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Armband-wearing Nazi roams Seattle instigating, gets KOed, removes armband and leaves

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I have a question for you, while we're posing them.

At what threshold is violence against Nazism acceptable in your eyes?

  1. Private assemblies, political incorporation
  2. Formalized extremist creeds
  3. Public assemblies
  4. Formal security personnel
  5. Public speeches and lectures
  6. Brawling with political opponents
  7. Riot-as-revolution
  8. Vandalism
  9. Dodgy pardons
  10. Growing membership and political participation
  11. Discharging firearms against political opponents
  12. Martyrdom
  13. Political gains
  14. Political mainstream
  15. Anti-minority vandalism
  16. Political alliances, political coalition
  17. Government inaction
  18. Executive office
  19. Arson, false-flagging
  20. Partial political party bans
  21. Emergency, unlimited executive powers
  22. Full political party bans
  23. Political purges
  24. Permanent, unlimited executive powers
  25. Concentration camps for political enemies
  26. Laws discriminating against minorities
  27. Desertion of international causes and organizations
  28. Violation of international treaties
  29. Proxy wars
  30. Annexation of border regions
  31. Annexation of the rest
  32. Pogroms of minorities
  33. Invades a neighbor
  34. Segregates minorities into ghettoes
  35. Moves minorities into death camps

You weren't talking to me, but thanks for coming up with this list, it actually made me re-think my position, as I'm also in "violence is not an answer' camp.
In short, violence is the right answer to violence. A number of items are/should be illegal so fined/prosecuted.

So, as a response to harassment, yes. (the way I read screenshots in the first post, there should have been a whole group of them)

In 2011 a 30-year-old Canadian tourist was arrested after he was photographed giving the Nazi salute outside the Reichstag, the German parliament building, in Berlin. He got off with a fine and several hours in police custody.

He could have faced prison sentence up to 6 month. It's even harsher in some other countries, up to 5 years. Although it is never as harsh in practice, typically they get away with fines.

Here's an editorial from the New York Times this week shining a light on the genocidal racists some of you are defending.

The Nazis' First Victims Were the Disabled
If your finger is hovering over that Reply button to defend fucking Nazis, first spend at least one hour watching a WW2 documentary or reading a book before replying. When you have absorbed that information and that pesky thing called "perspective" keeps nagging at your specious arguments, listen to it.

Interesting that they didn't mention that US has forcefully sterilized between 30 to 40 thousand (mostly in California). In Europe, as far as I remember at least Sweden did the same. (likely not only them)

Please don't read it as equating mentioned countries and Nazis, nobody went even remotely as far as Nazi Germany.


Are you generally against the American Revolution, the Allies involvement in WWII, or the North's actions in the Civil War? Or do you find state sanctioned violence to be acceptable?

No—I never said I was. What I am against is the use of violence as a the first step toward resolution. What good does that accomplish?
No—I never said I was. What I am against is the use of violence as a the first step toward resolution. What good does that accomplish?
LOL "first step."

Reminder: Nazis killed, tortured, burned, raped, and unceremoniously buried 6 million European Jews. Edit: oh shit, forgot about the gassing!

Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Holocaust

The Holocaust, also referred to as the Shoah,[c] was a genocide in which Adolf Hitler's Nazi Germany and its World War II collaborators killed some six million European Jews. The victims included 1.5 million children, and constituted about two-thirds of the nine million Jews who had previously resided in Continental Europe. A broader definition of the Holocaust includes non-Jewish victims such as the Romani, ethnic Poles, members of other Slavic ethnic groups and Aktion T4 patients who were mentally and physically disabled. An even broader definition includes Soviet citizens and prisoners of war, homosexuals, Jehovah's Witnesses, black people, political opponents of the Nazis, and members of other smaller groups.

From 1941 to 1945, Germany and its collaborators systematically murdered Jews in a genocide, which was part of a larger event that included the persecution of other peoples in Europe. Under the coordination of the SS, with directions from the highest leadership of the Nazi Party, every arm of Germany's bureaucracy was involved in both the logistics and the carrying out of the mass murder. Killings were committed throughout German-occupied Europe, as well as within Nazi Germany itself, and across all territories controlled by the Axis powers. Some 42,500 detention facilities were utilized in the concentration of victims for the purpose of committing gross violations of human rights. Over 200,000 people are estimated to have been Holocaust perpetrators.


Fucking Davis again?

You moderates need a new hero. The chapter he claimed to have shut down were in Charlottesville, shooting guns in to crowds.

Davis didn't do shit.
Its just hard to fathom someone getting up out of their bed in the morning as we all do, putting on their clothes, consiting of a leather jacket and jeans, then throwing on a red armband with a nazi symbol on it. I mean, what did he think was gonna happen? It was going to garner attention, so i assume thats what he wanted. The bullying and insult throwing reported also adds to this, so he can hardly say hes surprised, and call himself a "victim".

Not too sure if America has "hate crime" laws like here in Ireland, but if anyone did anything like that here, then they would be arrested on that charge alone, never mind his provocation and harassmemt of members of the general public. But then again, its Ireland. The cops wouldnt have had time, he would have been decked much like this muppet was.

10/10 stance and form good sir. Always appreciate a well executed dig.


I showed a co-worker that gif on the nazi getting punched...and lo and behold he was saying both sides and saying he has rights.

A shame what is happening to people defending this, i fucking hate how obtuse people are these days. You do not defend fucking nazi's, period when i learned about WW2 and the horror these monsters did seeing through my teenage years young neo-nazi's walking around when i was 20 orso years old i worked at a place near the docks here in the netherlands.

That nazi was 18 years old, had a bunch of nazi tattoos and yet he worked there i couldn't phantom why these bosses even let him through. He was so fucking proud it was utterly disgusting to see it. Nazi's need to be back in there fucking hole, these motherfuckers are a disgrace to there descended family (what would you think if your great grandfather was a soldier in WW2 fighting fascism?) the dishonor you bring to yourself and those who fought and died during the war are in disgrace of your presence being a fucking nazi.


How can one have such a warped perspective to think that a Nazi wearing a swastika, which notes that you openly align with the ideals behind the nationalistic genocide of over six fucking million people including 1.5 million children and intend to see those ideals manifest again, is worth defending for being the victim of a single fucking punch?

1 Punch VS 1 Holocaust
It's weird how this video keeps being quickly taken down yet there are channels dedicated to the alt-right with some of the most vile coded content that stays up for months if not stays up entirely.
If dude wasnt wearing a swastika on his arm and was just some random dude minding his own business that got punched this wouldnt even be a story and nobody would fucking care about it. Why is that?


Finally some good news. Kept rewatching the hit, and that weak ass hand he held up, lmfaoooooooo. What did he think was gonna happen? Dumbass white men getting big and bold out here.


Here's an editorial from the New York Times this week shining a light on the genocidal racists some of you are defending.

The Nazis’ First Victims Were the Disabled
If your finger is hovering over that Reply button to defend fucking Nazis, first spend at least one hour watching a WW2 documentary or reading a book before replying. When you have absorbed that information and that pesky thing called "perspective" keeps nagging at your specious arguments, listen to it.
Why don't the slippery slope people talk about the slipper slope between abusing the disabled to exterminating ethnic groups, from calling people ethnic slurs to murdering them. Instead we get, where do you draw the line between punching a nazi and gang raping a nazi child?
How can one have such a warped perspective to think that a Nazi wearing a swastika, which notes that you openly align with the ideals behind the nationalistic genocide of over six fucking million people including 1.5 million children and intend to see those ideals manifest again, is worth defending for being the victim of a single fucking punch?

1 Punch VS 1 Holocaust

This is incredible hyperbole. I'm not going to explain, because I know for a fact you're smart enough to see it.

This guy is absolutely not worth defending. He is trash.

But this comparison... bro.


If dude wasnt wearing a swastika on his arm and was just some random dude minding his own business that got punched this wouldnt even be a story and nobody would fucking care about it. Why is that?

Nah, there'd still be some noise cause it's a white guy getting punched.

If it was a black dude though? "Ah, what a shame. C'est la vie..."


I'm all for being non-violent toward people's views, but if you're wearing an armband that is universally recognized as a form of hate? Yeah nah, you deserve to get hit.
It's weird how this video keeps being quickly taken down yet there are channels dedicated to the alt-right with some of the most vile coded content that stays up for months if not stays up entirely.

If dude wasnt wearing a swastika on his arm and was just some random dude minding his own business that got punched this wouldnt even be a story and nobody would fucking care about it. Why is that?

This is incredible hyperbole. I'm not going to explain, because I know for a fact you're smart enough to see it.

This guy is absolutely not worth defending. He is trash.

But this comparison... bro.
Defending Nazism in any form is a defense of the Holocaust.

Defending a punch to a Nazi means you're defending punching Nazis, who did the Holocaust.
Nah, there'd still be some noise cause it's a white guy getting punched.

If it was a black dude though? "Ah, what a shame. C'est la vie..."
where did that thread go about that ordinary All American white supremacist who is totally not a nazi but police say has murdered at least 2 black men in racially motivated attacks?


Yeah that's in Sweden, they made a statue in her honor, but then politicans took it down, the statue was promoting violence, the same discussion we're having here today.

Nazis had a huge prescense here in Sweden in the 80s and 90s, the city where I'm from was the HQ for NSF (National socialistisk Front), but they got their ass kicked every time the showed their faces in the city, everywhere, and then they dissapeared. Funny how that works.

But now they are back under another name, NRM, and we will kick their ass everytime they show their face again.

No Nazis on our streets, I said it back in the late 90s, it still rings true.

On Topic: The dude got what he deserved. Here in Sweden he would be arrested for hate crimes. Fuck that dude.

NMR held an impromptu, no-permit rally/march in Gothenburg last Sunday, in preparation for their planned march (with a permit) on the 30:th. They're proudly proclaiming that about 50 of the 88 in the impromptu march are under surveillance, and the police still could not stop them (And the police were unfortunately pretty damned toothless when they got wind of the march anyway).
I'm not sure they're having their asses kicked right now. They've had presence at Almedalen (our biggest yearly political gathering). These fucks are now in the open, and are just getting more and more emboldened. We need a new Kvinnan med handväskan. :(


NMR held an impromptu, no-permit rally/march in Gothenburg last Sunday, in preparation for their planned march (with a permit) on the 30:th. They're proudly proclaiming that about 50 of the 88 in the impromptu march are under surveillance, and the police still could not stop them (And the police were unfortunately pretty damned toothless when they got wind of the march anyway).
I'm not sure they're having their asses kicked right now. They've had presence at Almedalen (our biggest yearly political gathering). These fucks are now in the open, and are just getting more and more emboldened. We need a new Kvinnan med handväskan. :(

I agree with you. They are not, but hopefully that will change, and it doesn't mean that they must be met with physical force, we can shout them down, we just need to resist, and if it comes to blows we don't back down.

NRM is scary, three of their members are in prison because they tried to bomb places, they need to be shut down.


This is incredible hyperbole. I'm not going to explain, because I know for a fact you're smart enough to see it.

This guy is absolutely not worth defending. He is trash.

But this comparison... bro.

It's absolutely correct.
Subhuman trash (see, using Nazi vocabulary is fun) like this is glorifiying the ideology of some of mankinds most evil and twisted minds who are responsible for unimaginable atrocities. As a German this is especially infuriating.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Why don't people worry about the slippery slope of giving Nazis an open platform? A slope that we know exists because we fought a world war over it?

Mr. X

This is incredible hyperbole. I'm not going to explain, because I know for a fact you're smart enough to see it.

This guy is absolutely not worth defending. He is trash.

But this comparison... bro.
Protecting/defending people spreading Nazi rhetoric is defending/protecting Nazis past, present and future.
Why don't people worry about the slippery slope of giving Nazis an open platform? A slope that we know exists because we fought a world war over it?

That requires a knowledge and acknowledgment of history and its impact. People pull the same thing with the KKK. If they ignore the fact that the ideals the person represents actually leads to historic amounts of abuse, genocide, and torture, they can freely claim that Nazism is on an equal playing field as other "political opinions" like views on taxes and infrastructure.

The armband has a fatal weight to it that goes beyond just being an article of clothing. Same with the KKK hood. Same with the Confederate Flag. Same with the multitude of white supremacist symbols that have been plaguing the news, social media, etc. But if you ignore that, you get to pat yourself on the back for saying "both sides are wrong" and other such nonsense that allows these bigots to continue justifying themselves as valid.


sometimes i feel like people are against the violence because of being afraid of escalation interrupting their comfort

That's exactly what it is. People keep saying don't incite violence against the Nazis because it'll only escalate things and cause more violence. They're conveniently ignoring that the Nazis and other white supremacists have already been inflicting violence on minorities for decades even after equality was supposedly achieved in 1965. They are afraid of this emboldening the Nazis and causing more violence down the road since it'll impact them. But it already is an all-out conflict, the other side is just finally starting to fight back
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