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Anita Sarkeesian is tired, closes feminist frequency after 15 years


Probably , not probably but a very unpopular opinion here, she's had a positive impact on the industry. Her whole impact on the industry, specifically after gamergate helped stop the fan base from going to an extremely toxic place that it was going towards and opened up gaming to a broader base by including new perspectives and voices. It's become less of a "boys club" since then which I do appreciate.
I don't think she had a completely negative impact but her approach and dishonest representation of games and gaming took away from whatever she was trying to do initially. Her blowing up was almost certainly part of that issue.

I also think the trend away from the "boys club" was inevitable as girls that grew up with gaming (and especially when it wasn't seen as just a toy for boys) matured and entered the industry and market at large.


Gold Member
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Reaction GIF

*chewing too aggressively*
Like, I bet she’s the absolute hardest person to please. Sex for instance, if I’m too aggressive, I’m oppressing her. And if I’m too gentle, I’m not treating her as an equal.

There’s a reason people like her aren’t finding partners, their baggage, or perceived baggage is insane to a normal person.

Protecting your unborn child instead of remaining in a dangerous situation is Deeply Problematic and Sexist.
NGL when my wife was pregnant (the second time) my life became an absolute living hell. Estrogen is a stress hormone and is officially regarded by the NIH as a carcinogen, and absolutely raises cortisol levels.

Though females produce more Estrogen than men, it is unfair to call it the feminine hormone (as opposed to Testosterone being the masculine hormone) as it is not a healthy hormone and does not do the human physiology any benefit. In pregnancy and menstruation, it acts more as a shock hormone, causing the large changes required for female cycles to proceed. A more apt hormone to liken as "feminine" would be progesterone, which has a multiplicity of health BENEFITS in females (and men, to an extent, though taking too much can have a feminizing effect on men) and which can offset many of the more stressful aspects of pregnancy.

Uh, thats all for my schizo hormone storytime, I guess.
Anita was one of the founding individuals who made sure I never contributed to a Kickstarter. Thank you for ruining Kickstarter for me 🫡 what could have been.

Maybe I might have even contributed to mighty no. 9 but who knows.

I have never funded a single Kickstarter EVER because of her. I did not contribute to hers or anything I just mean it was so bad seeing her scummy behavior on that platform I forever swore it off. Will never forgive.
I don't think she had a completely negative impact but her approach and dishonest representation of games and gaming took away from whatever she was trying to do initially. Her blowing up was almost certainly part of that issue.

I also think the trend away from the "boys club" was inevitable as girls that grew up with gaming (and especially when it wasn't seen as just a toy for boys) matured and entered the industry and market at large.
I think she went on the attack instead of defense initially which turned a lot of people off, but her initial videos on women and tropes make some great points...she kind of became a scape goat for anti feminist who thought of feminism as male erasure. But listening to her work outside of "lol feminazi" she does break down some interesting reoccurring issues with representations in gaming. I think even as a black man, her taking on that fight lead to better representation for most groups.


Anita was one of the founding individuals who made sure I never contributed to a Kickstarter. Thank you for ruining Kickstarter for me 🫡 what could have been.

Maybe I might have even contributed to mighty no. 9 but who knows.

I have never funded a single Kickstarter EVER because of her. I did not contribute to hers or anything I just mean it was so bad seeing her scummy behavior on that platform I forever swore it off. Will never forgive.
you do owe her a debt of gratitude for sure then. i'm 100% done with the platform for reasons completely unrelated to her. almost every KS i've backed was late in delivery by YEARS, changed scope or otherwise didn't really deliver on the original promise.


I don’t think I’ve seen anyone name a positive influence she has done for the industry. Like something we can all agree is a benefit for it as a whole and not part of culture war.


So, she wasnt scamming enough money?

Why would they just quit though..?
making that content still costs real time & money. eventually the juice ain't worth the squeeze.

also vidya game blogs (polygon, kotaku) have taken up her fight in their content over the last several years so it's a good time to say "my work here is done"

The Diversity, Equity, Inclusion stuff is dying. Companies are now realizing how it has the opposite effect of its purpose.

eh, i think more like everybody is budget tightening and looking for ways to cut costs. DEI departments are a nice ideal but they don't produce real ($$) value for leadership or shareholders. it's why those jobs/depts are getting axed left and right but it still exists in marketing since that can have an appreciable value in sales
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Surprised my post got deleted. Anyway Anita started by plagiarizing people works and giving them no credit, so she always been a hack. She only blew up because people took her as a threat and harassed her, giving her legitimacy.

The Diversity, Equity, Inclusion stuff is dying. Companies are now realizing how it has the opposite effect of its purpose.

Companies not changing their approach at all. The money is still within DEI because it reflect the country at wide.


Gold Member
I haven’t seen the movie, but I heard Barbie chose to live in the real world (patriarchy) at the end. I wonder how much that affected Anita.


Companies not changing their approach at all. The money is still within DEI because it reflect the country at wide.
Not for internal/HR. DEI positions are getting cut all over corporate America right now (there's big layoffs in general), especially in tech because they don't contribute to the bottom line.

The money is still strong in marketing departments though, because they've proven it does.


Never followed her "work" closely, except from the very first instances of her being an ultra-annoying pretentious grifter, that somehow found a weak spot and kept digging.

So, no idea why she's news now that she retires, but yeah. Bye bitch. Thanks for nothing.
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