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Assassin’s Creed Valhalla Post Launch & Season Pass Trailer

Bullet Club


The Assassin’s Creed Valhalla Season Pass contains two epic expansions, Wrath of the Druids and The Siege of Paris, as well as a bonus quest, The Legend of Beowulf!

Uncover the secrets of a mysterious ancient cult in Ireland, lay siege to the massive city of Paris in Francia, and discover the true story behind a monstrous legend. New epic adventures await you with the Gold or Ultimate Editions of Assassin's Creed Valhalla.

In addition, Free Seasonal Content will also be available for all players, including events like the Yule Festival, available late 2020, new game modes, and much more!




With Ubisoft this is always the way, premote what will be on sale for the thing that is about to be sold.


I wish somehow everyone stop buying ubi games at launch and wait a few months to get them from the bargain bin for significant less, that would stop ubisoft from releasing the same old shit with new coat of paint every year. But that would never hapen, would it not?


Writes a lot, says very little
Good to know, will buy it later next year, but additional content is always a nice treat if I'm hype for the game.


Game looks pretty good; will wait for reviews but don't mind springing for the Season Pass for these massive open world games because I'm not a whiny bitch.


On thread:

Can't wait for Sony to start a Ghost series, Ghost of Sparta, Ghost of London, Ghost of Valhalla..... Then maybe.... Just maybe, Ubi will stop with this shitty model....

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Oh yeah... damn I forgot about the Season Pass.

Guess I can't really play this game until next year and all the content is out then. I don't go back to games once the credits roll so I need to wait until all the content is out.
If one likes the base game or the franchise in general you can´t really go wrong with the dlc for AC titles. Actually they are pretty enjoyable all together, that is if you like the base games. It´s extra more of the same with new maps and new stories, sometimes new protagonists or different perspectives.

Getting the Gold Edition myself, as usual. :messenger_ok:

I wonder if it will turn out as always that buying base game and dlc seperate comes in cheaper at the end than buying a certain edition that includes both... When Considering sales even more so.
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I wonder if it will turn out as always that buying base game and dlc seperate comes in cheaper at the end than buying a certain edition that includes both... When Considering sales even more so.

I remember the base game with DLC's took me more than 250+ hours to finish for Odyssey. Lots of content and I enjoyed it along with Origins. Early gameplay of Valhalla looks like crap, but might be better when playing it. Well, I'm a big fan of the franchise, although it has lots of flaws.


Exposing the sinister cartel of retailers who allow companies to pay for advertising space.
Game isn't even out and they want you to spend money on stuff that could've been included in base game.

People who complain this way about the AC DLC have never played. I got the Gold editions of AC:Origins and AC:Oddyssey. In both cases you get a ton of additional content with the upgrades, dozens of hours of additional gameplay upon a base game that will take 100 hours to fully complete. I completed all the DLC for Origins, but only completed the first Atlantis DLC, because I'd already played Oddyssey for more than 160 hours. You really get your money's worth with these expansion packs. If you've played a couple of Ubisoft games, you'll certainly have amassed enough Ubipoints to get a 20% discount on the full game. I've pre-ordered the gold edition of AC:V for 80 euros incl. shipping, that's 20 euro more than the base game. That's a good deal for so much content.
I remember the base game with DLC's took me more than 250+ hours to finish for Odyssey. Lots of content and I enjoyed it along with Origins. Early gameplay of Valhalla looks like crap, but might be better when playing it. Well, I'm a big fan of the franchise, although it has lots of flaws.

I played only the hidden ones (the other one didn´t click with me) DLC in Origins and both in Odyssey (other dlcs as well), Odyssey is my favorite right behind the Ezio Trilogy and i had roundabout 150 hours. So far i like what i saw of valhalla, especially the atmosphere and setting, considering i wasn´t too keen on vikings in general (but that hasn´t anything to say, of all settings i disliked victorian london the most from the beginning but syndicate ended up being one of my favorites as well). Combat, Traversal, Parcours etc. seems pretty much what is to be expected nowadays from AC.

But i´m a sucker for the franchise in general including transmedia and gameplay isn´t what makes it intriguing for me, never did tbh, i just really have a spot for the lore and stuff.
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I played only the hidden ones (the other one didn´t click with me) DLC in Origins and both in Odyssey (other dlcs as well), Odyssey is my favorite right behind the Ezio Trilogy and i had roundabout 150 hours. So far i like what i saw of valhalla, especially the atmosphere and setting, considering i wasn´t too keen on vikings in general (but that hasn´t anything to say, of all settings i disliked victorian london the most from the beginning but syndicate ended up being one of my favorites as well). Combat, Traversal, Parcours etc. seems pretty much what is to be expected nowadays from AC.

But i´m a sucker for the franchise in general including transmedia and gameplay isn´t what makes it intriguing for me, never did tbh, i just really have a spot for the lore and stuff.

I appreciate games like Assassin's Creed, Ghost of Tsushima that you learn something about history while enjoying the game. AC is the best in that regard, but now they're pouring some SJW bs into it, like many other big companies.


Game isn't even out and they want you to spend money on stuff that could've been included in base game.

Going by the last two AC games, there will be more than enough content for the game at launch to justify its price. Just because games get dlc or expansions doesn't necessarily mean this content should have been included in the original game.
I appreciate games like Assassin's Creed, Ghost of Tsushima that you learn something about history while enjoying the game. AC is the best in that regard, but now they're pouring some SJW bs into it, like many other big companies.

As stated in the other thread, since the whole SJW and AntiSJW are pointless innerlefty discussions (no room for that herem there are other parts of the forum for those kinds of discussions) i as one of the few right people left on this planet am not bothered by that.

To learn history there are actually better ways to do it (studying it for example, with original sources and stuff so you get the less crappy interference possible) but the way they use history makes for an intriguing scenario in terms of storytelling and most of the time it is also pretty good storytelling. the biggest issue i have is the seeming lack of planning across all media, it feels more like they are going from release to release in all media instead of there being at least some kind of narrative arc. When there is such a thing even in a small capacity (the og trilogy, the juno arc in the comics, the templar comics, the last descendant novels, etc.) it all works much better.


As stated in the other thread, since the whole SJW and AntiSJW are pointless innerlefty discussions (no room for that herem there are other parts of the forum for those kinds of discussions) i as one of the few right people left on this planet am not bothered by that.

To learn history there are actually better ways to do it (studying it for example, with original sources and stuff so you get the less crappy interference possible) but the way they use history makes for an intriguing scenario in terms of storytelling and most of the time it is also pretty good storytelling. the biggest issue i have is the seeming lack of planning across all media, it feels more like they are going from release to release in all media instead of there being at least some kind of narrative arc. When there is such a thing even in a small capacity (the og trilogy, the juno arc in the comics, the templar comics, the last descendant novels, etc.) it all works much better.

I'm not really bothered much about the SJW bs, I loved TLOU2 for example. I hope this new Valhalla is as good or better than Odyssey, that game is simply wonderful.


One of the expansions in the two previous games let us experience the mythical worlds of that era. If both of the expansions for Valhalla will take place in the real world then it should be safe to say that we will only be able to visit Asgård in the main game. I hope we will still get a satisfying amount of time in that world.

I wish somehow everyone stop buying ubi games at launch and wait a few months to get them from the bargain bin for significant less, that would stop ubisoft from releasing the same old shit with new coat of paint every year. But that would never hapen, would it not?

I will think of you when I preorder the Ultimate Edition on Friday when the paycheck arrives. Even though it kind of feels ungrateful to buy AC games at launch, since you know the game will be 50% off in six months, I do it to be able to join the discussions from the start.


Oh yeah... damn I forgot about the Season Pass.

Guess I can't really play this game until next year and all the content is out then. I don't go back to games once the credits roll so I need to wait until all the content is out.
I'm exactly like you, when I finish a game I finish it. Except skyrim, that game I replayed like 20 times


I don't know who has shadier practices outta ubisoft, Activision or EA?
Bruh EA had unskippable Ads on a 60usd game, people complained
After all went down their NEXT release ALSO HAVE ADS on a 60USD game AGAIN.

EA didn’t killed common sense, EA raped the common sense corpse.

Ubisoft at least you can make the case of a big fanboy just want more stuff and Ubi are doing, of the game fan pays whatever

But EA practice in no way shape or form improve for a sports fan by putting ads that you can’t skip.
And there’s de copy past fifa on switch
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Announcing season pass or dlc content before the launch is no surprise, especially with Ubisoft. I just hope they'll move as much as of the fantasy stuff to the expansions and keep it out of the main campaign.
Bruh EA had unskippable Ads on a 60usd game, people complained
After all went down their NEXT release ALSO HAVE ADS on a 60USD game AGAIN.

EA didn’t killed common sense, EA raped the common sense corpse
Activision patented a skill based match making system which puts players who don't buy microtransactions against players who DO buy DLC weapons, so they'll be annihilated and therefore, want to buy those weapons.

It's a race to be the scummiest cunts in the industry and it's probably neck and neck.
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I'm not really bothered much about the SJW bs, I loved TLOU2 for example. I hope this new Valhalla is as good or better than Odyssey, that game is simply wonderful.

Haven´t played neither part of tlou, in general not the type of game im interested in, of course i caught wind what is going on but don´t care bout that.

Valhalla will be different in lots of ways i think, especially in comparison with origins and odyssey. You will have all four seasons represented in the game, with time surely the polish will get up to par with odyssey and origins in graphical terms (except if you don´t like the colorscheme they use, that won´t change too much, but as of what i saw i think it fits the tone and setting) so on that side it will be pretty similar (origins obviously not but odyssey) but the biggest difference will come from the time period:

In 9th century Christianity and its influence is more than visible: churches, crosses, monks, all of which by itself create often overlooked aspects of previous AC titles. Plus almost everywhere you will find roman ruins, remnants of a time long gone but not as long (388-400 as general timeframe when romans left britain) when civilization was thriving and now everybody back to living in the mud with the pigs, so there is this looming inferiority of the world itself and of course the whole Hidden Ones/Order of Ancients aspects, 900 years passed since the inception of the hidden ones, 400smth after romans left the island, so there will be loards of lore stuff which just wasn´t possible in the previous games.
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Activision patented a skill based match making system which puts players who don't buy microtransactions against players who DO buy DLC weapons, so they'll be annihilated and therefore, want to buy those weapons.

It's a race to be the scummiest cunts in the industry and it's probably neck and neck.
So they took turns on the said corpse

Didn’t know that FUCK THEM ALSO
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