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AP:Duterte compares drug killings to Hitler, he'd be happy to kill 3 millions addicts

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A lot of people like "strong leaders" who are ultimately tyrants. The appeal of "being tough", "getting things done" and "cutting through red tape" is widespread, but in almost all cases people later regret their choice. I suspect that in 30 years it will be difficult to find anyone that is proud of voting in Duterte. I just hope that the damage he does before people realize that he's unfit for office is not as bad as it seems like it might be.

The Philippines have been through a number of bad presidents and I believe we can make a decisive decision to impeach the president if it really comes to that.


Duterte says a lot of shitty things and the war on drugs may very well define his administration but...

He has actually done a lot of awesome changes in just a short amount of time.

1. Less than a month after being president, he had an executive order akin to a freedom of information bill effectove to the entore executive branch. While Congress has yet to pass the bill, Duterte created an executive order that shows he is all about transparency.

2. Prior to his presidency, only Davao City had a 911 hotline. Now, most of the country has it. Of course we can't say if it is as effective but establishing a line ia a good start

3. A hotline to report any corrupt/abusive government transaction that you may encounter. Duterte is all about eliminating corruption in the government, this hotline is a great move

4. A one-stop show fo overseas Filipino workers (OFWs). Before, OFWs would need to go to different locations to secure the necessary documents. Now, all documents can be attained in a single office.

5. Quick fixes like extending the validity of driver's license to 5 years from 3. Eliminating the "bullet drop" menace that plagued Filipino airports by removing the rule that a single bullet in your baggage is okay. Very smart way of solving that crisis.

Of course these doesn't make the crazy things okay nor make the killings acceptable. He has done a lot of good changes for the country. If only the killings are stopped and he thinks before he actually speaks...


Duterte says a lot of shitty things and the war on drugs may very well define his administration but...

He has actually done a lot of awesome changes in just a short amount of time.

1. Less than a month after being president, he had an executive order akin to a freedom of information bill effectove to the entore executive branch. While Congress has yet to pass the bill, Duterte created an executive order that shows he is all about transparency.

2. Prior to his presidency, only Davao City had a 911 hotline. Now, most of the country has it. Of course we can't say if it is as effective but establishing a line ia a good start

3. A hotline to report any corrupt/abusive government transaction that you may encounter. Duterte is all about eliminating corruption in the government, this hotline is a great move

4. A one-stop show fo overseas Filipino workers (OFWs). Before, OFWs would need to go to different locations to secure the necessary documents. Now, all documents can be attained in a single office.

5. Quick fixes like extending the validity of driver's license to 5 years from 3. Eliminating the "bullet drop" menace that plagued Filipino airports by removing the rule that a single bullet in your baggage is okay. Very smart way of solving that crisis.

Of course these doesn't make the crazy things okay nor make the killings acceptable. He has done a lot of good changes for the country. If only the killings are stopped and he thinks before he actually speaks...

minor bureaucratic changes that have already probably been subverted to serve his own dictatorial politics do not even come close to justifying the things he's said and done

you should feel ashamed of yourself


minor bureaucratic changes that have already probably been subverted to serve his own dictatorial politics do not even come close to justifying the things he's said and done

you should feel ashamed of yourself

It may be minor to you, but the Philippines has been PLAGUED by massive corruption for a long time now. How can the freedom of information executive order be anything but good? Transparency is one way to destroy corruption.


Mussolini extended the length a driver's license is good for.

We're really here.

Is it wrong to praise the things he has done right while at the same time criticize his mistakes?

Edit: Do you have any idea how difficult and time consuming the process of renewal is in this country? It's so bad that fixers exist to speed up the process! The less times to do it the better for every Filiino. Oh and the process is improving thanks to the anti-corruption hotline.


LMAO it's just parody at this point.

He's stating facts. Can you at least present a good argument rather than just doing passive-aggressive post like this.

minor bureaucratic changes that have already probably been subverted to serve his own dictatorial politics do not even come close to justifying the things he's said and done

He already stated that on the last paragraph.


It may be minor to you, but the Philippines has been PLAGUED by massive corruption for a long time now. How can the freedom of information executive order be anything but good? Transparency is one way to destroy corruption.

because i'm sure he and his cronies are in charge of what gets released? he's already shown that he's willing to use "populist" violence against journalists (http://www.cnn.com/2016/05/31/asia/philippines-duterte-journalists/) and political opponents (http://www.nytimes.com/2016/09/16/world/asia/philippines-rodrigo-duterte-hitman.html) in the name of fighting corruption so why do you think he's actually interested in fighting corruption? he's massively corrupt himself and is only using appealing language to get away with the same shit everyone else is doing while murdering anyone who gets in his way.
Cultural relativism can only go so far. When the leader of your country is positively comparing himself to the man behind one of the worst genocides in human history you need to ask yourself what the hell is going on.
Is it wrong to praise the things Hitler has done right while at the same time criticize his mistakes?

Not wrong, but a lot of the things Hitler did werent Hitlers ideas. Highways e.g.

The plans for that were already available during the Weimar republic, but Germany couldnt afford it then. Hitler just didnt care that he couldnt afford it and "built" them.
A lot of the things that Hitler did were ideas/plans from the failed Weimar republic.


because i'm sure he and his cronies are in charge of what gets released? he's already shown that he's willing to use "populist" violence against journalists (http://www.cnn.com/2016/05/31/asia/philippines-duterte-journalists/) and political opponents (http://www.nytimes.com/2016/09/16/world/asia/philippines-rodrigo-duterte-hitman.html) in the name of fighting corruption so why do you think he's actually interested in fighting corruption? he's massively corrupt himself and is only using appealing language to get away with the same shit everyone else is doing while murdering anyone who gets in his way.

That's where the media comes in. Everyone is free to review the documents released and check if they're BS are not.

Duterte will kill all media who oppose him you say? That woukd be crazy. Even with a 90% approval rating, the nation will not tolerate a mass killing of media people.

Regarding him being corrupt, while possible is unlikely given his lifestyle. He doesn't have a flashy house, not a lot of properties etc. I don't think being corrupt is something he has been reaaly accused off.
Duterte will kill all media who oppose him you say? That woukd be crazy. Even with a 90% approval rating, the nation will not tolerate a mass killing of media people.

But somehow they tolerate the mass killing of "drug users" or alleged drug users?!

I dont even know how anyone can defend someone who spouts bullshit like the one mentioned in the OP...

Hitler's Autobahn is pretty awesome tbh...

It wasnt Hitlers idea though. He just built it with the plans from the Weimar republic.


Is it wrong to praise the things he has done right while at the same time criticize his mistakes?

It's not a balancing act. You can't make up for murder by stacking up a bunch of minor favors.

What the hell is this editorial? How can a 4 year old be a drug addict. From what I know that the kid is not an addict, and was killed because of an operation against her father. Investigations are launched regarding this. Can you at least cite unbiased news?

I don't think you read my post properly.

Please cite an example. Not all things here should be one sided. Duterte did good and bad. If you criticize Duterte, at least back it up with a good argument or citations.

Cite an example of people saying "I don't support Duterte but..." or Duterte doing bad things? Because both exist in spades.

Can't believe we're really at "he's not all bad, you have to look at the good stuff alongside his death squads!"

Smh. These kind of post are at the same level as most Duterte fanboys that I see on Facebook. Please criticize Duterte with facts, not with passive-aggressive bullshit.

Duterte said he personally murdered 3 people. Direct quote. death squad fanboys keep spouting the "context!" line and mistranslation by foreign media without realising we're going off direct quotes made on camera by Duterte.


That's where the media comes in. Everyone is free to review the documents released and check if they're BS are not.

Duterte will kill all media who oppose him you say? That woukd be crazy. Even with a 90% approval rating, the nation will not tolerate a mass killing of media people.

Regarding him being corrupt, while possible is unlikely given his lifestyle. He doesn't have a flashy house, not a lot of properties etc. I don't think being corrupt is something he has been reaaly accused off.

duterte said that "corrupt" journalists should be killed. who gets to define which ones are corrupt? duterte?

you're either astoundingly naive or completely disingenuous.


But somehow they tolerate the mass killing of "drug users" or alleged drug users?!

I dont even know how anyone can defend someone who spouts bullshit like the one mentioned in the OP...

It wasnt Hitlers idea though. He just built it with the plans from the Weimar republic.

Like I said, you can praise the things he does right while condemn the stupid things he does and say like this one.


It's not a balancing act. You can't make up for murder by stacking up a bunch of minor favors.

I don't think you read my post properly.

Cite an example of people saying "I don't support Duterte but..." or Duterte doing bad things? Because both exist in spades.

Can't believe we're really at "he's not all bad, you have to look at the good stuff alongside his death squads!"

Duterte said he personally murdered 3 people. Direct quote.

Nobody says the good things make up for the bad. It also doesn't mean the good don't exist.

duterte said that "corrupt" journalists should be killed. who gets to define which ones are corrupt? duterte?

you're either astoundingly naive or completely disingenuous.

That was just a hypothetical scenario. So far during his presidency, I haven't heard of any journalist being killed.
A lot of context getting lost here. I'm not pro duterte or anti duterte but I've been watching the news and senate hearings regularly.

Yes he's very much against drugs. Drug lords and drug pushers to be specific. He's on all out fight against them.

Drug users on the other hand are told to surrender upon arrest. The police are told not to attack if the person being arrested isn't fighting back. Any police to do so would be subject to immediate dismissal and can be grounds for imprisonment as well.

There have been a lot of companies that are investing in building facilities to treat the users and such.


I would not believe in any international news at the moment. I'm more confident in local news because international news tend to miss some of the important aspects when they are making these articles. For example, the witness brought by De Lima and company during the senate hearings. International news treat what the witness says as facts already when after some interpolation and cross examination of the witness statements and his affidavit, it's very obvious he's lying. Like legit obvious lies. His statements change every session. Not minor changes but changes that make you wonder if he really knows what he's talking about.

On the other hand, Senate Chairperson Gordon believes that because President Duterte is so straight forward about his war on drugs, the drug pushers and drug lords are using that against him and perpetrating these "Vigilante" attacks. The people believe that the drug lords are killing their own men to avoid leaking info. The news is twisting it to make it seem like the police are killing them though. De Lima states that there are approximately 3000+ extra-judicial killings. Fact checking through them and it seems only 100+ of them are considered as such and even that is debatable. The other 2000+ killing are just padding added through like accidents and gun fights.
I'm what world would you trust local media more than international one, especially when it comes to politicuzed events?


Like I said, you can praise the things he does right while condemn the stupid things he does and say like this one.

Jeffey Dahmer sure dusted his bookshelves well. He also was always sure to say hello when passing by his neighbors. He wasn't all bad.

Ted Bundy was great at making pancakes and was sure to always stop for red lights.

Do you see how ridiculous that sounds?

It's about the magnitude of the good and bad. If the bad clearly outweighs the good then the good becomes a footnote or an afterthought, not something that can balance out the bad.

Nobody says the good things make up for the bad. It also doesn't mean the good don't exist.

That was just a hypothetical scenario. So far during his presidency, I haven't heard of any journalist being killed.

OK. You're right. He has some small good points and a metric fuckton of bad points which significant outweigh the good. You could say the same about any person in history.

Do you not see how comments about killing "corrupt" journalists might influence the type of reporting done? Whether he carries through with it or not I imagine a lot of journalists would be hesitant to write the truth about someone that is on record saying he supports killing "corrupt" journalists. In Russia they don't kill that many journalists either, but they've successfully subverted the press.


Nobody says the good things make up for the bad.

You did:

Duterte says a lot of shitty things and the war on drugs may very well define his administration but...

He has actually done a lot of awesome changes in just a short amount of time.

If you're not using those "good things" to defend him, then why are you even mentioning them? You may as well post a weather forecast in Manila if it's not meant to be linked to defending him.


Nobody says the good things make up for the bad. It also doesn't mean the good don't exist.

That was just a hypothetical scenario. So far during his presidency, I haven't heard of any journalist being killed.

let me make this simpler

do you think duterte should be president?


My fiancee's mother is Filipina and loves him. We visited her sisters and they also did. Dude won with like 95% of the vote...

Believe it or not, he was the best candidate. There was actually a better one but she was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer 2 years ago and sadly passed away last Friday.
That's where the media comes in. Everyone is free to review the documents released and check if they're BS are not.

Duterte will kill all media who oppose him you say? That woukd be crazy. Even with a 90% approval rating, the nation will not tolerate a mass killing of media people.

Regarding him being corrupt, while possible is unlikely given his lifestyle. He doesn't have a flashy house, not a lot of properties etc. I don't think being corrupt is something he has been reaaly accused off.
oh yes they would.


You did:

If you're not using those "good things" to defend him, then why are you even mentioning them? You may as well post a weather forecast in Manila if it's not meant to be linked to defending him.

I'm just stating that a lot of good changes are happening as well and being felt, which is why the approval rating is high. Of course the killings are bad and it needs to be addressed, that's a given.


I'm just stating that a lot of good changes are happening as well and being felt, which is why the approval rating is high. Of course the killings are bad and it needs to be addressed, that's a given.

the killings are largely why he was elected, there is zero chance they will stop as long as he is in power

this would be like someone defending a trump presidency for shitting on china and insisting that racism wasn't really why he was elected

"yeah the muslim ban is unacceptable but look at these other things he's done, it'll be addressed don't worry"

fuck out of here with that garbage


Believe it or not, he was the best candidate. There was actually a better one but she was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer 2 years ago and sadly passed away last Friday.

Anyone who thinks that an admitted murderer who advocates for vigilante murders and casually disregards the law is somehow better than other candidates, even if those candidates are corrupt, has some serious issues.


the killings are largely why he was elected, there is zero chance they will stop as long as he is in power

this would be like someone defending a trump presidency for shitting on china and insisting that racism wasn't really why he was elected

"yeah the muslim ban is unacceptable but look at these other things he's done, it'll be addressed don't worry"

fuck out of here with that garbage

Trump has no redeeming value whatsoever in my opinion. The muslim ban would affect mostly innocent people.

Most of the killings by the way are done by

1. Police that are also drug-connected (to silence them).

2. Drug syndicates to prevent those in the lower ranks to squeal those in the upper echelons.

3. Abusive policemen (some cases have already been filed).

4. Legitimate police operations wherein the pusher fought back with guns (videos do exist of these).

The first three are what needs to be investigated and brought to justice.


Cite an example of people saying "I don't support Duterte but..." or Duterte doing bad things? Because both exist in spades.

Can't believe we're really at "he's not all bad, you have to look at the good stuff alongside his death squads!"

Duterte said he personally murdered 3 people. Direct quote. death squad fanboys keep spouting the "context!" line and mistranslation by foreign media without realising we're going off direct quotes made on camera by Duterte.

Those are for Branduil and for people with passive-aggressive post. I don't have any problem with you if you keep criticizing Duterte specially if you have a good argument. What I'm trying to say here is have a discussion rather than just shitpost for the sake of shitposting.

But thats the whole defense of Duterte fans here on GAF and everywhere else...

That doesn't mean they should do it too.


Anyone who thinks that an admitted murderer who advocates for vigilante murders and casually disregards the law is somehow better than other candidates, even if those candidates are corrupt, has some serious issues.

Believe it or not, he was still the best candidate. Here are brief overviews of the other 4:

1. The previous VP who was found to be massively corrupt with anomalous contracts during his time as mayor.

2. A cabinet secretary who continuously proven his incompetence (Typhoon Haiyan respnse being REAL shitty, the massive train problem we have etc)

3. A neophyte senator who appeared to be not ready yet for the job and is backed by a rich corporation.

4. Actually the best one but was doagnosed with stage 4 cancer two years ago.
Let's say we ignore the other blatant shit Duterte is commiting, let's say almost all of the killings are justifiable. How the fuck do you reconcile the small number of them that aren't? You can't handwave that shit, not even for a developing country like the Philippines. We have due process and Filipinos are prideful of their democracy even if it isn't perfect.

These blatant handwaving of these killings should be a severe schadenfreude for his supporters. This is approaching Marcos dictatorship bullshit, and it wasn't even that long ago. His supporters, especially those who lived during the Marcos era should all know better. There are no excuses for this shit.


Believe it or not, he was the best candidate. There was actually a better one but she was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer 2 years ago and sadly passed away last Friday.
Some really smart people I know wanted Roxas to win because he was the one most likely to continue improving the country's economy. The majority though wanted nothing to do with anything linked to the past administration and they believed Duterte's attitude was what we needed to get that Davao experience country-wide so there you go, Duterte won by a landslide.

I don't think he was ever fit to be a president (didn't he say so too, before backtracking?). All the cursing, immoral and immature comments and actions do not give me the impression of one who should be leading a country.


Let's say we ignore the other blatant shit Duterte is commiting, let's say almost all of the killings are justifiable. How the fuck do you reconcile the small number of them that aren't? You can't handwave that shit, not even for a developing country like the Philippines. We have due process and Filipinos are prideful of their democracy even if it isn't perfect.

These blatant handwaving of these killings should be a severe schadenfreude for his supporters. This is approaching Marcos dictatorship bullshit, and it wasn't even that long ago. His supporters, especially those who lived during the Marcos era should all know better. There are no excuses for this shit.

I agree with this post. Those unjustified killings must be investigated and the victims be brought to justice. Arrest and imprison those that are responsible.


I agree with this post. Those unjustified killings must be investigated and the victims be brought to justice. Arrest and imprison those that are responsible.

and how likely do you think that is when the president of the country has advocated for these extrajudicial killings and hired hitmen himself?


I agree with this post. Those unjustified killings must be investigated and the victims be brought to justice. Arrest and imprison those that are responsible.

Duterte is the one responsible. He advocated for those killing to happen. They're on him even if he did not directly pull the trigger.


Some really smart people I know wanted Roxas to win because he was the one most likely to continue improving the country's economy. The majority though wanted nothing to do with anything linked to the past administration and they believed Duterte's attitude was what we needed to get that Davao experience country-wide so there you go, Duterte won by a landslide.

I don't think he was ever fit to be a president (didn't he say so too, before backtracking?). All the cursing, immoral and immature comments and actions do not give me the impression of one who should be leading a country.

Roxas was extremely incompetent. He was a good trade industry secretaty but the positions he held last administration were a total bust. The Typhoon Haiyan response, the degradation of the MRT, the death of the 40 SAF agents and the Zamboanga seige just to name a few all happened when he was head of the respective departments.


Believe it or not, he was still the best candidate. Here are brief overviews of the other 4:

1. The previous VP who was found to be massively corrupt with anomalous contracts during his time as mayor.

2. A cabinet secretary who continuously proven his incompetence (Typhoon Haiyan respnse being REAL shitty, the massive train problem we have etc)

3. A neophyte senator who appeared to be not ready yet for the job and is backed by a rich corporation.

4. Actually the best one but was doagnosed with stage 4 cancer two years ago.

Duerterte is a monster. He isn't better than any of those people.

Even if you think murdering drug users and drug dealers is a good idea (which is insane), he has created a climate where innocent people can be murdered without consequence so long as their murderers label them as drug users or drug dealers. People can settle scores against 'innocent' (quotes that drug users and drug users should still be innocent until proven guilty as well) people as well.

You thinking that he is better than any of those candidates just shows your complete disregard for the lives that are being lost thanks to this lunatic.
The unbiased ones. Less editorials and more straight facts.

I'm more inclined to watch live streamed events like hearings than actual news though.

But that's the thing friend. The local media and the international one are reporting the same thing. Read a newspaper.

Also the hearings are bullshit. Every time I watch one of those I'm reminded how petty our politicians are. Name one instance a senate hearing amounted to anything.


and how likely do you think that is when the president of the country has advocated for these extrajudicial killings and hired hitmen himself?

Which is why we have groups like the Commission of Human Rights (which is obviously antiDuterte) and even Senate hearings where those in the opposition can question persons of interest (such as the police chief). While they are the minority, there are people doing good work in the name of truth.
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