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American Chess Player Boycotts Championship in Iran Over Hijab Rule

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American Chess Player Boycotts Championship in Iran Over Hijab Rule


Nazi Paikidze-Barnes, a United States women’s chess champion, has said that she will boycott next year’s world championship in Iran because religious law would require her to wear a hijab.

In a series of posts on social media, Ms. Paikidze-Barnes, a Russian-born Georgian-American, has said that requiring women to wear a hijab is a human rights issue.

“I think it’s unacceptable to host a Women’s World Championship in a place where women do not have basic fundamental rights and are treated as second-class citizens,” she wrote in a post on Instagram.

Ms. Paikidze-Barnes, 22, also organized a petition calling for the competition’s governing body, the Fédération Internationale des Échecs, or World Chess Federation, to either move the competition from Iran or persuade Iranian officials to make wearing a hijab an option instead of a requirement.

According to a statement from the federation’s spokeswoman, Anastasiya Karlovich, posted to Chess Daily News, the organization has defended its decision to host the championship in Iran. For one, the statement said, no other country had asked. For another, Iran held a global event in February that went off well.

“There were no complaints from the players or officials, and everybody respected the laws of the country, including the dress requirements,” Ms. Karlovich wrote.

Both Ms. Paikidze-Barnes and FIDE did not immediately return an email request for further comment on Friday.

At least one other player has vocally criticized Ms. Paikidze-Barnes’s decision to boycott. Ms. Paikidze-Barnes’s comments have also alienated Iranian women, including Mitra Hejazipour, an Iranian chess player and fellow grandmaster.

“This is going to be the biggest sporting event women in Iran have ever seen; we haven’t been able to host any world championship in other sporting fields for women in the past,” Ms. Hejazipour, 23, told The Guardian. “It’s not right to call for a boycott. These games are important for women in Iran; it’s an opportunity for us to show our strength.”


Paikidze-Barnes is perfectly within her right to not participate if she feels the country's requirement infringes on her own rights here.

But Mitra Hejazipour's statement has merit too, especially considering she's the Iranian citizen, and her home country getting this kind of a tournament on the world stage is a probably a big deal for local women competitors.

Either way, the requirement to wear a hijab is dumb. Leave it as a personal choice, that's it.
But I thought women choose to wear them out of piety? 🤔

These games are important for women in Iran; it’s an opportunity for us to show our strength.”

Show your strength by bowing to patriarchal custom, that'll learn em.


Paikidze-Barnes is perfectly within her right to not participate if she feels the country's requirement infringes on her own rights here.

But Mitra Hejazipour's statement has merit too, especially considering she's the Iranian citizen, and her home country getting this kind of a tournament on the world stage is a probably a big deal for local women competitors.

Either way, the requirement to wear a hijab is dumb. Leave it as a personal choice, that's it.

Good first post. Agreed.


Junior Member
A Nazi doesn't want to put on a silly headdress in order to further her career because disgusting brown people wear them. What a lovely story!


“I think it’s unacceptable to host a Women’s World Championship in a place where women do not have basic fundamental rights and are treated as second-class citizens,” she wrote in a post on Instagram.

Is high-level chess normally separated by gender? I'm trying to remember chess club back in HS (damn I was such a nerd, lol) and it was all co-ed. Even the district tournaments, IIRC.


Me mocking someone for being upset that another culture asks something so trivial of them. It's like getting mad at someone for asking you to remove your shoes at the door.

Didn't realize taking off your shoes had tons of baggage for being associated with misogynistic attitudes within religion.


at last, for christ's sake
anyway, why is there a goddamned Women's Chess Championship. why separate men and women within such a sport
anyway, why is there a goddamned Women's Chess Championship. why separate men and women within such a sport
Is high-level chess normally separated by gender? I'm trying to remember chess club back in HS (damn I was such a nerd, lol) and it was all co-ed. Even the district tournaments, IIRC.
Women can still compete with men. There's a women's only to encourage more participation and build the sport.
Me mocking someone for being upset that another culture asks something so trivial of them. It's like getting mad at someone for asking you to remove your shoes at the door.
Even if you think these are equivalent, and they're not, I'm not sure why you had to make fun of her name. Really takes the oomph out of your cultural critique.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Me mocking someone for being upset that another culture asks something so trivial of them. It's like getting mad at someone for asking you to remove your shoes at the door.

I'm holding a poker tournament where you have to wear a klansmen hood to join. It's just a silly piece of fabric so it shouldn't bother you. It's not laden with political meaning or anything.
Me mocking someone for being upset that another culture asks something so trivial of them. It's like getting mad at someone for asking you to remove your shoes at the door.
That cultural is set up to down grade woman in every way. Fuck that noise. Disgusting to read this nonsense on Neogaf.


Me mocking someone for being upset that another culture asks something so trivial of them. It's like getting mad at someone for asking you to remove your shoes at the door.

Hmm yes, because it is perfectly normal to be imprisoned if one does not take off their shoes when asked.


Junior Member
Didn't realize taking off your shoes had tons of baggage for being associated with misogynistic attitudes within religion.

There are plenty of feminists and individuals who value equality who have worn the headdress. Malala Yousafzai, the winner of the 2014 Nobel Peace Prize, wears a headdress and she's almost died for the cause of equality. This is just being used as a pretense for Westerners to trumpet their Islamophobia.
regardless of what forced custom it is around the world I would disagree with it.. if it against one's will

I would reject this as I would reject some secular place forcing the said females to not wear a headscarf

But I thought women choose to wear them out of piety? ��

Show your strength by bowing to patriarchal custom, that'll learn em.

your statement holds no merit and you know it -_-

I can toss you a different country with opposite rules and slash back with an opposite comment but I don't want to make a baseless statement like yours just to have a false sense of intellect and wittiness


There are plenty of feminists and individuals who value equality who have worn the headdress. Malala Yousafzai, the winner of the 2014 Nobel Peace Prize, wears a headdress and she's almost died for the cause of equality. This is just being used as a pretense for Westerners to trumpet their Islamophobia.

Malala Yousafzai is a muslim woman and can make the choice for herself whether or not to wear a hijab as an expression of her faith. Requiring all women to wear one is not the same thing.

And being critical of an element of Islam =/= Islamophobia


Malala Yousafzai is a muslim woman and can make the choice for herself whether or not to wear a hijab as an expression of her faith. Requiring all women to wear one is not the same thing.

And being critical of an element of Islam =/= Islamophobia

It's not even an element of Islam it is a policy of Iran. She is protesting holding the tournament in Iran and being forced to cover her head is just part of that.
More women graduate from university in Iran then men. There's some nuance here man. Let's not get too high on our horses.
It's openly known that woman are repressed in Iran. Taking off the Hoijab can result in harsh penalties. Hell they just banned woman from riding bikes in public. Until woman in Iran have the same liberties and choices I do. It's hard for me not to be disgusted at their goverment for enforcing these ridiculous laws.


Junior Member
Malala Yousafzai is a muslim woman and can make the choice for herself whether or not to wear a hijab as an expression of her faith. Requiring all women to wear one is not the same thing.

And being critical of an element of Islam =/= Islamophobia

Associating a headdress with misogyny would seem pretty far fetched if it weren't for a few gentleman flying a plane into the Twin Towers and the developments that followed. I hope our Muslim-Gaffers have excellent patience for all the garbage said about Islam on here.


Associating a headdress with misogyny would seem pretty far fetched if it weren't for a few gentleman flying a plane into the Twin Towers and the developments that followed. I hope our Muslim-Gaffers have excellent patience for all the garbage said about Islam on here.

Hey bruh, raised in a muslim family here.


I have never liked the hijab or any body covering garment but I have maintain respect because it was their choice to wear them, though I tend to avoid women wearing a burka as I will have trouble hearing them plus the fact just seeing their eyes and nothing else creeps me out a bit.

But I have to have to agree with Paikidze-Barnes choosing to boycot as she doesn't want to wear it and doesn't agree with the Iranian government forcing women to wear them.


Associating a headdress with misogyny would seem pretty far fetched if it weren't for a few gentleman flying a plane into the Twin Towers and the developments that followed. I hope our Muslim-Gaffers have excellent patience for all the garbage said about Islam on here.

This is not a response to the comment you quoted.

Muslim women can choose to wear the hijab if that is their way of expressing their belief in Islam -- jailing or fining women who choose not to wear it is indefensible. I have friends in Iran who have been jailed and abused for not wearing hijab.

As a side note, I don't support Western countries forcing Muslim women not to wear hijab, either.



is every family the same... is every human the same?

placing it further is every country and custom within the said country the same?

What is this a rebuttal to?

I was raised in a family critical of sexist inconsistencies among the muslim community I grew up around. Iran wasn't always a country with these restrictions, but it has become one with its conservative government and its targeted policies against women.

Paikidze-Barnes takes issue with that, and she's within her right to say so.
What is this a rebuttal to?

I was raised in a family critical of sexist inconsistencies among the muslim community I grew up around. Iran wasn't always a country with these restrictions, but it has become one with its conservative government and its targeted policies against women.

Paikidze-Barnes takes issue with that, and she's within her right to say so.

she is in her right do so

thought you meant something else
When in Rome, do like the romans do. Unless you don't like how the romans do. Then don't go to Rome.

I'm pretty sure it'll still be big without her participating. She's free to express her opinion, but no one is jumping in with her.


sparkle this bitch
Guess its okay to enforce it vice versa than. France is legit with their bans of it. And hey, if they don't like it, then don't come!



A Nazi doesn't want to put on a silly headdress in order to further her career because disgusting brown people wear them. What a lovely story!

Wow. Talk about letting the bigotry and racism flow with that one! Did you just walk out of a Trump rally?

If you expand your worldview outside of a narrow, English-speaking, Western one, you might realize that the woman you're talking about didn't grow up speaking English. Her native tongue is either Russian or Georgian, both of which most Westerners wouldn't even be able to identify if they saw the letters on a printed page.

Assuming her native tongue is Russian, her name is probably spelled нежный. Which is a completely different word than the Russian word for Nazi. When immigrating to the US though, she likely had an immigration agent transliterate her name into the closest spelling he or she could think of.

Congrats on making fun of the spelling of an immigrant's name, just because you don't have the ability to pronounce it correctly. Do you always make fun of foreigners with non-English names?

And great job at insulting both those that do choose to wear a hijab and Native Americans by making fun of a ceremonial headdress. The meanings and underlying importance of both are very different, yet you treat them as a punchline to a joke.

Perhaps you should spend more time getting to know "disgusting brown people" in real life, rather than making fun of them on the Internet.


Rodent Whores
If you think this is okay, would you also condone Israel hosting a tournament and requiring all the men to wear a yarmulke?
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