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Article: The Big Ferocious GPU Cannot Maintain 60 FPS in 4K When Running Watch Dogs: Legion With Ultra Settings...Without Ray Tracing!


Yes. It's what I'm currently talking to you on, haha.

I've got a 1070, i7-3770k, 16 GB of RAM. It would cost me more to build a PC equivalent of the new consoles, my plan is to buy a PS5 and eventually build a new PC at some point in 2021.

Why not buy a 3070 and a Ryzen 5600X? That's about $800. Sure, that's more than a PlayStation 5, but it's not that much more.
Why not buy a 3070 and a Ryzen 5600X? That's about $800. Sure, that's more than a PlayStation 5, but it's not that much more.

I mean, I don't know if my power supply is good enough and I'd certainly also need a new SSD, my current one is OLD and only fits about 100 gigs of info on it (and a lot of this is the OS). I do plan to build a whole new PC it's just more on the backburner than getting a PS5, especially since I'm legit hyped for Demon's Souls.


Why would they use a thread ripper CPU? Latency and IPC pales to the 3000 series? Seems weird to test on a thread ripper and not a desktop gaming cpu. Threadripper is not geared towards that and with all the cores there's latency issues.
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I mean, I don't know if my power supply is good enough and I'd certainly also need a new SSD, my current one is OLD and only fits about 100 gigs of info on it (and a lot of this is the OS). I do plan to build a whole new PC it's just more on the backburner than getting a PS5, especially since I'm legit hyped for Demon's Souls.

That's understandable. The PS5 does seem like a great machine; I've pre-ordered one myself.
Considering this game isn't released yet and it take's sometimes a whopping 6 months in totality to optimize new hardware across all CPU ecosystems on PC, particularly with games that haven't fully released - this is a non-issue and much ado about nothing. Wow - an unreleased game is not running up to par on squeeky new high end hardware must be bad hardware. Ever considered that the game is unreleased and possibly poorly coded? Remember how Poorly Coded Watch Dog's 1 was on release on PC? No? That's why you aren't actually a PC gamer then.


Gold Member
Ubisoft titles are definitely inconsistent when it comes to PC performance. Some better than others, but this kind of thing isn't uncommon. Not like the game is super graphically pleasing.


so are people still wondering why it's not 60fps on Next Gen?

everyone who ever played the previous game on a PC knows that that engine is really hard to push to 60fps
I literally had to turn on checkerboarding on my GTX1070oc and turn down some settings to get Watch Dogs 2 to a stable 1440p60
(yes the PC version has a checkerboarding option, and it honestly looks pretty good, only very minimal artifacting all things considered)
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Let that hate fuel you. You know what you really want to say.


I was referencing the fact that there's riots again in Philadelphia over a completely justified shooting.

30 cops in the hospital because a retard decided to threaten the cops with a knife.
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Ubisoft titles are definitely inconsistent when it comes to PC performance. Some better than others, but this kind of thing isn't uncommon. Not like the game is super graphically pleasing.
ubisoft has 3 engines :

maybe this can also explain the difference


None of that makes me feel like this is a great 1500 dollar purchase.

Not sure why everyone is going with the argument that a $1500 GPU is the standard for ultra-performance PC gaming. The $1500 3090 is not the Ampere flagship card and it is not in consideration for purchase for most people looking for a new GPU. Nothing is going to justify spending $1500 for a 3090 when you can spend less than half of that for a 3080 and get performance that is just 10% less than the 3090. The 3090 is best thought of as the new Titan, which is for developers/artists/people using the GPU for more than gaming.

All this being said, UBISOFT games are notoriously poorly optimized and I'd be curious to see how much of the poor performance is due to the CPU rather than the GPU.


Do we have any examples how much performance increase there was in specific games when the game ready drivers hit in the past?

Silver Wattle

Gold Member
This is the downside to PC gaming, developers don't put as much effort into pc versions of games because they just expect everyone will brute force the performance they want.
Also fuck ubisoft.


Gold Member
Hmmm....I don't think the card is at fault here. I think this is another case of Ubisoft being absolute dogshit at optimizing their PC versions. In a couple years you'll probably be able to brute force the performance and resolution you want.

Buying an open world Ubisoft game on day 1 is a fool's errand.



I was referencing the fact that there's riots again in Philadelphia over a completely justified shooting.

30 cops in the hospital because a retarded decided to threaten the cops with a knife.

Ok cool. You're cool then. I've seen many trolls over the last 12 hours saying the shooting was good for society and your post improperly triggered me for a sec.


Gold Member
This is the downside to PC gaming, developers don't put as much effort into pc versions of games because they just expect everyone will brute force the performance they want.
Also fuck ubisoft.

Ubi's PC ports are rarely great, but it's not like the PS5 and XSX console versions will run at 4k/60fps/ultra. Probably medium-high.


After all there is still something like a cpu limit. Also there are many algorithms that might work well but scale really badly.


Not sure why everyone is going with the argument that a $1500 GPU is the standard for ultra-performance PC gaming. The $1500 3090 is not the Ampere flagship card and it is not in consideration for purchase for most people looking for a new GPU. Nothing is going to justify spending $1500 for a 3090 when you can spend less than half of that for a 3080 and get performance that is just 10% less than the 3090. The 3090 is best thought of as the new Titan, which is for developers/artists/people using the GPU for more than gaming.

All this being said, UBISOFT games are notoriously poorly optimized and I'd be curious to see how much of the poor performance is due to the CPU rather than the GPU.

the 3090 is not even really a Titan replacement since it lacks driver support for some workstation stuff.


This game is unoptimized and cpu bound like every other ubi game bar R6 the past few years. This isn't news, or rather, it is for the wrong reason.

Focus shouldn't be on the 3090 but Ubi making their games held back by cpus.


Ubisoft games are a joke on PC, it's why Assassins Creed is one of the top games for benchmarking gpu performance at most review sites.


15% increase on a 3080 does not seem like a wise investment considering 24gb of memory will probably not be needed for a very long time and most games wont be coded to use that much memory
we are still at a point now where between 6-8 gb of memory is the entry level...going to be a long time before we get to 10 let along 24gb....by that time there will probably be faster cards with less memory and much cheaper

and as many have pointed out...this is Ubisoft

None of what you've said changes the fact that it's still a card that's good at gaming and better at it than the RTX 3080. As for the 24GB of VRAM, that's useful for video editing and other productivity work. Hence, as I said before, the RTX 3090 is not meant primarily for gaming but can be used for gaming; hence, it's value is in its double-functionality as a gaming and a productivity card.


Shit optimized game runs bad.

Same reason atari ET crashes your computer.

Has nothing to do with hardware.

Not exactly surprising in this case.
Beating the dead horse here, but it is known that Ubisoft has a very unoptimised engine. Would love to pick through the source code and see what is really going on there.

Also it's just my opinion but I've never been impressed with WD:L in any of the gameplay demos when it comes to graphics, it always looked a bit stunted, bland and with bad art direction.


RT reflextions are so overrated.
Seriously after couple of minutes i just stop to pay attention if its accurate or not.
They are sacrificing better models/textures/details that would improve the look significantly at the same framerate.


Ok cool. You're cool then. I've seen many trolls over the last 12 hours saying the shooting was good for society and your post improperly triggered me for a sec.
It was, yeah.

Outside of that, how is Ubisoft optimisation even real haha who is responsible for this? Considering how this looks it's unacceptable.
Just wait for the 5080 Super to play it with RT lmao.


Why not buy a 3070 and a Ryzen 5600X? That's about $800. Sure, that's more than a PlayStation 5, but it's not that much more.

Going from what he has to what you suggest, he would need a new motherboard with PCI Express 4.0 support and a fast SSD to go alongside it. Probably would need to check if his power supply unit is up to par, since the new GPUs are power hungry things. So you are looking at 1300 or 1400 for that upgrade and that's almost 3 times the price of a PS5.


Going from what he has to what you suggest, he would need a new motherboard with PCI Express 4.0 support and a fast SSD to go alongside it. Probably would need to check if his power supply unit is up to par, since the new GPUs are power hungry things. So you are looking at 1300 or 1400 for that upgrade and that's almost 3 times the price of a PS5.

You're right about the motherboard, but the SSD would not be a necessity and his PSU should be powerful enough. So, perhaps about $1100.


Just a couple of points i'd like to add. Benchmarks are often harder to run than actual gameplay,. I see that a lot on various PC games, including RDR2 that i'm currently playing and get much higher frames in game than i do in the benchmark.
And there are Youtube vids right now you can watch that show a 2080ti dropping into the 50's, and even 40's, running Assassins Creed Odyssey's benchmark at 4k/Ultra. I dont know if they ever patched in better optimization in that game though.
Plus when using DLSS, that everyone wont shut up about, he's getting considerably more than 60fps, even with RT on.
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Absolute non sense the premise of the OP.

Max settings at 4K and then complain it’s not 60fps? Cry me a river.

Here let me play you off 🎻
Ubisoft games are like a toss up, you either get an optimized game, or you get console performance. There's no in-between. For Honor, RB6, etc run great, AC runs like like a console.


My 3080FE is sitting here, waiting to be installed (hopefully tomorrow).

I've hidden it in my drawer for now, you never know what might happen till tomorrow lol
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