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ATLUS announced Soul Hackers 2 coming to PS4/5, XSX/S, XBO and Steam this August


The nicest person on this forum
Really? Where? At least Angel and Jack Frost have their old designs.

And man I need to know how the battle system works. There's demon fusion, but the party is composed by people... But by the UI it doesn't look like One More, so I don't know.

If Doi's Mermaid then they much other Doi design Demons.


The nicest person on this forum
Oh! I misunderstood since I was thinking about redesigns, and not Doi's original demon's.

I'm fine with it tbh.
I'm also fine, I like Doi Demon designs, I was just curious if we are getting unique attack animation like we did in SMTV.

About combat, it doesn't look Once More but I dont know its Press Turn or not. From this screenshot we see "4 Stack" is that our Press turn?
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I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife
I'm also fine, I like Doi Demon designs, I was just curious if we are getting unique attack animation like we in SMTV.

About combat, it doent look Once More but I dont know its Press Turn or not. From this screenshot we see "4 Stack" is that our Press turn?
That number sure goes up when they hit a weak spot... So even if it's not straight press turn I guess I'll be fine with it, love that aspect of the combat.

Btw, is it me or does that Mothman look fluffier than in SMT V? Wonder if they'll be putting some work on the demon's 3D models or just reuse the existing ones.

Man I'm really happy about this. Not only because we'll be getting yet another SMT games in less than a year since the last one, but because this shows that Atlus still remembers their old spin offs... So I guess a new Raidou game or a Digital Devil Saga 3 are possible.
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The nicest person on this forum
That number sure goes up when they hit a weak spot... So even if it's not straight press turn I guess I'll be fine with it, love that aspect of the combat.

Btw, is it me or does that Mothman look fluffier than in SMT V? Wonder if they'll be putting some work on the demon's 3D models or just reuse the existing ones.

Man I'm really happy about this. Not only because we'll be getting yet another SMT games in less than a year since the last one, but because this shows that Atlus still remembers their old spin offs... So I guess a new Raidou game or a Digital Devil Saga 3 are possible.
I'm happy too, sure it looks different than original Souls Hack but I'm still digging the look of the game, so definitely excited. with Demons I think they going for same style as Persona 5.


Since people keep talking Switch, data miners were already over the official site looking for anything and found Switch hidden in listed platforms

Who knows if it means anything

I would say early to mid next year if they do one.
Okay that's good. Hopefully it does mean something. I could buy this on Xbox, but I'd rather buy the Switch version. I much prefer a portable experience when playing jrpgs.

I was thinking maybe Nintendo was publishing in the west so they would announce the Switch version themselves, but I can't think of an Atlus game that Nintendo has published and it's unlikely there will be any Switch announcements any time soon since we just had a Direct. So that leaves me with hoping that a Switch version comes at a later date. I've never played the first game so maybe we can get a Switch version of that first?
I hope the translation is good and 100% faithful to the original Japanese. Hell, I’ll take literal translations over translations done by power-tripping assholes
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SMT IV didn't have a leak and system files hinting at a port.

To be honest I just felt a bit burned with Atlus launching an improved version of P5 (that addressed some of my issues with the original game) as a separate release. Had I known a P5 royal was coming relatively soon I wouldn't have picked up the original release. So now that there's hints at a SMTV I'd rather wait, if nothing comes from it then I''ll just pick it up on Switch on some sale

PlayStation is my main platform and if Atlus releases an improved version of SMTV, I would play it again if there's enough additional content and/or graphical improvements, despite the game being quite long.

I would play with a different build and follow a different moral path.


The nicest person on this forum
I'm curious If we are getting any of the Doi new Demons design in SMTV in Soul Hacker 2......


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Writes a lot, says very little
It looks good but it also very different than original Soul Hacker and it seems we are seeing Doi design demons here as well.

I’m curious are they gonna their unique attack animation like in SMTV.

Was waiting for Dan's Reaction like :


I haven't cared about the Devil Summoner series stuff in a long ass time lol

I likely won't have time in the summer, but might pick it up fall used or something.

No Switch? That's surprising. And I think it will come to Switch, maybe just not day one?

This is actually the most surprising thing. I mean, I'm sure SMTV did great for them and that release was just too soon to make some call on this game not having a Switch version or something, so I'm not really sure. Maybe that SMTV deal was a separate thing entirely and Sega didn't have much long term plans outside of that to actually keep supporting the platform with certain IP, but then again this shit is coming to XB so....who knows at this point. Maybe they want Nintendo to foot the bill for the port.

Gamepass please! I bet Atlus was forced into doing this by Sega. This was sega's pitch and atlus response.

Sega: We need you to make games multiplatform. This way we make more money, you get paid more and we give you bigger bonuses. These games and Atlus brand become more popular and more people get to experience Atlus games.


lol Well....sounds unlikely.

Its moot as Sega owns Atlus, they don't need to force them to do anything as that would suggest Atlus even had some choice in the first place.

Sega funding this and wanting it to be on many platforms may not even effect Atlus, like Sony wanting those titles to be on PS and PC, the fact that they bought and contracted those teams that port to PC means the main Sony teams are not just now suddenly working on several platforms, they just have another team that does that for them or something, so I'd imagine that is how that is with Sega too as I'm sure most of those teams are not doing those ports and many versions themselves.

In the long run, I do agree with this move as Atlus is a solid team and the brand should be marketed to more people to get to play those titles imho.


I am actually thankful to Atlus/Sega that it's coming out on PC and Xbox at the same time - only because they have more robust language choice, w/o importing from that specific region.
I may get this for the Steam Deck.... but I'm not sure if I would get my Steam deck before August. :(
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THANK GOD for the pc version, mods and a bit of tweaks in trainers are always super nice to have. Otherwise I will have skipped it after how much console has impacted the smt5 experience, also please port smt5 and release persona 5 royal on pc!


IGN can't complain its souless, it literally has soul in the title.

Character artists is the same as the designer for Kiznaiver. I don't know the tone of soul hackers, but it feels like the edginess of smt is not here, feels like a digimon game. Does soul hackers still have law and chaos?

I'll still get it day 1.


It’s been long time so my memory might be fuzzy but original Soul Hacker also didn’t have “edginess of SMT” compare to Nocturne, Strange Journey or even recent SMTV.
I guess I like the "darkness" of those games, but SMT has always had spin offs, like devil survivor and tokyo mirage. Since they completed SMT5 all the heavy lifting was done porting SMT to a modern ecosystem, so we could be getting games much more frequently like in the 3ds days now.


Had so much spice, color and technical prowess...

No flavor.

Very disappointing. Just felt soulless. But, I am glad they took SMT out of the name. I guess they're going to try and do with it as they did with the Persona series.


I don’t get the switch begging. It’s on everything else so get it there. Monster Hunter Rise was on Switch and not the others. Weird business decision but it is what it it.
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I cry about Xbox and hate PlayStation.
on xbox eh, this game will have no chance except on gamepass i say it now lol.


It’s been long time so my memory might be fuzzy but original Soul Hacker also didn’t have “edginess of SMT” compare to Nocturne, Strange Journey or even recent SMTV.

That's because it's a different series within the franchise. Most people see SMT as the franchise but it's actually just a subseries. SMT was added to a lot of titles because of its name recognition but it just kind of gets folks even more confused in the long run. Megami Tensei would be the franchise and it has a bunch of subseries under it. SMT, Devil Summoner, Persona, Last Bible, etc. They get different names depending on their setup differences and narrative focus. SMT is pretty much always an apocalyptic setting whereas Devil Summoner throws demons into a modern setting, focuses more on the humans, with demons being tools rather than their own entities, and more story/drama involving humans. Persona ends up taking that even further away from SMT, etc.


Yeah, it's mostly about the atmosphere that the art in those older games brought with them.
It's all about the tone, it felt more heavy and serious. Character features were less exaggerated.

Now it's more friendly, colorful and uh... "teenagey"



I love the original tone of soul hackers.
2000's era cyberpunk, leather bdsm outfits, so good. But I will play and give this game a chance before I judge it.
The current artstyle feels like youtube vr idol aesthetic. I even like moe anime, but I don't like the youtube idol artstyle very much, I don't know why. These are just my first impressions of the character designs.
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I'm all for SMT games, but boy they really start to look all the same after a while. It's probably a dream for them to be able to reuse assets like all the enemy designs over and over.

Anyways, the main cast looks good, and I'll be supporting this coming out on Steam to keep pushing Atlus into making PC ports until we get their Vanillaware published stuff.


Looks promising, I will pick it up on Day 1.

Really happy Atlus finally ditched the Switch on this one. While I appreciate what the switch offers and I hope that it still continues to pump out block busters I can't help but feel bummed when I play switch games like SMT V, Monster Hunter Rise or maybe even Pokemon Legends Arceus on the Switch. I always wonder what was lost or had to be sacrificed so that the game could run on the Switch, what could these games have been like if they were developed for better hardware first? Could the potential of these games be better or fully realized? Just some thoughts but it's still pretty amazing what developers can do with the Switch, like porting the Witcher 3 and maybe even No Mans Sky to it (if/when that comes out).

I just hope that the successor to the Switch can come out sooner than later as the Switch really needs a refresh to do some of these titles justice as they deserve better/more.
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The nicest person on this forum
I'm all for SMT games, but boy they really start to look all the same after a while. It's probably a dream for them to be able to reuse assets like all the enemy designs over and over.

Anyways, the main cast looks good, and I'll be supporting this coming out on Steam to keep pushing Atlus into making PC ports until we get their Vanillaware published stuff.
Well most old SMT games were mostly first person dungeon crawlers also mostly looked "same" but after Nocturne most of them going for 3rd person view.

Also Atlus always reuse assets through out the game like how both Nocturne and Digital Devil Saga looked pretty similar to each even down to their UI.


The nicest person on this forum
I love the original tone of soul hackers.
2000's era cyberpunk, leather bdsm outfits, so good. But I will play and give this game a chance before I judge it.
You need understand when original Soul Hacker came out, SMT series both spin offs and mainline reflect on our "modern world", back in 1997 there was different "modern" than our current time.


You need understand when original Soul Hacker came out, SMT series both spin offs and mainline reflect on our "modern world", back in 1997 there was different "modern" than our current time.
True, I was also thinking how difficult it would be to find someone who draws that type of art now.

Don't mean to sound negative towards the artstyle, I'm still hyped to play this.


The nicest person on this forum
True, I was also thinking how difficult it would be to find someone who draws that type of art now.

Don't mean to sound negative towards the artstyle, I'm still hyped to play this.
Bigger problem is trying translating those old artstyle to 3D, which may end up looking very bad.


The nicest person on this forum
To be frank it's no different than making 3D models out of the demons, which they managed to do pretty well.

So it's mostly about demographics and what's trending at the moment.
But you dont see old Demons design in cutscene having expression, which they are being reused through each title, you see Doi new Demons design like that because there were build ground up for 3D.
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Honestly I liked the art style.

It's similar to the character designs from the animations Promare and Star Wars: Visions.

I would have enjoyed something darker and 90ish? Or something similar to Psycho-Pass? Sure, but this artstyle is cool too, at least for me.
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Contemporary mainstream anime is horrifyingly bad.
It may come as a little pontifying, and there are always exceptions of course, but overall, the anime industry has lost a large part of its original flair at the same it became more and more polished.

Modern-day Atlus is just a reflection of that.
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