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Anthony Weiner pleads guilty in sexting case and must register as sex offender


Huma Abedin files for divorce


Anthony Weiner, the disgraced former New York congressman and estranged husband of top Hillary Clinton aide Huma Abedin, tearfully admitted today to a federal judge that he sent obscene material to a 15-year-old high school student in North Carolina, the same day Abedin filed for divorce from him.

Weiner agreed to surrender his iPhone as part of the plea agreement and he must register as a sex offender.

Weiner agreed to serve 21 to 27 months in prison but he will be released on $150,000 bond. His sentencing is scheduled for Sept. 8.

Much more at the link. I'll be very interested in seeing what he actually serves. Get help when you get out, dude.


Did he get 2 years for sexting an underage girl or is it because he was planning to take it further and have sex with her ?


No Scrubs
Guy could have easily been governor of New York or a senate mainstay.

What a fucking idiot.

Not only that but his bullshit directly led to the Trump presidency. Without him there's no Comey letter.

If not for his own stupidity he could well have taken a run at the White House someday. He could have been somebody great, instead he fucked over not only himself but the entire country as well.


Did he get 2 years for sexting an underage girl or is it because he was planning to take it further and have sex with her ?

I don't think he ever goes that far, or at least that hasn't come to light that he ever meets these women. his whole kink seems to be the build up and the thrill of the hunt. now that he's single though maybe he can just go date 'hard to attain' women?

anyway, a man undone by the destiny chosen for him by his unfortunate last name.


I used to love him own fox news hosts and Republicans in debates and thought he was going to run for President one day.

Can't believe who he really was and turned out to be.


Didn't he sext as few as like 6 different under age girls? And on one of the pics he sent of his dick, his 4 yo son was right next to him? This guys a fucking creep and deserves the punishment he receives. I feel for his wife and what he made her go through and for their kids


How do you even figure? He wasn't sexting Hillary Clinton.

While investigating Weiner, the FBI uncovered additional emails that were not included in the original Clinton server scandal. So Comey reopened the Clinton case, just weeks before the election.

Dat Butterfly Effect.


President Weiner? no way bro lol

You should watch the documentary about his run for Mayor right before the second scandal hit. The dude is charismatic as fuck and was on his way to likely winning.

He probably would have been a force of nature politically if he could have just not been such a fucking creep.
How do you even figure? He wasn't sexting Hillary Clinton.
The investigation of his sexting lead to the discovery of the "additional emails" on his laptop, as his wife had apparently made backups of her Blackberry on it. Without it, the email investigation would have remained closed and Comey would never have written that letter.

Anyway, a sad end to what once seemed like a real rising star in the Democratic party. At least they dodged a bullet, with this coming out before he'd gotten into a bigger position.
While investigating Weiner, the FBI uncovered additional emails that were not included in the original Clinton server scandal. So Comey reopened the Clinton case, just weeks before the election.

Dat Butterfly Effect.

Sounds like Clinton is to blame, no?
Like in the other thread: if you haven't, the documentary "Weiner" from last year is a goddamned must-watch. Not even in a schadenfreude way. It is just fascinating watching things looking up and then watching it collapse while Huma and his staff try to keep from total humiliation.


Sounds like Clinton is to blame, no?

How is Clinton to blame every fucking person, including our current president, keeps motherfucking private email servers and no one gives a shit anymore. It was a political witch hunt based on the Republicans willingness to win at all costs. No its is not her fault.
While investigating Weiner, the FBI uncovered additional emails that were not included in the original Clinton server scandal. So Comey reopened the Clinton case, just weeks before the election.

Dat Butterfly Effect.
Actually, no, the emails were largely duplicates of ones already cleared. So all the reopened investigation did was just confirm this.


Very sad. Didn't really know he was so cool until I watched the documentary. Couldn't get his penis shit under control and ruined what could have been a great career - people fucking loved the dude and he was energized and fiery as all hell.


While investigating Weiner, the FBI uncovered additional emails that were not included in the original Clinton server scandal. So Comey reopened the Clinton case, just weeks before the election.

Dat Butterfly Effect.

If you really think about, George Washington is to blame for inventing this country. Without him, none of this would've happened!


I can't get over the fact that his name is Anthony Weiner.

Like he's a joke sent by higher beings to fuck us up.
Threw out amazing potential to be a potentially once in a life time politician to be a fucked up and criminal pervert instead.

Way to go sicko


Anthony Weiner is a fucking fascinating human being.

I gotta admit, there's a part of me that feels bad for the guy. But yeah, sexting a teen is no good.

Everyone should watch Weiner, by the way.
Didn't he sext as few as like 6 different under age girls? And on one of the pics he sent of his dick, his 4 yo son was right next to him? This guys a fucking creep and deserves the punishment he receives. I feel for his wife and what he made her go through and for their kids

yeah, can't really play this off as "oh gee, boys will be boys, he shouldn't have listened to his dick, feel sorry for the dude." he's a predator.


If you really think about, George Washington is to blame for inventing this country. Without him, none of this would've happened!

So you weren't interested in taking this conversation seriously. I see now.

yeah, can't really play this off as "oh gee, boys will be boys, he shouldn't have listened to his dick, feel sorry for the dude." he's a predator.

Agreed. Can we stop calling him a creep? It's an insult to actual creeps. He's a god damn fucking degenerate.

Yeah, this is what I'm afraid of too. He's white and rich.

After two years in prison and registering as a sex offender? Lmao


Didn't he sext as few as like 6 different under age girls? And on one of the pics he sent of his dick, his 4 yo son was right next to him? This guys a fucking creep and deserves the punishment he receives. I feel for his wife and what he made her go through and for their kids

this dude was fucked up.


The two texted and spoke over Skype, with Weiner — using the alias “T Dog” — sharing with her his “rape fantasies” and asking her to dress up in school uniforms, she told the site.

“He had some rape fantasies. It would just be him showing up at my house when my dad was out of town,” the girl told the Mail. “And just start undressing me, being forceful, asking me if I want to be dominated, strange questions.”

Weiner reportedly once told the girl, “I would bust that tight p–y so hard and so often that you would leak and limp for a week,” and sent her bare-chested pictures of himself.

This guy sounds like he has severe mental issues.


As the fucker should. I'll never understand these adults who think it's ok to have anything sexual to do with a goddamn kid.
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