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Angry Joe - Top 10 WORST Games of 2020

Joe is a genius. Putting a PS exclusive on the list guarantees word of mouth and increased traffic because he knows the user base will lose their minds over someone not enjoying one of the platform exclusives.

This thread is exactly what he was likely going for.
lmfao @ this galaxy brain garbage. He doesn't need to falsify an opinion, hes a top gaming review and discussion channel regardless. Plenty of people were unhappy with the story and character choices of the game, which is his big critique.

Imagine thinking he cares if a bunch of losers on Neogaf make a thread about his video. Lmao.



10. Crucible
9. Hyperscape
8. Madden 2020
8. Fifa 2020 (Switch)
7. Valorant
6. Predator: Hunting Grounds
5. Cyberpunk 2077
4. Warcraft 3: Reforged
3. Marvel's Avengers
2. Last of Us: Part 2
1. Fast and Furious: Crossroads

Do you agree with Joe's List?

I wholeheartedly agree with top 3 on this list.
i agree, and i like angry joe
what i don't like it how he has 10 mins of manscape promotions every video, so annoying. And that Alex guy has the personality of a brick and gets way too much screen time. He's not charismatic and if I were Joe I'd replace him

Great Hair

Lazy narsisistic fat toe

Is that why his review are like 40-50 minutes long ? Doesnt sounds very lazy to me

Compared to ign or many other website who only spend...like..6-9 minutes tops for reviewing games?

Lets agree to disagree on this one
He could easily cut some of the fat. And they do, it´s called rapid reviews, with no shitty 5min long ad! Alex does much better reviews, concise, short. Even if his review of Hitman 3 had a negative connotation (despite his final score being a 8 of 10), he does them more justice without all the stupid cosplay.

They don´t need to be 50min long. They are this long prolly because the videos nowdays have to be much longer than 10min (for the algorithm to pick up, adsense ..).

Alex cooks, edits, reviews, helps out, researches for him, them ...
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I compare it more to Last Jedi because the "critic" score was much more inline with TLOU2 while the audience score more than mixed was. And both had some shitstorm about mimimi women.
Also a great comparison


So did he walk away from the game and use the bathroom or not? I’m more inclined to believe he did do this and jump on the bandwagon...that’s been his whole schema for a good while now.

I would love to be proven wrong though.
Yes he used the bathroom in a 6+ hour stream. What do you want? I will say it again. If the story was good and enganging he would have not done like that that but this happens when you fucking do not care anymore about a story or its characters even though the up until now openly Microsoft Fanboy called the Last of Us one of the best games ever made. This is why it is a terrible game to him. There were expectations and when you fall so far below these exxpectations the worse it gets.

Also a great comparison

Also let me add: It was a fucking awful movie and critics made it about women while the audience did not like the movie
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Don't take Joe seriously I mean, yeah some of the reviews are funny and accurate but come on, TLOU" could have disappoint him but it's in no way one of the worst game of the year.


I completely agree about TLOU2, and would even argue that it should be first on that list.

I have never experienced a game that went so sharply downhill from the first. Whereas TLOU stands as one of my favorite games of all time, the second singlehandedly ruined my interest in the franchise as a whole. The degradation of key characters, the lack of focus on the world setup in the original, the bizarre emphasis on cringeworthy romance sublots and identity politics. Yikes. And don't even get me started on that horrific sex scene that TLOU2 fanboys seem to ignore.

What a travesty of a game.


nicolas cage laughing GIF


Gold Member
Why are people so triggered by that sex scene? It was a whole bunch of nothing. When people become so damn squeamish about things?
I don’t necessarily agree with the list as I really enjoyed cyberpunk but I think he’s funny and engaging. I understand why he’s being pummeled here and it happens to anyone who has anything negative to say about TLOU2 but his reviews are light years beyond the SJW crap video game reviewing has become.


Simps for Amouranth
Just watched
Abby could have replaced with a Male. And none of these fucks would be complaining about the sToRy.
Nah he clearly says he doesn't give a fuck about the politics it was because they killed his beloved Joel and turned us against Ellie, I love Joe and he's usually spot on but completely and utterly disagree with his review of TLOU2 but being an adult i can handle cunts with differing views without crying into my fucking pillow.

Anyways no matter your views on him he consistently calls out the cunts that take advantage of gamers with their downright anti consumer practices and doesn't let up in his attacks on them, he should be commended for that and not towing the line like so many other "professional" outlets and his rants on BLUE!!!! are funny as fuck
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Mikey Jr.

So cyberpunk ps4 with its absolutely massive game break glitches, performance, broken promises, and rushed game is #5.

But tlou2 is #2?


His lsit so he does what he wants, but the list is kinda hard to take seriously.

He's clearly hung up on a story choice, and he will JUST NOT LET GO.
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Number 2 is a little harsh but I do find the game boring to play. I’m near the end right now and having a hard time to find the urge to finish it. The realism in the human combat is great but not much else


Oh, Joe. I generally like your channel but making The Last of Us pt .2 your #2 pick is ridiculous. I don't care if you hate the story. Play it on mute. The gameplay, graphics, and audio are fantastic.
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Why are people so triggered by that sex scene? It was a whole bunch of nothing. When people become so damn squeamish about things?
Make no mistake if it was someone like Lara Croft or Miranda from Mass Effect they would have no problem with it. Abby isn't the best looking female so all these pathetic men are crying about it


Gold Member
You know what, this list is actually pretty okay.

Joe perfectly explains why every game made this list, and I actually agree with basically everything on his list in the way he explains it. I'm always down with Joe slamming brutal microtransactions [Valorant] or dogshit practices [EAAAAAAA you motherfuckers!]. Cyperpunk 2077 was dogshit on PS4 and Xbone and deserves a place on this list for sure. TLOU2 is just a divisive game but his opinion on the game is his own but he's perfectly able to explain his point of view and I can see where he's coming from.

Could do withou the insane yelling during the Predator segment.


Gold Member
He thinks the game is a flop because Sony is not updating sales figures. He later compared GoT and TLOU2 price point as proof, but I told him God of War was under $30 for a long time back in 2018 so it doesn't prove that the game is a flop.

I'm done. We'll see the sales figures later this year (I'm sure of it) so the facts will come out eventually.
Looking forward to this comment aging like a fine wine... or fine whine in this case I guess.
Make no mistake if it was someone like Lara Croft or Miranda from Mass Effect they would have no problem with it. Abby isn't the best looking female so all these pathetic men are crying about it
I think it has a lot of manhood fragility, when Geralt "the player" is fucking a hot hooker they are happy, but when there is a guy fucking "the player" they get trigged lol didn't help Abby has small boobs


yeah that's a pretty good list, but Valorant might be overpriced with their RTX, but it's still a decent game... even tho it's a very shameless copy of CS. also too much talk about TLOU2's bad story and not enough about the terrible gamedesign
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Why are people so triggered by that sex scene? It was a whole bunch of nothing. When people become so damn squeamish about things?
Sorry, not going to let you TLOU2 apologists divert from the real issue. As somebody who enjoyed the sex scene(s) in Cyberpunk 2077 - which were by and far more graphic - the problem has zero to do with being squeamish. The real issue is how terribly written the scene is, how awful the characters are, and how little it adds to the game overall. Go ahead and hop over to YouTube to watch the average streamer's reaction to see how real people felt about it. To go from the shear heights of the first one to that scene alone is just laughable.


Come on, with all the shovelware out there, even a game as broken as Cyberpunk 2077 doesn't come anywhere close to 10 worst games of the year. I was expecting some hilariously awful stuff and I'm disappointed.


Gold Member
Like I said before Cyberpunk 2077 is like a great album with poor mixing and I would put in my top ten of the year. That being said the way it plays on base consoles can't be defended.
And I never knew they actually showed Abby getting fucked lol, not that the violence isn’t going over the top as well but imagine the headlines if Crystal Dynamics would put Lara in that spot
kramer do not want GIF

Pretty much. If a game depicted 2b, Chun Li or Lara Croft (or any other attractive female) getting fucked, the SJW audience would be fuuuurious. Just imagining it makes me laugh.
Promoting the idea that a male would find someone like Abby (with her high level of masculine characteristics) sexually attractive, is something those guys support, because many of them are in a similar situation in the looks department (purple haired landwhales and trannies etc) or are very conscious that whatever good looks they do have now, wont last forever.


Pretty much. If a game depicted 2b, Chun Li or Lara Croft (or any other attractive female) getting fucked, the SJW audience would be fuuuurious. Just imagining it makes me laugh.
Lol yeah, had to look it up, it’s something alright, it’s a 18+ game but it still seems like something that would be a talking point if happened in another game. The exact same scene with Lara Croft pulling off the top getting topless and getting fucked from the back would probably kill the internet or something. It’s not that I’m bothered myself but it’s kinda amazing that ND went there with a main character, sort of, without any heated talk about it. Is it because Abby is built like she could snap Owen’s back using two fingers if she wanted? Some new female power fantasy thing that is deemed to be okay? The big vampire lady in RE seemed to be okay as well even though there probably is no cup size that big known to man.
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But that's mostly about critiquing the trans and racism issues, which are valid critiques. I don't agree with them, but someone could make an argument.

I don't see any SJW's complaining about actually having sex with Judy, River, or so on. The point was that SJWs would complain about attractive characters having sex, but they didn't with TLOU2. I'm asking to back that up. I don't really think people had issues with the depiction of sex in Cyberpunk. Why would they in say Tomb Raider if done "well'? No one complained about sex in Wolfenstien. I haven't even seen complaints about Killer 7.
But that's mostly about critiquing the trans and racism issues, which are valid critiques. I don't agree with them, but someone could make an argument.

I don't see any SJW's complaining about actually having sex with Judy, River, or so on. The point was that SJWs would complain about attractive characters having sex, but they didn't with TLOU2. I'm asking to back that up. I don't really think people had issues with the depiction of sex in Cyberpunk. Why would they in say Tomb Raider if done "well'? No one complained about sex in Wolfenstien. I haven't even seen complaints about Killer 7.
The point was that they sexualized a trans woman, and some how that is "problematic" their whole marketing was built on that edgy sex appeal which the writer did not like. Why are we talking about sex? This whole thread has been about sex appeal, not the act of sex itself. The creator of TLOU2 (Neil) held a demonstration that depictions of women in games were "unrealistic" and "problematic" so his solution was to make a super buff chick. The cultural tone of sexually appealing women in games is changing within western society. That is what this whole thread is about.
But that's mostly about critiquing the trans and racism issues, which are valid critiques. I don't agree with them, but someone could make an argument.

I don't see any SJW's complaining about actually having sex with Judy, River, or so on. The point was that SJWs would complain about attractive characters having sex, but they didn't with TLOU2. I'm asking to back that up. I don't really think people had issues with the depiction of sex in Cyberpunk. Why would they in say Tomb Raider if done "well'? No one complained about sex in Wolfenstien. I haven't even seen complaints about Killer 7.
The SJW complaints that I have seen about Cyberpunk often include the sexualization of women and I would include the nudity in those sex scenes and the act itself, to be part of that complaint (male gaze etc).
Also, the sex in Wolfenstien was both including someone that most males wouldnt find attractive (wasnt it some really fat blonde lady?) and interracial, IIRC. SJW's support both of those things, so I wouldnt expect complaints there.
I dont know anything at all about Killer 7. I never followed that game.
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All the bigot sandwiches who don't agree that The Last of Us Part II was an absolute masterpiece, I'm gonna let you in on a little secret. Your time in gaming is almost over, you are not welcome in our hobby anymore.

Go get your own hobby, and then when you do, let us know so we can co-opt that hobby too and force you out of that one


Either a really good troll, or a really dumb cunt. I can’t tell.

Ok, looking at your post history you had me hook, line and sinker with that one lmao.
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