people. But I haven't had to face him yet. I've spoted him a bunch of times on the motion tracker, right above me, but he never did anything.

I think I made the right choice. Playing on easy keeps him more mysterious and makes the game less frustrating.
So, I'm not getting it til Thursday. Thanks, Amazon.



So far I'm really starting to feel the scripted nature of this game really hard. I keep being scared though. It's just that my emotions are a mix of being scared *and* being really disappointed.
I'm not far in, but this is concerning me already.

The first NPC encounter (Axel) being a fully scripted follow-the-leader sequence, followed by the first xenomorph appearance being a fairly predictable cutscene, really robbed the game of all the tension it had built up so far. Then the tension is laid back on by a thick cheesy score, where previously the general atmosphere of creeping around seemed enough.

Of course I shat out every orifice when an alien first came at me (and killed me) so the game was somewhat forgiven. I'm just hoping the whole sequence leading to it was the obligatory introductory hand holding, and there is more stealth and making your own decisions from here on.


Few, those first human enemies give me a hard time. Died twice after getting discovered while searchibg for the item i need. Quited to give my heartrate a rest. Im such a wuzz.

Love it though. Really atmospheric


Neff, I've just picked up the Level 2 Noisemaker blueprint. Much louder noise that lasts for longer too.

I'll keep an eye out for it. You're right about the flamethrower, too. It's guaranteed to get monsieur Alien off your back at least once per encounter, unless he's particularly mad. Definitely opens up opportunities to take more risks and ensures a smoother, more fun game. Paying attention to his exposed state via sound really pays off, too. You separate elements from the cacophony of aural terror and discern from his sounds and the music as to whether he's in the vents, or on foot, alerted to you or oblivious, and by extension the severity of risks you can take. I also took your advice about attempting to get the Alien to murder people for you. Walking into a room full of scavengers, banging on the walls a few times with your wrench and retreating to enjoy the screams is pretty satisfying. Really starting to enjoy the game again, although Alien-kun is still doing weird, random shit.

As for the NPCs, I'm basically taking the same route you are, ie murdering them as quickly and quietly as possible since it's simply not worth the trouble of leaving them alone, as they'll try to murder you with little or no provocation anyway. Fuck 'em. Getting that
no human deaths
Trophy is going to be hard, though.

Also, not only do I have to contend with a falling-apart space station, murderous scavengers, psychotic androids and a ten foot tall xenomorph, but also the terror that is FLOATING GUNS.



Got the flame thrower and the tension seems to be taken away a little. I bumped it to hard to make up for it. If you crouch the whole time and are fairly smart the alien doesn't mess with you as much. I have so many gadgets, health, ammo it kills the survival aspect a little. Hopefully hard fixes that. Was on Normal before.


In the beginning in the space terminal, I swear I heard a cat meow in the background...

....I thought you all said there was NO Jonsey!?!? :( :( :(

Maybe a spoiler (not conclusive answer to your question) ->
There's an email you can read in one of the terminals telling someone to pick up their cat


Dreams in Digital
Hmm, the alien seems to be spotting me under tables a lot more often now.

They did say that the AI is designed in such a way that the alien learns from your behaviour, so perhaps you should try hiding in different places for a while. I often wonder if this is one of the problems reviewers didn't understand either. 'I bet she's under the table again ... Yep.'


I'll keep an eye out for it. You're right about the flamethrower, too. It's guaranteed to get monsieur Alien off your back at least once per encounter, unless he's particularly mad. Definitely opens up opportunities to take more risks and ensures a smoother, more fun game. Paying attention to his exposed state via sound really pays off, too. You separate elements from the cacophony of aural terror and discern from his sounds and the music as to whether he's in the vents, or on foot, alerted to you or oblivious, and by extension the severity of risks you can take. I also took your advice about attempting to get the Alien to murder people for you. Walking into a room full of scavengers, banging on the walls a few times with your wrench and retreating to enjoy the screams is pretty satisfying. Really starting to enjoy the game again, although Alien-kun is still doing weird, random shit.

As for the NPCs, I'm basically taking the same route you are, ie murdering them as quickly and quietly as possible since it's simply not worth the trouble of leaving them alone, as they'll try to murder you with little or no provocation anyway. Fuck 'em. Getting that
no human deaths
Trophy is going to be hard, though.

Also, not only do I have to contend with a falling-apart space station, murderous scavengers, psychotic androids and a ten foot tall xenomorph, but also the terror that is FLOATING GUNS.

You're not the only one man, never know when it's going to get to you:


Played for a good 4 - 5 hours, taking it real slow. I was crouched and moving slow as shit as soon as i hit the station lol. This game is amazing. Only complaints are the framerate stutters in the cutscenes and the minor stutters in the gameplay when shit is going down. Hope these issues are fixed but either way this is a fucking amazing game so far. Creative Assembly, hats off. Slow.... SLOW golf clap.


I'm not far in, but this is concerning me already.

The first NPC encounter (Axel) being a fully scripted follow-the-leader sequence, followed by the first xenomorph appearance being a fairly predictable cutscene, really robbed the game of all the tension it had built up so far. Then the tension is laid back on by a thick cheesy score, where previously the general atmosphere of creeping around seemed enough.

Of course I shat out every orifice when an alien first came at me (and killed me) so the game was somewhat forgiven. I'm just hoping the whole sequence leading to it was the obligatory introductory hand holding, and there is more stealth and making your own decisions from here on.

From what I've experienced, it is.
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