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Assassin's Creed Origins October Previews


Origins is clearly the AC game with the most fantasy elements. Sometimes it looks more like a fantasy than a game based on a historical setting. Not really a problem, although I tend to like more historical accurate represtantations of the past.

Yeah, the recent 'Univers' trailer most definitely confirms some kind of fantasy/mythology element. I guess, given the nature of the Animus, they can get away with it though

Again. I'm more than ok with it

Would love to see an AC take on Greek mythology!

I’m gonna wait for reviews and especially gaf reception here.

Took a permanent hiatus from AssCreed after 3 left a bad taste.

Good buzz on 4...bought it gave it a chance didn’t like it. Bored to tears.

Good buzz on Syndicate, bought it and same story really. Played like 3 or 4 hours didn’t dig it.

Maybe I’m just done with the series?

I hope this can bring me back in because the setting is great.

I wouldn’t go by Gaf’s receptions for AC games or any game for that matter. This forum can be pretty biased and have been wrong quite often - Switch is a recent example as well as Cuphead. A lot of people here hate AC3 like yourself, but it is the best selling AC game to date. I have a feeling that this will either be the best selling or close to the best selling AC game.

I happen to love AC 3 btw. This doesn’t remind me of it. This seems like a new direction and a refresh of the series. I’m jumping in Day 1. I like what I’ve seen so far.


Junior Member
Love how arcady the combat looks.

Props to the team for prioritizing how it plays more then how it looks.
Yep prioritising Gameplay is a major plus forget being super grounded and 'realistic' it's all about making the gameplay fun to play and feel
This is planned as one of my first Xbox One X games. This and Forza 7.

Ancient Egypt setting, the RPG-like mechanics, and more quick pace of combat have got me pretty excited!

Definitely hit a lull with AC around the same time many did -- I liked 1, 2, and Brotherhood, didn't like Revelations and 3, felt that Black Flag would've been a lot better if it hadn't been related to AC at all, never even bothered to play Unity, and then I did enjoy Syndicate. That said, I guess I self identify more as a fairweather AC fan, and it feels like Origin is moving it in some interesting directions. I still think the apparent abandonment of the modern day storyline with Desmond is a shame, and I had much higher hopes for the direction that could've taken... But, alas, fondness for the early entries in the franchise and recent revival of interest from Syndicate has me thinking there's probably still a place for AC, even if it abandoned a big part of its early vision.

Certainly hope it pays off in a big way with Origins!
I wouldn’t go by Gaf’s receptions for AC games or any game for that matter. This forum can be pretty biased and have been wrong quite often - Switch is a recent example as well as Cuphead. A lot of people here hate AC3 like yourself, but it is the best selling AC game to date. I have a feeling that this will either be the best selling or close to the best selling AC game.

I happen to love AC 3 btw. This doesn’t remind me of it. This seems like a new direction and a refresh of the series. I’m jumping in Day 1. I like what I’ve seen so far.
I mean, we all know AC3 is secretly one of best Assassin's Creed game. 2 and Brotherhood just beat for the top spots, but 3 is much more enjoyable than Syndicate.

But Origins is looking like the best entry in the series, I hope it turns out to be


I don't think Hookblade was invented around this time period of the assassins lol. Would be cool though Hookblade kills were pretty brutal.


Just retcon it. Gimmie the hookblaaaaaaade.
I mean, we all know AC3 is secretly one of best Assassin's Creed game. 2 and Brotherhood just beat for the top spots, but 3 is much more enjoyable than Syndicate.

But Origins is looking like the best entry in the series, I hope it turns out to be

Hell yeah.


I don't think Hookblade was invented around this time period of the assassins lol. Would be cool though Hookblade kills were pretty brutal.


To be fair, lots of things were invented/discovered in antiquity and then forgotten about during the dark and middle ages only to be rediscovered later on. So there's no reason why the early Assassins couldn't have had access to technologies that weren't in some of the first few AC games.


Are we watching the same footage?

I think one of the major concerns was the ability to assassinate higher level enemies which wouldn't be possible due to the level difference. Though I found out today that it's actually possible. Here's level 13 Bayek assassinating a level 15 commander target. Though I admit that I haven't finished watching it.


You can not do this to enemies that are a certain level higher then you. The attempt will always fail and they'll block the attempt.


I saw a "Store" option in the menu in some of Centerstrain's videos. He didn't mention it.

I saw the loot box in the video earlier, but it's just one weapon/shield? That seems a complete waste considering how much gear drops off of enemies or is looted from regular chests or whatever. I hope they don't try selling those "mystery chests" in the Store.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
To be fair, lots of things were invented/discovered in antiquity and then forgotten about during the dark and middle ages only to be rediscovered later on. So there's no reason why the early Assassins couldn't have had access to technologies that weren't in some of the first few AC games.
AC specifically has touched on this in the past too. During his exile Altair used the apple to learn about the existence of firearms, which is why he had a hidden gun all the way back at Masyaf despite no such tech existing back then.
Well to be fair 2 levels is not much of a difference. I remember in some videos where the difference was like 5+ it was impossible.

Can't remember which of the previews mention it but one of them pointed out that assassinating a high level enemy only damages him a little - the game seems to be designed around the notion that you engage with the open world for skills and levels until you're ready to go after story targets.

You can not do this to enemies that are a certain level higher then you. The attempt will always fail and they'll block the attempt.

I see. But still, if you encounter enemies 5 level higher than you, perhaps you're wandering into an area that you're not supposed to go yet. This is an RPG, after all.


Please don't have microtransaction Please don't have microtransactions Please don't have microtransactions Please don't have microtransactions Please don't have microtransactions Please don't have microtransactions Please don't have microtransactions Please don't have microtransactions Please don't have microtransactions Please don't have microtransactions Please don't have microtransactions Please don't have microtransactions Please don't have microtransactions

I really want this game to be good!

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
Weird shit starts to happen if you stay out in the desert too long....



I mean, we all know AC3 is secretly one of best Assassin's Creed game. 2 and Brotherhood just beat for the top spots, but 3 is much more enjoyable than Syndicate.

But Origins is looking like the best entry in the series, I hope it turns out to be
And wait 3 better than Syndicate lol. What the What? You are DEAD TO ME SIR lol
And wait 3 better than Syndicate lol. What the What? You are DEAD TO ME SIR lol
Syndicate’s too-modern setting hinders all the stuff that made AC cool and interesting. The buildings are too tall, too spaced apart, and the streets are too wide; the reliance on the grapple hook is a good example of the effect on the traversal. The focus on brawling and street gang stuff loses the elegance and style of the past games. The story wasn’t as interesting, and the city, while gorgeous, felt incongruous with the core mechanics and gameplay style of AC.


Apparently there is no mission/quest replay option but they are thinking about changing that with an update post launch.


Neo Member
Syndicate’s too-modern setting hinders all the stuff that made AC cool and interesting. The buildings are too tall, too spaced apart, and the streets are too wide; the reliance on the grapple hook is a good example of the effect on the traversal. The focus on brawling and street gang stuff loses the elegance and style of the past games. The story wasn’t as interesting, and the city, while gorgeous, felt incongruous with the core mechanics and gameplay style of AC.

For me at least, my enjoyment of AC3 was severely hampered by the bugs and glitches I ran into throughout my playthrough of it, so when I played Syndicate I was thankful that there weren't as many issues in my experience even though there was still the weird bug here and there. After playing 3 I remember feeling disappointed because the setting of the American Revolution was one that instantly caught my attention since it's one of my favorite time periods, but again the bugs and glitches just hampered my overall experience.

I really appreciated Syndicate because of how "real" for lack of a better word London felt and looked, easily one of my favorite protagonists in the series next to Ezio with Evie, and then, again, the more easy going experience I had with the game compared to the third. I'm hoping Origins is great and really benefits the series as a whole.

Tall Paul

Ok...this has gone from my E3 opinion of “this just looks more of the same” to “I think I’m all over this! Black Flag was the first game I played on the OG XB1 so it will be fitting to start with this for the One X.
Fair play to Ubisoft. They took a year out and it looks like they've spent that extra year changing the tried and tested Assassin's Creed gameplay into something more Action/Adventure. Pretty brave to change one of your key franchises around like this, and I'm looking forward to it.

Hopefully you can turn the UI WoW style number damage pop ups off though.
Depending on the modern day setting/gameplay (or lack thereof) will determine if this is a day one purchase or rather a year later bargain bin purchase.


Humpf... The more i see the new combat mechanic, the less i'm hyped for this game.

What i like in the franchise is the nice synced animations and the fact that your weapons feels somewhat deadly and that you never encounter enemies with huge health pool that takes ages to go through. Weirdly, it felt "realistic" (yeah, i know, weird thing to say for this franchise).

But now, in Origins, we get loot everywhere, we loose the synced animations, we get bosses with huge health pools that takes ages to go through, and we get a awful looking combat dash/dodge/teleport that defies the laws of physics.

That's... Not an Assassin's Creed game. It's a Witcher 3 clone with parkour and an Assassin's Creed skin in the setting i've always wanted to play an AC game in.

Sooooooo disapointed... I'll play it eventually but i'm not really eager to... I'm not against the idea of making Witcher 3 clones, i love that game as much as everyone else and would like to see other games like this. Just not Assassin's Creed...

Not Drake

I'm looking forward to pick it up once the price settles at 20 euros and bugs get fixed. I finished Syndicate two weeks ago and it was definitely improved over Unity. Origins looks like a completely different game tbf.

I know they have a marketing deal with Microsoft but is the PS4 version going to be "hidden" until launch?.

Probably. That's how marketing deals work.


Never thought I'd be more excited about a ubisoft game then a rockstar game (rdr2).

I'm pretty sure hell is frozen over now right?
Looks kinda like Witcher 3 with an Assassin's Creed painting. Love it!

Had it preordered for weeks now and playing Syndicate at the moment. Assassin's Creed all day every day. Love this series to bits.


Neo Member
guys, any info on the pc port? I have this memory of reading that the pc port is completely broken (again). Is this still the case or am I remembering wrong?
guys, any info on the pc port? I have this memory of reading that the pc port is completely broken (again). Is this still the case or am I remembering wrong?

there has been no info on the pc port but you can probably expect some broken gameworks features, unexplainably low cpu performance and good gpu performance at console settings
This game had the same effect as watchdogs 2 for me , really lukewarm hype when it was announced and now suddenly really interested .

I should remember that if it’s assasins creed I will have a great time as I have bought every ac game since it’s inception at release and loved them all in different ways .

Thought I had assasins fatigue but the Egypt setting is bringing me back in love :)


Neo Member
there has been no info on the pc port but you can probably expect some broken gameworks features, unexplainably low cpu performance and good gpu performance at console settings
Understood. Found the source of my memory imprint also - it was actually an article linked to GAF http://wccftech.com/assassins-creed-origins-pc-hands-on/
The fact is, my entire experience was plagued by a single, constant issue; low framerate. I actually tried the PC version under the impression I could witness up-to 60FPS, but instead I was plagued by what was below 30FPS, constantly. Constant stutter hampered my experience, ruining both gameplay and visual fidelity. The issue here, on the PC version, truly is on par with early Assassin's Creed: Unity, a game infamous for poor performance on launch
Framerate complaint mostly. Which is fine I guess since the build was probably pre optimisation. I'll wait for the reviews and if shits broken, I'll get it during Xmas sales. Definitely planning on buying it tho.

Edit: Ninjad :D


I see. But still, if you encounter enemies 5 level higher than you, perhaps you're wandering into an area that you're not supposed to go yet. This is an RPG, after all.

Well that's probably what they're going for.

Still I'd rather be able to OHKO with hidden blade IF I'm able to go through an area undetected and can sneak behind an enemy that is not on alert.
This was tweeted by @escoblades. Absolutely stunning artistry:

Beautiful. Golvin's work was a huge influence on the way I visualise some historic periods. My history teacher had his Roman pieces in the class room.

It's amazing that videogames can now bring us there virtually.
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