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Am I crazy, or is Diablo 4 kinda meh?


Ragdoll and hit reactions being toned down compared to d3 is my biggest gripe with the game.

D3 was the pinnacle of feeling powerfull in a isometric game.

Enemies having that half second of ragdoll and then fusing with the terrain is terrible to see in 2023, in d3 enemies's bodies still had ragdoll after dying, they were part of the world.

Yeh this has been a strange area to see them regress in considering they were best in class in that regard before.


Yeh this has been a strange area to see them regress in considering they were best in class in that regard before.
It is because of the success of d2 remaster (that has precanned deaths) and people hating on d3, blizzard probably thought that people were also hating on the exagerated ragdoll when it really was one of the funniest thing in the game.

Thank god you can still send some enemies flying with some moves like the bear charge, but it doesn't feel nearly as visceral and powerfull as d3.
Just started playing it yesterday as my PS5 physical copy finally arrived. Game seems more than fine to me, but I'm just level 11. Will have to finish the campaign first and do some of the endgame stuff before saying something definitive one way or the other.
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It seems like the "OOOMPH"-Factor of D3 fried your dopamine receptors and you don't feel the same rush of adrenline playing it. Understandably - because Blizzard decided to tone D4 way down. It's closer to D2 than D3 in terms of gameplay. Slower, not as shiny, and darker. Some like it, some don't.

I'm nobody

I agree I think the last one was better more fun
This one to serious and I've just died hardcore 39 from some glitch that froze all the NPC and and my ability to kill and lagged me dead
Fk this game

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
It seems like the "OOOMPH"-Factor of D3 fried your dopamine receptors and you don't feel the same rush of adrenline playing it. Understandably - because Blizzard decided to tone D4 way down. It's closer to D2 than D3 in terms of gameplay. Slower, not as shiny, and darker. Some like it, some don't.


In Diablo 4 skill visual intensity upgrades as you add more skill points and effects to skills.

Right now most people are seeing low intensity. That being said afaik this is only about vfx, not ragdolls.
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One of the green rats
It has definitely gone back to the D2 layout. Where D3 was a more linear action packed experience.

To me the graphics.. although technically better .. looks muted and doesn’t retain as much of a punch that d3 had.

The biggest problem I think d4 has is it’s really an action game being held back by trying to be more of a traditional rpg but isn’t interesting enough in its quests…and losses some pizzazz trying to cater to people who thought D3 was too “ colorful “
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Gold Member
The only thing that's crazy is playing 2 characters in the beta, not liking it, then buying the game to discover.......you dont like it. Well played sir.

In other news Diablo 4 for is sensational and am incredible revival for the ARPG genre. Think its pretty obv (just from your time in the beta) that's it's not for you.
I have never liked all the characters in any Diablo. My default classes were Sorc and Barb and my hope was that the other classes would be more fun in D4.
game looks very grindy and most of all, the awful level scaling.

Watch some streamers playing the game everyday, and his character always plays the same.
I did not see a sense of growth in the game.
I tried calling out level scaling before launch and Gaf buried me. :s


I played the beta with a Sorc up to lvl 25 and I didn't really like it. Then in the second beta a Barb to lvl 20 again not really mine. Now with the release I play a Necro lvl 33. and I also do not really like him.
All the skills visually and also from umpf her have appealed to me more in D3. The enemies flew through the area and you felt powerful.

In D4 since the opponents level with you I hardly notice the progress. The new skill tree I also do not really like, I liked it much more that I could completely re-skill myself at any time in D3.
In addition, i can see almost nothing with my necro, because the skills and the undead block each other and I very often do not know where I am at all.

This open world is somehow not very exciting either.
The other players are there but, the purpose in it I have not really seen now. The only thing I really like so far is the story and the cutscenes. Unfortunately, the rest is not very good.

My character is not visible at all when I use my abilities. I already had to lower the difficulty because of that.
Sheesh. Someone didnt get the memo. Blizzard are good now

Keep up.


Loves his juicy stink trail scent
I’m enjoying it for sure. I skipped all the cutscenes and dialogue and just B-lined it through the game doing some side quests. I’m playing for the loot and destruction, the story is the same structure every game basically so it’s kind of wasted on me.

Will revisit now and again and get my moneys worth on the first season pass (since I bought deluxe) but now will focus more time on getting good at SF6 and dip in and out of BF2042 (now that it’s actually pretty good!).

Honestly did yourself a disservice not paying attention to the story. It was not like prior entries at all IMO.


Seeing tons of criticism on r/Diablo and the official forums. User metascore is dropping fast. Give it a few more days and we'll see where we're at after the honeymoon period is over.


Gold Member

Poe is just better than anything Diablo did. Just plain and simple.

Even... What is going on with the world... I wont even use a gif to express how taken aback by this comment I am.
It's the true Diablo 2 sequel.

But, where it lacked at least for me, iconic weapons standing out with the same notoriety you had with D2. Your Windforce's (which I used the whisper 6 rune bow that I always got accused of hacking but was a much better bow and more rare due to that one rune and it would own barbs and telesorcs in mere milliseconds dude to the super high speed stun lock) and your Grandfather swords which you would trade for super rare blue colossus high crit of over 200 and make cruel colossus swords, etc..

Your SoJ's for currency, etc., etc..

I just could not be miffed with getting involved with the item convention as much as D2's sucked you in, in that regards.
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It's the true Diablo 2 sequel.

But, where it lacked at least for me, iconic weapons standing out with the same notoriety you had with D2. Your Windforce's (which I used the whisper 6 rune bow that I always got accused of hacking but was a much better bow and more rare due to that one rune and it would own barbs and telesorcs in mere milliseconds dude to the super high speed stun lock) and your Grandfather swords which you would trade for super rare blue colossus high crit of over 200 and make cruel colossus swords, etc..

Your SoJ's for currency, etc., etc..

I just could not be miffed with getting involved with the item convention as much as D2's sucked you in, in that regards.
I get that. I do.
Poe did get its own legends though, so there's that.

And I mean, if you love titties....



In Diablo 4 skill visual intensity upgrades as you add more skill points and effects to skills.

Right now most people are seeing low intensity. That being said afaik this is only about vfx, not ragdolls.
Nah, it's especially about ragdoll (and less powerfull hits), it is way more toned down and enemies glue to the terrain instead of being actual corpse in the world.

You just need to watch like 30 sec of d3 beginning against trash zombies to see the abnormous difference, even the base attack of a monk or warrior feels more powerfull than some ultra mega skills in d4.

Thank fucking god they still have some ragdoll and it's not like d2 with those archaic precanned animations.

This is a game where you kill BILLIONS of enemies, visual variety for kills is a must.
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I do agree with the OP on level scaling. Not really a fan of it at all. I see the upside to it and I just kinda put up with it. Kinda went through this recently with ESO since that game also has level scaling and the world feels.... a bit more challenging everywhere you go over the traditional experience. Just miss that sense of overwhelming power you get from gradually increasing in level + better gear.


You're not crazy, you just happened to not be as enthusiastic despite its popularity.
You could ask just about anyone and there will be a popular title they weren't impressed by.

A game being AAA or popular is not an obligation to love it.


Neo Member
I'm finding it rather meh as well. In my opinion I feel like the game was designed around monetization and retention instead of the other way around. I know a lot of people like the game and that's cool, just isn't a Diablo game to me.
I think there's a misconception that lvl scaling = no decimating (trash) mobs. It's there in D4, you just need the right build + gear/aspects. I'm totally decimating doing Nightmares right now, and it doesn't feel that different from D3 greater rifts.
It really helped to read a maxroll build guide though. Lots of stuff/synergies I wouldn't have found out by myself to reach my characters potential. Also, it did take me a while to get here (lvl 60).
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Really enjoying the moment to moment gameplay in D4. Some of the classes are hit or miss for me. Necromancer feels stupid powerful where rogue Druid and sorc pale in comparison. Really want my witch doctor back. Diablo 3 at this point is a very mature game, so it’s a little hard to compare the two right now.

I will say the story in D4 feels very light. Mostly like it’s incomplete. The intention to drop feed story elements every few months feels very evident. The story currently feels like it’s ⅓ complete.

I think in a few months once the major balancing issues are ironed out and everything has simmered a bit longer it will be a much more enjoyable experience for people.


I am level 44 now playing a lightning sorc. I am for the most part enjoying it but there are a few things I wish were a bit different. Such as so far while leveling it seems that most of the loot I find is 5-10 levels below me which in turn makes me feel like during combat I am under leveled and barely doing damage to the damage sponge mobs. This then has the affect of making some dungeons feel incredibly long despite the fact they are not that large in size. In a game where level scaling of mobs exist it would be nice if the loot scaled better.

Overall I think it is a good game but it definitely plays really slow. I am hoping the endgame picks up a bit more.


Its a game all about grinding for that loot and levels. Some poeple like that stuff, some people dont.
I tend to find looter games kind of addicting, but i can def see why they are not for everyone.


I have trouble getting excited over any isometric action games. I realize this is mostly just a me problem, but the action feels so muted when playing Hades or Diablo. I need to be up close to the carnage.


Diablo 1 is still the best, perfect balance of survival horror and loot RPG.

Unfortunately, Diablo 2 already dropped that god like ambiance at the time, and had too much ennemies at once, which the next entries did too.


Hella meh imo.

The first 30-40 hours is cool, action is good, etc. The endgame is built like a mobile game treadmill and is awful. The itemization sucks. I posted this in the OT, but:

Level 58 now, just doing nightmare dungeons (~tier 13-15 depending on the key I have available. Pretty mixed on the game overall....the action stuff is great, the rpg stuff is not.

Good stuff:
-Moment to moment action is awesome
-Looks and sounds fantastic
-Aspects are fun to get initially from dungeons and a cool way to augment gear
-Being able to skip the campaign and having renown/lilith statues carry to alts is nice
-World itself is cool and well designed
-Decent variety of end game activities, though Nightmare dungeons do kinda feel much more optimal
-The PvP is surprisingly fun
-Superrrr stable launch and weekend.

Bad stuff:
-Itemization is awful. Most of the affixes suck and the marginal % increases you get on the ones that don't suck are barely noticeable due to the way scaling/progression is handled. There's nothing akin to hitting a breakpoint in Diablo 2 for example. You get a few extra % on the stats you want but then you just go up a key level anyway so the monsters are equally more powerful. Basically means you're doing the same content over and over again.
-The bad itemization is compounded with the way loot is distributed - need a filter/some way to see if shit is worth picking up. The names of items as they drop indicate basically nothing about their quality so you're sifting through a ton of garbage at the end of each run. Basically just scanning the ilvl and tossing everything out that's below x.
-Further compounded by the upgrade/aspect system - when you do get an upgrade it's so marginal but you also have to invest heavily into it with upgrades and aspects (especailly if you're at the point where you're not using the base aspect and instead trying to get a better, extracted version)
-The uniques so far are pretty wack
-Level scaling sucks and is lazy. It's terrible during the campaign as leveling up often makes you feel weaker - basic enemies just become sponges at certain points. Combine this with the tediously incremental item power creep and it just feels very homogenized.
-Once you've got your build you're basically locked in to most aspects and again, you start the search for the items with the good rolls on them to extract
-Basically it's an incredibly grindy end game but by the time you actually start to see those power spikes that you want out of an ARPG, there's no real reason to continue playing
-It's nice that they let you skip the campaign and stuff on alts but it's hard to imagine doing that grind several times over. Feels like a game I'll come back to every few seasons for a week
-World is cool and well designed but also pretty samey. Not many memorable areas (parts of act 5/6 come to mind, the tree area is super cool). It all just blends together.
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Don't like what I played so far.

- New MTX coins to buy stuff at the gambling place sucks, its a grind to get them (events that are limited / on a timer) and push you to spend real money, directly degrading my enjoyment of the game. Why cant I simply spend gold for gambling?

- Classes feel so old, have played them all 10-20 years ago, spells feel old... I've been there, done that.

- Map is to big, to much downtime until something happens, way to much running around. In D2/3 as soon as you leave camp, the actual game is there, with mobs and looting, in D4 it feels like 25% of the game are you running about finding shit in a area.

- Load times/ loading screen when entering a freaking cellar. Are you kidding me?

- Hate that I see other players, instant immersion breaking.

- Game needed new classes/spells/mechanics, smaller world.

First Diablo game where im quite "meh" about playing it, had you told me that a year ago I wouldn't believe it. D2>D3>D4 (for now).


Don't like what I played so far.

- New MTX coins to buy stuff at the gambling place sucks, its a grind to get them (events that are limited / on a timer) and push you to spend real money, directly degrading my enjoyment of the game. Why cant I simply spend gold for gambling?
lol, no those orbs drop from events and chests. That is not an mtx. The “platinum” only works for skins in the shop.


I like the voice acting and the story so far. Love the new "Cain" they got us. The music is beautiful violine, good sound effects even for smallest details like clutter falling or rolling about. It's hell of an atmospheric game and compared to levels in D1 or 2 you have levels that aren't a level plane all the time but is winded and has depths. Hit feedback is for an online game pretty good and miles better than what runs the ancient online code D2 (remake) has. Simply put, the production value is amazing and you see and feel it.

I like that you have to be a least somewhat committed to your skill tree unless you're fine with burning away all your gold after a while and a couple of respeccing. I like that they added tags to the skills so I can see easier what goes good with what instead of referring to external sources like message boards or guides.

The overall gameplay loop is the same that was introduced nearly three decades ago.

I don't like that you're fully legendary equiped before reaching lvl 30. Because you devalue your loot considerably... or anything when it's not rare anymore. So everything that is not legendary goes straight to salvage hell or is being sold. I don't know why loot games even bother with uncommon, rare, epic, legendary etc. when you can ignore everything below legendary after not even 10 hours of game time. This is what I like about Outriders. You can say what you want about this AA game but they got the loot right (at least for a casual player). Diablo 4 just keeps doing what D3 did in that regard and I don't think it's great.

Anyways, overall I'm enjoying the game. Another big plus for me personally is the armour design. Clothes and armour must look amazing in games. It might be nitpicky for others but I want good looking and setting and theme fitting clothes. If armour looks like shit like in The Surge I'm much less inclined to play the game.
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It seems like the "OOOMPH"-Factor of D3 fried your dopamine receptors and you don't feel the same rush of adrenline playing it. Understandably - because Blizzard decided to tone D4 way down. It's closer to D2 than D3 in terms of gameplay. Slower, not as shiny, and darker. Some like it, some don't.

More would like it without that shitty level scaling, that seems to be the root of many complaints.

Also loot itemization is questionable.

Bad stuff:
-Itemization is awful. Most of the affixes suck and the marginal % increases you get on the ones that don't suck are barely noticeable due to the way scaling/progression is handled. There's nothing akin to hitting a breakpoint in Diablo 2 for example. You get a few extra % on the stats you want but then you just go up a key level anyway so the monsters are equally more powerful. Basically means you're doing the same content over and over again.
-The bad itemization is compounded with the way loot is distributed - need a filter/some way to see if shit is worth picking up. The names of items as they drop indicate basically nothing about their quality so you're sifting through a ton of garbage at the end of each run. Basically just scanning the ilvl and tossing everything out that's below x.
-Further compounded by the upgrade/aspect system - when you do get an upgrade it's so marginal but you also have to invest heavily into it with upgrades and aspects (especailly if you're at the point where you're not using the base aspect and instead trying to get a better, extracted version)
-The uniques so far are pretty wack
-Level scaling sucks and is lazy. It's terrible during the campaign as leveling up often makes you feel weaker - basic enemies just become sponges at certain points. Combine this with the tediously incremental item power creep and it just feels very homogenized.
-Once you've got your build you're basically locked in to most aspects and again, you start the search for the items with the good rolls on them to extract
-Basically it's an incredibly grindy end game but by the time you actually start to see those power spikes that you want out of an ARPG, there's no real reason to continue playing
-It's nice that they let you skip the campaign and stuff on alts but it's hard to imagine doing that grind several times over. Feels like a game I'll come back to every few seasons for a week
-World is cool and well designed but also pretty samey. Not many memorable areas (parts of act 5/6 come to mind, the tree area is super cool). It all just blends together.

Holy shit, does the loot itemization sound horrible, and exactly what i feared.
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I’m not really feeling it, either, tbh. I’m going to keep giving it a chance for a bit longer, but it isn’t enough to pull me from Walkabout Mini Golf. Now that’s a fun game to play with friends! Grab beer, pick a course, and ball out.


Neo Member
I'm lvl 53 with my barb and I'm bored as fuck... It takes ages to kill stuff, it's slow and I hate to see random players in the open world, just let me play with my friends please ? And I won't talk about itemization cuz Tg89 said it all.
Actualy, I miss Diablo 3 where I could feel powerfull and measure my progress through rifts... I might go back to D3 (D2 is way too old).
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