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Am I retarded? I cannot follow the game's story if it is more complex than pong!


I have the same problem in 99,99% of games.

But it's not a problem with me because in the handful of games that i find the story interesting, i do follow it just fine.

So the issue is that almost all games have uninteresting stories and the same, boring way of delivering it, with same direction, generic voice acting, etc.

This happens to me too OP, I miss obvious plot points and shit, even if the story is good I sometimes space out when I should be paying attention. The absolute worst is the beginning of a game when you should be paying attention the most, I'm at my least engagement and that adds fuel to the fire.
Nice, gives me a lot you speak out, thanks, maybe I am not lone in my issue.

Forbidden West is a pinnacle of bad storytelling for moderately interesting story. not your fault.
But also - are you watching a lot of streams or social media? Problems with focus on a single activity?

Oh, I didn't know that, but maybe it is true!


In a well narrated game like Naughty Dog's games, yes, I follow and appreciate the story. In the 99,9% of games, where narrative is very poor, and that's include, for me, from Persona 5, to Disco elysium, Horizon Forbidden West, Cyberpunk, etc... I don't give a shit about the story because narrative is so bad that I can't follow what they suppose want to explain me. But I can enjoy those games because of the gameplay, graphics, etc.


Exposing the sinister cartel of retailers who allow companies to pay for advertising space.
Are you able to follow the plot in other mediums - ie, books, movies?

Reading a book is a whole different experience than playing a game. Gameplay, not plot, is the core part of the video game - and when playing an exceedingly long game the main plot is told in short bursts interspersed with hours upon hours of regular gameplay and a neverending stream of sub quests that have their own stories to tell. It's much easier to lose the plot details of a videogame that took many months to complete than the plot of a 90-120 minute movie that you watched without even one single bathroom break.


To be fair to you Forbidden West isn't a good game to jump into if you haven't played the first one. Not only is it a very direct sequel, but the first one eases you into the world, tribes, therminology, etc. Forbidden West just gives you a short summary and pretty much assumes you are familiar with the world and story.

Personally the only plots I sometimes find hard to follow is when most of it is told through radio and other forms of voice chatter. I actually prefer having clearly defined "story" moments instead of having to constantly focus on dialog during gameplay.
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It could be that the game has poor storytelling, like most of them do, coupled with the fact that they often dump huge amount of info while you're focusing on jumping/fighting/driving etc.


Targeting terrorists with a D-Pad
I used to care for a good story when I was younger, could sit for hours to plow through boring ass dialogue with great interest. But nowadays I can't stand more than two lines of text before I start mashing every button there is. And as already stated, game stories aren't seldom pure convoluted shait just for the sake of it! Perhaps more impatience than retardation on my part, but no doubt a little bit of both anyway.


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
Most games have terrible stories, so it can be hard to care or form a coherent plot out of the mess they give you. The Uncharted games are often praised for their story but from my experience with Uncharted 4 they are at best well told nonsense.
I forget game stories almost immediately. I've been playing TLOU part 1, but once I started watching the tv show I was like, did I do the Bill part yet? What about Tess? I had to watch some of a walkthrough on youtube and i am well past those parts. haha

I also forget almost all stories and characters about a week after I finish a game.
I cannot follow the game's story!
For example, recently I started playing Horizon Forbidden West, and I am like 5% in the story, and I have no clue what I need to do, I just follow the constant verbal and situational instructions, and UI feedback.
Am I retarded or something? Or you could say about the same experience.

Do you follow the story in any game, as it is said in its pace?
I don't, but fortunately in modern gaming I don't have to.
You are normal. Just the story is boring for you personally.


I'm replaying Dead Space and I can't remember what I'm doing narratively half the time.

It's like "find Nicole, Issac!"

Alright I got this.

Then it's like "go to the furnace room and do some shit so we can do some other shit."

And I'm like ok...sure. Wait, what's going on now?

Then I just zone out a talking heads say uninteresting things dramatically.


I'm replaying Dead Space and I can't remember what I'm doing narratively half the time.

It's like "find Nicole, Issac!"

Alright I got this.

Then it's like "go to the furnace room and do some shit so we can do some other shit."

And I'm like ok...sure. Wait, what's going on now?

Then I just zone out a talking heads say uninteresting things dramatically.
You're stoned, arent you? :messenger_tears_of_joy:


My nephews also can't keep up with a game's plot because they never let go of their phone while playing. So, if I had to do a wild guess, you're probably the same, not paying attention to the game. No need to think you're retarded OP.
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Gold Member
I cannot follow the game's story!
For example, recently I started playing Horizon Forbidden West...
stop! this just might be the worst example you could've chosen in discussing 'problems following the plot'. to the extent that (in my opinion, having completed the game) you're highly likely much better off not being able to follow it in this case...


I am Become Bilbo Baggins
In a well narrated game like Naughty Dog's games, yes, I follow and appreciate the story. In the 99,9% of games, where narrative is very poor, and that's include, for me, from Persona 5, to Disco elysium, Horizon Forbidden West, Cyberpunk, etc... I don't give a shit about the story because narrative is so bad that I can't follow what they suppose want to explain me. But I can enjoy those games because of the gameplay, graphics, etc.


A vast majority of video games have absolutely dog shit narratives. I literally skip almost all cut scenes in games because I couldn't care less about the poor excuse of a story.


Horizon is based on a true story about about robot dinosaurs that hunt you and you hunt them and stuff. Can't get much simpler than that man, I don't know what to say.
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Gold Member
I can't follow them because 9/10 stories in a game are utter bullshit with crap writing. It's like they didn't even take the story or player serious.
I've literally seen porn webnovels written by amauters with much better world building and characters than majority of AAA games, with paid professional carrer writers on the lead.
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you're not retarded OP, there was so much expanded lore in god of war ragnarok that i ended up tuning out mimir. my roomates would walk in the room to ask me what was going on in the story and i'd just look at them like this.

Confused Jim Carrey GIF

thats what happens when you take a really interesting 2 hour long story and then turn it into a 30 hour long game.


Gold Member
Maybe I am yes, but the story there doesn't seem dull, I just cannot keep up. Looks interesting, just to complex.
But to my justification, I didn't play Zero Down, had no clue what to expect.
I used to be like that. Story games bored me quickly and I only played mp games and quick action games. But I also couldn't concentrate on the Story games. Minutes would pass and I couldn't tell at all what happened or what was said.

Then sometime between 20-25 something changed and suddenly I could also enjoy the story in games. With other media like books and movies I never had problems only games.

Now I play almost only singleplayer games. But I also got bored with HFW pretty quickly. I found almost nothing interesting there.
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Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
This is OP:



Thanks for sharing this. I think it's a perspective different from what a lot of people normally say about games and provides a reason as to why sometimes writers go for exposure (exageratedly).

Narrative is one of my favourite part of games so I know I'm not a majority in this forum. I write as a hobby so I tend to pay a lot of attention to that aspect of games, movies, TV shows and books. Personally, I think games have advanced a lot in that aspect, specially AAA games. When playing an older game there is an obvious gap in gameplay but also in the way games were written compared to now.

As you can see a lot of people don't pay a lot of attention to the narrative, they don't like it or find it annoying. Fortunately it hasn't been a reason for developers to stop paying attention and committing resources to it.

One of the more difficult aspects of writing games is that you need to keep it interesting for many hours and make sure the players remember somehow but at the same time you don't want to sound repetitive. It's not like a movie where you have 2 hours of dialog almost non stop or a TV show where you can do a recap before the episode starts.

For example, the idea behind HZD seemed great to me. The actual plot I mean. The execution wasn't so great IMO but I think I felt that because it seemed to be aimed at a younger audience. The message is dope, though. Haven't played forbidden West yet but I'm guessing they didn't make a good job at getting people up to speed.

There are other games that are hard to follow because of the topics they cover like Nier Automata or Persona 5. MGS is kind of easier to understand if you only care about the general idea but if you are interested in the lore there are a lot of important tidbits in codec conversations and other mediums (like recorded interviews).

What you are describing happened to me a few times with Yakuza games because I have a hard time remembering all the names and positions within the different families. Also because some times I just wander around Kamurocho for a few hours doing sidequests and when continuing the main quest I can't remember why I'm supposed to care what the 4th chairman of the Tojo family wants.

So no, I don't think you are retarded. Play something like Dusk Falls and let us know if you are having a hard time following onto that story.


This is OP:


Always loved that show as a kid, I didn't pick up on the cheese factor quite as much then. :messenger_grinning:

I still think someone needs to make a Quantum Leap game where each level has a looping mechanic like 12 minutes and you have to trial and error your way through each "episode".
It’s about once every five years that I find a game with a story that I can actually fully invest myself in. For the most part, I’ve got a headphone in listening to music or a podcast, and I don’t give a flying fuck about whatever it is going on during cut scenes. I’ve always been much more of a pure gameplay type guy, I don’t like to read for pleasure, I just want to fuck shit up.


THE Prey 2 fanatic
Recently I found I've been skipping cutscenes more and more, and I was wondering if I just didn't like stories in video games anymore. Luckily I'm playing Death Stranding right now and never felt the urge to skip any of the story. Most games, even many with critically acclaimed stories, just aren't well-written.


I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife
I don't have trouble following a game's story, but I do have trouble remembering them in the long run after having beaten them.

For example, I played all the Yakuza games in the span of two years. Go ahead and ask me anything about Yakuza 1 to 4, I won't have any idea.

I guess it's kinda cool since this allows me to replay games without feeling bored with the story, but I don't know, sometimes I wonder if I just should stop doing weed. :goog_relieved:
Welcome to the club. I am also completely retarded!
Cool to see that other people had the courage for such a big coming out.

Mass effect for example.... Yes there where different Charakters and a thing called leviathan or so...
I live in something like a church or citadel, cathedral... I don't know. I didn't remember the ending but the ass of the gogo girl in that space club was awesome. Zoomed in and out, getting the right angle to see all I want to see was bit...hard,but I'll get it.

The soundtrack was awesome. And the Film Grain.

But the Story....i don't know.

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I’ve always had a hard time following movies, games and even music. it’s hard to focus on spoken words while music is playing in the background or I’m visually distracted by actions on a screen.


I don't have trouble following a game's story, but I do have trouble remembering them in the long run after having beaten them.

For example, I played all the Yakuza games in the span of two years. Go ahead and ask me anything about Yakuza 1 to 4, I won't have any idea.

I guess it's kinda cool since this allows me to replay games without feeling bored with the story, but I don't know, sometimes I wonder if I just should stop doing weed. :goog_relieved:
Welcome to the club. I am also completely retarded!
Cool to see that other people had the courage for such a big coming out.

Mass effect for example.... Yes there where different Charakters and a thing called leviathan or so...
I live in something like a church or citadel, cathedral... I don't know. I didn't remember the ending but the ass of the gogo girl in that space club was awesome. Zoomed in and out, getting the right angle to see all I want to see was bit...hard,but I'll get it.

The soundtrack was awesome. And the Film Grain.

But the Story....i don't know.

Yeah, I have beaten Mass Effect trilogy! What was it about? Some guy flying in fancy spacecraft around? No?






Horizon games are word salad nonsense


Gold Member
I cannot follow the game's story!
For example, recently I started playing Horizon Forbidden West, and I am like 5% in the story, and I have no clue what I need to do, I just follow the constant verbal and situational instructions, and UI feedback.
Am I retarded or something? Or you could say about the same experience.

Do you follow the story in any game, as it is said in its pace?
I don't, but fortunately in modern gaming I don't have to.
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