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Armband-wearing Nazi roams Seattle instigating, gets KOed, removes armband and leaves

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"The ultimate weakness of violence is that it is a descending spiral, begetting the very thing it seeks to destroy. Instead of diminishing evil, it multiplies it. Through violence you may murder the liar, but you cannot murder the lie, nor establish the truth. Through violence you may murder the hater, but you do not murder hate. In fact, violence merely increases hate. So it goes. Returning violence for violence multiplies violence, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that." (Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.)
omg im fucking cackling you really did just google mlk quotes didn't you 💀💀💀


Ooh, I love Dr. King. Here's another one.

"First, I must confess that over the last few years I have been gravely disappointed with the white moderate. I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro's great stumbling block in the stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen's Council-er or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate who is more devoted to "order" than to justice; who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice; who constantly says "I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I can't agree with your methods of direct action;" who paternalistically feels he can set the timetable for another man's freedom; who lives by the myth of time and who constantly advises the Negro to wait until a "more convenient season."
Gotta love people quoting MLK like it's some shield against rising up against racists


Wait for him to stab some people on a bus or shoot 9 people to death at their church. Only then can we find justice.
"Well dressed individual with possible mental illness accidentally stabs a dozen bus passengers"

*audio interview of his 60 yo white neighbor while a couple of photos from when he was 5 year old are shown on screen*

"He always seemed like a good kid, he loved baseball"


lmao how y'all interpreted that post as anything more than what it said is hilarious.

Dude wears Nazi armband saying stupid shit due to his dumbass worldview
Gets punched violently for it

Now what happens to this person? How does this event affect them going forward? That is literally all I said lol. Don't be so friggin weird.

they are already a Nazi. they will continue to be afterward regardless if cops were called or they were punched.


"The ultimate weakness of violence is that it is a descending spiral, begetting the very thing it seeks to destroy. Instead of diminishing evil, it multiplies it. Through violence you may murder the liar, but you cannot murder the lie, nor establish the truth. Through violence you may murder the hater, but you do not murder hate. In fact, violence merely increases hate. So it goes. Returning violence for violence multiplies violence, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that." (Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.)

Oh hi Mark,

Is that the only quote from King you know ?

How about another one.
"First, I must confess that over the last few years I have been gravely disappointed with the white moderate. I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro's great stumbling block in the stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen's Council-er or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate who is more devoted to "order" than to justice; who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice; who constantly says "I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I can't agree with your methods of direct action;" who paternalistically feels he can set the timetable for another man's freedom; who lives by the myth of time and who constantly advises the Negro to wait until a "more convenient season."

Better ?? People like you who keep invoking the man is using him as some kind of token pacifist black guy is sickening. The man got shot mate (by a white guy too), so go fuck yourself.


Felium Defensor
"But we must consider all possibilities. Guy could be dealing with mental issues/illness."
Everyone on planet earth will be dealing with some form of mental issues at some point in their life. This is where you tell your brain to shut the fuck up and stop playing devil's advocate for the sake of playing devil's advocate.


There are ways to not tolerate intolerancy without resorting to mob justice.

We are not defending that his point of views are valid.
We are not defending that he should parade the Swastika freely
We are not defending that he should have a voice or be heard.

Most people are not against the Nazi scum getting what he deserved. We just wish it was the law enforcement, not random citizens.

Then where were the cops as he was walking around harassing people? Because it's pretty fucking clear donning Nazi garb or shouting Nazi slogans aren't valid grounds for an arrest in the US. Assuming of course they're inclined to do anything about it all. So what are you expecting the cops to do?
Many White Supremacists want to start a race war. I guess the idea is that there are more white people, more control of money, weapons, power, etc? So the guy walking around with a Nazi armband trying to instigate to some degree got what he wanted. Hopefully this incident doesn't escalate to something bigger - I certainly don't think this specific one will - but whether you wholeheartedly support punching of Nazi's or you decry needless violence and the idea of Anti-Fa, whether seeing the guy get knocked out brought you joy or a mixture of complicated feelings, it's worth remembering that for many of these hateful people getting punched is all apart of the plan.

Still, when somebody is being that outrageously vile it's reeeeaaaalllllly hard not to smile when he gets laid out. My point is just that it's worth thinking the situation in the larger context.


Anyone and everyone who wears Nazi paraphernalia in public should be punched. Full stop. No ifs, ands or buts about it. Anyone who thinks it is ok to act like that deserves to be put on there ass and rethink their decision.


Gotta love people quoting MLK like it's some shield against rising up against racists

Well, duh. As long as I can find a black dude saying something that I can appropriate to agree with my own views, my argument no longer comes from a position of privilege! And, an MLK quote waxing poetic about love and peace? That's like summoning Exodia! What kind of monsters are gonna argue against MLK, love, *and* peace?


Well, duh. As long as I can find a black dude saying something that I can appropriate to agree with my own views, my argument no longer comes from a position of privilege! And, an MLK quote waxing poetic about love and peace? That's like summoning Exodia! What kind of monsters are gonna argue against MLK, love. *and* peace?

Quick someone link Morgan Freeman saying if we stop talking about race and racism everything will be fine.


Neo Member
This is exactly what I am talking about. This is where we are going.

It's going to be very, very bad. For everyone involved.

Get out of your bubble, its been bad for POC for a long time. You are pretty stupid to think that PUNCHING ACTUAL NAZIS is gonna lead to something bad.
Then where were the cops as he was walking around harassing people? Because it's pretty fucking clear donning Nazi garb or shouting Nazi slogans aren't valid grounds for an arrest in the US. Assuming of course they're inclined to do anything about it all. So what are you expecting the cops to do?

You think it's more likely that he went out with a nazi armband in an attempt to commit suicide by being beaten to death than it is that he's just a racist asshole?

Well what do you think he was trying to achieve?

Racists are cowards, they go around in packs, they hide behind memes or political parties. That was not the case here.

He likely came very close to being killed. People die from punches like that all the time. That not only kills this guy, but ruins the life of the person who punched him, has flow on effects to the people watching and likely causes problems for the people inciting violence in twitter, if only mental anguish.

And all people can say is "good! Or you are a nazi defending nazis!". There is more to something like this then you can see on the surface. We should always find the time to know the full story before reacting as executioners.

This is not defending a nazi. This is attacking vigilantes, mostly for their own good.

Have you slept right through the last 12 months or so? His behaviour is a direct result of being emboldened by the current political climate in the US.
He's doing it now because he feels safer than he ever has before in displaying his vile ideology.

Life is not a forum flamewar. You might be right, but the point is you actually have no idea what led him to do this.
Hitler would have been so glad to be alive now, he'd have so many people defending him.

Nazi Germany would have white knights all around the world defending them and also suggesting that they need professionals to assess mental state, ALL OF THEM were good people with mental issues according to some folks.

Jesus Christ what's next ISIS Neogaf defense force? Boko Haram Neogaf Defense force?


Goodness me, these antifa blokes are so terrible. And there's been so many cases of this recently. Just look at this violent figure.


And what about this tolerant leftie? Surely they could have opened up a dialogue.

And don't get me started on this criminal.

Where do we draw the line?!

This post is sarcasm. Fuck Nazis or """ironic Nazis""". They think they can participate in society while wearing swastikas on their person. They're wrong. Make sure they know that.


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
Some of those "violence is not ok" posts though...


Can't live in videogame bubbles forever. The world is a shitty place and violence sometimes gets shit done for people who are getting fucked up by shit people. It sucks but that's the reality we live in.
The amount of times pre-emptive violence gets used by good people rather than against good people is vanishingly small though.
It fucks with my head so much that we live in a time where there are people literally demonizing those that are resisting the resurgence of Nazis...while at the same time defending/making excuses for Nazis to spout their hateful and destructive rhetoric where their end game results in genocide.
Oh, of COURSE Daryl Davis was brought up here.

In any case, a friend and I got a nice long giggle from watch the video on a loop a few times before I came to work. I'm very glad he got the "mental health" treatment he needed.

I'm sure that there are more than enough doctors who'd be willing to give him a second opinion and some further treatment if he has another episode. :)


I'm assuming we can agree 100% that good changes that come out of bad actions are still inherently good. We can probably also agree 100% that good changes that come without bad actions are even better, maybe after going down a side street of agreeing that this isn't always something that can or does happen.

Can't there be justice or lack thereof independently in both? If a positive change comes about as a result of a situation in which innocent people are harmed, we would agree that the positive change was good, and the harm to innocents was bad, I'm sure - that there's justice in the outcome but not in the trigger for it.

Here's the nitty-gritty stuff that caught my eye. Clinging to order because you have never known anything but is a completely understandable reaction, but you're going to have to understand that this man (and all supremacists like him) have been given literally every opportunity to not be huge, threatening pieces of shit yet have thrown it all away again and again. Things have been coming to a head like this precisely because the U.S. has been so tolerant of them, despite the lives and livelihoods at risk for their actions. Despite the lack of repercussions (which is why they keep seeing how far they can go). This is likely the first real repercussion he's had. So many of us have never known this peace, this "order", these fourth and fifth and eighteenth chances so maybe that's why we don't care as much? I don't know.

And because of this, it is endangering millions of already oppressed people further. People have literally died because of these Nazis, and they want to replicate WW2 style genocide. *Will* replicate WW2 style genocide if given the chance. Are closer than they have ever been in my lifetime with the incompetent piece of trash we have in the White House (and thank various deities he actually is incompetent, imagine if he was even reasonably intelligent and how much more damage he could do). He will get yet another chance as well, because he was able to walk away. I am genuinely hoping he uses this chance for good, but I also doubt it very much.

So basically, these people and their actions are all but indefensible, yet they are constantly being defended. Inhuman actions and inhumane agendas are pleading or demanding empathy and understanding from armchair analysts not under any real threat from these people. Even better, those people being threatened with death and violence are being tut-tutted for not engaging in "civil" discourse with them. For not literally risking their necks to teach them grade school tier human values. In the wake of a Trump presidency. In the wake of Charlottlesville, no less. These are literal terrorists who won't get called as such. Who by and large aren't going to be arrested, who aren't quite smart enough to realize how much more damage they can do by *not* outing themselves in public like so many others have figured out. And we have to deal with this in 2017. Will have to deal with it for years. Us with dark skin. Us lbgt+ers. Our friends and loved ones and family. Not you. Not really, anyway.

I'm not trying to put words in your mouth on what you have and haven't personally done, but I can completely understand the concept of zero tolerance for these Nazi thugs and their "not-quite Nazi" sympathizers. You are almost certainly neither, but zero tolerance is zero tolerance in any case. Even giving them an iota of sympathy, an avenue of supposed discourse when they aren't even willing to take that first step is the real slippery slope fallacy here. You may disagree (I'm not sure how I personally feel about your demodding, to be frank), but I hope you at least understand.
Well what do you think he was trying to achieve?

Racists are cowards, they go around in packs, they hide behind memes or political parties. That was not the case here.

He likely came very close to being killed. People die from punches like that all the time. That not only kills this guy, but ruins the life of the person who punched him, has flow on effects to the people watching and likely causes problems for the people inciting violence in twitter, if only mental anguish.

And all people can say is "good! Or you are a nazi defending nazis!". There is more to something like this then you can see on the surface. We should always find the time to know the full story before reacting as executioners.

This is not defending a nazi. This is attacking vigilantes, mostly for their own good.

Life is not a forum flamewar. You might be right, but the point is you actually have no idea what led him to do this.

No, attempting to commit suicide is suicidal behaviour. Of the two people I know who have attempted such an act, dressing up like a Nazi and provoking people in the middle of a street was not their method. One was slitting their wrists, the other, overdosing.

I would really appreciate an example you have of a person suffering from suicidal tendencies that displays compulsions to masquerade as a racist murderer.

I cannot stress how eager I am of you providing me with factual evidence that supports the claim that suicidal people are known to go to such elaborate lengths in order to end their own life.

I simply cannot stress how eager I am.
I'm the opposite.

To do this, the guy has an obvious mental illness. He could also have been very easily killed by the punch.

Instead of playing twitter vigilante people should inform the police, let them handle the situation and hopefully see that he gets some help.

This whole idea that all police are corrupt nazis is nonsense. The idea that twitter groups should be used to find and publish personal details is kind of frightening.

There is a problem here, punching it away doesn't solve it.

Lone wolf with mental issues, yes? I wasn't aware racisim is a mental issue. I learn something new.


Oh yeah, someone asked that here as well.

Yepp, I have. Many, more than I can count and a majority of them always ganged up on me and threw the first punch or brought tools to the fight and just hunted for anyone not white.
Still happens that I see them around but without that liquid courage or the numbers they walk away.

Where do you live?


Unconfirmed Member
I don't know. Do you?

Nobody knows this guys history, you all don't know anything about him. All I know is he dressed up as a nazi, alone, and went out looking for trouble.

That is at best completely insane behaviour, at worst it is suicidal. I would want professionals to assess this and give him help. Guys spouting off on twitter are not experts.

Meanwhile the guy who punched him could have had his own life ruined very easily.

This is not a "good" situation at any level.
I've seen Pink Floyd: The Wall too. And no, that movie isn't real. If you dress up as a nazi and start rallying people to your concerts, you're not a rockstar. You're a piece of shit who deserves to be punched.

C'mon man, I liked you from the Steam thread, please don't die on this hill :/


Well what do you think he was trying to achieve?

Racists are cowards, they go around in packs, they hide behind memes or political parties. That was not the case here.

He likely came very close to being killed. People die from punches like that all the time. That not only kills this guy, but ruins the life of the person who punched him, has flow on effects to the people watching and likely causes problems for the people inciting violence in twitter, if only mental anguish.

And all people can say is "good! Or you are a nazi defending nazis!". There is more to something like this then you can see on the surface. We should always find the time to know the full story before reacting as executioners.

This is not defending a nazi. This is attacking vigilantes, mostly for their own good.

I can assure you, there are plenty who have had no fucking problem throwing an insult or two my way right out in the open, or even threatening me or my family. So whatever image you have in your head of how racists behave, you need to rethink it.

What was he trying to achieve? I couldn't tell you specifically, but I guarantee you it made more than a few people feel uncomfortable or threatened that someone like that is walking around with no hesitation to let them know "I want you and people who look like you dead."


Scary Euro Man
LMAO. I don't advocate unprovoked or excessive violence, but when someone walks around wearing the international symbol for "please crack my nut," and then confirms with their words and actions that they didn't just get turned around on their way to some tasteless costume party, can anyone really object when some conscientious citizen fulfills their request?

Look at it this way also: if a Nazi makes it entirely clear from their words and actions that they want you to do something, why would you do exactly that thing? Make no mistake, this is all about propagating the myth of the violent left, and I'd be shocked if that isn't already being pushed in all the usual places, complete with pictures of a poor traumatised victim wearing a grand total of zero swastikas. You instigate, get a reaction, and the other guy can be painted as the villain.
You might be right, but the point is you actually have no idea what led him to do this.

Neither do you. Except, you came in and made the most charitable rationale for the guy dressed in Nazi symbology and said the guy punching him might have killed him.

If you don't want things to be like a forum flamewar or whatever, maybe practice a little of what you preach, step back, and think about why you went to the extreme you did in your poorly throughout posts that people are rightfully calling out.


Nice fucking punch yo. That piece of garbage was all no it's fine step back son and let me preach my hate before he got his clock cleaned. LMAO.

I'm a bit worried this fuck will be the next mall shooter but whatever.

I love how the guy kinda tested him at first to see if he would even do anything to a tall dude. It took one second of this guy ain't shit and he was on the floor.

I mean honestly, it would be one thing if the guy was drunk at a party and blacked out saying stupid shit.

He literally chose to dress up and yell at people. THIS WAS GOING TO HAPPEN he's lucky someone didn't kill him.
Well what do you think he was trying to achieve?

Racists are cowards, they go around in packs, they hide behind memes or political parties. That was not the case here.

He likely came very close to being killed. People die from punches like that all the time. That not only kills this guy, but ruins the life of the person who punched him, has flow on effects to the people watching and likely causes problems for the people inciting violence in twitter, if only mental anguish.

And all people can say is "good! Or you are a nazi defending nazis!". There is more to something like this then you can see on the surface. We should always find the time to know the full story before reacting as executioners.

This is not defending a nazi. This is attacking vigilantes, mostly for their own good.

Life is not a forum flamewar. You might be right, but the point is you actually have no idea what led him to do this.

You have no more insight into his motivations than anyone else here, but you sound like you desperately need it to be mental illness.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
By having a live TV debate with Hitler, or perhaps dropping some pamphlets over the Nazi controlled areas explaining where they went wrong.
Holy shit I remember this. XD

"The ultimate weakness of violence is that it is a descending spiral, begetting the very thing it seeks to destroy. Instead of diminishing evil, it multiplies it. Through violence you may murder the liar, but you cannot murder the lie, nor establish the truth. Through violence you may murder the hater, but you do not murder hate. In fact, violence merely increases hate. So it goes. Returning violence for violence multiplies violence, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that." (Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.)
You activated my trap card! When a white moderate misinterprets MLK's intentions, this card activates to give them a history lesson.
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