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Assassin's Creed Origins October Previews


That's what I often don't get about the hate for AC3.

I ask people what they dislike about AC3 and it's usually "The tutorial was long" or "Connor was boring."

What about the actual gameplay?

Well I for one didn't enjoy it as much because the architecture wasn't as advanced and the buildings weren't as tall. It wasn't as rewarding to climb around as it was in Italy. Same applied for AC4 but at least it had the other aspect of sailing, which was fresh and new. The management minigame in AC3 wasn't as fun as ACB or Liberation. Hunting was new I think (?), and it was a good addition.

I did appreciate the American history lessons. Haytham was miserable to control though so ya the tutorial was too long.


I should mention I have played a decent chunk of Unity but I've been using head canon trying to make it a Connor sequel haha. I do want to finish it soon.

God... I remember when Unity stuff was leaking ahead of E3 and the co op banner was revealed... I got so excited thinking one of the co op characters was going to be Connor.

I like all the AC characters but "so nothing" feels apt.

They never seem to take risks with character arcs or situations, they just layer on the story and plot. Things are never cut away or destroyed (Except perhaps in the exposition for AC2 and 3).

Things never feels desperate or edgy, just by the numbers.

Again, i like them all, but they feel super middle of the road

This is what irritates me the most about the twins.

I dislike Arno because his motivations made no sense. "Oh my templar girlfriend hates me because her templar father was killed.


I hate the twins because they undergo no change or narrative arc. Their entire reason for going to London is literally "Hey, you wanna go kill some templars?"

Syndicate is just dull.

The only reason I prop the game over unity is simply because unlike unity, it ran properly.

But man, the twins are so nothing. Only reason Evie seems good is because of how idiotic Jacob is, propping her up. At least the Jack the Ripper DLC makes her some what interesting, but base game is just bland.

I think 3 would have been meaningfully improved if the VA for Connor received better direction. A lot of his lines were delivered blandly making moments that should have been impactful fall kind flat.

It's disappointing because I think Connor was interesting and AC3 feels like the last time that they tried to have a story that was both really personal and tied to the world that the characters lived in. Black Flag was a rad game but Edward's character didn't really lend him to giving much of a crap about the world. Arno's never really felt like he cared much about the Assassins. Jacob and Evie felt more like they were using London as their playground than they did about the larger conflict. I miss the scope and intimacy of 3 even though parts of it were flawed.

That was the whole point!

Connors VA was Native American, and his direction was to speak with that dialect. They don't emote very much, and keep to themselves. They hide emotions and tone in their voice.

Honestly, the reaction to Connor back in 2012 and to this day really made me feel the push for "diversity in game protagonists" was superficial at best. Where people superficially wanted different skin color, but not cultures.

The size of the game and expense to develop it justified calling it 4.

I remember reading somewhere that the game was going to just be a spinoff, but they felt the naval added a completely new dimension to the game that 4 was justified.


That was the whole point!

Connors VA was Native American, and his direction was to speak with that dialect. They don't emote very much, and keep to themselves. They hide emotions and tone in their voice.

Honestly, the reaction to Connor back in 2012 and to this day really made me feel the push for "diversity in game protagonists" was superficial at best. Where people superficially wanted different skin color, but not cultures.

Its cool that they were trying to match the dialect, but characters that "don't emote much and keep to themselves" are not giving the viewer much to connect with.

I get that it would be a very hard problem from a writing and VA perspective though, and it was cool of them to try that direction.

I didn't have a huge problem with Connor, I think my issues with the game stemmed more from stuff kliklik was talking about. Mainly the environments. I remember dreading every time I loaded up the frontier map for another slog.


That's what I often don't get about the hate for AC3.

I ask people what they dislike about AC3 and it's usually "The tutorial was long" or "Connor was boring."

What about the actual gameplay?

Paul Revere (and other terribly shoehorned segments)
Minimal climbing
Inane rage against CHARLES LEE
Game-breaking glitches galore (and terrible performance to match)

Combat and traversal were at best a side-step from Revelations, btw. I liked running across trees, but the lack of parachutes, hook blade, and bombs was very limiting.

That was the whole point!

Connors VA was Native American, and his direction was to speak with that dialect. They don't emote very much, and keep to themselves. They hide emotions and tone in their voice.

Honestly, the reaction to Connor back in 2012 and to this day really made me feel the push for "diversity in game protagonists" was superficial at best. Where people superficially wanted different skin color, but not cultures.

I didn't like Connor because of the absurd shoehorning of his character motives into the overarching plot of AC3, not because of any distaste for the way he spoke. His allegiance to the Assassins and the Revolutionaries coupled with his rage against CHARLES LEE was absolutely ridiculous, given Washington's admission that he (Washington) killed Connor's family and friends (and that Charles Lee was trying to save them), along with Connor's first-hand experiences with the Revolutionaries downplaying the plight of slaves and natives. Yet Connor acts like the lowest of lackeys without batting an eye.

I didn't care for any of Edward, Arno, or Jacob, though (they were all worse than Connor, to be honest). Evie was relegated to secondary status, anyway, and underdeveloped.

Haytham was great. Shay was pretty good. I didn't play Liberation or the Adewale DLC.
I should mention I have played a decent chunk of Unity but I've been using head canon trying to make it a Connor sequel haha. I do want to finish it soon.

Can’t say I blame you. Arno has the depth of a mop. Kinda off topic, but my lil guy just chose a Connor outfit for Halloween earlier, so he knows the deal lol.


Paul Revere (and other terribly shoehorned segments)
Minimal climbing
Inane rage against CHARLES LEE
Game-breaking glitches galore (and terrible performance to match)

Combat and traversal were at best a side-step from Revelations, btw. I liked running across trees, but the lack of parachutes, hook blade, and bombs was very limiting.

Remember how every NPC had literally the same single line of dialogue?

Assassin's creed 3 is the most memorable for me, the first time a game really nailed including a native american narrative. I found Black Flag to be really boring and i never played it more than 2 hours.

I think the best game is, according to it's time, AC II.
Assassin's creed 3 is the most memorable for me, the first time a game really nailed including a native american narrative. I found Black Flag to be really boring and i never played it more than 2 hours.

I think the best game is, according to it's time, AC II.

Could this be it? Have I finally found someone in GAF and the internet who felt about the ACIII the same way? Such a gem of a narrative the game had, the voice acting was top notch, dialogues were so good. Gameplay was exciting too. Never understood the hate this game got!


Assassin's creed 3 is the most memorable for me, the first time a game really nailed including a native american narrative. I found Black Flag to be really boring and i never played it more than 2 hours.

I think the best game is, according to it's time, AC II.

I look over the many faults of AC3 strictly because it is the only AAA game that stars a Native American hero.
The fact that Gaf viewed 3 as bad as they did despite its mission variety, combat, interesting character with flaws who happens to be a great represenation of a minority group and some great characterization in the homestead missions and viewed 4's wooden Ezio-like with less of a connection to the assassins and its repeated use of tail missions as a step in the right direction will never be forgiven by me.

Exactly, ACIV is worse in most area compared to 3. It makes it easier to differentiate opinion worth debating over though.
I look over the many faults of AC3 strictly because it is the only AAA game that stars a Native American hero.

I don't, I think the game was good apart from that. I wasn't reading reviews or forums at that time so I was legitimately shocked when I discovered the hate it got.

Of course, the youth part and the immersion in the native culture was really memorable and sentimental for me as someone with south american background.
Could this be it? Have I finally found someone in GAF and the internet who felt about the ACIII the same way? Such a gem of a narrative the game had, the voice acting was top notch, dialogues were so good. Gameplay was exciting too. Never understood the hate this game got!

We are dozens. ;)

It's really weird to me that the first character I can really connect with was so hated as bland by everybody else. Playing as a native killing colonial troops was very cathartic.

It was however undermined by the weird pacification of Connor's "subversiveness" they made by making him fight a conflict for another white side who wasn't especially pro native either to say the least. I lost my save before the end of the game so I can't tell you if this irony was pointed at some point of the story.


Neo Member
Can’t say I blame you. Arno has the depth of a mop. Kinda off topic, but my lil guy just chose a Connor outfit for Halloween earlier, so he knows the deal lol.

Another small reason why I didn't really care for Unity, I never became invested in Arno as a character or his story.


I just hope Origins have the equivalent of Black Flag's Legendary Ships fight for superboss fight, especially since the game made by BF team. Shit was awesome especially the ramming and the twins one.

Maybe the various supernatural monsters ? Ubi pls.


The focus on combat in Origins is nuts. I REALLY hope stealth is not an afterthought and will actually be viable and not something like 9 combat mission to 1 stealth mission.
Visually, the game looks incredible. What's getting me most excited from what I've seen though is the world just looks so much more... compact? I don't know, it just looks a lot denser than previous entries. Almost Deus Ex in some areas. With this setting and such marvellous art-direction and sound design it's going to be a hard step to call this world bland.

Biggest fear is lack of mission variety, for a game this big. We've seen several missions but hopefully the team went a step further this time.


Could this be it? Have I finally found someone in GAF and the internet who felt about the ACIII the same way? Such a gem of a narrative the game had, the voice acting was top notch, dialogues were so good. Gameplay was exciting too. Never understood the hate this game got!
As the other poster said, there are dozens of us.
I'll die on the ac3 hill any day of the week, it's actually the only ac game I played through twice. I loved it, it's funny people complain about character arcs but Connor had a great arc, watching him grow from impetuous youth to a grown ass man was wonderful. I know he still did a lot of dumb things but as they said on tvtropes the game is basically a parable on what happens when you go around trying to do the right thing with no particular plan or forethought.
Yes it had some poor and obnoxious design (fast travel that doesn't take you to the actual next stage? A loading screen right before a loading screen? The whole corner store mini game wtf? I didn't even know you had the brother hood until my second playthrough, and of course the infamous Paul revere ride) but it was still a great package.
I think the biggest tragedy of Ac3 poor reputation is that Ubi decided people didn't want conflicted protagonist, or complicated characters they just want wise cracking hijinks.

I haven't been posting in this thread because my purchase is already locked in but I can't wait for ac:eek:


AC 3 was not that bad, but it took ages to start and that was annoying. It also ran horribly on consoles and, as with every AC since Brohood, the plot just flashes by, with the only highlights being the Connor/Haytam interactions, and maybe that prison mission.

But, again, it just felt horrible to play on console (Unlocked framerate!). I'd pay good money for an "Americas Trilogy" on PS4, just like the Ezio one, with locked 30fps and copious amounts of anti aliasing (God knows those three games needed it).
AC 3 was not that bad, but it took ages to start and that was annoying. It also ran horribly on consoles and, as with every AC since Brohood, the plot just flashes by, with the only highlights being the Connor/Haytam interactions, and maybe that prison mission.

But, again, it just felt horrible to play on console (Unlocked framerate!). I'd pay good money for an "Americas Trilogy" on PS4, just like the Ezio one, with locked 30fps and copious amounts of anti aliasing (God knows those three games needed it).
If you even have a modest PC, play it there. I was able to max. AC3 at 4k with 60 fps on a 970.
That game is so good. I usually don't 100% games if there are no trophies/achievements but for AC3 I still did everything when I replayed it on PC. It's my favorite AC alongside AC2. The Tomahawk combat is sooooooo fucking good,


I fucking love deserts.

Does being out there for a long time affect Bayek?

Believe so yeah.



The focus on combat in Origins is nuts. I REALLY hope stealth is not an afterthought and will actually be viable and not something like 9 combat mission to 1 stealth mission.

Not me. I hope there's more opportunities to use different weapons and gadgets. I have a ton more fun and way less frustration being a bad assassin that goes in the front door, or attempts stealth and just going ham when the first person spoTS me.


I've been watching more and more gameplay videos and I have a question.

Did they scrap the parkour system of Unity and Syndicate? The parkour looks a LOT like AC4 and older AC games, even the animations.

Don't know how I feel about this. If it means the controls are more responsive, like it was before, then I'm all for it. If the controls are as slow and unresponsive as the current generation games, but with worse animations, then it's just a downgrade.

But overall, it seems like it really isn't a focus this time around. Maybe that's because the setting doesn't lend itself for parkour as well as cities filled with buildings very close to each other.


I've been watching more and more gameplay videos and I have a question.

Did they scrap the parkour system of Unity and Syndicate? The parkour looks a LOT like AC4 and older AC games, even the animations.

Don't know how I feel about this. If it means the controls are more responsive, like it was before, then I'm all for it. If the controls are as slow and unresponsive as the current generation games, but with worse animations, then it's just a downgrade.

But overall, it seems like it really isn't a focus this time around. Maybe that's because the setting doesn't lend itself for parkour as well as cities filled with buildings very close to each other.

Looks pretty smooth to me. Watched alot of vids. Think yeah the animation is toned back abit compared to Unity. But its again faster again. Also you can now parkour everything even rocks etc.



This one actually looks really neat. Currently I'm playing AC Liberation and it's fairly decent despite feeling disjointed story-wise and it's very formulaic, just like the rest. This one, from what I've seen so far, looks like it changes quite a bit and gives some fresh air.


i dont know whats wrong with me but i'm looking forward to this more than... mario?!

is anyone else preordering? fml i know its a trap but i want the extra missions...


Could this be it? Have I finally found someone in GAF and the internet who felt about the ACIII the same way? Such a gem of a narrative the game had, the voice acting was top notch, dialogues were so good. Gameplay was exciting too. Never understood the hate this game got!
And Charles Lee was awesome


Have we seen any chases yet?

I want to see a good post-assassination chase. That's something I think Unity did a good job of handling.
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