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Austin and Central Texas Community |OT| Tacos, Tunes, Traffic, and Torridity

Fuck, I might not be able to make it. Old coworker just texted and said he's coming up tomorrow from San Antonio and wants to hang with a bunch of work people.

Any change y'all are going out afterwards? I want to hang soon. Doing a birthday party at my place next month and would like to at least meet everyone once before I invite a bunch of "guys I met on the internet" to it.


Fuck, I might not be able to make it. Old coworker just texted and said he's coming up tomorrow from San Antonio and wants to hang with a bunch of work people.

Any change y'all are going out afterwards? I want to hang soon. Doing a birthday party at my place next month and would like to at least meet everyone once before I invite a bunch of "guys I met on the internet" to it.

I'm planning on hitting up a bar or two afterwards, if people are willing. If all else fails I'm sure we can meet up for drinks next weekend. I'm practically always willing to do that.

We can try meeting up afterwards. Sending you a PM.


Doing a birthday party at my place next month and would like to at least meet everyone once before I invite a bunch of "guys I met on the internet" to it.



i just had another phone interview for a place in austin. i have a follow up /technical interview with another place next week.

i'm not even focusing on austin or anything. i'm applying all over. guess there's just alot of jobs down there at the moment.


Lol Zoe wasn't lying about this place being hipstery. Took a lap, didn't see anyone. I'm waiting outside because I think I'm first here.

Catch you dudes soon.


Good times, guys! Was really fun. Whoever got the pictures and please post. Also, hoping you kept that slo mo bowling video you took, meier lol.


Welp. Work got let out early, and both my events for tonight got cancelled.

Didn't really get any rain on the way home though.
Uh... Thinking about setting up an oddball fighting games tournament this weekend with a coworker. Other than that? Wife is working all weekend so GTA O and Steam games.
Never have I heard of that game, but from what I looked at... It looks to be pretty damn fun, especially with 4 people playing together. I can only imagine the craziness that would come from that, hah.


Oh yeah I forgot to mention I'm at the Zelda Symphony at the Long Center today. Dunno if any of GAF is there, but thought I'd mention it anyway.

EDIT: It was indeed good.


TRIPLE POST because we are in community and there are no rules.

Me and Anton Sugar talked about going to see Mad Max (again). Anyone down to go before it goes out of theaters? This weekend? Some other night that works for people? Thoughts? Opinions? Witnessing?

EDIT: Oh shit we're not in community. I forgot. I' sorry mods.
I'm available Friday evening and Saturday afternoon.

Saturday, around 5, I'm gonna check out the Austin Chronicle cookout and then head to Party World Wrasslin's Summerslam. Anyone checking these out?


I'm available Friday evening and Saturday afternoon.

Saturday, around 5, I'm gonna check out the Austin Chronicle cookout and then head to Party World Wrasslin's Summerslam. Anyone checking these out?

I'm friends with Jared, one of the guys that started PWR. He keeps bothering me to come to them, but I haven't yet. Was considering going this weekend. It's going to be huge, though lol.

But I suppose I'd be down haha.

As for availability for the movie, I could do Friday night and Sat afternoon as well. What drafthouse do you prefer? I'm close enough to most of them that I don't really care. I like Lakeline best, but I know it's a bit of a drive for some people.

EDIT: Or any theater I guess I don't care at this point.
I'm friends with Jared, one of the guys that started PWR. He keeps bothering me to come to them, but I haven't yet. Was considering going this weekend. It's going to be huge, though lol.

But I suppose I'd be down haha.

As for availability for the movie, I could do Friday night and Sat afternoon as well. What drafthouse do you prefer? I'm close enough to most of them that I don't really care. I like Lakeline best, but I know it's a bit of a drive for some people.

EDIT: Or any theater I guess I don't care at this point.

Hahaha, awesome. I know Jared--not well, but I've met him a few times. I met that group through Jake (Dockmaster/Bench Horse) via my gym. Fun group of people.

They're insane. The first one I went to had a DIY wrestling platform in their backyard. They're huge now and pretty fun to watch.

As for theatre, I'm pretty open, but partial to S. Lamar, simply because it's closest to me and other bars. Was just at Lakeline for Mad Max, actually, so I'm down for wherever!


Anyone want some tickets to see Best Coast tonight? I had to go to College Station for two days so we won't be able to go tonight. They're digital so I can email them to you. One of my favorite bands so I'm super bummed. PM me and/or post in the thread if interested.


Anyone down for Mad Max this weekend at South Lamar? We're considering either Friday at 8:20 pm or Sat at 12:20.

Both have plenty of seating (as you'd expect for a month old film).
Anyone looking for a vintage arcade stick? I'm thinking about selling my HRAP 2 SA and I would like it to go to someone local... So I don't have to ship it.

LMK if this doesn't belong and I will remove.
I actually have no plans, haha. The 4th kinda snuck up on me. Anything fun going around town? If all else fails, me and mine will probably just grill somewhere.
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