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Armband-wearing Nazi roams Seattle instigating, gets KOed, removes armband and leaves

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I oppose violence but for gods sake this is 2017 and we have Nazis walking the streets.

People like my Grandfather fought in ww2 to stop the Nazis so that we would not have to put up with scum like this in our generation.


I'm torn on this on. On the one hand vigilante justice tends to get out of hand and end badly incredible quickly.

On the other hand, he is a Nazi. If the USA had kept punching Nazi's after WWII maybe people wouldn't think it was still acceptable to be one and a white supremacist wouldn't be in the oval office.


Yell at him if you wish, but surrounding him and sucker-punching him was wrong and something I'd expect out of the Alt-Right.

Antifa's actions will fuel the "both sides" nonsense and any effort for equality and peace will dissolve into random ambushes, like this one.

The Alt-Right will gain more from this than Antifa will. And not just on the street level. This shit is Cool-Aid for conservatives.

Trump/Fox/Alt-Righters will use this shit to their advantage.

It was a stupid move. Period.
We are already dying in the streets and you are worried about the escalation by antifa?



The only "both sides" that should be discussed when it comes to a Nazi is confirming that both sides of their face got punched. I have literally zero problem with self-identifying Nazis getting laid out.


What about violence against nazi children? Is that cool?


Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
no, violence against children would not be cool, but that isn't what happened here, now is it?
But just THINK of the HYPOTHETICAl nazi CHILDREN. On a side note, protests are bad what if your boss fires you because you couldn't get to work because of a inconvenient protest. These are things we should really consider gais.


What fucking mob?

Who's narrative?

The Nazi got punched and fell down. It's a feel good moment. It's been a feel good moment in our society for fucking decades and it continues to be so.
The narrative that the antifa are violent criminals.

Like I said just because it happened on Twitter doesn't make it not mob mentality.


God damn. I really struggle to understand the mindset of someone who thinks they can go around wearing Swastikas on their arm. Obviously it's a racist mindset, but surely they should realise they're asking for all sorts of trouble and eventually, get what they deserve.


Gold Member
If they didn't then they should not celebrate and take on the ideology of a group that committed genocide. You can't "take back" the swastika and try and turn it into your own thing. We are way past that. Everybody in the world knows what it stands for.
That's a good point, agreed.
What about violence against nazi children? Is that cool?

Yes because the moment when they are brought into this world, babies, infants, and children have it automatically program to become a nazi and in no way was taught/coached that way by their parents/guardians.



God damn. I really struggle to understand the mindset of someone who thinks they can go around wearing Swastikas on their arm. Obviously it's a racist mindset, but surely they should realise they're asking for all sorts of trouble and eventually, get what they deserve.

“We won” This Nazi fucker om November 8th, 2016.


The celebration of violence against this Nazi is absolutely disgusting and you should all be ashamed of yourselves.


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....Really now?

Youtube be like: please think of the Nazi's!


Some idiot in the US with an armband = the literal Nazis of WWII era Germany?

Did the guy ask for it? Yes. Did he deserve it? Probably. Still think it's twisted how excited you guys get over this stuff.

Don't cut off your circulation with how hard you're clutching your pearls.


Slumped him. If I was old boy, I'd keep a low profile. Wouldn't put it past the police to start a city wide manhunt for a black man standing up for truth, justice, and the American Way.


I wasn't replying about this specific incident? He stated that punching nazis is always cool. Apparently it isn't when I provided an example of violence against somebody who is purely a product of their environment. I'm not saying this person is that, it was just an example that was clearly contrary to his statement.

Taking your bait, a child can't really be Nazi for himself because he cant understand what truly is to be a Nazi, his "nazism" would come from the education (or more, indoctrination) his parents give him.

In that case punching his parents would be well deserved, yeah.
The narrative that the antifa are violent criminals.

Like I said just because it happened on Twitter doesn't make it not mob mentality.

What happened on Twitter?

There's no evidence that what it says in the title is true.

But lets say it is. The guy went out in public. If social media is used to 'track down' someone publically harassing people, I've got no problems with it. We don't generally use the term 'mob justice' for ONE person punching someone ONCE for doing shitty things in public.

They didn't track the guy down at home or anything like that.


I'm genuinely ignorant on this: do modern Nazis actually want to *kill* the minorities, or just deport them?

I am pretty certain they will take what they can.

Deporting minorities in mass even if they are citizens would be a form of genocide if I am not mistaken.


Junior, please.
I'm torn on this on. On the one hand vigilante justice tends to get out of hand and end badly incredible quickly.

On the other hand, he is a Nazi. If the USA had kept punching Nazi's after WWII maybe people wouldn't think it was still acceptable to be one and a white supremacist wouldn't be in the oval office.

I don't want to see people taking the law into their own hands. I'm not a violent person. But Nazis cannot be tolerated, and cannot be reasoned with.

There is nothing here to be torn on. Nazis need to be punched in the face. Zero tolerance for that BS in our society. Hate speech is not free speech.


God damn that punch was vicious. Can't say o care that swastika wearing Nazi got out the fuck up. No tolerance for Nazi scum.


If my child was being harrassed by a nazi child and knocked them the fuck out I would take my child out for ice cream. I would also called child protective services and report the parents of said nazi child.


What about violence against nazi children? Is that cool?

What about if a Nazi just saved a lot of (white) little puppies. Did he deserves to be punched?

What about if he feeds past midnight? He turns into a more aggressive SS Nazi?

So many (stupid) questions....
Listen there's lots here to unpackage here:

A. punching a Nazi IMO, isn't inherently bad. Apparently even my original posting of this was missed by Sianos, so I'll restate.
B. It is possible for someone to exist and think violence in general, even against Nazis, isn't appropriate. That doesn't make them a clown or a Nazi themselves.
C. People on the right will use stuff like this to obfuscate and morally equivocate between the two groups. I look forward to my daily right wing radio listen on the way home doing just that.

I'm sorry I've provided some nuance to your otherwise fun filled thread about punching nazis.

That didn't even begin to answer for what you posted to me.
Would any of you saying this is wrong expect to be able to freely walk around wearing a nazi armband while talking racist shit and not get hit? We're not talking about some dude with a MAGA hat here, it's a fucking nazi armband. Shit would get you arrested in other countries.
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