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Assassin’s Creed Valhalla Post Launch & Season Pass Trailer

You could be right on that, i just readed a old interview somebody pointed out to me.


Sounds like its a bit more then, then just a simple quest. I hope its full blown world with stuff in it. Will still get it then.

yeah, i´m sure it will be more then one quest. It will be optional (thus not really part of the main story apart from maybe one introductory mission) but they surely didnt built two mythological realms just for a small amount of time you can spend there.

the mythological aspect in the everyday life was also explained by darby mcdevitt in an interview where he mentioned the scene from the first trailer were this assassin figure shows upunderneath the tree, eivor sees it and claims that odin is with them. That would be an example of how vikings understood how mythology works, kind of intertwined with what happens in real life, but that happens because of the gods (and because basically everything is predetermined in their beliefs). At least that how i understood it from said interview, i don´t know which it was, i think one of those from the first gameplay demo.


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
I didn't play through the Atlantis DLC on Odyssey but I'm still glad I got the Gold edition since it came with AC3 Remastered.

I preordered Valhalla just the base game. While the DLC looks interesting, I'll wait until after finishing the campaign to decide if I want more out of the experience.


Gold Member
I don't get it. What's the logic behind this? Is there a law that say that developers are banned from investing in and working on extra content before the base game releases?

You don't get it or pretend to not get it? What keeps them from put the already made content in the game since you know, the game isn't launched?

Who said theres any law? Its pretty simple, companies made bad business practices and people has their right to complain or not. Theres no law, its just you overthinking.

The real question is why being so invested defending this? Does Ubisoft even needs to be defended? What you gain from it?


You don't get it or pretend to not get it? What keeps them from put the already made content in the game since you know, the game isn't launched?

Who said theres any law? Its pretty simple, companies made bad business practices and people has their right to complain or not. Theres no law, its just you overthinking.

The real question is why being so invested defending this? Does Ubisoft even needs to be defended? What you gain from it?

What makes you think its done. AC games deliver metric ton of content even there expansion like atlantis are basically full blown games by itself.

The reason ubisoft promotes this is because they give you a roadmap of what is going to come. So people can buy the version of the game they like. I would not buy the game for example until i know what that season pass gives me extra.

The expansion are also planned for next year and not going to be released this year, so it's still under way.


Looks absolutely shocking. Will wait for the fake goty edition and a heavy discount before even considering picking this up.
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Anyway decided to pick it up. love origin and odyssey so i can't wait to play it. Bit expensive 88 bucks or something but oh well got lots of fun out of the other two so i will be fine.

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Gold Member
What makes you think its done. AC games deliver metric ton of content even there expansion like atlantis are basically full blown games by itself.

The reason ubisoft promotes this is because they give you a roadmap of what is going to come. So people can buy the version of the game they like. I would not buy the game for example until i know what that season pass gives me extra.

The expansion are also planned for next year and not going to be released this year, so it's still under way.

Well you give your reason politely and for that I thank you.

But the main gripe here is why they couldn't wait for people to play it and then later anmounce the roadmap of what its to come. That would give a better impression that they want to expand after the work has being done.

Miyazaki’s Slave

Gold Member
The additional content the season passes provided for both origins and odyssey was amazing.

I personally will be buying the ultimate editions for pc and the Ng consoles. They provided a tremendous amount of value in the previous two titles and I expect the same here.


Well you give your reason politely and for that I thank you.

But the main gripe here is why they couldn't wait for people to play it and then later anmounce the roadmap of what its to come. That would give a better impression that they want to expand after the work has being done.
Would you buy the gold edition at launch? (with the season pass)

I prefer it that way.
I will buy watchdog legion standard edition because I am not that interested in what the season pass offer but I will buy the gold edition of assassin’s creed Valhalla.

when you watch the trailer , there’s a lot of concept art so maybe it’s far from finished . (Or they bullshit us 😁)
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You don't get it or pretend to not get it? What keeps them from put the already made content in the game since you know, the game isn't launched?

Because the base game is a complete product. When you go to a restaurant and order a meal do you ask them to give you extra food beyond what you ordered? Like what's stopping them? It's all back there in the kitchen anyways right?

People like you should go to REEE where you belong with the other communists.

Deleted member 471617

Unconfirmed Member
Yeah, baby!!! Assassin's Creed Valhalla Digital Gold Edition for me. Expansions look great and can't wait to be a Viking in Valhalla!!!


Gold Member
Did they implement some sort of thrall system in the game?

Would be weird to have Viking raids but not have thralls.

Capture thralls, buy thralls, sell thralls, set them free, set them to certain roles, etc.
Too much content problem will arise again for me like AC Odyssey. Hard pass.

Yep, you can't help but feel they're padding too much of the tasks and progression in such games. I just don't want to do the same tasks, gathering, escorting, grinding, crafting etc over and over. I also don't want to traverse unnecessarily or repeatedly. Games like Jedi Fallen Order handle opening shortcuts after the first play through or revisiting areas with new unlocks very well. I hope Valhalla isn't too much on the side of Black Flag with a shit ton of menial tasks.


I'm still too burnt out from Odyssey to buy this at launch, much less even consider the expansion, and hey, I DIDN'T EVEN FINISH ODYSSEY. They did me right in with how huge that game was.
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I'm still too burnt out from Odyssey to buy this at launch, much less even consider the expansion, and hey, I DIDN'T EVEN FINISH ODYSSEY. The did me right in with how huge that game was.

Odyssey broke me as a completionist, I had to be okay with moving to new areas with stuff still undiscovered.


You are.

Atleast shite like this will be £20 quid with DLC during a sale eventually. All it takes is the bare minimum of self restraint.

Bit presumptuous to assume I’m spending any money. I get more playtime out of Epic Seven for free than most get out of the $150+ it costs for one iteration of a popular franchise.

To each their own. All video games are literally a waste of time, so I’m not sure why you think your choice of time-wasting is somehow superior.
The magic of the series has completely worn off for me. This shit isn't really that much different...

In a year and half the ultimate edition becomes 15$ and still that would be a difficult decision for me


You know what would be really great in Vahalla? Unskippable ads, just like they had back in the viking days.


Gold Member
You don't get it or pretend to not get it? What keeps them from put the already made content in the game since you know, the game isn't launched?

Who said theres any law? Its pretty simple, companies made bad business practices and people has their right to complain or not. Theres no law, its just you overthinking.

The real question is why being so invested defending this? Does Ubisoft even needs to be defended? What you gain from it?

What keeps them from put the already made content in the game since you know, the game isn't launched?

Strategic plans, budgets, jobs. You know, small things like that.. Also, I don't understand why you think it's ready for release.

its just you overthinking.

I'd say it's you who are under-thinking it.

You don't get it or pretend to not get it? The real question is why being so invested defending this? Does Ubisoft even needs to be defended? What you gain from it?

Case in point. Arguments and points generated outside the bubble = "Nefarious!".
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Jon Neu

You don't get it or pretend to not get it? What keeps them from put the already made content in the game since you know, the game isn't launched?

Who said theres any law? Its pretty simple, companies made bad business practices and people has their right to complain or not. Theres no law, its just you overthinking.

The real question is why being so invested defending this? Does Ubisoft even needs to be defended? What you gain from it?

The regular game is going to be 100 hours worth of content. The DLC's are going to be larger than other entire games.

You're getting a shitload of content for what you pay for. And then you can decide to pay for even more content or not.

I literally don't see anything worthy of criticism here.


How to spot a crappy game 101 - it's not even released yet and the publisher already talks about post-launch "support" a.k.a. DLC, season pass, microtransactions etc.

Honestly it's best to know what you're paying that season pass for as we can see previews of full games even 2-10 years (FF7) before release. Don't see that should be different for DLC's. It's bad when the season pass is vague.


Writes a lot, says very little
What keeps them from put the already made content in the game since you know, the game isn't launched?

I don't really understand what this means tbh. What allows them to do anything of this I'd assume has to do with they own the IP, they can do what ever they want, just like if you wrote a book or something, you can omit a chapter here and there and add it to a later book, never add it etc. Be like "what keeps them fro-" OWNING IT!! Thats what allows them to do that! Did you literally just forget this isn't your game or company?

The real question is why being so invested defending this?

Why argue about the rights of a company to release content when they feel just? Its not your IP man, its not your team, its not your company. Even for arguments sake, if we say they had a team making content for DLC before the game's release, its their right to do so.

But the main gripe here is why they couldn't wait for people to play it and then later anmounce

Who cares? They can do that, but what do they even have to benefit from less people knowing about future content? To them, its still marketing a product, so if they have DLC being worked on, that team still needs to market it so when its ready it has some interest behind it.

That would give a better impression that they want to expand after the work has being done.

Impression? So lie? smh

We already know its being worked on by a part of their team.....they have waaaaaaay more then enough to focus on the main game and have a small team making the DLC as this isn't their first video game. You sound like you basically want to not know its being worked on to simply give you the "impression" that they did NOTHING wbut make the main game and then AFTER make the DLC.

It simply sounds like a weird entitled thing to ask, like you want to not know about reality to give this fake impression that they made the dlc only after, when "they" are not even the same damn people, the small team they have making that DLC was likely always ONLY going to work on that DLC, as in them being part of the team was to make the DLC.....they didn't just remove the whole team and have everyone work on DLC and then ship a broken game. DLC is not a new concept, thus teams being made to focus on that exist.

I don't know how it would benefit you or them for it not to be known. If they just released it after the fact and in a some interview said "we've been working on this DLC since 2019" you would have just been triggered.

From the perspective of Ubisoft.

You'll be mad that they made DLC and it was announced now.
You'll be mad that they made DLC and it was announced later and you found out it was in development during the same time.
You'll be mad that they made DLC and charged for it even though they have lots of free dlc
You'll be mad that they made DLC and have a season pass
You'll be mad that they made DLC......yea you'll be mad they made DLC in general. They don't care. If you keep acting like this, Ubisoft or MOST companies don't see this as a even a consumer to waste energy with. Nothing done could please you, thus it makes sense to market it the way they are doing it.

Some free DLC, season pass, paid expansion. Nothing is wrong with them showing us what that part of the team is working on.

Odyssey broke me as a completionist, I had to be okay with moving to new areas with stuff still undiscovered.

True. I'll probably just do the main quest and side quest (most) and try to visit all areas.


I don't really understand what this means tbh. What allows them to do anything of this I'd assume has to do with they own the IP, they can do what ever they want, just like if you wrote a book or something, you can omit a chapter here and there and add it to a later book, never add it etc. Be like "what keeps them fro-" OWNING IT!! Thats what allows them to do that! Did you literally just forget this isn't your game or company?

Why argue about the rights of a company to release content when they feel just? Its not your IP man, its not your team, its not your company. Even for arguments sake, if we say they had a team making content for DLC before the game's release, its their right to do so.

Who cares? They can do that, but what do they even have to benefit from less people knowing about future content? To them, its still marketing a product, so if they have DLC being worked on, that team still needs to market it so when its ready it has some interest behind it.

Impression? So lie? smh

We already know its being worked on by a part of their team.....they have waaaaaaay more then enough to focus on the main game and have a small team making the DLC as this isn't their first video game. You sound like you basically want to not know its being worked on to simply give you the "impression" that they did NOTHING wbut make the main game and then AFTER make the DLC.

It simply sounds like a weird entitled thing to ask, like you want to not know about reality to give this fake impression that they made the dlc only after, when "they" are not even the same damn people, the small team they have making that DLC was likely always ONLY going to work on that DLC, as in them being part of the team was to make the DLC.....they didn't just remove the whole team and have everyone work on DLC and then ship a broken game. DLC is not a new concept, thus teams being made to focus on that exist.

I don't know how it would benefit you or them for it not to be known. If they just released it after the fact and in a some interview said "we've been working on this DLC since 2019" you would have just been triggered.

From the perspective of Ubisoft.

You'll be mad that they made DLC and it was announced now.
You'll be mad that they made DLC and it was announced later and you found out it was in development during the same time.
You'll be mad that they made DLC and charged for it even though they have lots of free dlc
You'll be mad that they made DLC and have a season pass
You'll be mad that they made DLC......yea you'll be mad they made DLC in general. They don't care. If you keep acting like this, Ubisoft or MOST companies don't see this as a even a consumer to waste energy with. Nothing done could please you, thus it makes sense to market it the way they are doing it.

Some free DLC, season pass, paid expansion. Nothing is wrong with them showing us what that part of the team is working on.

True. I'll probably just do the main quest and side quest (most) and try to visit all areas.

Glad they're clear with their messaging, now I feel more interested in the season pass. They pack so much content since Origins, can't see this being any different.
It is somehow telling that criticism and bashing in general and in this specific case centered around Ubisoft/AC/DLC stems mostly from people who seem to be not the targeted audience in general. Sadly this comes as aside effect of freedom of speech (which is unnecessary in its own, but thats another discussion) and is somewhat a sign of our times, that everybody likes to show off his/her/its asshole (because thats what opinions are, everybody has one) wihtout even having a reason apart from stirring shit, talk trash, FUD, whatever. I don´t get it because my time is far too precious to waste it on topics which aren´t for me, but (as long as freedom of speech exists) to each their own i guess. it would be nice if one tried to at least simluate to pretend interest in a constructive discussion with a minimal amount of substance instead of just throwing around buzzwords, catchphrases or other empty shells of words that just scream of ignorance towards the topic. Or of one wants to just go around all ignorant be honest about it, that would shorten a lor, for example "ubishit is trash, dlc are ripoffs, fuck ac." perfectly fine, short and spares everybody endless empty discussions.


The expansion's for Origin's and Odyssey were good, better than any other games in the last few years, yes Ubisoft likes to price hike and sell on their store, not defending them there, but they put a lot of content into their DLC with large extra world spaces, the only thing i didn't like about odyssey's was the episodic release of the addon's, i can't complain about the size of it though, i'll be getting the lot.
But they could´ve had it all in the main game!!!

I´m split on the episodic nature of DLC. Although i like to have "all in one" and just go with it, i have to admit that i enjoy the growing episodic structure of games as well.

I guess that comes along with the shift in watching behaviour throughout the last decade in which the episodic Show format saw unprecedented heights. I guess it is a question of narrative structure in general, Valhalla seems to have lots of smaller Storyarcs tied to the territories and one big meta narrative (plus modern day), which would mean the DLCs for itself seem to be like it, thus they will come "as one". Whereas Odyssey had basically three (plus two if you count in the DLCs) storyarc split into smaller parts plus separate storyarcs for different territories, factions, etc. Thus a episodic structure for the DLC actually seemed a choice to not have too much going on like it was from the beginning anyway.
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I have this weird FOMO with AC games where I will buy the ultimate edition knowing full well that there is a good chance I will be burned out long before I get to the DLC. It's mainly the way I play where I clear every question mark on the map before moving on even though 90% are pointless so maybe I can force myself to stick to the main quest this time.

Will I do it again with Valhalla? Probably.

Is it stupid and a complete waste of money? Definitely.


But they could´ve had it all in the main game!!!

I´m split on the episodic nature of DLC. Although i like to have "all in one" and just go with it, i have to admit that i enjoy the growing episodic structure of games as well.

I guess that comes along with the shift in watching behaviour throughout the last decade in which the episodic Show format saw unprecedented heights. I guess it is a question of narrative structure in general, Valhalla seems to have lots of smaller Storyarcs tied to the territories and one big meta narrative (plus modern day), which would mean the DLCs for itself seem to be like it, thus they will come "as one". Whereas Odyssey had basically three (plus two if you count in the DLCs) storyarc split into smaller parts plus separate storyarcs for different territories, factions, etc. Thus a episodic structure for the DLC actually seemed a choice to not have too much going on like it was from the beginning anyway.

The amount of people that complained Odyssey's Greece was too big!, Fields of Elysium, Torment of Hades and Judgement of Atlantis wern't in the main game world, Greece, and they were large add on's, each to their own opinion, but i won't complain if the 2 add on's for Valhalla are their size.


Yea somehow they managed to GaaS Ass creed with Origins and Odyssey. Most players seem to have been received the odyssey dlc to be good tho.

I’m good with Odyssey. Huge game I’ll probably never continue playing ...


More importantly though, is the shitty XP boost microtransaction still there? (a.k.a does the game still have needlessly grindy parts just to enticeplayer to spend the extra $10?).
Other than that the expansions look pretty good. I'll probably pick this up in some months when you can get the game + season pass for $30-40.

I don't really get the anger. Odyssey wasn't flawless but the core game had a ton of content and the overall opinion seems to be that the DLC chapters were good in both quality and quantity.
The whole "it should have been included" argument is silly.
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Exposing the sinister cartel of retailers who allow companies to pay for advertising space.
Anyway decided to pick it up. love origin and odyssey so i can't wait to play it. Bit expensive 88 bucks or something but oh well got lots of fun out of the other two so i will be fine.


Je hebt hoop ik toch wel met 100 ubipoints 20% korting geclaimd?


Exposing the sinister cartel of retailers who allow companies to pay for advertising space.
The regular game is going to be 100 hours worth of content. The DLC's are going to be larger than other entire games.

You're getting a shitload of content for what you pay for. And then you can decide to pay for even more content or not.

I literally don't see anything worthy of criticism here.

Indeed. If there's one thing you can't criticize Ubisoft for, is the size of those expansion packs. The 6 DLC packs of AC:Odyssey were ridiculously large. But judging by some of the reactions here, you'd think Ubisoft are selling horse armor DLC.
The amount of people that complained Odyssey's Greece was too big!, Fields of Elysium, Torment of Hades and Judgement of Atlantis wern't in the main game world, Greece, and they were large add on's, each to their own opinion, but i won't complain if the 2 add on's for Valhalla are their size.

The first part of my post wasn´t too serious ;)

I loved the size of the base game map, it just gave away the feeling of being on an Odyssey. A huge world where you get lost by all kinds of stuff and struggle to focus on what is your goal, seems pretty accurate when taking the historic examples (homers odyssey and vergils aenaeid). but i can understand it can be overwhelming and if one is a competionist it seems like a nightmare.

Yes the DLC maps were not in the base game, but having the game slightly structured in GaaS style it made sense to pump out the maps episodic not only for players who were there from the getgo but also those who jumped in at a later time nd would have even more. The first DLC took place in a part of the Map that was barely touched upon in the main game.

More importantly though, is the shitty XP boost microtransaction still there? (a.k.a does the game still have needlessly grindy parts just to enticeplayer to spend the extra $10?).
Other than that the expansions look pretty good. I'll probably pick this up in some months when you can get the game + season pass for $30-40.

While i agree on XP Boosts being a stupid move i have to admit i never had to grind to follow missions, neither in origins nor odyssey. In odyssey i was almost from the beginning constantly 1-2 levels ahead of the reccomended caps for the regions. Also it seems just weird to buy such boosts because they basically "save you time" aka you pay to not play the game.


The first part of my post wasn´t too serious ;)

I loved the size of the base game map, it just gave away the feeling of being on an Odyssey. A huge world where you get lost by all kinds of stuff and struggle to focus on what is your goal, seems pretty accurate when taking the historic examples (homers odyssey and vergils aenaeid). but i can understand it can be overwhelming and if one is a competionist it seems like a nightmare.

Yes the DLC maps were not in the base game, but having the game slightly structured in GaaS style it made sense to pump out the maps episodic not only for players who were there from the getgo but also those who jumped in at a later time nd would have even more. The first DLC took place in a part of the Map that was barely touched upon in the main game.

I wasn't having a go at you, just a different opinion, i loved the size and content of Odyssey and Origin's, it's the replacement i got from Bethesda's change of games they use to make, they never felt like a Gaas to me in the end, and i did almost every thing in them, infact the only 2 complaint's i had was the grind at release that Ubisoft rebalanced after loads of complaint's, which ok, was gaas due to the time saver pack's at launch, and the wolf or boar that would knock you off your horse when travelling around the great looking world's, which they never fixed,

I didn't like the episodes personally, i stopped playing after the 1st one and waited until they were all out out, i didn't like stopping and waiting, just a personal preference, i'm all in for Valhalla.
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While i agree on XP Boosts being a stupid move i have to admit i never had to grind to follow missions, neither in origins nor odyssey. In odyssey i was almost from the beginning constantly 1-2 levels ahead of the reccomended caps for the regions. Also it seems just weird to buy such boosts because they basically "save you time" aka you pay to not play the game.

I don't know man, maybe I did something wrong but I remember at least 2 points in the game where I had to go grind for XP to continue with the main story. The worst one was toward the end where I had to gain like 3 levels and I had actually completed most sidequests I had found (except the ones that sounded very boring or basic), so not only would I have needed to grind but I would have needed to go back to every city to look for sidequests first.

Thankfully I was playing on PC and just said fuck it and got a trainer that boosted XP.
IMO the experience in general got more enjoyable that way too. Since combat can get rather repetitive toward the end, at least gaining levels and skills at a faster rater kept it fun enough.


I don't really get the anger. Odyssey wasn't flawless but the core game had a ton of content and the overall opinion seems to be that the DLC chapters were good in both quality and quantity.
The whole "it should have been included" argument is silly.

Yeah it's not like they don't give you a huge game as it is... even at launch one of the best SP values in gaming..
I usually buy the season pass, but the game is so big by the time i'm done, I am so sick of AC I don't go back....


Yeah it's not like they don't give you a huge game as it is... even at launch one of the best SP values in gaming..
I usually buy the season pass, but the game is so big by the time i'm done, I am so sick of AC I don't go back....

Yep. The reason I never went back buy and play and Odyssey DLC's is that the core game was already long enough that I sort of had my fill and would rather spend that money and time on something else.
I don't know man, maybe I did something wrong but I remember at least 2 points in the game where I had to go grind for XP to continue with the main story. The worst one was toward the end where I had to gain like 3 levels and I had actually completed most sidequests I had found (except the ones that sounded very boring or basic), so not only would I have needed to grind but I would have needed to go back to every city to look for sidequests first.

Thankfully I was playing on PC and just said fuck it and got a trainer that boosted XP.
IMO the experience in general got more enjoyable that way too. Since combat can get rather repetitive toward the end, at least gaining levels and skills at a faster rater kept it fun enough.

Seems weird, was there a different balancing on PC than on Ps4? I would doubt that. When i started the game i finished everything Kephallonia had to offer and was 1 or 2 levels above recommendation and that kept on for the whole game. I never encountered a situation where i was underleveled. Maybe not always built (in terms of skills and stats for gear) a 100% fit for the situations but fine enough for me. I could onehit-assassinate most of the enemies (except bosses and mercs. but cultists no problem) and no grindage was required to progress in the story.

To be honest the only time i really struggled to continue in the franchise because of the grind (and never finished the game in countless attempts but just watched it when i had enough) was Black flag, levelling up the ship was unbearable for me.
I hope the Discovery Tour goes back to the Origins model. It felt like a museum or re-enactment. Perfect use of the game world and nicely curated information.

Odyssey turned it into some shitty obnoxious gamey documentary thing where you hunt icons and unlock cosmetics. It perfectly captures the difference between the two games - one is elegant and thoughtful, the other one is a bloated mess.


Aren't AC games generally complete experiences at launch? So why are people whining about DLC?

Are they just being stupid?
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