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Anita Sarkeesian is tired, closes feminist frequency after 15 years


Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus has you covered.

NSFW i guess:


I found this game even more ridiculous than TLOU2.
That game did a lot of ridiculous things (mostly dumb) but man, that shit took the cake.

Just a total laugh out loud wtf moment that Im sure Machinegames thought was powerful and brave :messenger_grinning_squinting:
I think the huge difference here is that The New Colossus' marketing material (and game content) felt like a total grindhouse film through and through. So I think it was meant to not be taken seriously, and was meant to be absurd.

TLOU2 is "very serious." Take that as you will, lol.
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Well, she did have her way and tilted the course of game design (for the worse). A force for evil*, but I do respect that she accomplished her goals, although I hate what she accomplished.

Oh, that's interesting. I didn't expect so few likes and followers, I honestly expected at least 10 times more.
Which means she likely never bought any, which I also respect.

* Note to self: remember this when you think you like villains. You don't.


Gold Member
Well, she did have her way and tilted the course of game design (for the worse). A force for evil*, but I do respect that she accomplished her goals, although I hate what she accomplished.

Oh, that's interesting. I didn't expect so few likes and followers, I honestly expected at least 10 times more.
Which means she likely never bought any, which I also respect.

* Note to self: remember this when you think you like villains. You don't.
Crying wolf may work at first, it may even get you media attention. But you eventually piss people off and you get ignored.


"The work this team did to effect change in the games industry made a difference"

Indeed, but either in good or bad way is all subjectif to each person.

I Master l

I dont think she changed anything in video games because she was part of a wave that was coming and i am kinda surpriced of how
libral she is considering she is Iraqi even jew and christian iraqis are much more conservative compared to the europeans and americans


Gold Member
I dont think she changed anything in video games because she was part of a wave that was coming and i am kinda surpriced of how
libral she is considering she is Iraqi even jew and christian iraqis are much more conservative compared to the europeans and americans
I think she’s Armenian.

edit: Iraqi Armenian. Interesting.
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Why the fuck is she being honored at the GDC tho lol.
It's just weird to honor what is essentially a political figure like that, she's not the fucking arbiter of women or what's '' problematic ''.

Imo American creators ( whether game devs, actor, comic writers etc ) are way too comfortable with trying to dictate things on behalf of industries.
I remember when Neil Druckmann had his panel and blatantly accused devs of objectifying and dehumanizing women because some devs make games where they show skin and *gasp* have breasts.
It's just bad taste and narcissism, like who the fuck made him or people like Sarkeesian the arbiters of this?

They know what they're doing, it creates this environment where devs become afraid and face a lot of peer pressure, I just dunno why they think that they get to do this on behalf of everyone.
Including women btw who enjoy said content they take issue with.
I just don't really see this behaviour outside of the US.

My favorite was always how they would dismiss all the half/mostly naked dudes in games as not being sexist against men because they were "a male power fantasy." Of course, they never asked any men if they felt that way; they just made it up and projected it onto men.

Meanwhile every MCU movie has pointless leering shirtless fanservice scenes ( or even naked scenes in the case of Thor ).

I mean I can kinda buy that most women don't find Kratos for instance to be '' hot '' visually, maybe he's a bit too gruff.
I often see Kratos being brought up and I think he's an awful example that makes it easier to dismiss.
But people who think that there aren't a fuck ton of male characters being fetishized are either being incredibly disingenuous or probably don't play game and don't see what people say about them.
League of Legends even has sub communities whos whole purpose is sexualizing the male characters.
In Anime and Manga there's even entire genres of it, which people never talk about even tho they're extremely popular.

Funny thing is too I've watched a lot of people stream the FFXIV MSQ, and by far the most thirsty streamers have been women xD.
It's not even close, and the devs also play into it too last patch there was a totally pointless shirtless workout scene with close-ups on the male character and the fangirls/boys lost their minds about it.
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Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Why the fuck is she being honored at the GDC tho lol.
It's just weird to honor what is essentially a political figure like that, she's not the fucking arbiter of women or what's '' problematic ''.

Imo American creators ( whether game devs, actor, comic writers etc ) are way too comfortable with trying to dictate things on behalf of industries.
I remember when Neil Druckmann had his panel and blatantly accused devs of objectifying and dehumanizing women because some devs make games where they show skin and *gasp* have breasts.
It's just bad taste and narcissism, like who the fuck made him or people like Sarkeesian the arbiters of this?

They know what they're doing, it creates this environment where devs become afraid and face a lot of peer pressure, I just dunno why they think that they get to do this on behalf of everyone.
Including women btw who enjoy said content they take issue with.
I just don't really see this behaviour outside of the US.
Neil sure likes retweeting photos of women showing off steroid-induced hyper-masculine physiques though!

In bizarro world, women being feminine is objectification, but women chemically converting themselves into musclebound bodybuilders is empowering. Women can only be defined non-problematically by masculine attributes now.


I really liked Anita and I'm very saddened to hear that she's stepping down from her position and will no longer shape the industry for the better, She was a breath of fresh air removing misogyny from video games and getting rid of the cliché good looking big ass/tits females and also getting more female main character's involved in general, She exposed the industry enormously for what it was and it's now thriving thanks to her hard work, TLOU2 being a perfect example of that.

I just hope that she's stepping down to take a full time role at Naughty Dog so they can continue to improve their diversity.

God bless her.



Is that her? Isn't that kind of hypocritical to rail against the "sexualization of women in video games" but then go and dress like that for a public event?
I think I've seen a response to this somewhere on the internet. I think it was along the lines of "You don't get to sexualise women, I get to"


I have awaited this day for eons and i am happy to have witnessed this during my lifetime. To celebrate this glorious day, i will play Hitman and kill a bunch of strippers.
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I don't neccecarily mind ugly protagonists, be it male or female, but what her 'movement' also caused is the hate toward attactive protagonists. Like, no one is preventing you from creating games with 'normal'/less attractive protagonists, but stay the fuck away from games who go for attractiveness.


Gold Member
I don't neccecarily mind ugly protagonists, be it male or female, but what her 'movement' also caused is the hate toward attactive protagonists. Like, no one is preventing you from creating games with 'normal'/less attractive protagonists, but stay the fuck away from games who go for attractiveness.
Male 'gaze'. Sorry, not allowed. Even on pretend characters.


Male 'gaze'. Sorry, not allowed. Even on pretend characters.

It's funny though that whenever you bring up that male characters have been sexualized for decades, you get shut down immediately. Because male characters with unattainable muscular physiques are somehow not the same as female characters with large breasts and fine ass. Their agenda is so blindingly obvious.


Gold Member
It's funny though that whenever you bring up that male characters have been sexualized for decades, you get shut down immediately. Because male characters with unattainable muscular physiques are somehow not the same as female characters with large breasts and fine ass. Their agenda is so blindingly obvious.
Women are the most hypocritical arseholes going. Biggest bunch of perves you'll ever meet too.

Ever seen a stag do? Now watch a Hen.

All this waffle about 'bad evil men' but get a group of middle age semi drunk women together.. yeah, good luck. It's partly the reason most common sense thinking men see this tripe they peddal and just roll eyes.

A dirty old mans one thing, a dirty women is another thing entirely.

I've been in a few situations and out with groups of girls/women and the things they'll go on about would make a sailor blush

I dont buy any of Anitas crap. Just another loser with a grift. And didnt she do well.


In my 43 years I have never seen a women in a car garage under a car or had a women telling me my ball joints knackered..

I see the opposite too: men doing laundry, mopping the floor, and other household stuff in ads. They are trying really damn hard to switch the gender roles...good luck, i am not playing along with this astroturfed inorganic revolution of gender.
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nah. she's simply employing the ever-reliable female rap/hiphop sexualization standard: when anyone else does it to you, it's demeaning. when you do it to yourself, it's empowering. now of course, since women in video games are unfortunately incapable of doing it to themselves, it's therefore always demeaning...
In other words: jealousy. Either because they haven't thought of doing that first therefore they feel like someone else is stealing their spotlight, or simply because they can't stand seeing something that's attractive and sexy while they look into the mirror and all they can see is Shrek.

Hopefully she learned to code…
A con artist like her will never do an honest day's work in her entire life.
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Why the fuck is she being honored at the GDC tho lol.
It's just weird to honor what is essentially a political figure like that, she's not the fucking arbiter of women or what's '' problematic ''.

Imo American creators ( whether game devs, actor, comic writers etc ) are way too comfortable with trying to dictate things on behalf of industries.
I remember when Neil Druckmann had his panel and blatantly accused devs of objectifying and dehumanizing women because some devs make games where they show skin and *gasp* have breasts.
It's just bad taste and narcissism, like who the fuck made him or people like Sarkeesian the arbiters of this?
GDC is an elite industry event where people go to cut big deals and make exclusive industry contacts with powerful people. It is not some hippy dippy art festival for outsider creatives.
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